TTOOPPSS--2200 OOppeerraattoorr''ss CCoommmmaanndd LLaanngguuaaggee RReeffeerreennccee MMaannuuaall | Electronic Distribution | JJuullyy 11999900 This manual describes all operator commands that use the Operator Interface Command Language (OPR), LCP, Privileged Commands, and PTYCON commands. Change bars in margins indicate material that has been added or changed since the previous release of this manual. Bullets indicate that material has been deleted. This manual supersedes the manual of the | same name and order number, AA-H600C-TM. OOPPEERRAATTIINNGG SSYYSSTTEEMM:: TOPS-20 (KL Model B) Version 7.0 SSOOFFTTWWAARREE:: GALAXY Version 6 digital equipment corporation maynard, massachusetts First Printing, January 1980 Updated, April 1982 Updated, December 1982 Revised, September 1985 Revised, June, 1988 | Software Update Tape 3, July 1990 The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by Digital Equipment Corporation. Digital Equipment Corporation assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document. The software described in this document is furnished under a license and may only be used or copied in accordance with the terms of such license. No responsibility is assumed for the use or reliability of software on equipment that is not supplied by Digital Equipment Corporation or its affiliated companies. Copyright C 1980, 1982, 1985, 1988, 1990 Digital Equipment Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Printed in U.S.A. The Reader's Comments form on the last page of this document requests the user's critical evaluation to assist in preparing future documentation. The following are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation: CI DECtape LA50 SITGO-10 DDCMP DECUS LN01 TOPS-10 DEC DECwriter LN03 TOPS-20 DECmail DELNI MASSBUS TOPS-20AN DECnet DELUA PDP UNIBUS DECnet-VAX HSC PDP-11/24 UETP DECserver HSC-50 PrintServer VAX DECserver 100 KA10 PrintServer 40 VAX/VMS DECserver 200 KI Q-bus VT50 DECsystem-10 KL10 ReGIS DECSYSTEM-20 KS10 RSX d i g i t a l CONTENTS PREFACE CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION CHAPTER 2 THE OPERATOR INTERFACE, OPR 2.1 INTRODUCTION TO THE OPERATOR INTERFACE . . . . . . 2-1 2.2 RUNNING OPR AND EXITING FROM IT . . . . . . . . . 2-2 2.2.1 Issuing OPR Commands to and from Remote Stations 2-5 2.2.2 Multiple OPRs on the System . . . . . . . . . . 2-6 2.3 RUNNING SEMI-OPR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-6 2.3.1 SEMI-OPR Limitations and Restrictions . . . . . 2-7 2.3.2 SEMI-OPR Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-8 2.4 OPR COMMAND FEATURES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-8 2.4.1 ? (Question Mark) - Listing Available Commands . 2-9 2.4.2 ESCape - Using Recognition . . . . . . . . . . 2-11 2.4.3 - Reprinting Faulty Commands . . . . 2-13 2.4.4 Continuing OPR Command Lines . . . . . . . . . 2-14 2.5 OPR MESSAGES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-15 2.5.1 ORION-To-OPR Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-15 2.5.2 OPR Error Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-16 CHAPTER 3 OPR COMMAND DESCRIPTIONS ABORT - Aborting Jobs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2 ALIGN - Aligning Printer Paper . . . . . . . . . . 3-8 BACKSPACE - Backspacing Files by Page . . . . . 3-13 CANCEL - Canceling Requests . . . . . . . . . . 3-18 CLOSE - Closing the Log Buffer File . . . . . . 3-22 CONTINUE - Restarting a Stopped Job . . . . . . 3-24 DEFINE - Defining a Node . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-30 DEFINE - Defining Aliases for Printer Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-34 DISABLE - Stopping System Process Features . . . 3-39 DISMOUNT - Dismounting a Structure or Tape-drive 3-48 ENABLE - Allowing System Process Features . . . 3-52 ENTER - Entering Another Command Level . . . . . 3-61 EXIT - Leaving OPR Level . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-63 FORWARDSPACE - Forward Spacing into Pages . . . 3-64 HELP - Getting Help on OPR Commands . . . . . . 3-68 HOLD - Holding Job Requests in the Queue . . . . 3-70 IDENTIFY - Identifying Tape Mounts . . . . . . . 3-73 MODIFY - Modifying the Priority of Requests . . 3-77 MOUNT - Mounting Structures . . . . . . . . . . 3-80 NEXT - Specifying the Next Request to Run . . . 3-83 iii PUSH - Pushing Out of OPR Command Level . . . . 3-88 RELEASE - Releasing Job Requests Held in the Queue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-90 REPORT - Reporting Comments to SYSERR . . . . . 3-93 REQUEUE - Rescheduling Job Requests . . . . . . 3-95 RESPOND - Responding to Messages . . . . . . . . 3-101 ROUTE - Routing Output Between Nodes . . . . . . 3-104 SEND - Sending Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-112 SET - Setting Parameters for System Devices . . 3-115 SET BATCH-STREAM - Setting Batch Stream Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-116 SET CARD-PUNCH - Setting Card Punch Parameters 3-119 SET DISK-DRIVE - Setting Disk-Drive Parameters 3-123 SET JOB - Setting Characteristics for Jobs . . 3-126 SET NODE - Setting Node Parameters . . . . . . 3-128 SET ONLINE - Setting a Device On-Line . . . . 3-132 SET PAPER-TAPE-PUNCH - Setting Paper-Tape-Punch Parameters . . . . . . . . . 3-134 SET PLOTTER - Setting Plotter Parameters . . . 3-137 SET PORT CI - Controlling the CI port . . . . 3-140 SET PORT NI - Controlling the NI Port . . . . 3-145 SET PRINTER - Setting Line Printer Parameters 3-147 SET SCHEDULER - Setting System Performance . . 3-153 SET STRUCTURE - Setting Structure Parameters . 3-156 SET TAPE-DRIVE - Setting Tape-Drive Parameters 3-161 SHOW - Displaying System Information . . . . . . 3-167 SHOW ALIAS - Displaying Printer Alias Names . 3-168 SHOW BROADCAST-MESSAGES - Displaying Status of Remote Broadcasting of ORION Messages . . . . 3-173 SHOW CLUSTER-GALAXY-LINK-STATUS - Displaying Cluster Link Status . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-175 SHOW CONFIGURATION - Displaying Disk Drive Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-177 SHOW CONTROL-FILE - Displaying Batch Control Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-180 SHOW MESSAGES - Displaying Outstanding Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-182 SHOW OPERATORS - Displaying Operators on the System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-184 SHOW PARAMETERS - Displaying Device Settings . 3-187 SHOW QUEUES - Displaying Queued Job Requests . 3-193 SHOW ROUTE-TABLE - Displaying Node Routing Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-197 SHOW SCHEDULER - Displaying the System Scheduler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-199 SHOW STATUS - Displaying Device/System Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-201 SHOW TIME - Displaying Date and Time . . . . . 3-211 SHUTDOWN - Terminating Device Scheduling . . . . 3-212 START - Starting Device Scheduling . . . . . . . 3-217 STOP - Stopping Devices Temporarily . . . . . . 3-222 SUPPRESS - Suppressing Printer Form-Feeds . . . 3-227 iv SWITCH - Switching Tape Drives and Volids . . . 3-231 TAKE - Executing OPR Commands Automatically . . 3-233 UNDEFINE - Removing Structure Parameters . . . . 3-235 WAIT - Controlling Input from Batch Jobs . . . . 3-237 CHAPTER 4 LCP COMMANDS 4.1 INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1 4.2 LOADING AND DUMPING LAT TERMINAL SERVERS . . . . . 4-3 4.3 OPR COMMANDS AVAILABLE IN LCP . . . . . . . . . . 4-3 4.4 LCP COMMANDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-5 CLEAR - Clearing LAT host parameters . . . . . . 4-8 SET - Setting LAT host parameters . . . . . . 4-11 SHOW - Displaying LAT Host and Terminal Server Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-14 START - Making the LAT Host Available . . . . 4-19 STOP - Making the LAT Host Unavailable . . . . 4-20 ZERO - Resetting LAT Counters to Zero . . . . 4-21 CHAPTER 5 ^E PRIVILEGED COMMANDS 5.1 INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1 5.2 PRIVILEGED COMMAND DESCRIPTIONS . . . . . . . . . 5-2 ^ECEASE - Scheduling System Shutdown . . . . . . . 5-3 ^ECREATE - Creating/Removing Directories . . . . . 5-8 ^EDEFINE - Defining and Deleting System Logical Names . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-46 ^EEDDT - Debugging the EXEC . . . . . . . . . . 5-49 ^EPRINT - Print Directory Parameters . . . . . . 5-50 ^EQUIT - Halting the EXEC . . . . . . . . . . . 5-55 ^ESEND - Sending Messages to Users Immediately . 5-57 ^ESET - Setting Job, System, and Terminal Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-59 ^ESPEAK - Giving Commands To SYSJOB . . . . . . 5-71 CHAPTER 6 PTYCON COMMAND LANGUAGE 6.1 INTRODUCTION TO PTYCON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-1 6.2 STARTING PTYCON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-1 6.3 COMMUNICATION WITH PTYCON AND ITS SUBJOBS . . . . 6-4 6.3.1 Subjobs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-4 6.3.2 Creating Subjobs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-6 6.3.3 Communicating with Subjobs through PTYCON . . . 6-6 6.3.4 Communicating Directly with Subjobs . . . . . . 6-9 6.3.5 Subjob Output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-11 6.3.6 Logging Out Subjobs . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-12 6.4 PTYCON COMMAND FEATURES . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-13 6.4.1 Listing Available Commands and Arguments with a Question Mark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-13 v 6.4.2 Using Recognition Input . . . . . . . . . . . 6-14 6.5 PTYCON COMMAND DESCRIPTIONS . . . . . . . . . . 6-14 ACCEPT - Accepting Output on Your Terminal . . 6-16 BELL - Sounding Bell for Output Waiting . . . 6-18 CONNECT - Connecting to a Subjob . . . . . . . 6-19 DEFINE - Defining a Subjob . . . . . . . . . . 6-21 DISCARD - Eliminating Subjob Output . . . . . 6-23 EXIT - Leaving PTYCON Command Level . . . . . 6-25 GET - Executing an Auto-File . . . . . . . . . 6-27 HELP - Printing PTYCON Commands . . . . . . . 6-30 KILL - Killing PTYCON Subjobs . . . . . . . . 6-31 LOG - Recording Interactions with PTYCON . . . 6-33 PUSH - Performing Tasks at EXEC Level . . . . 6-35 REDEFINE - Changing the PTYCON ESCape Character 6-37 REFUSE - Refusing Output from Unconnected Subjobs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-38 SAVE - Recording Input to PTYCON Subjobs . . . 6-40 SILENCE - Silencing Output to Your Terminal . 6-42 WHAT - Displaying the Status of Subjobs . . . 6-44 6.6 PTYCON WARNING AND ERROR MESSAGES . . . . . . . 6-46 INDEX TABLES 5-1 Summary of ^ECREATE Subcommands . . . . . . . . 5-12 vi vi PPRREEFFAACCEE The commands described in the T_O_P_S_-_2_0_ O_p_e_r_a_t_o_r_'_s_ C_o_m_m_a_n_d_ L_a_n_g_u_a_g_e_ R_e_f_e_r_e_n_c_e_ M_a_n_u_a_l_ are arranged in an alphabetical order within the command language being described: OPR, ^E privileged commands, or PTYCON. This manual is designed primarily for the beginning operator as well as the experienced operator who needs additional information about the various TOPS-20 operator commands. It assumes that the reader has OPERATOR, SEMI-OPERATOR, or WHEEL privileges and knows how to login as an operator. This manual assumes that you, the operator, have read all or parts of the following manuals: T_O_P_S_-_2_0_ U_s_e_r_'_s_ G_u_i_d_e_ T_O_P_S_-_2_0_ O_p_e_r_a_t_o_r_'_s_ G_u_i_d_e_ In addition, you may need to reference the following manuals for information related to the operational tasks you must perform: T_O_P_S_-_2_0_ K_L_ M_o_d_e_l_ B_ I_n_s_t_a_l_l_a_t_i_o_n_ G_u_i_d_e_ T_O_P_S_-_2_0_ U_t_i_l_i_t_i_e_s_ G_u_i_d_e_ T_O_P_S_-_2_0_ C_o_m_m_a_n_d_s_ R_e_f_e_r_e_n_c_e_ M_a_n_u_a_l_ T_O_P_S_-_2_0_ I_B_M_ E_m_u_l_a_t_i_o_n_/_T_e_r_m_i_n_a_t_i_o_n_ M_a_n_u_a_l_ D_E_C_n_e_t_/_S_N_A_ T_O_P_S_-_2_0_ R_e_m_o_t_e_ J_o_b_ E_n_t_r_y_ U_s_e_r_'_s_ a_n_d_ O_p_e_r_a_t_o_r_'_s_ G_u_i_d_e_ D_E_C_n_e_t_/_S_N_A_ G_a_t_e_w_a_y_ M_a_n_a_g_e_m_e_n_t_ G_u_i_d_e_. D_E_C_n_e_t_-_2_0_/_P_S_I_-_2_0_ S_y_s_t_e_m_ M_a_n_a_g_e_r_'_s_ G_u_i_d_e_ T_O_P_S_-_2_0_ D_E_C_n_e_t_ R_e_f_e_r_e_n_c_e_ M_a_n_u_a_l_ vii The contents of this manual are as follows: 1. Chapter 1 briefly introduces OPR, ^E privileged commands, and PTYCON. 2. Chapter 2 is an introduction to OPR, the Operator Interface. 3. Chapter 3 describes all OPR commands, their keywords, arguments, switches, and values. The OPR commands are listed in alphabetical order. 4. Chapter 4 contains an introduction to LCP, the LAT Control Program, and describes all LCP commands, their keywords, arguments, switches, and values. The LCP command descriptions are in alphabetical order. 5. Chapter 5 describes all ^E () privileged commands for special operator tasks. 6. Chapter 6 describes all PTYCON commands. Conventions Used In This Manual Symbol Meaning Press the key labeled RETURN or CR. Press the key labeled ESC, ESCAPE, ALT, or PRE. Press the keys labeled CTRL and C simultaneously. Press the keys labeled CTRL and E simultaneously. Press the keys labeled CTRL and I simultaneously or press the key labeled TAB. Press the keys labeled CTRL and X simultaneously. Press the keys labeled CTRL and H simultaneously. viii 1-1 CCHHAAPPTTEERR 11 IINNTTRROODDUUCCTTIIOONN OPR is the operator interface. The operator's command language allows you to communicate with certain components of TOPS-20, to control the batch streams and the input and output devices. You also use OPR to send messages to jobs, terminals, and batch-streams, and to respond to requests for operator action, such as from the PLEASE program. Chapter 2 contains a thorough introduction to using OPR. Chapter 3 describes all OPR commands in alphabetical order. LCP is the LAT Control Program. LAT (Local Area Transport) is a protocol to control communication between LAT terminal servers and LAT hosts on the Ethernet. Chapter 4 contains a detailed introduction to LAT functions that you can control with LCP, and also describes the LCP commands, in alphabetical order. ^E (Control-E) privileged commands are commands that can affect the entire system, and therefore can be used only by those with OPR or WHEEL privileges enabled. The first character of each command is (typed in by pressing the keys labeled CTRL and E simultaneously), which echoes on your terminal as ^E. ^E privileged commands allow you to shut down the system, create accounts, define system-wide logical names, and send messages to all users simultaneously. ^E privileged commands and their functions are: o ^ECEASE - shuts down the system o ^ECREATE - creates a directory o ^EDEFINE - defines system-wide logical names o ^EEDDT - debugs the EXEC o ^EPRINT - displays directory parameters o ^EQUIT - halts the EXEC o ^ESEND - sends system-wide messages 1-1 IINNTTRROODDUUCCTTIIOONN o ^ESET - sets system-wide and local parameters o ^ESPEAK - gives commands to SYSJOB ^E commands are described in Chapter 5 in alphabetical order. PTYCON is a program that allows you to RUN more than one job simultaneously, without requiring each job to have an associated timesharing terminal. PTYCON runs each job as a subjob controlled by a pseudo-terminal (PTY). PTYCON can send information to each PTY and receive information from each PTY. Each PTY is in effect a software simulation of a timesharing terminal. PTYCON allows the many operator jobs, such as GALAXY, OPR, and NMLT20, to be run from a single terminal, under the control of the operator. PTYCON commands are described in Chapter 6 in alphabetical order. Chapter 6 also contains an introduction to using PTYCON. 1-2 CCHHAAPPTTEERR 22 TTHHEE OOPPEERRAATTOORR IINNTTEERRFFAACCEE,, OOPPRR 22..11 IINNTTRROODDUUCCTTIIOONN TTOO TTHHEE OOPPEERRAATTOORR IINNTTEERRFFAACCEE OPR, the Operator Interface, is both a component and the main command language used in the TOPS-20 operating system. This component provides you, the operator, with the language to communicate with the following components of the TOPS-20 operating system: 1. QUASAR, the GALAXY Scheduler 2. BATCON, the Batch Controller 3. LPTSPL, the Line-Printer Spooler 4. SPRINT, the Reader Interpreter 5. CDRIVE, the Card-Reader Spooler 6. SPROUT, the Card-Punch, Paper-Tape-Punch, and Plotter Spooler 7. MOUNTR, the Tape-Drive and Disk-Drive Controller 8. NEBULA, the Cluster GALAXY Message Router Further information on these components can be found in the T_O_P_S_-_2_0_ O_p_e_r_a_t_o_r_'_s_ G_u_i_d_e_. You also use the OPR command language to communicate with: o Any program requesting operator action (such as the PLEASE program) o Any user on the system o All users on a remote system in the cluster The component that receives the OPR commands and communicates with all the other operating system components is ORION. 2-1 TTHHEE OOPPEERRAATTOORR IINNTTEERRFFAACCEE,, OOPPRR 22..22 RRUUNNNNIINNGG OOPPRR AANNDD EEXXIITTIINNGG FFRROOMM IITT To start OPR, you must have WHEEL or OPERATOR privileges. (See your System Manager to get these privileges if you do not already have either of them.) To handle all batch software tasks and all PLEASE, MOUNT, and DISMOUNT requests, you must have OPR running. Normally, commands in the PTYCON.ATO file start OPR automatically as a PTYCON subjob. An example of this command file is shown on the next page. SILENCE LOG DEFINE ^$OPR CONNECT OPR LOG OPERATOR FOO OPERATOR ENABLE !NEW OPERATOR INTERFACE PARSER OPR TAKE SYS:SYSTEM.CMD PUSH ENABLE ^ESET LOGIN ANY ^ESEND SSYSTEM IN OPERATION POP The command TAKE SYS:SYSTEM.CMD in the above PTYCON.ATO example can contain any number of OPR commands to set and start devices and streams automatically. An example of a SYSTEM.CMD command file is shown below. SET BATCH-STREAM 0 TIME-LIMIT 5 SET BATCH-STREAM 1 TIME-LIMIT 10 SET BATCH-STREAM 2:3 TIME-LIMIT 11000 SET BATCH-STREAM 3 PRIORITY-LIMITS 20:63 SET BATCH-STREAM 0:1 PRIORITY-LIMITS 1:19 START BATCH-STREAM 0:3 SET PRINTER 0 PAGE-LIMIT 20000 SET PRINTER 1 PAGE-LIMIT 500 START PRINTER 0:1 START READER 0 START CARD-PUNCH 0 These commands are described in various sections of the T_O_P_S_-_2_0_ O_p_e_r_a_t_o_r_'_s_ G_u_i_d_e_ and in Chapter 3 of this manual. NOTE It is the responsibility of your System Manager to determine whether OPR is to run as a subjob of PTYCON. In addition, your System Manager should determine whether any other program or utility should be started as a PTYCON subjob. 2-2 TTHHEE OOPPEERRAATTOORR IINNTTEERRFFAACCEE,, OOPPRR To start OPR yourself under a job with OPERATOR privileges, all you need to do is to type ENABLE and then type OPR. @E_N_A_B_L_E_<_R_E_T_>_ $O_P_R_<_R_E_T_>_ OPR> OPR is your primary interface with the operating system and its devices. Thus, it is recommended that if your installation has a hardcopy central terminal (CTY), it should be dedicated to OPR. To do this, LOGIN and ATTACH to PTYCON; the OPR> prompt then appears at the CTY. In the following example, your password is FOO and your account number is OPERATOR. <_C_T_R_L_/_C_>_ CLOYD Development System, TOPS-20 Monitor 7(20753) @L_O_G_ O_P_E_R_A_T_O_R_ F_O_O_ O_P_E_R_A_T_O_R_<_R_E_T_>_ Job 12 on TTY21 30-Apr-79 07:10:32 @E_N_A_B_L_E_<_R_E_T_>_ $S_Y_S_T_A_T_ O_P_E_R_A_T_O_R_<_R_E_T_>_ 0 DET SYSJOB OPERATOR 1 205 PTYCON OPERATOR 2 207 BATCON OPERATOR 3 210 EXEC OPERATOR 4 211 OPR OPERATOR . . $A_T_T_A_C_H_ O_P_E_R_A_T_O_R_ 1_<_R_E_T_>_ [Attached to TTY205, confirm]<_R_E_T_>_ Detaching Job # 12 Password: F_O_O_<_R_E_T_>_ <_R_E_T_>_ OPR> If your installation has more than one terminal assigned to its operators, you can run separate OPRs from different terminals. (See Section 2.2.2.) Thus, OPR can run as a subjob under PTYCON at one terminal and as a job by itself at another terminal. All OPRs have the same functionality as the OPR running as a subjob of PTYCON and CONNECTed to the CTY. ORION, the OPR-controlling component, can handle an unlimited number of terminals running OPR. Multiple OPRs are discussed in Section 2.2.2. If you want OPR as a subjob under PTYCON and the PTYCON.ATO file did not automatically start OPR, you can either CONNECT to a subjob to start OPR or DEFINE a subjob as OPR and then CONNECT to it. The examples below show both methods of creating an OPR subjob. PTYCON> C_O_N_N_E_C_T_ 0_<_R_E_T_>_ [CONNECTED TO SUBJOB 0] 2-3 TTHHEE OOPPEERRAATTOORR IINNTTEERRFFAACCEE,, OOPPRR CLOYD Development System, TOPS-20 Monitor 7(20753) @L_O_G_ O_P_E_R_A_T_O_R_ F_O_O_ O_P_E_R_A_T_O_R_<_R_E_T_>_ Job 37 on TTY211 2-DEC-79 09:23:01 @E_N_A_B_L_E_<_R_E_T_>_ $O_P_R_<_R_E_T_>_ OPR> or PTYCON> D_E_F_I_N_E_ 0_ O_P_R_<_R_E_T_>_ PTYCON> O_P_R_-_L_O_G_ O_P_E_R_A_T_O_R_ F_O_O_ O_P_E_R_A_T_O_R_<_R_E_T_>_ PTYCON> **** OPR(0) 09:32:01 **** CLOYD Development System, TOPS-20 Monitor 7(20753) @LOG OPERATOR OPERATOR @ PTYCON> C_O_N_N_E_C_T_ 0_<_R_E_T_>_ [CONNECTED TO SUBJOB OPR(0)] <_R_E_T_>_ @E_N_A_B_L_E_<_R_E_T_>_ $O_P_R_<_R_E_T_>_ OPR> When you issue a command to OPR, OPR validates the syntax of the command and generates error messages for any errors it may find. If there are no errors, the command is passed to the correct process to be executed. If you receive an error message, you can retype the entire OPR command, or press to reprint the command up to the point where the error occurred in the command. (Refer to Section 2.4.2.) To exit from OPR at any time, simply issue the command EXIT. You immediately return to TOPS-20 command level and you are prompted by the dollar-sign ($). For example: OPR>E_X_I_T_<_R_E_T_>_ $ If OPR is a subjob of PTYCON, you can type to return to PTYCON command level. For example: OPR>^_X_ ^ | PTYCON> In addition, you can give the PUSH command to OPR to return to TOPS-20 command processor level. Then, you can execute any program or task 2-4 TTHHEE OOPPEERRAATTOORR IINNTTEERRFFAACCEE,, OOPPRR and then give the POP command to return to OPR. However, you cannot LOGOUT while PUSHed to OPR. OPR>P_U_S_H_<_R_E_T_>_ TOPS-20 Command processor 7(4138) @E_N_A_B_L_E_<_R_E_T_>_ $D_U_M_P_E_R_<_R_E_T_>_ DUMPER> . . . $D_I_S_A_B_L_E_<_R_E_T_>_ @P_O_P_<_R_E_T_>_ OPR> 22..22..11 IIssssuuiinngg OOPPRR CCoommmmaannddss ttoo aanndd ffrroomm RReemmoottee SSttaattiioonnss In a data networking environment, a DECSYSTEM-20 communicates with one or more separate computer processors. Each processor in a network is called a "node." The DECSYSTEM-20, running TOPS-20, is a "host" node. The host node is the only type of node in the TOPS-20 network that can support interactive users on a timesharing basis. The operator at the host node is the system operator. The system operator controls the devices connected to his host node and those connected to the remote stations that are controlled by his host node. In a DECnet network, two or more hosts may communicate. The host operator logs into his "local" host. The other hosts are called "remote" hosts. The host operator cannot control devices at remote hosts. The processors in the TOPS-20 network, other than host nodes, are known as remote stations. These remote stations do not support interactive users, and usually have one card reader and one line printer. Remote stations are used for remote submission of batch jobs to a host node. The operator at a remote station is a remote operator. The remote operator can control only those devices connected to his remote station. He cannot control devices at the host node. The remote station is an IBM-type node. Your remote station operators should have additional documentation. The following manual is available for remote station operators: I_B_M_ E_m_u_l_a_t_i_o_n_/_T_e_r_m_i_n_a_t_i_o_n_ M_a_n_u_a_l_ is useful for IBM-type remote stations. This manual helps the remote station operator determine those functions he can perform at the remote station. The commands that the remote station operator uses will work on his remote station; no further specification is necessary. 2-5 TTHHEE OOPPEERRAATTOORR IINNTTEERRFFAACCEE,, OOPPRR The system operator can perform any of the functions in this manual. However, no operator can control devices at a remote host node. The OPR program allows the operator to specify a remote node as the destination for a command. Many OPR commands recognize the /NODE switch. The /NODE switch can specify either a DECnet or IBM-type remote station, or it can specify the operator's host node; any node name may be specified. However for remote DECnet nodes, these commands have no effect. To use the /NODE switch, type the following in the command line: /NODE:node-name:: Two colons (::) following the node name are optional. 22..22..22 MMuullttiippllee OOPPRRss oonn tthhee SSyysstteemm You can have more than one OPR running on the same operating system. ORION keeps track of each OPR and sends the appropriate acknowledgement messages to the OPR that sent the command. Only the host system can have more than one OPR running simultaneously. Remote stations can only have one OPR running. Thus, if you have remote stations at your installation, any message sent from a remote station to the host system displays at all OPR's running at the host. If a message is sent to a remote station from the host (the /NODE: switch), the message displays only at that node. Each OPR that is processing can be set to enable or disable the types of messages to be displayed at that OPR console. For example, one OPR could be responsible for only tape and disk mounts and dismounts, and another OPR could be responsible for everything else. Refer to the detailed descriptions of the DISABLE and ENABLE commands elsewhere in this manual. 22..33 RRUUNNNNIINNGG SSEEMMII--OOPPRR SEMI-OPR is a new user privilege that permits a designated user to use a subset of OPR commands. This subset of OPR commands are those commands for accessing information (such as SHOW) and controlling certain devices (such as FORWARDSPACE). A user may be given the SEMI-OPR privilege by another user who has WHEEL or OPERATOR privileges. The System Administrator can enable the SEMI-OPR privilege for a particular user with the ^ECREATE command (or BUILD command) at EXEC command level. For example, you can authorize user to have the SEMI-OPR privilege by performing the following: 2-6 TTHHEE OOPPEERRAATTOORR IINNTTEERRFFAACCEE,, OOPPRR $^_E_C_R_E_A_T_E_ <_E_B_R_O_W_N_>_<_R_E_T_>_ [Old] $$S_E_M_I_-_O_P_E_R_A_T_O_R_<_R_E_T_>_ $$<_R_E_T_>_ $ The System Administrator can also determine which devices a SEMI-OPR can control when a GALGEN is performed. The devices are printer, card-reader, tape drive, plotter, card punch, and paper-tape-punch. The operator of your system can turn on or turn off SEMI-OPR system wide with the OPR commands ENABLE and DISABLE. For example, to ENABLE SEMI-OPR: OPR>E_N_A_B_L_E_ S_E_M_I_-_O_P_R_<_R_E_T_>_ OPR> 13:06:10 --SEMI-OPERATOR enable-- OPR> To DISABLE SEMI-OPR: OPR>D_I_S_A_B_L_E_ S_E_M_I_-_O_P_R_<_R_E_T_>_ OPR> 13:06:19 --SEMI-OPERATOR disable-- OPR> When the user activates SEMI-OPR by typing OPR at EXEC command level followed by a carriage-return, the SEMI-OPR> prompt appears. When the user types a "?" for the SEMI-OPR> prompt, only those commands applicable to SEMI-OPR appear. @E_N_A_B_L_E_<_R_E_T_>_ $O_P_R_<_R_E_T_>_ SEMI-OPR>?_ ALIGN BACKSPACE CONTINUE EXIT FORWARDSPACE HELP IDENTIFY PUSH SHOW SHUTDOWN START STOP SUPPRESS TAKE WAIT SEMI-OPR> 22..33..11 SSEEMMII--OOPPRR LLiimmiittaattiioonnss aanndd RReessttrriiccttiioonnss The following limitations and restrictions should be remembered when designating and using SEMI-OPR: o The user must ENABLE capabilities at EXEC command level to run SEMI-OPR. 2-7 TTHHEE OOPPEERRAATTOORR IINNTTEERRFFAACCEE,, OOPPRR o The system must be running a Release 7 monitor and GALAXY 6. o SEMI-OPR can execute only certain OPR commands. o SEMI-OPR cannot run LCP and NCP (ENTER command), or another application program by way of OPR. 22..33..22 SSEEMMII--OOPPRR CCoommmmaannddss For users to utilize SEMI-OPR, they must have SEMI-OPERATOR privileges enabled and SEMI-OPR must be enabled. SEMI-OPR commands allow a user to access information and to have limited control over devices. The following are the permitted SEMI-OPR commands: ALIGN BACKSPACE CONTINUE EXIT FORWARDSPACE HELP IDENTIFY PUSH SHOW SHUTDOWN START STOP SUPPRESS TAKE WAIT NOTE The above list contains all the possible SEMI-OPR commands. However, the System Administrator can define a subset of the SEMI-OPR commands based on device types. Therefore, when a SEMI-OPR requests a list of available commands by typing a "?", only commands enabled by the System Administrator are displayed. For a more detailed description of the above commands, refer to Chapter 3, and remember the limitations and restrictions listed in Section 2.3.1. 22..44 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD FFEEAATTUURREESS The OPR command language has three command features that allow you to do the following: 1. List available commands - ? 2. Use recognition - 3. Reprint faulty commands - These features are described in detail in the following sections of this chapter. If you are a remote station operator (that is, if your installation 2-8 TTHHEE OOPPEERRAATTOORR IINNTTEERRFFAACCEE,, OOPPRR has DECnet software), you will not have the above features. However, you can obtain help with the HELP command at OPR command level. Refer to Chapter 3 for a description of the HELP command. In addition, CTRL/character commands such as CTRL/R and CTRL/U function at OPR command level as they do at TOPS-20 command level. 22..44..11 ?? ((QQuueessttiioonn MMaarrkk)) -- LLiissttiinngg AAvvaaiillaabbllee CCoommmmaannddss You can type a question mark at command level or while in the process of typing a command. When you type a question mark to the OPR> prompt, it lists the available OPR commands. When you type a question mark in the process of entering an OPR command, it lists the available keywords to that command. When you type a question mark after the keyword, OPR lists the available values, arguments, and/or switches to that keyword. If you type a question mark after an entire OPR command, OPR replies with the message: "confirm with carriage return", retypes your entire command, and waits for you to press the carriage return key. ----- Restriction ----- If you type a question mark after an OPR command argument or switch and there are no additional arguments that can be supplied, OPR responds with the message: "confirm with carriage return" and then retypes your complete OPR command and waits for you to press the carriage return key. (All OPR commands must end with a carriage return; the ESCape, , and ? features do not require the carriage return.) ----- Examples ----- 1. Start OPR and, after the system prompts you with OPR>, type a question mark. @E_N_A_B_L_E_<_R_E_T_>_ $O_P_R_<_R_E_T_>_ OPR>?_ one of the following ABORT ALIGN BACKSPACE CANCEL CLOSE CONTINUE DEFINE DISABLE DISMOUNT ENABLE ENTER EXIT FORWARDSPACE HELP HOLD IDENTIFY MODIFY MOUNT NEXT PUSH RELEASE REPORT REQUEUE RESPOND ROUTE SEND SET SHOW SHUTDOWN START STOP SUPPRESS SWITCH TAKE UNDEFINE WAIT or one of the following: LCP NCP OPR> 2-9 TTHHEE OOPPEERRAATTOORR IINNTTEERRFFAACCEE,, OOPPRR NOTE The NCP command appears in the above example when your installation has DECnet software and your system has been generated for network communication. Refer to the T_O_P_S_-_2_0_ D_E_C_n_e_t_ R_e_f_e_r_e_n_c_e_ M_a_n_u_a_l_ for a description of NCP commands. 2. Type a question mark after typing a letter. OPR responds with the commands that begin with that letter. OPR>A_?_ one of the following: ABORT ALIGN OPR>A 3. Type a question mark after typing the ABORT command to the OPR> prompt; OPR then lists the available arguments for the ABORT command, retypes your command, and waits for one of the arguments. OPR>A_B_O_R_T_ ?_ BATCH-STREAM CARD-PUNCH PAPER-TAPE-PUNCH PLOTTER PRINTER READER OPR>A_B_O_R_T_ P_R_I_N_T_E_R_ 0_<_R_E_T_>_ OPR> 08:56:41 Printer 0 --Aborting-- Job BATCH9 Req #133 for BHARDY OPR> 08:56:47 Printer 0 --End-- Job BATCH9 Req #133 for BHARDY -- Job Aborted by Operator -- OPR> 4. Type the same ABORT command as above with the argument PRINTER and then type a question mark. OPR replies with the following: OPR>A_B_O_R_T_ P_R_I_N_T_E_R_ ?_ unit number or one of the following: CLUSTER DQS LAT OPR>ABORT PRINTER Supply the unit number (0) and then type another question mark. OPR replies with any additional switches that may be supplied. OPR>ABORT PRINTER 0_ ?_ /PURGE or /REASON: or confirm with carriage return OPR>ABORT PRINTER 0 /_R_E_A_S_O_N_:_P_R_I_N_T_E_R_ J_A_M_<_R_E_T_>_ OPR> 2-10 TTHHEE OOPPEERRAATTOORR IINNTTEERRFFAACCEE,, OOPPRR 09:30:45 Printer 0 --Aborting-- Job BATCH9 Req #133 for BHARDY OPR> 09:30:53 Printer 0 --End-- Job BATCH9 Req #133 for BHARDY -- Job Aborted by Operator -- OPR> 22..44..22 EESSCCaappee -- UUssiinngg RReeccooggnniittiioonn The ESCape feature allows recognition input and guide words to appear on your console when you give an OPR command. To give the ESCape feature, you must press the key labeled ESC, SEL, PRE, or ALT depending on the type of terminal at your installation. NOTE All OPR commands accept recognition input when you press the ESCape key, and most OPR commands provide guide words within parentheses. However, only this section of the manual describes this ESCape feature of the OPR command language. ESCape is not available at remote station terminals. If you are at a remote station, use the HELP command. To use the ESCape key for recognition, type the first one or more letters of an OPR command to make it unique from all other OPR commands, such as REQ (for the REQUEUE command), and press the ESCape key. OPR responds with the remainder of the command REQUEUE, the guide words within parentheses (current job on), and waits for an argument for the REQUEUE command. | V OPR>R_E_QUEUE (current job on) Now type the first one or more letters of a REQUEUE argument, such as PR (for PRINTER) and press the ESCape key. OPR responds with the remainder of the keyword PRINTER, the guide words within parenthesis (unit number or remote printer type), and waits for a unit number to be specified. | V OPR>REQUEUE (current job on) P_R_INTER (unit number or remote printer type) Now type the unit number of the line printer followed by the REASON switch to the REQUEUE command. After you type the slash and the first 2-11 TTHHEE OOPPEERRAATTOORR IINNTTEERRFFAACCEE,, OOPPRR letter of the switch, press the ESCape key. OPR responds with the remainder of the switch name. OPR>REQUEUE (current job on) PRINTER (unit number or remote printer type) 0_ | V /_R_E_A_SON:P_R_I_N_T_E_R_ J_A_M_<_R_E_T_>_ OPR> 09:04:33 Printer 0 --Requeued-- Job CBUILD Req #188 for SAMBERG OPR> 09:04:45 Printer 0 --End-- Job CBUILD Req #188 for SAMBERG -- Job Requeued by OPERATOR -- OPR> ----- Examples ----- 1. Type the OPR command DISABLE using the ESCape key for recognition. | | | V V V OPR>D_I_S_A_BLE O_UTPUT-DISPLAY (of) F_ILE-RETRIEVAL-MESSAGES<_R_E_T_>_ OPR> 2. Type the OPR command ABORT with the use of the ESCape key for recognition and guide words. | | V V OPR>A_B_ORT (Current Job on) B_ATCH-STREAM (Stream Number) 1_ | V /_N_O_E_RROR-PROCESSING<_R_E_T_>_ OPR> 10:23:02 Batch-stream 1 --Aborted-- Job TBUILD Req #127 for HURLEY No Reason Given with Noerror-processing OPR> 10:23:17 Batch-stream 1 --End-- Job TBUILD Req #127 for HURLEY -- Job Aborted by Operator -- OPR> 2-12 TTHHEE OOPPEERRAATTOORR IINNTTEERRFFAACCEE,, OOPPRR 22..44..33 <> -- RReepprriinnttiinngg FFaauullttyy CCoommmmaannddss The feature prints the command you issued that resulted in an OPR error message. An OPR error message occurs when a command does not have the correct format, syntax, switch, or value. When you press after the error message appears on your terminal, OPR retypes your entire command up to the point you entered the incorrect command input. To use the feature, type an OPR command such as SET with the argument BATCH-STREAM but misspell the word STREAM. OPR>S_E_T_ B_A_T_C_H_-_S_T_R_A_E_M_ 0_ N_O_O_P_R_-_I_N_T_E_R_V_E_N_T_I_O_N_<_R_E_T_>_ ? Does not match switch or keyword:"BATCH-STRAEM" <_C_T_R_L_/_H_>_ | V OPR>SET Now retype the keyword BATCH-STREAM correctly, but type an O instead of a 0 (zero) for the same command. OPR>SET B_A_T_C_H_-_S_T_R_E_A_M_ O_ N_O_O_P_R_-_I_N_T_E_R_V_E_N_T_I_O_N_<_R_E_T_>_ ? First nonspace character is not a digit: <_C_T_R_L_/_H_>_ | V OPR>SET BATCH-STREAM Now retype the correct stream number of 0 and misspell the parameter NOOPR-INTERVENTION. After the error message appears, you complete the command correctly. OPR>SET BATCH-STREAM 0_ N_O_P_R_-_I_N_T_E_R_V_E_N_T_I_O_N_<_R_E_T_>_ ? Does not match switch or keyword <_C_T_R_L_/_H_>_ | V OPR>SET BATCH-STREAM 0 N_O_O_P_R_-_I_N_T_E_R_V_E_N_T_I_O_N_<_R_E_T_>_ OPR> 11:32:34 Batch-stream 0 --Set Accepted-- OPR> ----- Example ----- You specify the OPR command to show the status of printers on cluster-node GIDNEY, but you mispell GIDNEY as GIDDNEY. After you press , you type the correct node name. OPR>S_H_O_W_ S_T_A_T_U_S_ P_R_I_N_T_E_R_ /_C_L_U_S_T_E_R_-_N_O_D_E_:_G_I_D_D_N_E_Y_<_R_E_T_>_ 2-13 TTHHEE OOPPEERRAATTOORR IINNTTEERRFFAACCEE,, OOPPRR ? Does not match switch or keyword: "GIDDNEY" <_C_T_R_L_/_H_>_ | V OPR>SHOW STATUS PRINTER /CLUSTER-NODE:G_I_D_N_E_Y_<_R_E_T_>_ OPR> 12:15:28 -- System Device Status -- Printer Status: Local printers | Alias Unit Status | ----- ----- ---------- | FOO 0 Idle DQS printers | Alias DQS queue name Node Status | ----- -------------------------- ------ ------ | BAR SI$8700 JUNIPR Idle | BINN SWE$LN03 LATOUR Idle OPR> 22..44..44 CCoonnttiinnuuiinngg OOPPRR CCoommmmaanndd LLiinneess While you are using the OPR program, you may find it necessary to type a command line that is longer than the maximum line length allowed by your terminal. You may continue typing the command past the end of the line and onto the next line, without pressing RETURN. OPR will accept arguments which are divided between lines. Note the divided word, ACCESS-NAME, in this example: OPR>D_E_F_I_N_E_ N_O_D_E_ I_B_M_N_O_D_:_:_ S_N_A_-_W_O_R_K_S_T_A_T_I_O_N_ G_A_T_E_W_A_Y_ I_B_M_N_A_M_ A_C_C_E_S_S_-_N_ A_M_E_ A_C_C_N_A_M_<_R_E_T_>_ If you want to avoid divided words, you may use the continuation feature. At the end of the first line, type a space, then a hyphen (-), and press RETURN. Then finish the command on the next line. OPR>D_E_F_I_N_E_ N_O_D_E_ I_B_M_N_O_D_:_:_ S_N_A_-_W_O_R_K_S_T_A_T_I_O_N_ G_A_T_E_W_A_Y_ I_B_M_N_A_M_ -_<_R_E_T_>_ A_C_C_E_S_S_-_N_A_M_E_ A_C_C_N_A_M_ <_R_E_T_>_ Note that the OPR> prompt does not appear on the second line, after you press RETURN the first time. The space and hyphen indicate that you wish to continue typing on the next line. 2-14 TTHHEE OOPPEERRAATTOORR IINNTTEERRFFAACCEE,, OOPPRR 22..55 OOPPRR MMEESSSSAAGGEESS There are two types of messages that can appear at your OPR terminal: 1. ORION-to-OPR messages (Section 2.4.1) 2. OPR error messages (Section 2.4.2) 22..55..11 OORRIIOONN--TToo--OOPPRR MMeessssaaggeess The types of messages from ORION to OPR that can appear at your OPR terminal are messages about: 1. Errors generated when ORION accepts an OPR command, but does not have the appropriate devices, streams, nodes, or jobs 2. Jobs that start processing within a stream or device 3. Jobs that end processing within a stream or device 4. Actions that you must perform for various devices, streams, or jobs 5. Information you must respond to 6. Results from TAKE command files Each OPR command that is sent to ORION is time stamped by ORION when the command is accepted and executed. The acceptance and execution of the command is then returned to the OPR terminal in the form of a message with the time stamp as the first eight characters of the message. For example, the OPR command: OPR>S_E_T_ P_R_I_N_T_E_R_ 0_ F_O_R_M_S_-_T_Y_P_E_ N_A_R_R_O_W_<_R_E_T_>_ returns to your terminal an ORION message in the format: hh:mm:ss Printer 0 --Set Accepted-- where hh is the hour, mm is the minutes, and ss is the seconds that the command was accepted and executed. Likewise, when ORION accepts an OPR command but returns an error message, that message also contains a time stamp. For example, the OPR command: OPR>SHOW MESSAGES displays the following information message when there are no outstanding messages to respond to: 2-15 TTHHEE OOPPEERRAATTOORR IINNTTEERRFFAACCEE,, OOPPRR hh:mm:ss --No Outstanding Messages-- When a particular job starts to process within a batch stream or on a device, ORION displays a message at your OPR terminal to notify you that the stream or device is active. For example: hh:mm:ss Batch-stream 0 --Begin-- Job TEST Req #274 for ZINA OPR> appears on your terminal when a job named TEST begins to process in batch stream 0 for user ZINA. The hh:mm:ss at the beginning of this message is the time that the job started to process (hours, minutes, seconds). Likewise, when a particular job ends its processing within a batch stream or on a device, ORION displays a message at your OPR terminal to notify you that the stream or device is not active and the job has completed. For example: hh:mm:ss Batch-stream 0 --End-- Job TEST Req #274 for ZINA OPR> appears on your terminal when a job named TEST ends the process in batch stream 0 for user ZINA. The hh:mm:ss at the beginning of this message is the time that the job ended the process (hours, minutes, seconds). 22..55..22 OOPPRR EErrrroorr MMeessssaaggeess In the course of using OPR to enter commands, you will probably encounter some error messages. All OPR error messages begin with a question mark. Error messages can not be abbreviated with system switches or parameters as in some system programs. In addition, the question mark does not represent a fatal error in OPR as it does in some other system programs. When you receive an error message, you can press CTRL/H (to retype your OPR command up to the point where you entered the incorrect keyword, switch, or value) and then specify the correct input to the command. As with all OPR commands, if you do not know the command format or you have forgotten the keywords, switches, or values, type a question mark and OPR lists the command arguments that you can specify. Each error message described below and on the following pages explains the error message and a possible solution. 2-16 TTHHEE OOPPEERRAATTOORR IINNTTEERRFFAACCEE,, OOPPRR ERROR: ?? AAmmbbiigguuoouuss:: Reason: You abbreviated a keyword or switch but it is not unique; one or more other keywords or switches also have the same abbreviation. Recovery: Press CTRL/H or retype the command and include enough letters of the keyword or switch to make the abbreviation unique. ERROR: ?? DDooeess nnoott mmaattcchh sswwiittcchh oorr kkeeyywwoorrdd:: ""aarrgguummeenntt"" Reason: You have specified a switch or keyword for an OPR command that does not take the switch or keyword specified. The invalid switch or keyword is displayed in quotes. Recovery: Type the command again and specify the correct switch or keyword. ERROR: ?? FFiillee nnoott ffoouunndd ""ffiillee"" Reason: You have specified an OPR command that takes a file specification as a keyword or switch value, but the file was not found. Recovery: Press CTRL/H or retype the command and specify the correct file specification. ERROR: ?? FFiirrsstt nnoonnssppaaccee cchhaarraacctteerr iiss nnoott aa ddiiggiitt:: ""cchhaarraacctteerr"" Reason: You have specified a keyword or switch value that must be numeric, but the first character is an alphabetic or is a special character. Recovery: Press CTRL/H or retype the command and specify a numeric keyword or switch value with any alphabetic character. 2-17 TTHHEE OOPPEERRAATTOORR IINNTTEERRFFAACCEE,, OOPPRR ERROR: ?? IInnvvaalliidd cchhaarraacctteerr iinn nnuummbbeerr Reason: You have specified a numeric value to an argument or switch that is less than or greater than the allowed value range. Recovery: Press CTRL/H or retype the command and specify a numeric value that is within the allowable range of values. ERROR: ?? IInnvvaalliidd ddeevviiccee tteerrmmiinnaattoorr:: ""ddeevviiccee nnaammee"" Reason: You have specified a device with an illegal character in its name or you did not include the colon at the end of the device name. Recovery: Press CTRL/H or retype the command and specify the device name with the correct characters and include the colon. ERROR: ?? IInnvvaalliidd gguuiiddee wwoorrdd Reason: You have specified a guide word that does not pertain to the OPR command that you specified, or you misspelled the guide word, or you used recognition (you pressed the ESCape key) and then pressed before you pressed the carriage return. Recovery: Press CTRL/H or retype the command. If you must have guide words with the OPR command, use recognition with the ESCape key. ERROR: ?? IInnvvaalliidd nnooddee nnaammee Reason: You have specified a node name or number to a /NODE: switch that has not been enabled, does not exist, is currently off-line, or has been misspelled. Recovery: Press CTRL/H or retype the command and specify the correct node name or number to the /NODE: switch. You might have to ENABLE the node before you reissue the command. 2-18 TTHHEE OOPPEERRAATTOORR IINNTTEERRFFAACCEE,, OOPPRR ERROR: ?? IInnvvaalliidd OOPPRR CCoommmmaanndd SSppeecciiffiieedd ""ccoommmmaanndd"" Reason: You have specified an invalid OPR command. Recovery: Type a question mark to the OPR prompt to get a list of valid OPR commands. ERROR: ?? IInnvvaalliidd wwiillddccaarrdd ddeessiiggnnaattoorr Reason: You have specified a wildcard character (* or %) within a file specification for a keyword or switch value. Recovery: Press CTRL/H or retype the command and specify the file specification without any wildcard characters. OPR/ORION will not accept wildcard characters within the file specifications. ERROR: %% NNoo hheellpp aavvaaiillaabbllee ffoorr ""ccoommmmaanndd"" Reason: You have specified an invalid OPR command as a keyword to the HELP command. Recovery: Give the HELP HELP command to get a list of valid keywords (OPR commands) to the HELP command. ERROR: ?? NNoo ssuucchh ffiilleennaammee Reason: You have specified a filename as a keyword or switch value, but the filename does not exist as you specified it. Recovery: Press CTRL/H or retype the command and specify the correct filename as the keyword or switch value. ERROR: ?? NNoo ssuucchh ffiillee ttyyppee ""ffiillee--nnaammee"" Reason: You have specified a file type as a keyword or switch value, but the file type does not exist as you specified it. Recovery: Press CTRL/H or retype the command and specify the correct file type as the keyword or switch value. 2-19 TTHHEE OOPPEERRAATTOORR IINNTTEERRFFAACCEE,, OOPPRR ERROR: ?? NNoott aa qquuootteedd ssttrriinngg -- ddooeess nnoott bbeeggiinn wwiitthh ddoouubbllee qquuoottee Reason: You have specified a message text, but did not include it within double quotes ("message text"). Recovery: Press CTRL/H or retype the command and specify the message text within the required double quotes. ERROR: ?? NNoott ccoonnffiirrmmeedd Reason: You have specified too many keywords or switches to an OPR command. OPR expected a carriage return after one of the keywords or switches specified. Recovery: Press CTRL/H; OPR will retype the command up to the point where a carriage return is expected. Then press carriage return. ERROR: ?? NNuullll sswwiittcchh oorr kkeeyywwoorrdd ggiivveenn Reason: You have specified an OPR command without giving the required switch or keyword to the command. Recovery: Press CTRL/H; OPR will retype the command up to the point where you omitted the required switch or keyword. If you do not know the required switch or keyword for the command, type a question mark and OPR will display the necessary arguments. ERROR: ?? NNuummbbeerr mmuusstt bbee ppoossiittiivvee ""nneeggaattiivvee--nnuummbbeerr"" Reason: You have specified a negative value for a device or stream number. OPR will not accept negative numbers. Recovery: Press CTRL/H or retype the command and specify a positive integer as a device or stream number. ERROR: ?? OOnnllyy oonnee ffiillee aalllloowweedd Reason: You have specified the BACKSPACE or FORWARDSPACE command with the /FILE switch and a numeric value greater than 1. Recovery: Press CTRL/H; OPR will retype the command up to the point where you entered the number of files. You can then enter 1 or press carriage return. The /FILE switch value defaults to 1. 2-20 TTHHEE OOPPEERRAATTOORR IINNTTEERRFFAACCEE,, OOPPRR ERROR: ?? PPrriioorriittyy nnoott iinn rraannggee ""nnnn"" Reason: You have specified a priority number in the SET JOB-PRIORITY command that is not in the range from 0 to 63. Recovery: Press CTRL/H or retype the command and specify a priority number from 0 to 63. ERROR: ?? TToooo mmaannyy cchhaarraacctteerrss iinn nnooddee nnaammee ""nnooddee--nnaammee"" Reason: You have specified too many characters in a node name specification to the /NODE: switch. The /NODE: switch can only have from one to six alphanumeric characters. Recovery: Press CTRL/H or retype the command and specify the correct node name for the /NODE: switch with six characters or less. 2-21 3-1 CCHHAAPPTTEERR 33 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS This chapter describes each of the OPR commands in detail. All OPR commands must end with a carriage return (that is, you must press the key labeled RETURN or CR). The OPR commands are in alphabetical order. 3-1 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((AABBOORRTT)) AABBOORRTT -- AAbboorrttiinngg JJoobbss FFuunnccttiioonn The ABORT command terminates a job request that is in progress on an input/output device or in a batch stream. FFoorrmmaatt OPR>ABORT keyword nn /switch where keyword can be one of the following: BATCH-STREAM CARD-PUNCH PAPER-TAPE-PUNCH PLOTTER PRINTER argument READER followed by its stream/unit number: nn or the argument for the PRINTER keyword: | aliasname followed by: CLUSTER nn n:m followed by: NODE node-name:: or DQS queuename followed by: NODE node-name:: or LAT followed by: SERVICE "name" SERVER "name" or followed by: PORT "name" SERVER "name" and, one or more of the following switches: | /CLUSTER-NODE:cluster-node-name /NODE:node-name:: /PURGE /REASON:comment or one of these switches (BATCH-STREAM only): 3-2 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((AABBOORRTT)) /ERROR-PROCESSING /NOERROR-PROCESSING KKeeyywwoorrddss BATCH-STREAM specifies a particular batch stream that has a job currently active within it. A batch stream is a pseudo-terminal that interacts with the system to execute a batch job. CARD-PUNCH specifies a particular card-punch device that has a job currently being output on it. PAPER-TAPE-PUNCH specifies a particular paper-tape-punch device that has a job currently being output on it. PLOTTER specifies a particular plotter device that has a job currently being output on it. PRINTER argument specifies a particular line printer device or | a range of line printer devices. You can use | an alias name defined with the DEFINE ALIAS | command to reference a printer specification | in this command. The argument can be: | nn specifies the unit number of the line printer. | You must specify this unit number; there is no | default. CLUSTER nn specifies a printer, or a range of printers, n:m on a remote node within a TOPS-20 cluster. A TOPS-20 cluster is a loosely coupled configuration of between two and four TOPS-20 processors. Each processor in the configuration is identified by a node name. For example, HUEY::, DEWEY::, and LOUIE:: can be three nodes within a cluster of TOPS-20 processors. NODE node-name:: specifies that the printer device for a cluster be started. The double colon (::) following the node name is not needed. For the CLUSTER argument, NODE node-name:: specifies a node within the cluster and cannot be the local node or an alias. DQS queuename 3-3 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((AABBOORRTT)) specifies the Distributed Queue Service allowing users to queue print requests to VMS systems using DECnet. DQS accepts the user specified print request and transmits it to the remote VMS node. The "queuename" specifies the VMS queuename and can be a string of 1 to 31 characters, consisting of alphanumeric characters, underscores, and dollar signs. NODE node-name:: specifies the VMS node where the print request is processed. The double colon (::) following the node name is not needed. For the DQS argument, NODE node-name:: specifies the VMS nodename and cannot be an alias. LAT specifies the Local Area Transport service used to control communication between LAT hosts and terminals on the Ethernet. With the LAT keyword, you specify the SERVICE or PORT and its SERVER name to establish communication between your system, running LAT software, and the resource printer terminal. You cannot use the following SERVICE/PORT/SERVER specifications: SERVICE name only SERVER name only PORT name only SERVICE name and PORT name SERVICE, SERVER, and PORT names Refer to Chapter 4 for additional information about LAT communications. PORT "name" specifies the communication path between the host system and the printer resource or the access point that the node represents to the user. The "name" is the port name and can have from 1 to 16 characters consisting of alphanumeric characters, underscores, dashes, and dollar signs. SERVICE "name" 3-4 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((AABBOORRTT)) specifies the resource and establishes the LAT access path to the resource. The "name" is the service name and can have from 1 to 16 characters consisting of alphanumeric characters, underscores, dashes, and dollar signs. SERVER "name" specifies the server name of the resource printer terminal. This name can be the LAT box with the proper LAT software running in it. The name can be from 1 to 6 alphanumeric characters in length. READER specifies a particular card-reader device that has a job currently being read into the system. Jobs read through the card reader become job requests in the batch input queue. nn specifies the stream number of the batch stream to be aborted or the unit number of the input/output device that is currently processing a job. You must specify this stream/unit number. SSwwiittcchheess | /CLUSTER-NODE:cluster-node-name | | specifies the particular cluster node within | the TOPS-20 cluster where the command is | processed. The "cluster-node-name" qualifier | can be any node name within the cluster or an | asterisk (*). The asterisk specifies all | nodes within the cluster. /NODE:node-name:: specifies the name of your host node, a remote station, a VMS node, or a LAT server. The double colon (::) following the node name is optional. /ERROR-PROCESSING specifies the default of the ABORT BATCH-STREAM command if you do not specify either the /NOERROR-PROCESSING or /PURGE switch. The /ERROR-PROCESSING switch specifies that if a user provides error recovery procedures in his batch job, the error recovery procedures are not ignored. 3-5 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((AABBOORRTT)) /NOERROR-PROCESSING specifies that, if the user who submitted the batch job provided error recovery procedures, these procedures are ignored when the batch job is aborted. /PURGE specifies that the entire job be removed from the system. All output from the job is also aborted. That is, there will be no header and/or trailer pages from the line printer. The job is completely flushed from the system. When you purge a batch job, no log file is printed. /REASON:comment allows you to include a comment as to why the job has been aborted. This comment appears in the batch log file and at the user's terminal. If the comment is more than one line in length, you can end the first line with a hyphen and a carriage return and continue the comment on the next line. If you press carriage return immediately after the colon, OPR responds with the instruction: ENTER TEXT AND TERMINATE WITH ^Z. You can then enter as many lines of text as necessary. When your comment(s) have been entered, press the CTRL key and the key labeled Z simultaneously (CTRL/Z) and the OPR> prompt reappears. RReessttrriiccttiioonnss When you use the READER keyword, the only switches available are the /NODE: and /REASON: switches. This is because a reader input job does not become a request until the last card ($EOJ card) has been read. The /ERROR-PROCESSING and /NOERROR-PROCESSING switches are valid only with the BATCH-STREAM keyword. EExxaammpplleess 1. Specify the ABORT command to abort a batch-stream job with NOERROR-PROCESSING because you were instructed to do so by the user who submitted the job. OPR>A_B_O_R_T_ B_A_T_C_H_-_S_T_R_E_A_M_ 2_ /_N_O_E_R_R_O_R_-_P_R_O_C_E_S_S_I_N_G_/_R_E_A_S_O_N_:_ <_R_E_T_>_ ENTER TEXT AND TERMINATE WITH ^Z A_S_ O_P_E_R_A_T_I_O_N_S_ W_A_S_ I_N_S_T_R_U_C_T_E_D_ T_O_ D_O_ S_O_ B_Y_ U_S_E_R_<_P_._H_U_R_L_E_Y_>_<_R_E_T_>_ 3-6 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((AABBOORRTT)) ^Z ^ | OPR> 12:31:05 Batch-stream 2 --Aborted-- Job TEST09 Req #132 for P.HURLEY AS OPERATIONS WAS INSTRUCTED TO DO SO BY USER with Noerror-processing OPR> 12:31:17 Batch-stream 2 --End-- Job TEST09 Req #132 for P.HURLEY -- Job Aborted by Operator -- OPR> 2. Specify the ABORT command to abort a job currently being read through the card reader. OPR>A_B_O_R_T_ R_E_A_D_E_R_ 0_<_R_E_T_>_ OPR> 9:34:45 Reader 0 --Aborted-- OPR> 3-7 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((AALLIIGGNN)) AALLIIGGNN -- AAlliiggnniinngg PPrriinntteerr PPaappeerr FFuunnccttiioonn The ALIGN command prints a "forms-alignment" file on the line printer so that you can align the paper. At various times, you may have to align special forms for a particular line printer job, such as payroll checks or invoices. The ALIGN command allows you, at these times, to adjust the forms and the line printer, if need be, as many times as necessary to print the job correctly. FFoorrmmaatt OPR>ALIGN keyword nn (or) LAT /switch (or) argument where keyword must be: PRINTER | followed by its alias name or followed by its unit number: nn | | optionally followed by the switch: | | /NODE:node-name:: or LAT followed by: SERVICE "name" SERVER "name" or followed by: PORT "name" SERVER "name" and, optionally, one or more of the following switches: | /CLUSTER-NODE:cluster-node-name /PAUSE:nnnn /REPEAT-COUNT:nnnn /STOP or, optionally, the following argument: alignment-filespec 3-8 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((AALLIIGGNN)) KKeeyywwoorrddss PRINTER specifies the line printer (output device). | You can use an alias name defined with the | DEFINE ALIAS command to reference a printer | specification in this command. nn specifies the unit number of the line printer that will print the forms to be aligned (for example, 0 for LPT0, 1 for LPT1, and so forth). You must specify this unit number. LAT specifies the Local Area Transport service used to control communication between LAT hosts and terminals on the Ethernet. With the LAT keyword, you specify the SERVICE or PORT and its SERVER name to establish communication between your system, running LAT software, and the resource printer terminal. You cannot use the following SERVICE/PORT/SERVER specifications: SERVICE name only SERVER name only PORT name only SERVICE name and PORT name SERVICE, SERVER, and PORT names Refer to Chapter 4 for additional information about LAT communications. PORT "name" specifies the communication path between the host system and the printer resource or the access point that the node represents to the user. The "name" is the port name and can have from 1 to 16 characters consisting of alphanumeric characters, underscores, dashes, and dollar signs. SERVICE "name" specifies the resource and establishes the LAT access path to the resource. The "name" is the service name and can have from 1 to 16 characters consisting of alphanumeric characters, underscores, dashes, and dollar signs. 3-9 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((AALLIIGGNN)) SERVER "name" specifies the server name of the resource printer terminal. This name can be the LAT box with the proper LAT software running in it. The name can be from 1 to 6 alphanumeric characters in length. SSwwiittcchheess | /CLUSTER-NODE:cluster-node-name | | specifies the particular cluster node within | the TOPS-20 cluster where the command is | processed. The "cluster-node-name" qualifier | can be any node name within the cluster or an | asterisk (*). The asterisk specifies all | nodes within the cluster. | | /NODE:node-name:: specifies the name of your host node, a remote | station, a VMS node, or a LAT server. The | double colon (::) following the node name is | optional. /PAUSE:nnnn specifies the time in seconds (nnnn) that the line printer waits between repeats of the particular print job. The default of the /PAUSE: switch is 10 seconds. /REPEAT-COUNT:nnnn specifies the number of times to print the file (starting from the beginning). The default of the /REPEAT-COUNT: is 25. /STOP specifies that normal printing be resumed and stops the alignment of forms on the line printer. AArrgguummeenntt alignment-filespec specifies a file to be printed for aligning the forms. This file is usually supplied by those individuals at your installation who are responsible for the applications the file would be used for. The default file specification is SYS:formsname.ALP, where 3-10 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((AALLIIGGNN)) formsname is the name of the form to be aligned, such as NARROW. This alignment file (or any supplied by an application individual) has a format of one printed page of output that can be repeated on the line printer so that you can align the paper. RReessttrriiccttiioonnss If you specify the ALIGN command and the alignment file cannot be found, the following error message appears: hh:mm:ss Printer n --Alignment Error-- Cannot read ALIGN file 'filespec' If you specify the ALIGN command with the /STOP switch while the print request is printing, the following error message appears: hh:mm:ss Printer n --/STOP Illegal-- Alignment not in Progress If you specify the ALIGN command while an alignment is in progress, the following error message appears: hh:mm:ss Printer n --Alignment already in Progress-- EExxaammpplleess 1. Specify line printer 0 in the ALIGN command to align some special forms and specify a repeat-count of 15. OPR>A_L_I_G_N_ P_R_I_N_T_E_R_ 0_ /_R_E_P_E_A_T_-_C_O_U_N_T_:_1_5_<_R_E_T_>_ OPR> 10:12:07 Printer 0 --Alignment Scheduled-- OPR> 2. Specify line printer 0 in the ALIGN command for forms alignment with the use of the alignment file PAYCHK.ALP. By the default values of the /REPEAT-COUNT and the /PAUSE switches, the ALIGN command repeats the file 25 times with a pause of 10 seconds between repeats. OPR>A_L_I_G_N_ P_R_I_N_T_E_R_ 0_ P_A_Y_C_H_K_._A_L_P_<_R_E_T_>_ OPR> 9:34:12 Printer 0 --Alignment Scheduled-- OPR> 3. Specify line printer 3 in the ALIGN command for forms alignment with a pause of 30 seconds between repeats. The forms are aligned after one repeat and you stop the alignment 3-11 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((AALLIIGGNN)) of forms on line printer 3. OPR>A_L_I_G_N_ P_R_I_N_T_E_R_ 3_ /_P_A_U_S_E_:_3_0_<_R_E_T_>_ OPR> 10:34:03 Printer 3 --Alignment Scheduled-- OPR>A_L_I_G_N_ P_R_I_N_T_E_R_ 3_ /_S_T_O_P_<_R_E_T_>_ OPR> 10:38:29 Printer 3 --Alignment Discontinued-- OPR> 3-12 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((BBAACCKKSSPPAACCEE)) BBAACCKKSSPPAACCEE -- BBaacckkssppaacciinngg FFiilleess bbyy PPaaggee FFuunnccttiioonn The BACKSPACE command reprints pages in the file currently printing on the line printer. At various times, you may have to backspace a particular file that is currently being printed on the line printer, for example when the forms become jammed in the printing mechanism. The BACKSPACE command allows you to backspace the print file so that the pages of the file that were jammed or miscorrectly printed can be repeated. FFoorrmmaatt OPR>BACKSPACE keyword nn (or) LAT /switch where keyword must be: PRINTER | followed by its alias name or followed by its unit number: nn or LAT followed by: SERVICE "name" SERVER "name" or followed by: PORT "name" SERVER "name" and, optionally, one or more of the following switches: | /CLUSTER-NODE:cluster-node-name /COPIES:nnnn /FILE /PAGES:nnnn KKeeyywwoorrddss PRINTER specifies the line printer (output device). | You can use an alias name defined with the | DEFINE ALIAS command to reference a printer | specification in this command. 3-13 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((BBAACCKKSSPPAACCEE)) nn specifies the unit number of the line printer that will backspace the file currently printing (for example, 0 for LPT0, 1 for LPT1, and so forth). You must specify this unit number; there is no default. LAT specifies the Local Area Transport service used to control communication between LAT hosts and terminals on the Ethernet. With the LAT keyword, you specify the SERVICE or PORT and its SERVER name to establish communication between your system, running LAT software, and the resource printer terminal. You cannot use the following SERVICE/PORT/SERVER specifications: SERVICE name only SERVER name only PORT name only SERVICE name and PORT name SERVICE, SERVER, and PORT names Refer to Chapter 4 for additional information about LAT communications. PORT "name" specifies the communication path between the host system and the printer resource or the access point that the node represents to the user. The "name" is the port name and can have from 1 to 16 characters consisting of alphanumeric characters, underscores, dashes, and dollar signs. SERVICE "name" specifies the resource and establishes the LAT access path to the resource. The "name" is the service name and can have from 1 to 16 characters consisting of alphanumeric characters, underscores, dashes, and dollar signs. SERVER "name" specifies the server name of the resource printer terminal. This name can be the LAT box with the proper LAT software running in it. The name can be from 1 to 6 alphanumeric 3-14 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((BBAACCKKSSPPAACCEE)) characters in length. 3-15 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((BBAACCKKSSPPAACCEE)) SSwwiittcchheess You must specify one of the following switches: /COPIES:nnnn specifies the number of additional copies to be printed. The number you specify is added to the number of copies that the user queued with the PRINT command. For example, if a user issues the command: PRINT FOO.BAR/COPIES:25 and you issue the BACKSPACE command with /COPIES:10 while FOO.BAR is printing on the line printer, the total number of copies printed will be 35. /FILE specifies that one file be backspaced when a multifile PRINT request has been given by a user. For example, if a user issues the command: PRINT FOO1.BAR,FOO2.BAR,FOO3.BAR and you issue the BACKSPACE command with /FILE while FOO3.BAR is printing on the line printer, FOO2.BAR will be printed again. /PAGES:nnnn specifies the number of pages to be backspaced for the file that is currently being printed. The /PAGES: switch is the default of the BACKSPACE command. If you do not specify either the /COPIES: or the /FILE switch, then you must specify the /PAGES: switch. The number (nnnn) you specify refers to the physical number of pages and not to the number of pages that contains the file on disk. | Followed optionally by the switch: | | /CLUSTER-NODE:cluster-node-name | | specifies the particular cluster node within | the TOPS-20 cluster where the command is | processed. The "cluster-node-name" qualifier | can be any node name within the cluster or an | asterisk (*). The asterisk specifies all | nodes within the cluster. RReessttrriiccttiioonnss 3-16 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((BBAACCKKSSPPAACCEE)) When you give a BACKSPACE PRINTER command, the system prints the output in the printer buffer (which may contain on or more printed pages) before BACKSPACing the number of pages you specify. Therefore, when you use the /PAGES: switch, you should add two or three pages to the total number of pages you wish to BACKSPACE. EExxaammpplleess 1. Specify line printer 0 in the BACKSPACE command to add an additional 15 copies to a print request of 15 copies. OPR>B_A_C_K_S_P_A_C_E_ P_R_I_N_T_E_R_ 0_ /_C_O_P_I_E_S_:_1_5_<_R_E_T_>_ OPR> 13:43:53 Printer 0 --Backspaced 15 Copies-- OPR> 2. Specify line printer 2 in the BACKSPACE command to backspace one file from the file currently printing. OPR>B_A_C_K_S_P_A_C_E_ P_R_I_N_T_E_R_ 2_ /_F_I_L_E_<_R_E_T_>_ OPR> 11:34:23 Printer 2 --Backspaced 1 File-- OPR> 3. Specify line printer 1 in the BACKSPACE command to backspace 12 pages from the page currently printing because of a paper jam. OPR>B_A_C_K_S_P_A_C_E_ P_R_I_N_T_E_R_ 1_ /_P_A_G_E_:_1_2_<_R_E_T_>_ OPR> 10:23:50 Printer 1 --Backspaced 12 Pages-- OPR> 3-17 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((CCAANNCCEELL)) CCAANNCCEELL -- CCaanncceelliinngg RReeqquueessttss FFuunnccttiioonn The CANCEL command cancels any job request that is being processed or is waiting to be processed. In addition, the CANCEL command can be used to cancel any user's request for a tape or structure mount. When a user submits a request for a job to be processed or a request to mount a tape or structure, the system assigns a request number to the request. To display the requests at any time, give the OPR command SHOW QUEUES. The requests will be displayed with the request numbers and the names of the users who submitted the jobs. You cancel requests by specifying either the request number or the user name. Optionally, you can cancel all requests for a particular device or those of a particular type on the specified device. FFoorrmmaatt | OPR>CANCEL keyword argument /switch where keyword can be one of the following: BATCH-REQUEST CARD-PUNCH-REQUEST MOUNT-REQUEST PAPER-TAPE-PUNCH-REQUEST PLOTTER-REQUEST PRINTER-REQUEST followed by one of these arguments: request-id-number user-name * and for MOUNT-REQUEST, the argument: structure-name: and, optionally, the switch: /REASON:comment and, optionally for the * argument, followed by the switch: /NODE:node-name:: 3-18 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((CCAANNCCEELL)) | followed optionally by the switch: | | /CLUSTER-NODE:cluster-node-name KKeeyywwoorrddss BATCH-REQUEST specifies either a job in the batch queue waiting to be processed or a batch job that is currently processing in a batch stream. CARD-PUNCH-REQUEST specifies either a job for the card punch waiting to be processed or a job that is currently being output on the card punch. MOUNT-REQUEST specifies either a mount request for a tape mount or a structure mount. With the MOUNT-REQUEST keyword, you can specify a single mount request-id-number or a structure name, and an optional /REASON:. If you specify a structure name, the CANCEL command cancels all requests for that structure. PAPER-TAPE-PUNCH-REQUEST specifies either a job for the paper-tape punch waiting to be processed or a job currently being output on the paper-tape punch. PLOTTER-REQUEST specifies either a job for the plotter waiting to be processed or a job currently being output on the plotter. PRINTER-REQUEST specifies either a job for the line printer waiting to be processed or a job currently printing on a line printer. AArrgguummeennttss request-id-number cancels a single request as specified by the appropriate keyword for a particular user. The number can be a job that is either waiting to be processed or is currently processing on a device or in a batch stream. user-name cancels all jobs as specified by the appropriate keyword for a particular user. 3-19 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((CCAANNCCEELL)) The user name can be from 1 to 39 alphanumeric characters (normally the user's surname) that identifies the user and his logged-in directory. Do not enclose the user name in angle brackets. This argument cannot be used with the MOUNT-REQUEST keyword. * cancels all jobs as specified by the appropriate keyword for all requests, waiting and processing, from all users. This argument cannot be used with the MOUNT-REQUEST keyword. structure-name: specifies a 1- to 6-character structure name that users have requested you to mount. The name must end with a colon (:). When you cancel a MOUNT-REQUEST for a structure name, all requests for that structure mount are canceled providing that the requests are in the waiting status. (Refer to the description of the SHOW QUEUES MOUNT-REQUESTS command in this chapter.) If the structure is in the dismount status, you must cancel the structure separately, using the request-id-number with the CANCEL command. SSwwiittcchheess | /CLUSTER-NODE:cluster-node-name | | specifies the particular cluster node within | the TOPS-20 cluster where the command is | processed. The "cluster-node-name" qualifier | can be any node name within the cluster or an | asterisk (*). The asterisk specifies all | nodes within the cluster. /NODE:node-name:: specifies the name of your host node, a remote station, a VMS node, or a LAT server. The double colon (::) following the node name is optional. This switch can only be used with the * argument. /REASON:comment allows you to include a comment as to why the MOUNT-REQUEST to mount a tape or structure has been canceled. This comment appears in the batch log file and at the user's terminal. If the comment is more than one line in length, you can end the first line with a hyphen and a carriage return and continue the comment on the next line. If you press carriage return 3-20 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((CCAANNCCEELL)) immediately after the colon, OPR responds with the instruction: ENTER TEXT AND TERMINATE WITH ^Z. You can then enter as many lines of text as necessary. When your comment(s) have been entered, press the CTRL key and the key labeled Z simultaneously (CTRL/Z) and the OPR> prompt reappears. RReessttrriiccttiioonnss You cannot cancel any mount request after the tape or structure has been mounted on the device. If you need to do this, you must ABORT the job and DISMOUNT the tape or structure. EExxaammpplleess 1. Specify the CANCEL MOUNT-REQUEST command to cancel all requests for the mounting of structure SNOOPY:. All mount requests for this structure are in the waiting status. OPR>C_A_N_C_E_L_ M_O_U_N_T_-_R_E_Q_U_E_S_T_ S_N_O_O_P_Y_:_ /_R_E_A_S_O_N_:_<_R_E_T_>_ [Enter text and terminate with ^Z] C_A_N_N_O_T_ F_I_N_D_ S_T_R_U_C_T_U_R_E_ S_N_O_O_P_Y_<_R_E_T_>_ T_H_A_N_K_ Y_O_U_ -_ O_P_E_R_A_T_I_O_N_S_^Z ^ | OPR> 15:32:08 --3 Mount Requests Canceled-- OPR> 2. Specify the CANCEL BATCH-REQUEST for all batch requests from user HOVSEPIAN. OPR>C_A_N_C_E_L_ B_A_T_C_H_-_R_E_Q_U_E_S_T_ H_O_V_S_E_P_I_A_N_<_R_E_T_>_ OPR> 12:09:34 --2 Jobs Canceled-- OPR> 3. Specify the CANCEL PAPER-TAPE-PUNCH-REQUEST to cancel all requests from all users for that device. OPR>C_A_N_C_E_L_ P_A_P_E_R_-_T_A_P_E_-_P_U_N_C_H_ *_<_R_E_T_>_ OPR> 09:34:56 --7 Jobs Canceled-- OPR> 3-21 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((CCLLOOSSEE)) CCLLOOSSEE -- CClloossiinngg tthhee LLoogg BBuuffffeerr FFiillee FFuunnccttiioonn The CLOSE command closes the current ORION log buffer file and creates a new log buffer file. The closed log file is written to disk so that you can copy or print an up-to-date file. The ORION log buffer file records all OPR-to-ORION commands and transactions performed at the operator's console. When the CLOSE command is issued, these commands and transactions are transferred to the ORION-SYSTEM.LOG file and the buffer file is cleared. You can then print the ORION-SYSTEM.LOG file on the line printer to obtain a hard-copy of all the operating processes for a given time period. You may choose a name other than ORION-SYSTEM.LOG for the ORION log buffer file at GALGEN time. Please see your System Manager in reference to GALGEN. FFoorrmmaatt | OPR>CLOSE keyword /switch where keyword must be: LOG | followed optionally by the switch: | | /CLUSTER-NODE:cluster-node-name KKeeyywwoorrdd LOG specifies the ORION log buffer file that was created with the start-up of ORION. For this logging facility to occur, you must have previously given the ENABLE LOGGING command. The ENABLE LOGGING command is described in this chapter. To stop the logging facility, you must give the DISABLE LOGGING command. The DISABLE LOGGING command is described in this chapter. | SSwwiittcchh | | /CLUSTER-NODE:cluster-node-name | | specifies the particular cluster node within 3-22 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((CCLLOOSSEE)) | the TOPS-20 cluster where the command is | processed. The "cluster-node-name" qualifier | can be any node name within the cluster or an | asterisk (*). The asterisk specifies all | nodes within the cluster. EExxaammppllee 1. Specify the CLOSE command in its full context to close the ORION log file and open a new log file automatically. OPR>C_L_O_S_E_ L_O_G_<_R_E_T_>_ OPR> 3-23 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((CCOONNTTIINNUUEE)) CCOONNTTIINNUUEE -- RReessttaarrttiinngg aa SSttooppppeedd JJoobb FFuunnccttiioonn The CONTINUE command continues a job request on a device that was temporarily stopped with the STOP command. FFoorrmmaatt OPR>CONTINUE keyword nn /switch where keyword can be one of the following: BATCH-STREAM CARD-PUNCH PAPER-TAPE-PUNCH PLOTTER PRINTER argument READER followed by the stream/unit number: nn or a range of numbers: n:m | and, optionally, one or both of the following switches: | | /CLUSTER-NODE:cluster-node-name /NODE:node-name:: or the argument for the PRINTER keyword: | followed by its alias name or followed by its unit number: nn | | optionally followed by the switch: | | /NODE:node-name:: CLUSTER nn n:m followed by: NODE node-name:: or DQS queuename followed by: NODE node-name:: 3-24 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((CCOONNTTIINNUUEE)) or LAT followed by: SERVICE "name" SERVER "name" or followed by: PORT "name" SERVER "name" | followed optionally by the switch: | | /CLUSTER-NODE:cluster-node-name 3-25 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((CCOONNTTIINNUUEE)) KKeeyywwoorrddss BATCH-STREAM specifies a particular batch stream (or range of batch streams) that was temporarily stopped from processing a batch job. A batch stream is a pseudo-terminal that interacts with the system to execute a batch job. CARD-PUNCH specifies a particular card-punch device (or range of card-punch devices) that was temporarily stopped from processing a card-punch job. PAPER-TAPE-PUNCH specifies a particular paper-tape-punch device (or range of paper-tape-punch devices) that was temporarily stopped from processing a paper-tape-punch job. PLOTTER specifies a particular plotter device (or range of plotter devices) that was temporarily stopped from processing a plotter job. PRINTER argument specifies a particular line printer device or | a range of line printer devices. You can use | an alias name defined with the DEFINE ALIAS | command to reference a printer specification | in this command. The argument can be: CLUSTER nn specifies a printer, or a range of printers, n:m on a remote node within a TOPS-20 cluster. A TOPS-20 cluster is a loosely coupled configuration of between two and four TOPS-20 processors. Each processor in the configuration is identified by a node name. For example, HUEY::, DEWEY::, and LOUIE:: can be three nodes within a cluster of TOPS-20 processors. NODE node-name:: specifies that the printer device for a cluster be started. The double colon (::) following the node name is not needed. For the CLUSTER argument, NODE node-name:: specifies a node within the cluster and cannot be the local node or an alias. DQS queuename specifies the Distributed Queue Service 3-26 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((CCOONNTTIINNUUEE)) allowing users to queue print requests to VMS systems using DECnet. DQS accepts the user specified print request and transmits it to the remote VMS node. The "queuename" specifies the VMS queuename and can be a string of 1 to 31 characters, consisting of alphanumeric characters, underscores, dashes, and dollar signs. NODE node-name:: specifies the VMS node where the print request is processed. The double colon (::) following the node name is not needed. For the DQS argument, NODE node-name:: specifies the VMS nodename and cannot be an alias. LAT specifies the Local Area Transport service used to control communication between LAT hosts and terminals on the Ethernet. With the LAT keyword, you specify the SERVICE or PORT and its SERVER name to establish communication between your system, running LAT software, and the resource printer terminal. You cannot use the following SERVICE/PORT/SERVER specifications: SERVICE name only SERVER name only PORT name only SERVICE name and PORT name SERVICE, SERVER, and PORT names Refer to Chapter 4 for additional information about LAT communications. PORT "name" specifies the communication path between the host system and the printer resource or the access point that the node represents to the user. The "name" is the port name and can have from 1 to 16 characters consisting of alphanumeric characters, underscores, dashes, and dollar signs. SERVICE "name" 3-27 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((CCOONNTTIINNUUEE)) specifies the resource and establishes the LAT access path to the resource. The "name" is the service name and can have from 1 to 16 characters consisting of alphanumeric characters, underscores, dashes, and dollar signs. SERVER "name" specifies the server name of the resource printer terminal. This name can be the LAT box with the proper LAT software running in it. The name can be from 1 to 6 alphanumeric characters in length. READER specifies a particular card-reader device (or range of card-reader devices) that was temporarily stopped from processing a card-reader job. nn specifies the stream number of the batch stream to be continued or the unit number of the input/output device that has been temporarily stopped. You must specify this stream/unit number. n:m specifies a range of stream/unit numbers. You can specify this range instead of a single stream/unit number. The colon must separate the two numbers. The n represents the low-order number and the m represents the high-order number. SSwwiittcchheess | /CLUSTER-NODE:cluster-node-name | | specifies the particular cluster node within | the TOPS-20 cluster where the command is | processed. The "cluster-node-name" qualifier | can be any node name within the cluster or an | asterisk (*). The asterisk specifies all | nodes within the cluster. /NODE:node-name:: specifies the name of your host node, a remote station, a VMS node, or a LAT server. The default is your own node. The double colon (::) following the node name is optional. 3-28 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((CCOONNTTIINNUUEE)) EExxaammpplleess 1. Specify the CONTINUE command to continue the card reader after it was stopped to prevent a card-reader jam. OPR>C_O_N_T_I_N_U_E_ R_E_A_D_E_R_ 0_<_R_E_T_>_ OPR> 9:23:19 Reader 0 --Continued-- OPR> 2. Specify the CONTINUE command to continue a batch stream that was previously stopped. OPR>C_O_N_T_I_N_U_E_ B_A_T_C_H_-_S_T_R_E_A_M_ 2_<_R_E_T_>_ OPR> 12:10:12 Batch-stream 2 --Continued-- OPR> 3. Specify the CONTINUE command to continue all line printers after they were stopped temporarily. OPR>C_O_N_T_I_N_U_E_ P_R_I_N_T_E_R_ 0_:_1_<_R_E_T_>_ OPR> 11:40:23 Printer 0 --Continued-- OPR> 11:40:24 Printer 1 --Continued-- OPR> 3-29 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((DDEEFFIINNEE)) DDEEFFIINNEE -- DDeeffiinniinngg aa NNooddee FFuunnccttiioonn The DEFINE command specifies the name and characteristics of a node that is to perform IBM communications. DEFINE sets the node's parameters to the default parameters of the SET NODE command. Refer to the SET NODE command. The DEFINE command is applicable only if your installation has IBM communications software. For more information about IBM communications software, refer to the T_O_P_S_-_2_0_ I_B_M_ E_m_u_l_a_t_i_o_n_/_T_e_r_m_i_n_a_t_i_o_n_ M_a_n_u_a_l_._ For information about SNA workstations, refer to the D_E_C_n_e_t_/_S_N_A_ T_O_P_S_-_2_0_ R_e_m_o_t_e_ J_o_b_ E_n_t_r_y_ U_s_e_r_'_s_ a_n_d_ O_p_e_r_a_t_o_r_'_s_ G_u_i_d_e_ and the D_E_C_n_e_t_/_S_N_A_ G_a_t_e_w_a_y_ M_a_n_a_g_e_m_e_n_t_ G_u_i_d_e_. FFoorrmmaatt OPR>DEFINE NODE node-name[::] keyword /switch arguments where: node-name must be: a valid node name in your network, optionally followed by two colons (::). keyword, switch and argument format is: 2780 / \ 3780 / /SIGNON-REQUIRED mode port line \ HASP \ /NO-SIGNON-REQUIRED / SNA-WORKSTATION \ ACCESS-NAME name GATEWAY gateway-name / keyword is one of: 2780 3780 HASP SNA-WORKSTATION switch (for 2780, 3780, AND HASP) is one of: /SIGNON-REQUIRED /NO-SIGNON-REQUIRED arguments (for 2780, 3780, AND HASP) are all of the following, separated by spaces: 3-30 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((DDEEFFIINNEE)) mode is one of: EMULATION TERMINATION port is a valid portnumber: nn line is a valid line number: n arguments (for SNA-WORKSTATION) are all of the following, separated by spaces: ACCESS-NAME name GATEWAY gateway-name:: DEFINE NODE parameters are further described below: node-name specifies the node name of the node to perform IBM communications. The double colon (::) following the node name is optional. KKeeyywwoorrddss 2780, 3780, HASP, or SNA-WORKSTATION specifies a protocol to use (2780, 3780, SNA-WORKSTATION, or HASP multileaving). HASP is the default. SSwwiittcchheess (for 2780, 3780, AND HASP): /SIGNON-REQUIRED specifies that the remote station must sign on when starting up the node. For emulation, a signon card must be sent to the IBM system. For termination, a signon card must be verified from the station (node) and the card must be the first one read. In addition, a signon file must exist in the area in the format of .SON. 3-31 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((DDEEFFIINNEE)) /NO-SIGNON-REQUIRED specifies that the user at the node does not need to sign on when starting up the node (see /SIGNON-REQUIRED). The default is /SIGNON-REQUIRED. AArrgguummeennttss (for 2780, 3780, AND HASP) EMULATION or TERMINATION specifies the mode. EMULATION specifies that the node is to communicate with a host. TERMINATION specifies that the node is to communicate with a remote station. TERMINATION is the default. nn specifies the port number from the front end to the TOPS-20 host. n specifies the line number from the front end to the modem communicating with the remote site. CAUTION For a KL10, the port number can be either 11 (for DTE1), 12 (for DTE2), or 13 (for DTE3). For a KS10, the port number can be either 0 (for KMC/DMC line 0) or 1 (for KMC/DMC line 1). Never use port 0 on a KL10. For a KL10, the line number must be from 0 to 5; for a KS10, the line number must be either 0 or 1. AArrgguummeennttss (for SNA-WORKSTATION only): ACCESS-NAME name is the name of a list of access information, as defined in the .CFG file for the SNA gateway. GATEWAY gateway-name:: is the name of the SNA gateway optionally followed by a double colon (::). 3-32 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((DDEEFFIINNEE)) EExxaammpplleess 1. You use the DEFINE command to define node IBM2. OPR>D_E_F_I_N_E_ N_O_D_E_ I_B_M_2_:_:_ H_A_S_P_ E_M_U_L_A_T_I_O_N_ 1_1_ 0_<_R_E_T_>_ OPR> 9:18:34 -- Define for Node IBM2 Accepted -- OPR> 2. You use the DEFINE command to define a remote station as an IBM 3780 to communicate from the host. OPR>D_E_F_I_N_E_ N_O_D_E_ I_B_M_3_:_:_ 3_7_8_0_ T_E_R_M_I_N_A_T_I_O_N_ 1_2_ 1_<_R_E_T_>_ OPR> 15:32:09 -- Define for Node IBM3 Accepted -- OPR> 3. You use the DEFINE command to define a node as an SNA-WORKSTATION. OPR>D_E_F_I_N_E_ N_O_D_E_ I_B_M_4_:_:_ S_N_A_-_W_O_R_K_S_T_A_T_I_O_N_ A_C_C_E_S_S_-_N_A_M_E_-_<_R_E_T_>_ R_J_E_ G_A_T_E_W_A_Y_ T_O_I_B_M_<_R_E_T_>_ OPR> 16:32:09 -- Define for Node IBM4 Accepted -- OPR> 3-33 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS | ((DDEEFFIINNEE AALLIIAASS)) | DDEEFFIINNEE -- DDeeffiinniinngg AAlliiaasseess ffoorr PPrriinntteerr SSppeecciiffiiccaattiioonnss | | | | FFuunnccttiioonn | | The DEFINE ALIAS command allows you to define, redefine, or | undefine an alias name for printer specifications for DQS, LAT, | local, and cluster printers. Once an alias is defined for a | printer, that printer can be specified either by its alias or its | printer specification. | | The SHOW ALIAS command displays each printer alias name relative | to its printer specification. | | Once you have defined an alias name for a printer, you can | reference that printer by its alias in the syntax of the | following commands: | | ABORT PRINTER | ALIGN PRINTER | BACKSPACE PRINTER | CONTINUE PRINTER | DEFINE ALIAS | FORWARDSPACE PRINTER | NEXT PRINTER | REQUEUE PRINTER | ROUTE PRINTER | SET PRINTER | SHOW ALIAS | SHOW PARAMETERS PRINTER | SHOW STATUS PRINTER | SHUTDOWN PRINTER | START PRINTER | STOP PRINTER | SUPPRESS PRINTER | | | FFoorrmmaatt | | OPR>DEFINE ALIAS alias-name keyword nn argument /switch | | where: | | alias-name is a unique name up to six | alphanumeric characters long, | including the non-alphabetic | characters: '$', '.', or '_'. The | first character of an alias name | must be a non-numeric character and | cannot begin with a 'C', 'D', or 3-34 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS | ((DDEEFFIINNEE AALLIIAASS)) | 'L'. | | and, optionally, one or both of the following switches: | | /CLUSTER-NODE:cluster-node-name | /NODE:node-name:: | | where keyword is one of the following: | | CLUSTER nn | n:m | followed by: NODE node-name:: | | or DQS queuename | followed by: NODE node-name:: | | or LAT | | followed by: SERVICE "name" | SERVER "name" | | or followed by: PORT "name" | SERVER "name" | | followed by the unit number: | | nn | | followed optionally by the switch: | | /CLUSTER-NODE:cluster-node-name | | | KKeeyywwoorrddss | | CLUSTER nn specifies a printer on a remote node within a | TOPS-20 cluster. A TOPS-20 cluster is a | loosely coupled configuration of between two | and four TOPS-20 processors. Each processor | in the configuration is identified by a node | name. For example, HUEY::, DEWEY::, and | LOUIE:: can be three nodes within a cluster | of TOPS-20 processors. | | NODE node-name:: | | specifies that the printer device for a | cluster be started. The double colon (::) | following the node name is not needed. | | For the CLUSTER argument, NODE node-name:: 3-35 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS | ((DDEEFFIINNEE AALLIIAASS)) | specifies a node within the cluster and cannot | be the local node or an alias. | | DQS queuename specifies the Distributed Queue Service | allowing users to queue print requests to VMS | systems using DECnet. DQS accepts the user | specified print request and transmits it to | the remote VMS node. The "queuename" | specifies the VMS queuename and can be a | string of 1 to 31 characters, consisting of | alphanumeric characters, underscores, dashes, | and dollar signs. | | NODE node-name:: | | specifies the VMS node where the print request | is processed. The double colon (::) following | the node name is not needed. | | For the DQS argument, NODE node-name:: | specifies the VMS nodename and cannot be an | alias. | | LAT specifies the Local Area Transport service | used to control communication between LAT | hosts and terminals on the Ethernet. With the | LAT keyword, you specify the SERVICE or PORT | and its SERVER name to establish communication | between your system, running LAT software, and | the resource printer terminal. | | You cannot use the following | SERVICE/PORT/SERVER specifications: | | SERVICE name only | SERVER name only | PORT name only | SERVICE name and PORT name | SERVICE, SERVER, and PORT names | | Refer to Chapter 4 for additional information | about LAT communications. | | PORT "name" | | specifies the communication path between the | host system and the printer resource or the | access point that the node represents to the | user. The "name" is the port name and can | have from 1 to 16 characters consisting of | alphanumeric characters, underscores, dashes, 3-36 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS | ((DDEEFFIINNEE AALLIIAASS)) | and dollar signs. | | SERVICE "name" | | specifies the resource and establishes the LAT | access path to the resource. The "name" is | the service name and can have from 1 to 16 | characters consisting of alphanumeric | characters, underscores, dashes, and dollar | signs. | | SERVER "name" | | specifies the server name of the resource | printer terminal. This name can be the LAT | box with the proper LAT software running in | it. The name can be from 1 to 6 alphanumeric | characters in length. | | | SSwwiittcchheess | | /CLUSTER-NODE:cluster-node-name | | specifies the particular cluster node within | the TOPS-20 cluster where the command is | processed. The "cluster-node-name" qualifier | can be any node name within the cluster or an | asterisk (*). The asterisk specifies all | nodes within the cluster. | | | EExxaammpplleess | | 1. Use the DEFINE ALIAS command to define an alias to a printer | specification. | | OPR>D_E_F_I_N_E_ A_L_I_A_S_ F_O_O_ C_L_U_S_T_E_R_ 1_ N_O_D_E_ G_I_D_N_E_Y_:_:_<_R_E_T_>_ | OPR> | 9:18:34 -- Alias FOO Defined -- | OPR> | | This command assigns the alias FOO to the CLUSTER printer 1 | for node GIDNEY. | | 2. Use the DEFINE ALIAS command to redefine the alias FOO to | alias BAR. | | OPR>D_E_F_I_N_E_ A_L_I_A_S_ B_A_R_ F_O_O_<_R_E_T_>_ | OPR> | 15:32:09 -- Alias FOO Defined -- 3-37 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS | ((DDEEFFIINNEE AALLIIAASS)) | OPR> | | This command changes the alias name from FOO to BAR. | | 3. Use the DEFINE ALIAS command to undefine the alias BAR. | | OPR>D_E_F_I_N_E_ A_L_I_A_S_ B_A_R_<_R_E_T_>_ | OPR> | 16:32:09 -- Alias BAR Undefined -- | OPR> | 3-38 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((DDIISSAABBLLEE)) DDIISSAABBLLEE -- SSttooppppiinngg SSyysstteemm PPrroocceessss FFeeaattuurreess FFuunnccttiioonn The DISABLE command allows you to turn off (or stop) the following features: 1. Automatic Volume Recognition feature (AVR) for magnetic tape mounts. 2. Class scheduling for various job processings and the accounting of CPU time assigned to different job classes. 3. File retrieval requests for off-line files. 4. The ORION logging facility for recording OPR/ORION commands and transactions. 5. The output display of various groupings of messages that were enabled with the ENABLE command. 6. Queue requests so that users can request jobs to be processed. 7. Limit the output display for unprivileged users at a remote node. 8. Printing of log files on specific local printer(s). 9. DECnet connection attempts by NEBULA to remote NEBULAs in the TOPS-20 cluster. 10. Reporting by NEBULA of DECnet connection failures to remote NEBULAs in the cluster. 11. SEMI-OPR commands for accessing information and limited control of some output devices. | | 12. The sending of ORION messages to one or more remote nodes in | a TOPS-20 cluster. | | 13. Unprivileged users from seeing all queued print jobs on a | remote node in the TOPS-20 cluster. FFoorrmmaatt OPR>DISABLE keyword argument /switch 3-39 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((DDIISSAABBLLEE)) where keyword can be one of the following: AUTOMATIC-VOLUME-RECOGNITION | BROADCAST-MESSAGES CLASS-SCHEDULER DECNET-CONNECTION-ATTEMPTS FILE-RETRIEVAL-WAITS LOGFILES-TO-SPECIFIC-PRINTERS LOGGING OUTPUT-DISPLAY PRINT-LOGFILES n QUEUE-REQUESTS REPORT-CONNECTION-FAILURES SEMI-OPR UNPRIVILEGED-USER-ENTIRE-REMOTE-OUTPUT-DISPLAY followed by one of these arguments: (AVR only) TAPE-DRIVES tape-drive-name: or followed by one of these arguments: (OUTPUT-DISPLAY only) ALL-MESSAGES BATCH-MESSAGES BUGCHK-MESSAGES BUGINF-MESSAGES CARD-PUNCH-MESSAGES CARD-READER-INTERPRETER-MESSAGES DECNET-EVENT-MESSAGES DECNET-LINK-MESSAGES FILE-RETRIEVAL-MESSAGES LCP-MESSAGES MOUNT-MESSAGES NCP-MESSAGES PAPER-TAPE-PUNCH-MESSAGES PLOTTER-MESSAGES PRINTER-MESSAGES READER-MESSAGES SYSTEM-MESSAGES USER-MESSAGES and, optionally, one or more of these switches: (OUTPUT-DISPLAY keyword only, not for BUGCHK-, BUGINF-, DECNET-, or SYSTEM-MESSAGES arguments) /INFORMATION-MESSAGES /JOB-MESSAGES /OPR-ACTION-MESSAGES | and optionally the following keyword for the OUTPUT-DISPLAY 3-40 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((DDIISSAABBLLEE)) | keyword: | | NODE or for DECNET-CONNECTION-ATTEMPTS and REPORT-CONNECTION-FAILURES, the optional switch: /NODE:node-name:: | or the optional switch (except for OUTPUT-DISPLAY): | | /CLUSTER-NODE:cluster-node-name KKeeyywwoorrddss AUTOMATIC-VOLUME-RECOGNITION specifies that this AVR system feature be disabled. AVR allows you to mount labeled tapes without the need to IDENTIFY the tapes to the system with a keyin. When this AVR feature is disabled, you must IDENTIFY each labeled tape you mount. Unlabeled tapes must always be identified to the system with the IDENTIFY command. (Refer to the description of the IDENTIFY command.) | BROADCAST-MESSAGES | | specifies to disable broadcast messages, which | allows ORION messages generated on the local | node to be sent to one or more remote nodes. | It also allows selective sending of these | messages. CLASS-SCHEDULER specifies a system program be disabled that allocates portions (or percentages) of the central processor unit (CPU) to individual groups of users. These groups are called classes and are set up by your System Manager in the n-CONFIG.CMD file at system generation time. When the CLASS-SCHEDULER is disabled, all jobs entered into the system receive an equal amount of CPU time; allocation is on a first-come-first-served basis. DECNET-CONNECTION-ATTEMPTS specifies to disable DECnet connections from being made by NEBULA to remote systems within the TOPS-20 cluster or to a particular remote 3-41 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((DDIISSAABBLLEE)) system. FILE-RETRIEVAL-WAIT specifies that when a user or batch job requests a file that is off-line due to an archival or a migration, the job does not wait until the request has been satisfied. (Refer to the TOPS-20 Operator's Guide for a discussion of archived and migrated files.) Instead, the user receives an error message indicating that the file cannot be retrieved and the batch job ends in an error (if error recovery has not been specified in the control file). If error recovery has been specified in the control file, the job continues to process. LOGFILES-TO-SPECIFIC-PRINTERS specifies to return from enabled printers (ENABLE PRINT-LOGFILES n), thus disabling the printing of batch log files and spooled files on specific local printers. (See ENABLE LOGFILES-TO-SPECIFIC-PRINTERS.) LOGGING specifies that the centralized logging facility of ORION be disabled (this facility logs all messages passing through the operating system and stores these messages in a log file buffer). When this facility is disabled, there are no records kept of the messages and interactions between ORION and the system. However, the CTY shows all messages and interactions if you have not DISABLEd the OUTPUT-DISPLAY of ALL-MESSAGES at the CTY. OUTPUT-DISPLAY specifies that the display of specified message groupings on your console be disabled. The groupings are specified as the valid arguments and switches to this keyword. | NODE allows you to selectively choose which ORION | messages from the indicated node in the | cluster are displayed on the operator | terminal. You can specify the local node or | an asterisk (*). The asterisk specifies all | nodes within the cluster. PRINT-LOGFILES n specifies to stop an enabled local printer (n) 3-42 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((DDIISSAABBLLEE)) from printing batch log files and spooled files. (See ENABLE PRINT-LOGFILES.) QUEUE-REQUESTS specifies that all users be disabled from making any queue request. When queue requests are disabled, no user can submit a batch or reader job, a card-punch, paper-tape-punch, plotter, or a printer request to the system. If the user attempts to submit a job of any kind, the message "?Operator Has Restricted Queue Entry Commands" appears at the user's terminal. REPORT-CONNECTION-FAILURES specifies to discontinue reporting DECnet connection failures to remote systems or a specific remote system in the cluster. SEMI-OPR specifies to disallow users with SEMI-OPERATOR privilege to have limited control of certain output devices and to access operator information. The OPR commands permitted and their limitations are defined in Chapter 2. UNPRIVILEGED-USER-ENTIRE-REMOTE-OUTPUT-DISPLAY specifies that an unprivileged user may only view his own print requests on a remote node in the cluster as a result of that user giving an @INFORMATION OUTPUT /DESTINATION-NODE: command. AArrgguummeennttss The following arguments are valid for the AUTOMATIC-VOLUME- RECOGNITION keyword: TAPE-DRIVES specifies that all tape drives on the system be disabled from using AVR. tape-drive-name: specifies the tape drive name that is disabled from using AVR. The colon must be included. The name is in the format of MTAn:, where n is the tape drive number. The following arguments are valid with the OUTPUT-DISPLAY keyword. Each argument suppresses the printing of a type of message on your OPR terminal. 3-43 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((DDIISSAABBLLEE)) Message Type Cause ALL-MESSAGES all the types of messages defined by the following arguments BATCH-MESSAGES users requesting BATCH processing BUGCHK-MESSAGES BUGCHKs encountered by the system BUGINF-MESSAGES BUGINFs encountered by the system CARD-PUNCH-MESSAGES users requesting card punch output CARD-READER-INTERPRETER-MESSAGES card reader file processing or batch jobs submitted with the /READER switch DECNET-EVENT-MESSAGES DECnet events generated by NMLT20 DECNET-LINK-MESSAGES failure of an attempt to establish a link to another node FILE-RETRIEVAL-MESSAGES users requesting retrieval of files that have been archived or migrated to tape LCP-MESSAGES LAT events noted by LCP MOUNT-MESSAGES users requesting tape and structure mounts and dismounts NCP-MESSAGES users starting and shutting down network nodes (valid only if your installation has DECnet software) PAPER-TAPE-PUNCH-MESSAGES users requesting paper-tape-punch output PLOTTER-MESSAGES users requesting plotter output PRINTER-MESSAGES users requesting line printer output 3-44 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((DDIISSAABBLLEE)) READER-MESSAGES users requesting card reader input (card reader jobs become batch requests) SYSTEM-MESSAGES various system messages such as: job 0 crashes, swapping space, SPT space, disk space, and parity error conditions encountered by the system USER-MESSAGES users making requests to you through the PLEASE program SSwwiittcchheess You can specify the following switches with any of the OUTPUT-DISPLAY arguments except BUGCHK-, BUGINF-, DECNET-, and SYSTEM-MESSAGES. If you do not specify one of these switches with any OUTPUT-DISPLAY argument, all three are assumed by default. /INFORMATION-MESSAGES prohibits the printing of messages that are informational, such as errors due to problems in an application program. Note that one-way PLEASE messages from users are considered information messages, since no response from you is necessary. /JOB-MESSAGES prohibits the printing of messages that notify you when a device or stream has begun to process a job request and when the job request has ended its processing. /OPR-ACTION-MESSAGES prohibits the printing of messages that notify you of some action to be performed as requested by a user or a processing job. Also included are messages that require action to be taken, but are not job or WTOR related. All operator-action messages must be answered with the RESPOND command. | NODE prohibits an operator from selectively | filtering which WTOs and WTORs from remote | nodes are displayed on the operator terminal. You can specify the following switch with the DECNET-CONNECTION-ATTEMPTS and REPORT-CONNECTION-FAILURES keywords: 3-45 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((DDIISSAABBLLEE)) /NODE:node-name:: specifies the name of a remote node in the cluster. The double colon (::) following the node name is optional. | You can specify the following switch with all keywords except the | OUTPUT-DISPLAY keyword: | 3-46 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((DDIISSAABBLLEE)) | /CLUSTER-NODE:cluster-node-name | | specifies the particular cluster node within | the TOPS-20 cluster where the command is | processed. The "cluster-node-name" qualifier | can be any node name within the cluster or an | asterisk (*). The asterisk specifies all | nodes within the cluster. EExxaammpplleess 1. You have scheduled a system shutdown in two hours and your queues have approximately two hours' worth of jobs left to be processed. You disable queue requests so that the queues can be emptied before the system shutdown. OPR>D_I_S_A_B_L_E_ Q_U_E_U_E_-_R_E_Q_U_E_S_T_S_<_R_E_T_>_ OPR> 16:34:03 --System Queue's Entry Processing Disabled-- OPR> 2. You have started OPR and want to display only information messages. By default when OPR is started, all messages are displayed. Therefore, you must disable all messages except information messages. @ENABLE $OPR OPR>D_I_S_A_B_L_E_ A_L_L_-_M_E_S_S_A_G_E_S_ /_J_O_B_-_M_E_S_S_A_G_E_S_/_U_S_E_R_-_M_E_S_S_A_G_E_S_<_R_E_T_>_ OPR> 8:45:18 Output display for OPR modified -- OPR> 3. You DISABLE AVR on tape drive MTA2: before you mount and ready a scratch tape to be initialized. OPR>D_I_S_A_B_L_E_ A_U_T_O_M_A_T_I_C_-_V_O_L_U_M_E_-_R_E_C_O_G_N_I_T_I_O_N_ M_T_A_2_:_<_R_E_T_>_ OPR> 3-47 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((DDIISSMMOOUUNNTT)) DDIISSMMOOUUNNTT -- DDiissmmoouunnttiinngg aa SSttrruuccttuurree oorr TTaappee--ddrriivvee FFuunnccttiioonn The DISMOUNT command allows you to dismount (and remove) a structure currently mounted on a disk drive or a magnetic tape currently mounted on a tape drive. You can dismount a structure without removing the structure from the disk drive. The structure is then dismounted from the local system and users on the system are prevented from mounting the structure from the EXEC. You can also dismount a structure and remove the structure from the disk drive. When the DISMOUNT WITH REMOVAL command is issued, the structure is queued for removal. If other local or remote users have mounted the structure, a message asks you if you want to proceed. If you answer NO, the request is canceled. If you answer YES, the structure is dismounted from every system in the cluster, and you are asked to remove it. When you issue the DISMOUNT command for a tape drive, the tape rewinds itself completely from the take-up wheel, providing that no user is currently using the tape. If a user is using the tape on the specified tape drive, OPR will reject the DISMOUNT command. FFoorrmmaatt | OPR>DISMOUNT keyword argument /switch where keyword can be: STRUCTURE TAPE-DRIVE followed by the argument: structure-name: or the argument: tape-drive-name: optionally followed by one of NO-REMOVAL these arguments: (STRUCTURE only) REMOVAL | optionally followed by the | switch: /CLUSTER-NODE:cluster-node-name 3-48 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((DDIISSMMOOUUNNTT)) KKeeyywwoorrddss STRUCTURE specifies a disk structure currently mounted on a disk drive. TAPE-DRIVE specifies a tape drive that has a magnetic tape mounted and ready on it. AArrgguummeennttss structure-name: specifies the logical name of the structure to dismount and remove. The colon must be included with the structure name specified. An example of a logical name is DSKC: for Disk C. REMOVAL specifies that the system giving the DISMOUNT command is to have exclusive control of the structure. The system checks for use of the structure by users on another system within the cluster. If users on another system within the cluster have mounted the structure, a message asks you whether or not to proceed with the dismount. If the response is PROCEED, then the structure is automatically dismounted with NO REMOVAL from all the other systems within the cluster, and then the structure is dismounted for removal on the local system. If the structure is not in use by another system, the structure is dismounted and you are asked to remove it. On a non-cluster system, REMOVAL is the default to the STRUCTURE keyword. NO-REMOVAL dismounts the structure without checking for use of the structure by users on another CFS system and prints a message telling you not to physically remove the structure. On a CFS system, NO-REMOVAL is the STRUCTURE keyword default. tape-drive-name: specifies the logical name of the tape drive which currently has the desired tape to dismount on it. The colon must be included with the tape drive name. The name is in the format of MTAn:, where n is the tape drive 3-49 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((DDIISSMMOOUUNNTT)) number. | SSwwiittcchh | | /CLUSTER-NODE:cluster-node-name | | specifies the particular cluster node within | the TOPS-20 cluster where the command is | processed. The "cluster-node-name" qualifier | can be any node name within the cluster or an | asterisk (*). The asterisk specifies all | nodes within the cluster. RReessttrriiccttiioonnss If there are other users who have mounted the structure and you really wish to remove the structure, it is recommended that you send a message to all users of the system before you respond with YES, to allow all users to complete their tasks on that structure. A structure can be DISMOUNTed only if set ACKNOWLEDGED; you cannot DISMOUNT a structure that is set IGNORED. EExxaammpplleess 1. Specify the DISMOUNT with REMOVAL command to dismount the structure DEMO: from all systems within the cluster. OPR>D_I_S_M_O_U_N_T_ S_T_R_U_C_T_U_R_E_ D_E_M_O_:_ R_E_M_O_V_A_L_<_R_E_T_>_ OPR> 10:14:41 <1> -- DISMOUNT QUERY -- Structure DEMO: (Alias DEMO:) is in use by RONCO::, GIDNEY::, THEP:: and can't be removed from the cluster unless it's dismounted with NO-REMOVAL from the systems. Respond with PROCEED to dismount the structure from the above systems or Respond with ABORT to terminate the dismount request OPR>R_E_S_P_O_N_D_ 1_ P_R_O_C_E_E_D_<_R_E_T_>_ OPR> 10:15:00 -- REMOTE DISMOUNT STATUS -- Structure DEMO: dismounted from RONCO::, GIDNEY::, THEP:: 3-50 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((DDIISSMMOOUUNNTT)) OPR> 10:15:01 -- STRUCTURE DISMOUNTED -- Structure DEMO dismounted 10:15:01 -- DISMOUNT STRUCTURE -- Remove DEMO: (alias DEMO:) User OPERATOR, Job 66, Terminal 233 DISK DRIVE INFORMATION DISK PACK INFO... Chan-Cont Disk Mount Mount Usage Type Drive Status Status Count Name Options ---- --------- -------- ------- ----- ------------ ------- RA81 7,03,12 Avail Free DEMO (1/1) Structure cannot be mounted again unless MOUNTed via OPR or until removed OPR> 2. Specify the DISMOUNT command to dismount the tape volume currently mounted on tape drive MTA0:. OPR>D_I_S_M_O_U_N_T_ T_A_P_E_-_D_R_I_V_E_ M_T_A_0_:_<_R_E_T_>_ OPR> 16:45:01 -- MTA0: Unloaded -- OPR> 3-51 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((EENNAABBLLEE)) EENNAABBLLEE -- AAlllloowwiinngg SSyysstteemm PPrroocceessss FFeeaattuurreess FFuunnccttiioonn The ENABLE command allows you to turn on (or start) the following features: 1. Automatic Volume Recognition feature (AVR) for magnetic tape mounts. 2. Class scheduling for various job processings and the accounting of CPU time assigned to different job classes. 3. File retrieval requests for off-line files. 4. The ORION logging facility for recording OPR/ORION commands and transactions. 5. The output display of various groupings of messages that were enabled with the ENABLE command. 6. Queue requests so that users can request jobs to be processed. 7. Limit the output display for unprivileged users at a remote node. 8. Printing of log files on specific local printer(s). 9. DECnet connection attempts by NEBULA to remote NEBULAs in the TOPS-20 cluster. 10. Reporting by NEBULA of DECnet connection failures to remote NEBULAs in the cluster. 11. SEMI-OPR commands for accessing information and limited control of some output devices. | | 12. The sending of ORION messages to one or more remote nodes in | a TOPS-20 cluster. | | 13. Unprivileged users from seeing all queued print jobs on a | remote node in the TOPS-20 cluster. FFoorrmmaatt OPR>ENABLE keyword argument /switch where keyword can be one of the following: 3-52 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((EENNAABBLLEE)) AUTOMATIC-VOLUME-RECOGNITION | BROADCAST-MESSAGES CLASS-SCHEDULER DECNET-CONNECTION-ATTEMPTS FILE-RETRIEVAL-WAITS LOGFILES-TO-SPECIFIC-PRINTERS LOGGING OUTPUT-DISPLAY PRINT-LOGFILES n QUEUE-REQUESTS REPORT-CONNECTION-FAILURES SEMI-OPR UNPRIVILEGED-USER-ENTIRE-REMOTE-OUTPUT-DISPLAY followed by one of these arguments (AVR only): TAPE-DRIVES tape-drive-name: or followed by one or more of these switches: (CLASS-SCHEDULER only) /CLASS-ASSIGNMENTS:ACCOUNT POLICY-PROGRAM /WINDFALL:ALLOCATED WITHHELD or followed by one of these arguments: (OUTPUT-DISPLAY only) ALL-MESSAGES BATCH-MESSAGES BUGCHK-MESSAGES BUGINF-MESSAGES CARD-PUNCH-MESSAGES CARD-READER-INTERPRETER-MESSAGES DECNET-EVENT-MESSAGES DECNET-LINK-MESSAGES FILE-RETRIEVAL-MESSAGES LCP-MESSAGES MOUNT-MESSAGES NCP-MESSAGES PAPER-TAPE-PUNCH-MESSAGES PLOTTER-MESSAGES PRINTER-MESSAGES READER-MESSAGES SYSTEM-MESSAGES USER-MESSAGES and, optionally, one or more of these switches: (OUTPUT-DISPLAY keyword only, not for BUGCHK-, BUGINF-, DECNET-, or 3-53 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((EENNAABBLLEE)) SYSTEM-MESSAGES arguments) /INFORMATION-MESSAGES /JOB-MESSAGES /OPR-ACTION-MESSAGES | and optionally the following keyword for the OUTPUT-DISPLAY | keyword: | | NODE or for DECNET-CONNECTION-ATTEMPTS and REPORT-CONNECTION-FAILURES, the optional switch: /NODE:node-name:: | or the optional switch (except for OUTPUT-DISPLAY): | | /CLUSTER-NODE:cluster-node-name KKeeyywwoorrddss AUTOMATIC-VOLUME-RECOGNITION specifies that this AVR system feature be enabled. AVR allows you to mount labeled tapes without the need to identify each tape to the system with a keyin. However, unlabeled tapes must always be identified to the system with the IDENTIFY command. (Refer to the description of the IDENTIFY command.) | BROADCAST-MESSAGES | | specifies to enable broadcast messages. This | allows ORION messages generated on the local | node to be sent to one or more remote nodes. | It also allows selective sending of these | messages. For example, if the local node is | generating an excessive amount of BUGCHKS, you | may want to send all messages except BUGCHKs. CLASS-SCHEDULER specifies a system program be enabled that allocates portions (or percentages) of the central processor unit (CPU) to individual groups of users. These groups are called classes and are set up by your System Manager in the n-CONFIG.CMD file at system generation time. When the CLASS-SCHEDULER is enabled, all jobs entered into the system are executed 3-54 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((EENNAABBLLEE)) according to their class. You should consult your System Manager before you ENABLE or DISABLE the CLASS-SCHEDULER as this action affects the performance of your system. DECNET-CONNECTION-ATTEMPTS specifies to enable NEBULA to attempt DECnet connections to remote NEBULAs in the TOPS-20 cluster. The remote systems must be running cluster GALAXY in order for the connection to be successful. FILE-RETRIEVAL-WAIT specifies that when a user or batch job requests a file that is off-line due to an archival or a migration, the job waits until the request has been satisfied, provided that the user has given the TOPS-20 command SET RETRIEVAL-WAIT. (Refer to the T_O_P_S_-_2_0_ O_p_e_r_a_t_o_r_'_s_ G_u_i_d_e_ for a discussion of archived and migrated files, and to the ^T_OPS-20 Commands Reference Manual for a description of the SET RETRIEVAL-WAIT command.) Once the request has been satisfied, the job (batch or timesharing) continues to process. LOGFILES-TO-SPECIFIC-PRINTERS specifies to direct the printing of batch log files and spooled files to specific local printers. Normally, printing of spooled files (batch or otherwise) is scheduled for the first available local printer. With LOGFILES-TO-SPECIFIC-PRINTERS enabled, you can specify the printer with the OPR command ENABLE PRINT-LOGFILES n. In this way, only the local printer(s) specified print batch log or spooled files. To check if this keyword is enabled, use the OPR command SHOW PARAMETER PRINTER. If LOGFILES-TO-SPECIFIC-PRINTERS is directed to specific printers (ENABLE PRINT-LOGFILES n), and you issue the OPR command DISABLE LOGFILES-TO-SPECIFIC-PRINTERS, the ENABLEd printer(s) are remembered by OPR. Therefore, if LOGFILES-TO-SPECIFIC-PRINTERS is ENABLEd later during system operation, you do not have to re-issue ENABLE PRINT-LOGFILES command(s). 3-55 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((EENNAABBLLEE)) LOGGING specifies that the centralized logging facility of ORION be enabled (this facility logs all messages passing through the operating system and stores these messages in a log file buffer). When this facility is enabled, there are records kept of the messages and interactions between ORION and the system. OUTPUT-DISPLAY specifies that the display of specified message groupings on your console be enabled. The groupings are specified as the valid arguments and switches to this keyword. | NODE allows you to selectively choose which ORION | messages from the indicated node in the | cluster are displayed on the operator | terminal. You can specify the local node or | an asterisk (*). The asterisk specifies all | nodes within the cluster. PRINT-LOGFILES n specifies the local printer "n" to print batch log files and spooled files. The OPR command ENABLE LOGFILES-TO-SPECIFIC-PRINTERS must precede this command. If LOGFILES-TO-SPECIFIC-PRINTERS is reverted (DISABLEd) and then ENABLEd at a later time during system operation, OPR remembers the printer as ENABLEd, thus you do not have to re-issue the ENABLE PRINT-LOGFILES command. QUEUE-REQUESTS specifies that all users be enabled to make any queue request. When queue requests are enabled, a user can submit a batch or reader job, a card-punch, paper-tape-punch, plotter, or a printer request to the system. REPORT-CONNECTION-FAILURES specifies that NEBULA is to report DECnet connection attempt failures to remote NEBULAs in the cluster on your terminal. SEMI-OPR specifies to allow users with SEMI-OPERATOR privilege to have limited control of certain output devices and to access operator information. The OPR commands permitted and their limitations are defined in Chapter 2. UNPRIVILEGED-USER-ENTIRE-REMOTE-OUTPUT-DISPLAY specifies that an unprivileged user may view all print requests on a remote node in the 3-56 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((EENNAABBLLEE)) cluster as a result of that user giving an @INFORMATION OUTPUT /DESTINATION-NODE: command. AArrgguummeennttss The following arguments can be used with the AUTOMATIC-VOLUME- RECOGNITION keyword: TAPE-DRIVES specifies that all tape drives on the system be enabled with AVR. tape-drive-name: specifies the tape-drive name that is enabled with AVR. The colon must be included. The name is in the format of MTAn:, where n is the tape-drive number. The following arguments are valid with the OUTPUT-DISPLAY keyword. Each argument allows a type of message to be displayed on your OPR terminal. Message Type Cause ALL-MESSAGES all the types of messages defined by the following arguments BATCH-MESSAGES users requesting BATCH processing BUGCHK-MESSAGES BUGCHKs generated by the system BUGINF-MESSAGES BUGINFs generated by the system CARD-PUNCH-MESSAGES users requesting card punch output CARD-READER-INTERPRETER-MESSAGES card reader file processing or batch jobs submitted with the /READER switch DECNET-EVENT-MESSAGES DECnet events generated by NMLT20 DECNET-LINK-MESSAGES failure of an attempt to establish a link to another node FILE-RETRIEVAL-MESSAGES 3-57 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((EENNAABBLLEE)) users requesting retrieval of files that have been archived or migrated to tape LCP-MESSAGES LAT events noted by LCP MOUNT-MESSAGES users requesting tape and structure mounts and dismounts NCP-MESSAGES users starting and shutting down network nodes (valid only if your installation has DECnet software) PAPER-TAPE-PUNCH-MESSAGES users requesting paper-tape-punch output PLOTTER-MESSAGES users requesting plotter output PRINTER-MESSAGES users requesting line printer output READER-MESSAGES users requesting card reader input (Card reader jobs become batch requests.) SYSTEM MESSAGES various system messages such as: job 0 crashes, swapping space, SPT space, disk space, and parity error conditions encountered by the system USER-MESSAGES users making requests to you through the PLEASE program SSwwiittcchheess The following switches can be used as arguments of the CLASS-SCHEDULER keyword: /CLASS-ASSIGNMENTS: specifies that users of the system have been divided into classes and have been allocated a certain amount of CPU time. The two arguments available with this switch are ACCOUNTS and POLICY-PROGRAM. ACCOUNTS specifies that class assignments are assigned by the accounts set up in the n-CONFIG.CMD file and the ACCOUNTS-TABLE.BIN file. POLICY-PROGRAM specifies that your System Manager or System Programmer has initiated the Access Control 3-58 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((EENNAABBLLEE)) Job to assign a user to a class upon login. The Access Control Job is a user written program that provides the accounting functions for your installation. /WINDFALL: specifies what happens with the unused CPU time. You can specify either ALLOCATED or WITHHELD. ALLOCATED specifies that excess CPU time is awarded proportionately to the active classes (users currently requesting CPU time). WITHHELD specifies that excess CPU time is withheld from all users and becomes idle time. You can specify the following switches with all OUTPUT-DISPLAY arguments except BUGCHK-, BUGINF-, DECNET-, or SYSTEM-MESSAGES. If you do not specify one of these switches with an OUTPUT-DISPLAY argument, all three are assumed by default. /INFORMATION-MESSAGES specifies that messages be displayed that are informational, such as errors that occur due to an application problem. Also, one-way PLEASE messages from users are considered information messages, since no response from you is necessary. /JOB-MESSAGES specifies that messages be displayed that notify you when a device or stream has begun to process a job request and when the job request has ended its processing. /OPR-ACTION-MESSAGES specifies that messages be displayed that notify you of some action to be performed as requested by a user or a processing job. Also included are messages that require action to be taken, but are not job or WTOR related. All operator action messages must be answered with the RESPOND command. You can specify the following switch with the DECNET-CONNECTION- ATTEMPTS and REPORT-CONNECTION-FAILURES keywords: /NODE:node-name:: specifies the name of a remote node in the cluster. The double colon (::) following the node name is optional. 3-59 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((EENNAABBLLEE)) | You can specify the following switch with all keywords except the | OUTPUT-DISPLAY keyword: | | /CLUSTER-NODE:cluster-node-name | | specifies the particular cluster node within | the TOPS-20 cluster where the command is | processed. The "cluster-node-name" qualifier | can be any node name within the cluster or an | asterisk (*). The asterisk specifies all | nodes within the cluster. EExxaammpplleess 1. You have previously disabled queue requests to allow those requests in the queues to be processed before a shift turnover. You can now enable queue requests. OPR>E_N_A_B_L_E_ Q_U_E_U_E_-_R_E_Q_U_E_S_T_S_<_R_E_T_>_ OPR> 16:34:03 --System Queue's Entry Processing Enabled-- OPR> 2. You have started OPR on a terminal to display only mount messages. By default when OPR is started, all messages are displayed. Therefore, you must disable all messages and then enable mount messages. OPR>D_I_S_A_B_L_E_ O_U_T_P_U_T_-_D_I_S_P_L_A_Y_ A_L_L_-_M_E_S_S_A_G_E_S_<_R_E_T_>_ OPR> 8:45:18 -- Output display for OPR modified -- OPR>E_N_A_B_L_E_ O_U_T_P_U_T_-_D_I_S_P_L_A_Y_ M_O_U_N_T_-_M_E_S_S_A_G_E_S_<_R_E_T_>_ OPR> 8:45:47 -- Output display for OPR modified -- OPR> 3. You ENABLE AVR on tape drive MTA2: after you have disabled AVR and initialized some scratch tapes. OPR>E_N_A_B_L_E_ A_U_T_O_M_A_T_I_C_-_V_O_L_U_M_E_-_R_E_C_O_G_N_I_T_I_O_N_ M_T_A_2_:_<_R_E_T_>_ OPR> 3-60 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((EENNTTEERR)) EENNTTEERR -- EEnntteerriinngg AAnnootthheerr CCoommmmaanndd LLeevveell FFuunnccttiioonn The ENTER command exits OPR and enters another command interface, such as: o LCP the LAT Control Program o NCP the Network Control Program to perform control and monitor functions appropriate to the selected command interface. FFoorrmmaatt OPR>ENTER keyword where keyword is one of the following: LCP NCP KKeeyywwoorrddss LCP specifies that you exit OPR and enter LCP (the LAT Control Program) to control and monitor LAT (Local Area Transport) activity at a TOPS-20 node. When you enter LCP, your prompt becomes the LCP prompt, LCP>. You can use the ESCAPE key and command recognition for LCP commands as for OPR commands. LCP commands and functions are described in a separate chapter of this manual. NCP specifies that you exit OPR and enter NCP (the Network Control Program for DECnet. This keyword is applicable only if your installation has DECnet software. When you specify the ENTER command to enter DECnet, your prompt becomes the DECnet prompt, NCP>. Once you are in NCP, you can use the ESCAPE key and recognition on NCP commands as you can for OPR commands. NCP commands and functions are described in the D_E_C_n_e_t_-_2_0_/_P_S_I_-_2_0_ S_y_s_t_e_m_ M_a_n_a_g_e_r_'_s_ G_u_i_d_e_. Use the ENTER command when you need to give many commands at the other (non-OPR) command level. If you need to give only a few commands, you 3-61 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((EENNTTEERR)) can give them from OPR without entering the new command level. To do this, type the command-level keyword (and a space) followed by the command to the other interface, as: OPR>L_C_P_ S_H_O_W_ C_H_A_R_A_C_T_E_R_I_S_T_I_C_S_<_R_E_T_>_ 3-62 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((EEXXIITT)) EEXXIITT -- LLeeaavviinngg OOPPRR LLeevveell FFuunnccttiioonn The EXIT command exits OPR command level and returns to TOPS-20 command level. You can return to OPR command level with the TOPS-20 CONTINUE command, providing that you do not alter memory. Refer to the T_O_P_S_-_2_0_ U_s_e_r_'_s_ G_u_i_d_e_ or the T_O_P_S_-_2_0_ C_o_m_m_a_n_d_s_ R_e_f_e_r_e_n_c_e_ M_a_n_u_a_l_ for additional information about the CONTINUE command. The EXIT command has no keywords, arguments, or switches. FFoorrmmaatt OPR>EXIT RReessttrriiccttiioonnss Because OPR takes time to respond to some commands, the EXIT command may prevent you from seeing output from previously issued commands. However, the processing of the previous commands will not be interrupted when you EXIT from OPR. EExxaammpplleess 1. Specify the EXIT command to leave OPR and return to TOPS-20 command level. OPR>E_X_I_T_<_R_E_T_>_ $ 2. After completing your task with commands that do not alter memory, you now give the TOPS-20 command CONTINUE to return to OPR. $C_O_N_T_I_N_U_E_<_R_E_T_>_ OPR> 3-63 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((FFOORRWWAARRDDSSPPAACCEE)) FFOORRWWAARRDDSSPPAACCEE -- FFoorrwwaarrdd SSppaacciinngg iinnttoo PPaaggeess FFuunnccttiioonn The FORWARDSPACE command spaces the print file on the line printer in a forward direction, so that you can skip the printing of a job, file, or page(s). The FORWARDSPACE command allows you to forwardspace the print file so that you can save paper and print only what is needed as output. At various times, you may have to forwardspace a particular file that is currently being printed on the line printer, for example when a user requires only a portion of some printed output. FFoorrmmaatt OPR>FORWARDSPACE keyword nn (or) LAT /switch where keyword must be: PRINTER | followed by its alias name | | or followed by its unit number: | | nn | | followed optionally by the switch: | | /NODE:nodename:: or LAT followed by: SERVICE "name" SERVER "name" or followed by: PORT "name" SERVER "name" and, optionally, one or more of the following switches: | /CLUSTER-NODE: cluster-node-name /COPIES:nnnn /FILE /PAGES:nnnn KKeeyywwoorrddss PRINTER specifies the line printer (output device). | You can use an alias name defined with the 3-64 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((FFOORRWWAARRDDSSPPAACCEE)) | DEFINE ALIAS command to reference a printer | specification in this command. nn specifies the unit number of the line printer that can forwardspace the forms currently printing (for example, 0 for LPT0, 1 for LPT1, and so forth). You must specify this unit number. LAT specifies the Local Area Transport service used to control communication between LAT hosts and terminals on the Ethernet. With the LAT keyword, you specify the SERVICE or PORT and its SERVER name to establish communication between your system, running LAT software, and the resource printer terminal. You cannot use the following SERVICE/PORT/SERVER specifications: SERVICE name only SERVER name only PORT name only SERVICE name and PORT name SERVICE, SERVER, and PORT names Refer to Chapter 4 for additional information about LAT communications. PORT "name" specifies the communication path between the host system and the printer resource or the access point that the node represents to the user. The "name" is the port name and can have from 1 to 16 characters consisting of alphanumeric characters, underscores, dashes, and dollar signs. SERVICE "name" specifies the resource and establishes the LAT access path to the resource. The "name" is the service name and can have from 1 to 16 characters consisting of alphanumeric characters, underscores, dashes, and dollar signs. SERVER "name" specifies the server name of the resource 3-65 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((FFOORRWWAARRDDSSPPAACCEE)) printer terminal. This name can be the LAT box with the proper LAT software running in it. The name can be from 1 to 6 alphanumeric characters in length. SSwwiittcchheess You must specify one of the following switches: | /CLUSTER-NODE:cluster-node-name | | specifies the particular cluster node within | the TOPS-20 cluster where the command is | processed. The "cluster-node-name" qualifier | can be any node name within the cluster or an | asterisk (*). The asterisk specifies all | nodes within the cluster. /COPIES:nnnn specifies the number of copies to be skipped from printing. The number you specify is subtracted from the number that was queued with the PRINT command. For example, if a user issued the command PRINT FOO.BAR/COPIES:25 and you issue the FORWARDSPACE command with /COPIES:10 while FOO.BAR is printing on the line printer, the total number of copies printed will be 15. /FILE specifies that you forward space one file when a multifile PRINT request has been given by a user. For example, if a user issues the command PRINT FOO1.BAR,FOO2.BAR,FOO3.BAR and you issue the FORWARDSPACE command with /FILE while FOO1.BAR is printing on the line printer, FOO2.BAR starts printing on the line printer. The remaining pages of FOO1.BAR are skipped. | | /NODE:node-name:: specifies the name of a remote node in the | cluster. The double colon (::) following the | node name is optional. /PAGES:nnnn specifies the number of pages to be forwardspaced for the file that is currently 3-66 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((FFOORRWWAARRDDSSPPAACCEE)) being printed. If you do not specify either the /COPIES: or the /FILE switch, then you must specify the /PAGES: switch. The number (nnnn) you specify refers to the physical number of pages and not to the number of pages that contains the file on disk. RReessttrriiccttiioonnss When you give the FORWARDSPACE PRINTER command, the system prints the output in the printer buffer (which may contain one or more printed pages) before FORWARDSPACing the number of pages you specify. Therefore, when you use the /PAGES:nn switch, you should subtract two or three pages from the total number of pages you wish to FORWARDSPACE. EExxaammpplleess 1. Specify line printer 0 for the FORWARDSPACE command to skip 15 copies of a print request of 25 copies. OPR>F_O_R_W_A_R_D_S_P_A_C_E_ P_R_I_N_T_E_R_ 0_ /_C_O_P_I_E_S_:_1_5_<_R_E_T_>_ 12:34:34 Printer 0 --Forward Spaced 15 Copies-- OPR> 2. Specify line printer 2 with the FORWARDSPACE command to forwardspace one file from the file currently printing. OPR>F_O_R_W_A_R_D_S_P_A_C_E_ P_R_I_N_T_E_R_ 2_ /_F_I_L_E_<_R_E_T_>_ 13:21:09 Printer 2 --Forward Spaced 1 File-- OPR> 3. Specify the FORWARDSPACE command to forwardspace twelve pages from the page currently printing on line printer 1 because of a user request. OPR>F_O_R_W_A_R_D_S_P_A_C_E_ P_R_I_N_T_E_R_ 1_ /_P_A_G_E_:_1_2_<_R_E_T_>_ 10:20:30 Printer 1 --Forward Spaced 12 Pages-- OPR> 3-67 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((HHEELLPP)) HHEELLPP -- GGeettttiinngg HHeellpp oonn OOPPRR CCoommmmaannddss FFuunnccttiioonn The HELP command displays information about an OPR command. FFoorrmmaatt OPR>HELP command where command can be any available OPR command RReessttrriiccttiioonnss If you specify an invalid OPR command as a keyword with the HELP command, OPR responds with: %No help available for "command" You can then press CTRL/H or retype the HELP command and specify a correct OPR command as a keyword with HELP. EExxaammpplleess 1. Specify the HELP command itself to get help on the HELP command. OPR>H_E_L_P_ H_E_L_P_<_R_E_T_>_ -- Help for HELP command -- The HELP command allows you to display the function, format, arguments, and switches of any OPR command. The format is: HELP keyword where keyword can be any of the following OPR commands: ABORT ALIGN BACKSPACE CANCEL CLOSE CONTINUE DEFINE DISABLE DISMOUNT ENABLE ENTER EXIT FORWARDSPACE HELP HOLD IDENTIFY MODIFY MOUNT NEXT PUSH RELEASE REPORT REQUEUE RESPOND ROUTE SEND SET SHOW SHUTDOWN START STOP SUPPRESS SWITCH TAKE UNDEFINE WAIT 3-68 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((HHEELLPP)) or one of the following: LCP NCP OPR> 2. Specify the HELP command with TAKE as its keyword. OPR>H_E_L_P_ T_A_K_E_<_R_E_T_>_ -- Help for TAKE command -- The TAKE command allows you to execute a series of OPR commands from a specified command file. The format is: TAKE filespec where filespec is the name of the command file, followed by one of these optional switches: /DISPLAY /NODISPLAY OPR> 3-69 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((HHOOLLDD)) HHOOLLDD -- HHoollddiinngg JJoobb RReeqquueessttss iinn tthhee QQuueeuuee FFuunnccttiioonn The HOLD command keeps job requests in a queue from being processed. The jobs that are held with the HOLD command can be rescheduled with the RELEASE command. Refer to the description of the RELEASE command in this chapter. To examine any jobs waiting in a queue to be processed, give the SHOW QUEUES command. Refer to the description of the SHOW QUEUES command in this chapter. FFoorrmmaatt OPR>HOLD keyword argument /switch where keyword can be one of the following: BATCH-JOBS CARD-PUNCH-JOBS PAPER-TAPE-PUNCH-JOBS PLOTTER-JOBS PRINTER-JOBS followed by one of these arguments: request-id-number user-name * and optionally for the * argument, followed by the switch: /NODE:node-name:: | or optionally the switch: | | /CLUSTER-NODE:cluster-node-name KKeeyywwoorrddss BATCH-JOBS specifies one or more jobs in the batch input queue waiting to be processed. CARD-PUNCH-JOBS specifies one or more jobs in the card-punch output queue waiting to be processed. 3-70 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((HHOOLLDD)) PAPER-TAPE-PUNCH-JOBS specifies one or more jobs in the paper-tape-punch output queue waiting to be processed. PLOTTER-JOBS specifies one or more jobs in the plotter output queue waiting to be processed. PRINTER-JOBS specifies one or more jobs in the line printer output queue waiting to be processed. AArrgguummeennttss request-id-number specifies that a single job be held as specified by the appropriate keyword, for a particular user. user-name specifies that all jobs be held as specified by the appropriate keyword for a particular user. The user name can be from 1 to 39 alphanumeric characters (normally the user's surname) that identifies the user and his logged-in directory. You do not need to enclose the user name in angle brackets. * specifies that all jobs be held as specified by the appropriate keyword for all jobs waiting to be processed, from all users. SSwwiittcchheess | /CLUSTER-NODE:cluster-node-name | | specifies the particular cluster node within | the TOPS-20 cluster where the command is | processed. The "cluster-node-name" qualifier | can be any node name within the cluster or an | asterisk (*). The asterisk specifies all | nodes within the cluster. /NODE:node-name:: specifies the name of your host node, a remote station, a VMS node, or a LAT server. The default is your own node. The double colon (::) following the node name is optional. This switch can only be used with the * argument. 3-71 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((HHOOLLDD)) RReessttrriiccttiioonnss The HOLD command is effective only for the jobs currently waiting to be processed. Any jobs submitted after the HOLD command was issued are not held. You cannot hold any job that is currently processing in a batch stream or on an output device. If you need to stop the job from processing, give the STOP command. Refer to the description of the STOP command in this chapter. EExxaammpplleess 1. Specify the OPR command to HOLD a line printer job whose request-id-number is 127. This particular job will not become rescheduled again until you issue a RELEASE command for this job. OPR>H_O_L_D_ P_R_I_N_T_E_R_-_J_O_B_S_ 1_2_7_<_R_E_T_>_ 10:54:07 --1 Job Held-- OPR> 2. Specify the OPR command to HOLD all card-punch jobs. OPR>H_O_L_D_ C_A_R_D_-_P_U_N_C_H_-_J_O_B_S_ *_<_R_E_T_>_ 11:34:35 --10 Jobs Held-- OPR> 3. Specify the OPR command to HOLD all batch jobs for user HOVSEPIAN. OPR>H_O_L_D_ B_A_T_C_H_-_J_O_B_S_ H_O_V_S_E_P_I_A_N_<_R_E_T_>_ 12:20:32 --15 Jobs Held-- OPR> 3-72 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((IIDDEENNTTIIFFYY)) IIDDEENNTTIIFFYY -- IIddeennttiiffyyiinngg TTaappee MMoouunnttss FFuunnccttiioonn The IDENTIFY command services tape mount requests by enabling you to: o Satisfy a user's mount request for an unlabeled tape. o Satisfy a user's request for a labeled tape that is mounted on a drive that has AVR disabled. o Pre-place and identify an unlabeled tape. When a user issues a mount request for an unlabeled tape, you must physically locate, mount, and ready the requested tape on an available tape drive and then 'IDENTIFY' the tape-mount request to the tape drive. When more than one user issues a mount request for a scratch tape, the IDENTIFY SCRATCH command applies to the first request received. If you need to service a request other than the first, use the IDENTIFY REQUEST-ID command. If you have AVR enabled and your installation uses labeled tapes, you do not need to give the IDENTIFY command after you mount and ready a tape on a tape drive. FFoorrmmaatt | OPR>IDENTIFY keyword argument /switch where keyword must be the tape-drive name: MTAn: followed by one of these arguments: REQUEST-ID nn SCRATCH VOLUME-ID volid | followed optionally by the switch: | | /CLUSTER-NODE:cluster-node-name 3-73 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((IIDDEENNTTIIFFYY)) KKeeyywwoorrdd MTAn: specifies the physical tape drive unit (n) where you mounted and readied the tape. You must specify this colon at the end of the unit number. AArrgguummeennttss REQUEST-ID nn specifies that you are attempting to use the tape on drive MTAn: to satisfy tape-mount-request number nn. SCRATCH specifies that a user has requested that a scratch tape be mounted. The tape must be unlabeled, or the label must have expired. VOLUME-ID volid specifies the volume identifier (volid) of the tape volume you have mounted on the tape drive. The volid can consist of from 1 to 6 alphanumeric characters. If the volid contains nonalphanumeric characters (characters other than A through Z and 0 through 9), the volid must be enclosed in double quotes. In addition, this argument allows you to pre-place an unlabeled tape or an expired labeled tape on a drive with AVR disabled (see Example 4 below). | SSwwiittcchh | | /CLUSTER-NODE:cluster-node-name | | specifies the particular cluster node within | the TOPS-20 cluster where the command is | processed. The "cluster-node-name" qualifier | can be any node name within the cluster or an | asterisk (*). The asterisk specifies all | nodes within the cluster. EExxaammpplleess 1. A user requests that you mount an unlabeled scratch tape. After the tape-mount request appears, you mount and ready a write enabled, scratch tape and then identify the tape as a scratch tape. 3-74 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((IIDDEENNTTIIFFYY)) OPR> 14:34:20 --Tape Mount Request # 43-- Mount scratch tape, WRITE-ENABLED User R.ACE, Job 27, Terminal 9 OPR> 14:36:12 --MTA2: Unlabeled tape mounted-- OPR>I_D_E_N_T_I_F_Y_ M_T_A_2_:_ S_C_R_A_T_C_H_<_R_E_T_>_ OPR> 14:36:15 --MTA2: Given To Request 43-- scratch tape now in use by User R.ACE, Job 27, Terminal 9 OPR> 2. A user requests that you mount a labeled tape. However, you have AVR disabled and you must identify the labeled tape to the system. OPR> 13:29:04 --Tape Mount Request # 87-- Mount ANSI volume 100555, READ-ONLY User HOVSEPIAN, Job 19, Terminal 9 OPR> 13:32:14 --MTA0: tape mounted-- OPR>I_D_E_N_T_I_F_Y_ M_T_A_0_:_ V_O_L_U_M_E_-_I_D_ 1_0_0_5_5_5_<_R_E_T_>_ OPR> 13:32:18 --MTA0: Given To Request 87-- Volume 100555 now in use by User HOVSEPIAN, Job 19, Terminal 9 OPR> 3. A user has requested an unlabeled tape to be mounted. After you mount and ready the requested tape, you use the IDENTIFY command to associate the tape mount request-id with the tape drive. OPR> 16:30:00 --Tape Mount Request # 127-- Mount Unlabeled volume DUMP01, WRITE-ENABLED User SARTINI, Job 43, Terminal 7 Volumes in set DUMPER: DUMP01,DUMP02 OPR> 16:33:45 --MTA1: Unlabeled tape mounted-- OPR>I_D_E_N_T_I_F_Y_ M_T_A_1_:_ R_E_Q_U_E_S_T_-_I_D_ 1_2_7_<_R_E_T_>_ OPR> 16:33:49 --MTA1: Given To Request 127-- Volume DUMP01 now in use by User SARTINI, Job 43, Terminal 7 OPR> 4. You load an unlabeled tape on tape drive MTA1: and pre-place it for a future user request. 3-75 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((IIDDEENNTTIIFFYY)) 17:22:10 --MTA1: Unlabeled tape mounted-- OPR>I_D_E_N_T_I_F_Y_ M_T_A_1_:_ V_O_L_U_M_E_-_I_D_ N_O_V_A_0_1_<_R_E_T_>_ OPR> At some time in the future, a user will issue a mount request for tape NOVA01. The system will automatically satisfy the request with the tape NOVA01 on tape drive MTA1:. 3-76 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((MMOODDIIFFYY)) MMOODDIIFFYY -- MMooddiiffyyiinngg tthhee PPrriioorriittyy ooff RReeqquueessttss FFuunnccttiioonn The MODIFY command changes the priority of a job request waiting in a queue for processing. The higher the priority number is in the MODIFY command, the greater the importance of the job request. When any job request is submitted for processing by a user, its priority number defaults to a value that is set at GALGEN time. The user who requests the job can set the priority value with the /PRIORITY: switch. However, the MODIFY command permits you to change the priority value for any job request. FFoorrmmaatt | OPR>MODIFY keyword argument /switch PRIORITY nn /switch where keyword can be one of the following: BATCH-REQUEST CARD-PUNCH-REQUEST PAPER-TAPE-PUNCH-REQUEST PLOTTER-REQUEST PRINTER-REQUEST followed by one of these arguments: request-id-number user-name * and optionally for the * argument, followed by the switch: /NODE:node-name:: followed by the argument: PRIORITY nn | followed optionally by the switch: | | /CLUSTER-NODE:cluster-node-name KKeeyywwoorrddss BATCH-REQUEST specifies one or more batch job requests waiting in the batch input queue to be processed. 3-77 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((MMOODDIIFFYY)) CARD-PUNCH-REQUEST specifies one or more card-punch job requests waiting in the card-punch PAPER-TAPE-PUNCH-REQUEST specifies one or more paper-tape-punch job requests waiting in the paper-tape-punch output queue to be processed. PLOTTER-REQUEST specifies one or more plotter job requests waiting in the plotter output queue to be processed. PRINTER-REQUEST specifies one or more line printer job requests waiting in the line printer output queue to be processed. SSwwiittcchheess | /CLUSTER-NODE:cluster-node-name | | specifies the particular cluster node within | the TOPS-20 cluster where the command is | processed. The "cluster-node-name" qualifier | can be any node name within the cluster or an | asterisk (*). The asterisk specifies all | nodes within the cluster. /NODE:node-name:: specifies the name of your host node, a remote station, a VMS node, or a LAT server. The default is your own node. The double colon (::) following the node name is optional. This switch can only be used with the * argument. AArrgguummeennttss request-id-number specifies that a single request from a particular user be modified as specified by the appropriate keyword. user-name specifies that all requests from a particular user be modified as specified by the appropriate keyword. * specifies that all requests from all users be modified as specified by the appropriate keyword. PRIORITY nn specifies the priority number (nn) that the request(s) will be set to. The number can be in the range from 1 to 63. The higher the 3-78 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((MMOODDIIFFYY)) number is, the greater the importance of the request. RReessttrriiccttiioonn You cannot MODIFY the priority of a job request once it has begun to process in a batch stream or on an output device. EExxaammpplleess 1. Modify a printer request so that its priority will be greater than the next request to be printed. Thus, if print request 13 was the next print request and you modify print request 15 to be 50, print request 15 prints before print request 13. OPR>M_O_D_I_F_Y_ P_R_I_N_T_E_R_-_R_E_Q_U_E_S_T_ 1_5_ P_R_I_O_R_I_T_Y_ 5_0_<_R_E_T_>_ OPR> 13:54:19 --1 Job Modified-- OPR> 2. Modify all card-punch requests for user CARLSON so that these requests will output on the card punch before any other card-punch requests. OPR>M_O_D_I_F_Y_ C_A_R_D_-_P_U_N_C_H_-_R_E_Q_U_E_S_T_ C_A_R_L_S_O_N_ P_R_I_O_R_I_T_Y_ 6_3_<_R_E_T_>_ OPR> 16:13:20 --8 Jobs Modified-- OPR> 3-79 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((MMOOUUNNTT)) MMOOUUNNTT -- MMoouunnttiinngg SSttrruuccttuurreess FFuunnccttiioonn The MOUNT command mounts a structure and allows users to access it. Give the MOUNT command after physically mounting a structure or after a physically mounted structure has been DISMOUNTed but not removed from the disk drive. The MOUNT command also allows you to assign the structure an alias name when two file structures have the same name. Unlike the EXEC MOUNT command, the OPR MOUNT command does not place a mount request in the mount queue or identify you as a user of the structure. If the structure is physically mounted in the drive, the MOUNT command is executed immediately. If the structure is not mounted in the drive, you receive a MOUNT request. The MOUNT command is then executed automatically when the structure is physically mounted. The structure is MOUNTed only when it is physically mounted in a disk drive and has AVAILABLE and ACKNOWLEDGED attributes. FFoorrmmaatt OPR>MOUNT keyword argument /switch where keyword must be: STRUCTURE followed by the argument: alias: optionally followed by the switches: /STRUCTURE-ID:structure-name: /CLUSTER-NODE:cluster-node-name KKeeyywwoorrdd STRUCTURE specifies a disk structure that is on a disk drive and has been DISMOUNTed. AArrgguummeennttss alias: specifies the name to be used in referencing the mounted structure. The alias must be 1 to 6 alphanumeric characters in length followed by a colon. 3-80 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((MMOOUUNNTT)) See the T_O_P_S_-_2_0_ S_y_s_t_e_m_ M_a_n_a_g_e_r_'_s_ G_u_i_d_e_ for more information on alias names. SSwwiittcchheess /STRUCTURE-ID:structure-name: specifies the physical name of the structure. Specify this switch when the alias is not the same as the physical structure name. The structure name must be followed by a colon. /CLUSTER-NODE:cluster-node-name specifies the particular cluster node within the TOPS-20 cluster where the command is processed. The "cluster-node-name" qualifier can be any node name within the cluster or an asterisk (*). The asterisk specifies all nodes within the cluster. NOTE If a structure was previously dismounted on behalf of a remote system within the cluster, by way of the DISMOUNT STRUCTURE name: REMOVAL command, only that remote system can successfully use the MOUNT /CLUSTER-NODE: command to remount the structure on the remote system. Once this is accomplished, all other systems within the cluster can use the /CLUSTER-NODE: switch to remotely remount the structure. EExxaammpplleess 1. Give the MOUNT command to mount the DISMOUNTed structure WORK: OPR>M_O_U_N_T_ S_T_R_U_C_T_U_R_E_ W_O_R_K_:_<_R_E_T_>_ OPR> 11:32:15 -- Mount request by operator completed -- Structure WORK: mounted as alias WORK OPR> 2. Give the MOUNT command to mount structure SHARE: with the alias MISC: 3-81 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((MMOOUUNNTT)) OPR>M_O_U_N_T_ S_T_R_U_C_T_U_R_E_ M_I_S_C_:_ /_S_T_R_U_C_T_U_R_E_-_I_D_:_S_H_A_R_E_<_R_E_T_>_ OPR> 11:32:15 -- Mount request by operator completed -- Structure SHARE: mounted as alias MISC 3-82 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((NNEEXXTT)) NNEEXXTT -- SSppeecciiffyyiinngg tthhee NNeexxtt RReeqquueesstt ttoo RRuunn FFuunnccttiioonn The NEXT command specifies the request that will be serviced next by the specified device. After you issue this command, the request that you specified will start immediately. FFoorrmmaatt | OPR>NEXT keyword nn /switch REQUEST-ID mm /switch where keyword can be one of the following: BATCH-STREAM CARD-PUNCH PAPER-TAPE-PUNCH PLOTTER PRINTER argument followed by the stream/unit number: nn optionally followed by the switch: /NODE:node-name:: or the argument for the PRINTER keyword: | aliasname or CLUSTER nn followed by: NODE node-name:: or DQS queuename followed by: NODE node-name:: or LAT followed by: SERVICE "name" SERVER "name" or followed by: PORT "name" SERVER "name" and the word: REQUEST-ID followed by the request identification number: 3-83 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((NNEEXXTT)) mm | | optionally followed by the switch: | | /CLUSTER-NODE:cluster-node-name KKeeyywwoorrddss BATCH-STREAM specifies the batch stream in which the job will run. CARD-PUNCH specifies the card punch that will punch the job. PAPER-TAPE-PUNCH specifies the paper tape punch that will punch the job. PLOTTER specifies the plotter that will plot the job. PRINTER argument specifies a particular line printer device or | a range of line printer devices. You can use | an alias name defined with the DEFINE ALIAS | command to reference a printer specification | in this command. The argument can be: CLUSTER nn specifies a printer on a remote node within a TOPS-20 cluster. A TOPS-20 cluster is a loosely coupled configuration of between two and four TOPS-20 processors. Each processor in the configuration is identified by a node name. For example, HUEY::, DEWEY::, and LOUIE:: can be three nodes within a cluster of TOPS-20 processors. NODE node-name:: specifies that the printer device for a cluster be started. The double colon (::) following the node name is not needed. For the CLUSTER argument, NODE node-name:: specifies a node within the cluster and cannot be the local node or an alias. DQS queuename specifies the Distributed Queue Service allowing users to queue print requests to VMS systems using DECnet. DQS accepts the user 3-84 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((NNEEXXTT)) specified print request and transmits it to the remote VMS node. The "queuename" specifies the VMS queuename and can be a string of 1 to 31 characters, consisting of alphanumeric characters, underscores, dashes, and dollar signs. NODE node-name:: specifies the VMS node where the print request is to be processed. The double colon (::) following the node name is not needed. For the DQS argument, NODE node-name:: specifies the VMS nodename and cannot be an alias. LAT specifies the Local Area Transport service used to control communication between LAT hosts and terminals on the Ethernet. With the LAT keyword, you specify the SERVICE or PORT and its SERVER name to establish communication between your system, running LAT software, and the resource printer terminal. You cannot use the following SERVICE/PORT/SERVER specifications: SERVICE name only SERVER name only PORT name only SERVICE name and PORT name SERVICE, SERVER, and PORT names Refer to Chapter 4 for additional information about LAT communications. PORT "name" specifies the communication path between the host system and the printer resource or the access point that the node represents to the user. The "name" is the port name and can have from 1 to 16 characters consisting of alphanumeric characters, underscores, dashes, and dollar signs. SERVICE "name" specifies the resource and establishes the LAT access path to the resource. The "name" is 3-85 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((NNEEXXTT)) the service name and can have from 1 to 16 characters consisting of alphanumeric characters, underscores, dashes, and dollar signs. SERVER "name" specifies the server name of the resource printer terminal. This name can be the LAT box with the proper LAT software running in it. The name can be from 1 to 6 alphanumeric characters in length. SSwwiittcchheess | /CLUSTER-NODE:cluster-node-name | | specifies the particular cluster node within | the TOPS-20 cluster where the command is | processed. The "cluster-node-name" qualifier | can be any node name within the cluster or an | asterisk (*). The asterisk specifies all | nodes within the cluster. /NODE:node-name:: specifies the name of your host node, a remote station, a VMS node, or a LAT server. The default is your own node. The double colon (::) following the node name is optional. RReessttrriiccttiioonn The NEXT command ignores most attributes of a request. For example, if a print request has the attribute /UNIT:0, the NEXT command can print the request on a different printer. You should attempt to honor request attributes when possible. EExxaammppllee A user has requested that his job be printed as soon as possible. Use the NEXT command to queue job HURRY to be printed after the current job is finished. OPR>N_E_X_T_ P_R_I_N_T_E_R_ 0_ R_E_Q_U_E_S_T_-_I_D_ 1_0_7_<_R_E_T_>_ OPR> 15:39:51 Printer 0 -- NEXT request #107 scheduled -- OPR> 15:40:20 Printer 0 -- End -- 3-86 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((NNEEXXTT)) Job D60SPD Req # 105 for PERKINS OPR> 15:40:32 Printer 0 -- Begin -- Job HURRY Req #107 for OPERATOR OPR> 3-87 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((PPUUSSHH)) PPUUSSHH -- PPuusshhiinngg OOuutt ooff OOPPRR CCoommmmaanndd LLeevveell FFuunnccttiioonn The PUSH command leaves OPR command level and enters a new operating system (EXEC) command level. You can then perform any software task or run any utility. To return to OPR, type the POP command. (Refer to the T_O_P_S_-_2_0_ C_o_m_m_a_n_d_s_ R_e_f_e_r_e_n_c_e_ M_a_n_u_a_l_ for further information on the POP command.) NOTE Do not run OPR at the new EXEC command level. Return to OPR by using the TOPS-20 POP command. You can use the PUSH command to create a lower copy of an EXEC of your choice. Normally, PUSH creates the EXEC defined by the system logical name, DEFAULT-EXEC:. Use the TOPS-20 DEFINE command to define the job-wide logical name DEFAULT-EXEC:, with the filespec for the EXEC you want to use each time you PUSH. FFoorrmmaatt OPR>PUSH RReessttrriiccttiioonn When you have used the PUSH command, you cannot logout. If you attempt to do so, the following error message will appear: ?LOG capability required Not logged off To logout, you must POP to OPR, EXIT from OPR, and then LOGOUT. EExxaammpplleess 1. You give the PUSH command to enter operating system command level and mount a tape for the DUMPER program. OPR>P_U_S_H_<_R_E_T_>_ TOPS-20 Command processor 4(554) @M_O_U_N_T_ T_A_P_E_ D_U_M_P_E_R_:_ /_L_A_B_E_L_-_T_Y_P_E_:_U_N_L_A_B_E_L_E_D_/_S_C_R_A_T_C_H_/_N_O_W_A_I_T_<_R_E_T_>_ 13:45:00 --Tape Mount Request # 60-- Mount Unlabeled scratch tape, WRITE-ENABLED 3-88 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((PPUUSSHH)) User OPERATOR, Job 6, Terminal 1 . . . @D_U_M_P_E_R_<_R_E_T_>_ DUMPER> . . . 2. After completing the DUMPER tasks, you can dismount the tape and type POP to return to OPR command level. DUMPER>E_X_I_T_<_R_E_T_>_ $P_O_P_<_R_E_T_>_ OPR> 3-89 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((RREELLEEAASSEE)) RREELLEEAASSEE -- RReelleeaassiinngg JJoobb RReeqquueessttss HHeelldd iinn tthhee QQuueeuuee FFuunnccttiioonn The RELEASE command releases job requests that were held with the HOLD command. When you RELEASE any previously held job request, the job is rescheduled for processing. Refer to the description of the HOLD command in this chapter. To examine any jobs waiting in the queue to be processed or any jobs being held, give the SHOW QUEUES command with the /ALL switch. Refer to the description of the SHOW QUEUES command in this chapter. FFoorrmmaatt OPR>RELEASE keyword argument /switch where keyword can be one of the following: BATCH-JOBS CARD-PUNCH-JOBS PAPER-TAPE-PUNCH-JOBS PLOTTER-JOBS PRINTER-JOBS followed by one of these arguments: request-id-number user-name * and optionally for the * argument, followed by the switch: /NODE:node-name: | or optionally the switch: | | /CLUSTER-NODE:cluster-node-name KKeeyywwoorrddss BATCH-JOBS specifies one or more jobs held in the batch input queue. CARD-PUNCH-JOBS specifies one or more jobs held in the card-punch output queue. 3-90 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((RREELLEEAASSEE)) PAPER-TAPE-PUNCH-JOBS specifies one or more jobs held in the paper-tape-punch output queue. PLOTTER-JOBS specifies one or more jobs held in the plotter output queue. PRINTER-JOBS specifies one or more jobs held in the line printer output queue. AArrgguummeennttss request-id-number specifies that a single job for a particular user be released as specified by the appropriate keyword. user-name specifies that all jobs held for a particular user be released as specified by the appropriate keyword. The user name can be from 1 to 39 alphanumeric characters (normally the user's surname) that identifies the user and his logged-in directory. You do not need to enclose the user name in angle brackets. * specifies that all jobs held for all users be released as specified by the appropriate keyword. SSwwiittcchheess | /CLUSTER-NODE:cluster-node-name | | specifies the particular cluster node within | the TOPS-20 cluster where the request is | processed. The "cluster-node-name" qualifier | can be any node name within the cluster or an | asterisk (*). The asterisk specifies all | nodes within the cluster. /NODE:node-name:: specifies the name of your host node, a remote station, a VMS node, or a LAT server. The default is your own node. The double colon (::) following the node name is optional. This switch can only be used with the * argument. 3-91 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((RREELLEEAASSEE)) EExxaammpplleess 1. Specify the RELEASE command to release a line printer request for user C.MULLEN. OPR>R_E_L_E_A_S_E_ P_R_I_N_T_E_R_-_J_O_B_S_ C_._M_U_L_L_E_N_<_R_E_T_>_ OPR> 14:23:45 --1 Job Released-- OPR> 2. Specify the RELEASE command to release all card-punch job requests held in the queue. OPR>R_E_L_E_A_S_E_ C_A_R_D_-_P_U_N_C_H_-_J_O_B_S_ *_<_R_E_T_>_ OPR> 15:23:01 --10 Jobs Released-- OPR> 3. Specify the RELEASE command to release batch job request 117. OPR>R_E_L_E_A_S_E_ B_A_T_C_H_-_J_O_B_S_ 1_1_7_<_R_E_T_>_ OPR> 17:18:20 --1 Job Released-- OPR> 3-92 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((RREEPPOORRTT)) RREEPPOORRTT -- RReeppoorrttiinngg CCoommmmeennttss ttoo SSYYSSEERRRR FFuunnccttiioonn The REPORT command enters various comments or error conditions into the system error file ERROR.SYS. To list these entries, you can run the SPEAR program. (Refer to the T_O_P_S_-_1_0_/_T_O_P_S_-_2_0_ S_P_E_A_R_ M_a_n_u_a_l_ for more information.) FFoorrmmaatt | OPR>REPORT user-name device: /switch text where user-name is the name of the user making the report followed by the subject of the report (device:) | followed optionally by the switch: | | /CLUSTER-NODE:cluster-node-name followed by a single- or multiple-line message (text) KKeeyywwoorrddss user-name identifies the user making the report, or the user that the report refers to. Only the first six characters of the user name are entered into the file ERROR.SYS. device specifies one of the system devices that is the subject of the report. text after specifying the device, you can enter a single- or multiple-line response and confirm with a carriage return, or you can confirm with carriage return immediately after the user name or device. OPR responds with Enter text and terminate with ^Z. You then enter as many lines of text for a response as you need. When you press CTRL/Z, the OPR> prompt returns and your report is logged into the ERROR.SYS file. 3-93 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((RREEPPOORRTT)) | SSwwiittcchh | | /CLUSTER-NODE:cluster-node-name | | specifies the particular cluster node within | the TOPS-20 cluster where the command is | processed. The "cluster-node-name" qualifier | can be any node name within the cluster or an | asterisk (*). The asterisk specifies all | nodes within the cluster. EExxaammpplleess 1. Specify the REPORT command for a previous cancellation of a job being read into the system through the card reader. OPR>R_E_P_O_R_T_ S_A_R_T_I_N_I_ C_D_R_2_6_0_:_ T_O_O_ M_A_N_Y_ P_I_C_K_ C_H_E_C_K_S_<_R_E_T_>_ OPR> 12:19:00 --Entry made in ERROR.SYS-- OPR> 2. Specify the REPORT command to describe a possible hardware problem that seems serious. OPR>R_E_P_O_R_T_ L_E_A_D_-_O_P_E_R_A_T_O_R_<_R_E_T_>_ Enter text and terminate with ^Z T_H_E_R_E_ W_A_S_ J_U_S_T_ A_ H_E_A_D_ C_R_A_S_H_ O_N_ S_T_R_U_C_T_U_R_E_ M_I_S_C_:_<_R_E_T_>_ A_L_L_ F_I_L_E_S_ W_I_L_L_ B_E_ R_E_S_T_O_R_E_D_^Z ^ | OPR> 15:18:01 --Entry made in ERROR.SYS-- OPR> 3-94 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((RREEQQUUEEUUEE)) RREEQQUUEEUUEE -- RReesscchheedduulliinngg JJoobb RReeqquueessttss FFuunnccttiioonn The REQUEUE command stops a job request that is in progress and puts it back in the queue in the HOLD state. You can reschedule the request with the RELEASE command. FFoorrmmaatt | OPR>REQUEUE keyword nn /switch argument /switch where keyword can be one of the following: BATCH-STREAM CARD-PUNCH PAPER-TAPE-PUNCH PLOTTER PRINTER argument followed by the stream/unit number: nn and, optionally, one or more of the following switches: /NODE:node-name:: /REASON:comment or the argument for the PRINTER keyword: | aliasname CLUSTER nn followed by: NODE node-name:: or DQS queuename followed by: NODE node-name:: or LAT followed by: SERVICE "name" SERVER "name" or followed by: PORT "name" SERVER "name" or one of the following arguments (not valid for BATCH-STREAM): 3-95 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((RREEQQUUEEUUEE)) BEGINNING-OF COPY FILE JOB CURRENT-POSITION | followed optionally by the switch: | | /CLUSTER-NODE:cluster-node-name KKeeyywwoorrddss BATCH-STREAM specifies a particular batch stream that has a job currently active within it. CARD-PUNCH specifies a particular card-punch device that has a job currently being output on it. PAPER-TAPE-PUNCH specifies a particular paper-tape-punch device that has a job currently being output on it. PLOTTER specifies a particular plotter device that has a job currently being output on it. PRINTER argument specifies a particular line printer device or | a range of line printer devices. You can use | an alias name defined with the DEFINE ALIAS | command to reference a printer specification | in this command. The argument can be: CLUSTER nn specifies a printer on a remote node within a TOPS-20 cluster. A TOPS-20 cluster is a loosely coupled configuration of between two and four TOPS-20 processors. Each processor in the configuration is identified by a node name. For example, HUEY::, DEWEY::, and LOUIE:: can be three nodes within a cluster of TOPS-20 processors. NODE node-name:: specifies that the printer device for a cluster be started. The double colon (::) following the node name is not needed. For the CLUSTER argument, NODE node-name:: specifies a node within the cluster and cannot be the local node or an alias. DQS queuename 3-96 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((RREEQQUUEEUUEE)) specifies the Distributed Queue Service allowing users to queue print requests to VMS systems using DECnet. DQS accepts the user specified print request and transmits it to the remote VMS node. The "queuename" specifies the VMS queuename and can be a string of 1 to 31 characters, consisting of alphanumeric characters, underscores, dashes, and dollar signs. NODE node-name:: specifies the VMS node where the print request is to be processed. The double colon (::) following the node name is not needed. For the DQS argument, NODE node-name:: specifies the VMS nodename and cannot be an alias. LAT specifies the Local Area Transport service used to control communication between LAT hosts and terminals on the Ethernet. With the LAT keyword, you specify the SERVICE or PORT and its SERVER name to establish communication between your system, running LAT software, and the resource printer terminal. You cannot use the following SERVICE/PORT/SERVER specifications: SERVICE name only SERVER name only PORT name only SERVICE name and PORT name SERVICE, SERVER, and PORT names Refer to Chapter 4 for additional information about LAT communications. PORT "name" specifies the communication path between the host system and the printer resource or the access point that the node represents to the user. The "name" is the port name and can have from 1 to 16 characters consisting of alphanumeric characters, underscores, dashes, and dollar signs. SERVICE "name" 3-97 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((RREEQQUUEEUUEE)) specifies the resource and establishes the LAT access path to the resource. The "name" is the service name and can have from 1 to 16 characters consisting of alphanumeric characters, underscores, dashes, and dollar signs. SERVER "name" specifies the server name of the resource printer terminal. This name can be the LAT box with the proper LAT software running in it. The name can be from 1 to 6 alphanumeric characters in length. SSwwiittcchheess | /CLUSTER-NODE:cluster-node-name | | specifies the particular cluster node within | the TOPS-20 cluster where the request is | processed. The "cluster-node-name" qualifier | can be any node name within the cluster or an | asterisk (*). The asterisk specifies all | nodes within the cluster. /NODE:node-name:: specifies the name of your host node, a remote station, a VMS node, or a LAT server. The default is your own node. The double colon (::) following the node name is optional. /REASON:comment allows you to include a comment as to why the job has been requeued. This comment will appear in the batch log file and at the user's terminal. If the comment is more than one line long, you can end the first line with a hyphen and a carriage return and continue the comment on the next line. If you press RETURN immediately after the colon, OPR responds with the instruction: ENTER TEXT AND TERMINATE WITH ^Z. You can then enter as many lines of text as necessary. When you finish entering the text, type a CTRL/Z and the OPR> prompt reappears. AArrgguummeennttss BEGINNING-OF specifies the requeuing starts at the beginning of the COPY, FILE, or JOB. This 3-98 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((RREEQQUUEEUUEE)) argument is valid when you requeue a job currently processing on a device, such as the line printer. This argument is invalid with the BATCH-STREAM keyword. COPY specifies the requeuing starts at the beginning of the current copy being processed. (Refer to the BACKSPACE and FORWARDSPACE commands.) FILE specifies the requeuing starts at the beginning of the current file being processed. (Refer to the BACKSPACE and FORWARDSPACE commands.) JOB specifies the requeuing starts at the beginning of the current job being processed. With JOB, the entire job is requeued. CURRENT-POSITION specifies the current position (line number) of the job on unit number nn at the time you issue the REQUEUE command. RReessttrriiccttiioonn The REQUEUE PRINTER command immediately stops sending a job request to the printer. However, the printer finishes printing the data already in its buffer. Therefore, when you give the REQUEUE PRINTER command, the printer may continue to print a few more pages of a job request before it stops or prints another request. EExxaammpplleess 1. Specify the REQUEUE command to hold and cancel a job in batch stream 5. OPR>R_E_Q_U_E_U_E_ B_A_T_C_H_-_S_T_R_E_A_M_ 5_ <_R_E_T_>_ OPR> 10:23:56 Batch Stream 5 --Requeued-- Job TEST Req #56 for BROWN OPR> 10:23:57 Batch Stream 5 --End-- Job TEST Req #56 for BROWN -- Job Requeued by Operator -- OPR> 2. Specify the REQUEUE command to hold and cancel the current processing job on the card punch. 3-99 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((RREEQQUUEEUUEE)) OPR>R_E_Q_U_E_U_E_ C_A_R_D_-_P_U_N_C_H_ 0_ B_E_G_I_N_N_I_N_G_-_O_F_ J_O_B_ /_R_E_A_S_O_N_:_<_R_E_T_>_ Enter text and terminate with ^Z J_O_B_ R_E_Q_U_E_U_E_D_ B_E_C_A_U_S_E_ O_F_ C_A_R_D_ P_U_N_C_H_ J_A_M_._<_R_E_T_>_ F_I_E_L_D_ S_E_R_V_I_C_E_ C_A_L_L_E_D_._<_R_E_T_>_ O_P_E_R_A_T_O_R_-_J_O_N_E_S_._^Z ^ | OPR> 16:09:43 Card-punch 0 --Requeued-- Job PUNCH9 Req #99 for HOVSEPIAN OPR> 16:09:44 Card-punch 0 --End-- Job PUNCH9 Req #99 for HOVSEPIAN -- Job Requeued by Operator -- OPR> 3. Specify the REQUEUE command to hold and cancel the current processing job on the line printer, unit number 0, at the current position. OPR>R_E_Q_U_E_U_E_ P_R_I_N_T_E_R_ 0_ C_U_R_R_E_N_T_-_P_O_S_I_T_I_O_N_<_R_E_T_>_ OPR> 12:34:09 Printer 0 --Requeued-- Job BATCH1 Req #177 for HURLEY OPR> 12:34:10 Printer 0 --End-- Job BATCH1 Req #177 for HURLEY -- Job Requeued by Operator -- OPR> 3-100 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((RREESSPPOONNDD)) RREESSPPOONNDD -- RReessppoonnddiinngg ttoo MMeessssaaggeess FFuunnccttiioonn The RESPOND command to replies to any message sent to you via WTOR (Write To Operator with Response) from a user or from a software task. When a user or software task sends you a message that requires a response, OPR assigns the message a number so that you can keep track of all messages sent to operations. With the use of the SHOW MESSAGES command, you can find out at any time if there are any outstanding messages. There are no keywords or switches for the RESPOND command, but you must specify the message number. Also, you may be required to include a message; therefore you may specify a message in the RESPOND command. FFoorrmmaatt | OPR>RESPOND nnn /switch text where nnn is the outstanding message number | followed optionally by the switch: | | /CLUSTER-NODE:cluster-node-name and text is a single- or multiple-line response KKeeyywwoorrddss nnn specifies the message number of a message that was sent to you via WTOR (Write To Operator with Response). text specifies a single- or multiple-line response, which you terminate with a carriage return. If you press carriage return immediately after the message number, OPR responds with ENTER TEXT AND TERMINATE WITH ^Z. You can then enter as many lines of text as needed. To end the text input, press CTRL/Z and the OPR> prompt returns. 3-101 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((RREESSPPOONNDD)) | SSwwiittcchh | | /CLUSTER-NODE:cluster-node-name | | specifies the particular cluster node within | the TOPS-20 cluster where the command is | processed. The "cluster-node-name" qualifier | can be any node name within the cluster or an | asterisk (*). The asterisk specifies all | nodes within the cluster. EExxaammpplleess 1. Specify the RESPOND command to reply to message number 23, which was a Page Limit Exceeded message for printer 1. 12:30:00 <23> Printer 1 --Page Limit Exceeded-- Job OPRC Req #147 for REILLY Type 'Respond CANCEL' to Cancel the Job Type 'Respond IGNORE' to Ignore the Error OPR>R_E_S_P_O_N_D_ 2_3_ I_G_N_O_R_E_<_R_E_T_>_ OPR> 2. Specify the RESPOND command to reply to message number 67, which was a request to remove a structure (TOPS-20 DISMOUNT command). 13:57:01 <67> --DISMOUNT QUERY-- Removal of structure PERF20: (Alias PERF20:) requested. Other jobs are currently using it. Should removal request be processed (YES or NO)? User KONEN, Job 26, Line 115 OPR>R_E_S_P_O_N_D_ 6_7_ N_O_<_R_E_T_>_ OPR> 3. Specify the RESPOND command to reply to message number 12, which was a user's inquiry to whether timesharing is available after 18:00. 9:32:54 <12> --Message from Timesharing User-- JOB 31 PTAYLOR at Terminal 121 WILL TIMESHARING BE AVAILABLE AFTER 18:00 OPR>R_E_S_P_O_N_D_ 1_2_<_R_E_T_>_ T_I_M_E_S_H_A_R_I_N_G_ I_S_ A_V_A_I_L_A_B_L_E_ U_N_T_I_L_ 2_3_:_0_0_ T_O_N_I_G_H_T_^Z ^ | 3-102 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((RREESSPPOONNDD)) OPR> 3-103 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((RROOUUTTEE)) RROOUUTTEE -- RRoouuttiinngg OOuuttppuutt BBeettwweeeenn NNooddeess FFuunnccttiioonn The ROUTE command changes the destination of output requests, so that the output intended for a specific unit (the source unit) will automatically be output on another unit (the destination unit). The source and destination units may be on the same node, or they may be on different nodes. This function is useful when a unit malfunctions and the output from that device is immediately necessary. If you are an operator at a central site, you can route output from one unit to another, on the same or any other node. However, output cannot be processed on another host system. If output is routed to another host node, the request(s) will remain in the queue indefinitely, because the request cannot be processed. If you are an operator at a remote node, you can route requests from one unit to another on your node. All device routing is entered into the system route table, which can be examined using the OPR command SHOW ROUTE-TABLE, described in this chapter. The ROUTE command also allows you to end routing and delete the entry from the system route table, by omitting the information pertaining to the destination unit(s) and node. FFoorrmmaatt OPR>ROUTE keyword source-argument destination-argument where keyword can be one of the following: ALL-DEVICES CARD-PUNCH PAPER-TAPE-PUNCH PLOTTER PRINTER followed by one of these source arguments: unit-number ALL-UNITS or the argument for the PRINTER keyword: | aliasname 3-104 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((RROOUUTTEE)) CLUSTER nn followed by: NODE node-name:: or DQS queuename followed by: NODE node-name:: or LAT followed by: SERVICE "name" SERVER "name" or followed by: PORT "name" SERVER "name" optionally followed by the switches: | /CLUSTER-NODE:cluster-node-name /NODE:node-name:: ALL-DEVICES is followed by one of these source arguments: node-name:: ALL-NODES followed by one of these destination arguments: unit-number ALL-UNITS or the argument for the PRINTER keyword: | | aliasname CLUSTER nn followed by: NODE node-name:: or DQS queuename followed by: NODE node-name:: or LAT followed by: SERVICE "name" SERVER "name" or followed by: PORT "name" SERVER "name" optionally followed by the switches: | /CLUSTER-NODE:cluster-node-name /NODE:node-name:: ALL-DEVICES is followed by this destination argument: node-name:: 3-105 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((RROOUUTTEE)) The source-information is always required. It specifies the source unit and node from which routing is to occur. The destination-information is optional, and specifies the destination unit and node to which routing is to occur. If you omit the destination-information, any existing entries in the system route table that refer to the source will be deleted, and the appropriate routing will be ended. Because the format and arguments used with the ROUTE depend largely on the keyword you use, it is highly recommended that you use the recognition feature () until you feel comfortable with the command format. KKeeyywwoorrddss ALL-DEVICES specifies all device output (card punch, paper tape punch, plotter, and printer) at the node. CARD-PUNCH specifies card-punch output. PAPER-TAPE-PUNCH specifies paper-tape-punch output. PLOTTER specifies plotter output. | PRINTER specifies printer output. You can use an | alias name defined with the DEFINE ALIAS | command to reference a printer specification | in this command. AArrgguummeennttss (for ALL-DEVICES) source-information specifies the node(s) from which the output is to be routed. The source-information for ALL-DEVICES is specified by the node name followed by two colons (for example: KL2102::) or by the keyword ALL-NODES. destination-information specifies the node(s) to which the output will be routed. For ALL-DEVICES, the destination-information is specified by the node name, followed by two colons (for example: KL2102::). 3-106 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((RROOUUTTEE)) AArrgguummeennttss (for keywords CARD-PUNCH, PAPER-TAPE PUNCH, and PLOTTER) source information specifies the unit and node from which the output will be routed. The unit number is specified as either n (for a specific unit) or ALL-UNITS, to designate that all output for the appropriate device is to be routed. Note that if you specify a unit number, only the requests made for that specific unit (with the /UNIT switch) will be routed. The node is specified by the switch /NODE:name:: (described below). If you omit the node specification, the node to which you are connected is assumed. destination-information specifies the unit and node to which the output will be routed. The unit is specified by n, the unit number, or ALL-UNITS. The node is specified by the switch /NODE:name::, which is described below. If you omit the /NODE switch, the node to which you are connected is assumed. AArrgguummeennttss (for the PRINTER keyword) | aliasname specifies an alias name defined with the | DEFINE ALIAS command to reference a printer | specification. CLUSTER nn specifies a printer on a node within a cluster. A cluster is a configuration of processors with similar internal characteristics. Each processor in the configuration is identified by a node name. For example, HUEY::, DEWEY::, and LOUIE:: can be three nodes within a cluster of TOPS-20 processors. NODE node-name:: specifies that the printer device for a cluster be started. The double colon (::) following the node name is not needed. For the CLUSTER argument, NODE node-name:: specifies a node within the cluster and cannot 3-107 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((RROOUUTTEE)) be the local node or an alias. DQS queuename specifies the Distributed Queue Service allowing users to queue print requests to VMS systems using DECnet. DQS accepts the user specified print request and transmits it to the remote VMS node. The "queuename" specifies the VMS queuename and can be a string of 1 to 31 characters, consisting of alphanumeric characters, underscores, dashes, and dollar signs. NODE node-name:: specifies the VMS node where the print request is to be processed. The double colon (::) following the node name is not needed. For the DQS argument, NODE node-name:: specifies the VMS nodename and cannot be an alias. LAT specifies the Local Area Transport service used to control communication between LAT hosts and terminals on the Ethernet. With the LAT keyword, you specify the SERVICE or PORT and its SERVER name to establish communication between your system, running LAT software, and the resource printer terminal. You cannot use the following SERVICE/PORT/SERVER specifications: SERVICE name only SERVER name only PORT name only SERVICE name and PORT name SERVICE, SERVER, and PORT names Refer to Chapter 4 for additional information about LAT communications. PORT "name" specifies the communication path between the host system and the printer resource or the access point that the node represents to the user. The "name" is the port name and can have from 1 to 16 characters consisting of alphanumeric characters, underscores, dashes, and dollar signs. 3-108 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((RROOUUTTEE)) SERVICE "name" specifies the resource and establishes the LAT access path to the resource. The "name" is the service name and can have from 1 to 16 characters consisting of alphanumeric characters, underscores, dashes, and dollar signs. SERVER "name" specifies the server name of the resource printer terminal. This name can be the LAT box with the proper LAT software running in it. The name can be from 1 to 6 alphanumeric characters in length. SSwwiittcchheess | /CLUSTER-NODE:cluster-node-name | | specifies the particular cluster node within | the TOPS-20 cluster where the request is | processed. The "cluster-node-name" qualifier | can be any node name within the cluster or an | asterisk (*). The asterisk specifies all | nodes within the cluster. /NODE:node-name:: specifies the node(s) from and to which output is to be routed. In the source-information, /NODE designates the source node. In the destination-information, /NODE designates the destination node. The double colon (::) following the node name is optional. RReessttrriiccttiioonn You cannot route output from ALL-UNITS to a specific unit number. If you type this command, the following error occurs: OPR>R_O_U_T_E_ P_R_I_N_T_E_R_ A_L_L_-_U_N_I_T_S_/_K_L_2_1_0_2_:_:_ 0_<_R_E_T_>_ OPR> 15:15:36 --Cannot Route a Generic Unit-- OPR> This error is produced to prevent output from being processed on a unit that does not have certain necessary characteristics. For 3-109 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((RROOUUTTEE)) example, if printer 0 does not have lowercase capability, and if the requests being routed require a printer with lowercase capability, then the requests cannot be processed on printer 0. 3-110 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((RROOUUTTEE)) EExxaammpplleess 1. To route the output that is destined for printer unit 0 to printer unit 1, on the same node, use the following command: OPR>R_O_U_T_E_ P_R_I_N_T_E_R_ 0_ 1_<_R_E_T_>_ OPR> 15:33:12 --Printer 0 [KL2102] Routed to Printer 1 [KL2102]-- OPR> 2. To end the routing for printer 0 and to delete the entry from the routing table, use the following command: OPR>R_O_U_T_E_ P_R_I_N_T_E_R_ 0_<_R_E_T_>_ OPR> 15:40:10 --Routing for Printer 0 [KL2102] Deleted-- OPR> 3. To route all the output that is going to node DN200 to node KL2102, use the following command: OPR>R_O_U_T_E_ A_L_L_-_D_E_V_I_C_E_S_ G_I_D_N_E_Y_:_:_ K_L_2_1_0_2_:_:_<_R_E_T_>_ OPR> 15:43:08 --Node DN200 Routed to KL2102-- OPR> 3-111 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((SSEENNDD)) SSEENNDD -- SSeennddiinngg MMeessssaaggeess FFuunnccttiioonn The SEND command sends single- or multiple-line messages to a specific destination as defined by the keyword. The SEND command allows you to specify a one-line message terminated with a carriage return or a multiple-line message terminated with a CTRL/Z. If you specify SEND ALL, you can only specify a single-line message terminated by a carriage return. FFoorrmmaatt | OPR>SEND keyword nn /switch message where keyword can be one of the following: ALL BATCH-STREAM JOB OPERATOR TERMINAL followed by a stream/unit number: nn and optionally, for the BATCH-STREAM and OPERATOR keywords: /NODE:node-name:: /CLUSTER-NODE:cluster-node-name followed by a single- or multiple-line message KKeeyywwoorrddss ALL specifies that a message be sent to all terminals in the entire system. If you specify the ALL keyword with the /CLUSTER-NODE: switch, all terminals for that node receive the text. You can give only single-line messages when you specify ALL. BATCH-STREAM specifies that a message be sent to a particular batch job, or over an IBM emulation 3-112 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((SSEENNDD)) node to a remote IBM host. The stream number must be supplied with this keyword. JOB specifies that a message be sent to a particular job that is currently processing under timesharing or within the batch system. The job number must be supplied with this keyword. OPERATOR specifies that a message be sent to another operator at another node with the /NODE: switch. If you do not specify the /NODE: switch, the message is sent to all operators at all nodes. TERMINAL specifies that a message be sent to a particular logged-in terminal. The terminal number must be supplied for this keyword. SSwwiittcchheess /NODE:node-name:: specifies the name of your host node, a remote station, a VMS node, or a LAT server. The default is your own node. The double colon (::) following the node name is optional. This switch cannot be used with the ALL keyword. /CLUSTER-NODE:cluster-node-name specifies the particular cluster node within the system cluster that your message is sent. The "cluster-node-name" qualifier can be any node name within the cluster or an asterisk (*). The asterisk specifies all nodes within the cluster. (This switch is valid only for the ALL keyword.) EExxaammpplleess 1. Specify the SEND command to notify all users that timesharing ends in 30 minutes. OPR>S_E_N_D_ A_L_L_ T_I_M_E_S_H_A_R_I_N_G_ E_N_D_S_ I_N_ 3_0_ M_I_N_U_T_E_S_<_R_E_T_>_ OPR> 14:57:05 --SEND Command Completed-- OPR> 3-113 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((SSEENNDD)) 2. Specify the SEND command to notify all operators that a new stand-alone schedule has been posted. OPR>S_E_N_D_ O_P_E_R_A_T_O_R_ N_E_W_ S_T_A_N_D_-_A_L_O_N_E_ S_C_H_E_D_U_L_E_ I_S_ P_O_S_T_E_D_<_R_E_T_>_ OPR> 12:05:35 From Operator Terminal 1: NEW STAND-ALONE SCHEDULE IS POSTED OPR> 12:05:39 --SEND Command Completed-- OPR> 3. Specify the SEND command to notify job 32 to stop queueing print requests due to a problem with the line printer at the central site. OPR>S_E_N_D_ J_O_B_ 3_2_ D_O_ N_O_T_ Q_U_E_U_E_-_<_R_E_T_>_ A_N_Y_ P_R_I_N_T_ J_O_B_S_ U_N_T_I_L_ N_O_T_I_F_I_E_D_<_R_E_T_>_ OPR> 10:39:05 --SEND Command Completed-- OPR> 3-114 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((SSEETT)) SSEETT -- SSeettttiinngg PPaarraammeetteerrss ffoorr SSyysstteemm DDeevviicceess FFuunnccttiioonn The SET command sets various system parameters for the system's devices and features. In addition, the SET command can be issued before a particular device (queue) or stream has been started or becomes active. In particular, the SET command is very useful within the PTYCON.ATO file for system start-up and it can be used during normal system operation as well. Because the SET command is complex with multiple keywords, arguments, switches, and numeric values, each SET keyword command is described in the same format as individual OPR commands. FFoorrmmaatt OPR>SET keyword where keyword can be one of the following: BATCH-STREAM CARD-PUNCH DISK-DRIVE JOB NODE ONLINE PAPER-TAPE-PUNCH PLOTTER PORT PRINTER SCHEDULER STRUCTURE TAPE-DRIVE followed by one or keywords, arguments, switches, and values described in the SET command subsections. 3-115 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((SSEETT BBAATTCCHH--SSTTRREEAAMM)) SSEETT BBAATTCCHH--SSTTRREEAAMM -- SSeettttiinngg BBaattcchh SSttrreeaamm PPaarraammeetteerrss FFuunnccttiioonn The SET BATCH-STREAM command sets the characteristics of a particular stream or a range of streams. These characteristics remain in effect until you reissue the SET BATCH-STREAM command. FFoorrmmaatt | OPR>SET BATCH-STREAM nn /switch argument /switch where nn must be the stream number or a range: n:m and, optionally, the switch: /NODE:node-name:: followed by one of these arguments: ATTRIBUTE BATCON SITGO NOOPR-INTERVENTION OPR-INTERVENTION PRIORITY-LIMITS nn n:m TIME-LIMITS nn n:m | followed optionally by the switch: | | /CLUSTER-NODE:cluster-node-name AArrgguummeennttss nn specifies a batch-stream number. The number is usually from 0 to 5, but can be larger if your installation uses additional batch streams. n:m specifies a range of batch streams. ATTRIBUTE specifies whether the batch stream operates with the BATCON or with the SITGO program. 3-116 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((SSEETT BBAATTCCHH--SSTTRREEAAMM)) BATCON specifies that the batch stream use the BATCON controller. This is the system default batch controller. SITGO specifies the SITGO batch processor, which consists of a fast FORTRAN compiler for compiling FORTRAN programs in a batch stream. NOOPR-INTERVENTION specifies that a user cannot make any requests in the batch job that require you to perform an action of some kind or require you to send a message. If a batch job has NOOPR-INTERVENTION set, any messages it sends are ignored and you are not asked to perform any action. If the batch job requests mountable devices, and if the job must wait until the device is mounted, the job will receive an error. OPR-INTERVENTION specifies that the user can pass messages to you and that you are available to perform actions that a user or batch job requests. PRIORITY-LIMITS nn specifies the priority limits of a batch stream or a range of batch streams at the central site or at a node. The numeric value associated with this argument means that only batch jobs submitted by users with the /PRIORITY: switch specifying the number (or range) you set for the batch stream can execute in that stream. The numeric value for the PRIORITY-LIMITS argument can be from 1 to 63. The higher the number, the higher the priority. TIME-LIMITS nn specifies the maximum execution time limit for a given batch stream or a range of batch streams. When a batch job enters a batch stream, it receives a default execution time, such as five minutes. If the job exceeds this time limit and if the user who submitted the batch job set up his control file to handle time limits, the batch system gives the job an additional 10% of the allocated time. If the job exceeds this additional 10%, the job is canceled. The TIME-LIMITS argument allows you to specify that batch jobs that are set to run a certain length of time will run in the specified batch-stream number (or range). The numeric value for the TIME-LIMITS argument can be from 0 to 99999, representing minutes. 3-117 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((SSEETT BBAATTCCHH--SSTTRREEAAMM)) SSwwiittcchheess | /CLUSTER-NODE:cluster-node-name | | specifies the particular cluster node within | the TOPS-20 cluster where the request is | processed. The "cluster-node-name" qualifier | can be any node name within the cluster or an | asterisk (*). The asterisk specifies all | nodes within the cluster. /NODE:node-name:: specifies the name of your host node, a remote station, a VMS node, or a LAT server. The default is your own node. The double colon (::) following the node name is optional. EExxaammpplleess 1. Specify the SET BATCH-STREAM command to set stream number 3 to have a priority limit of 63. OPR>S_E_T_ B_A_T_C_H_-_S_T_R_E_A_M_ 3_ P_R_I_O_R_I_T_Y_-_L_I_M_I_T_S_ 6_3_<_R_E_T_>_ OPR> 13:20:54 Batch-stream 3 --Set Accepted-- OPR> 2. Specify the SET BATCH-STREAM command to set streams 0 through 2 for no operator intervention. OPR>S_E_T_ B_A_T_C_H_-_S_T_R_E_A_M_ 0_:_2_ N_O_O_P_R_-_I_N_T_E_R_V_E_N_T_I_O_N_<_R_E_T_>_ OPR> 16:11:17 Batch-stream 0 --Set Accepted-- 16:11:21 Batch-stream 1 --Set Accepted-- 16:11:24 Batch-stream 2 --Set Accepted-- OPR> 3-118 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((SSEETT CCAARRDD--PPUUNNCCHH)) SSEETT CCAARRDD--PPUUNNCCHH -- SSeettttiinngg CCaarrdd PPuunncchh PPaarraammeetteerrss FFuunnccttiioonn The SET CARD-PUNCH command specifies what kind of jobs are scheduled on this device. You can set the form type, output limits (card limits), priority limits, and the action to be taken when a job exceeds the output limit that you specify. This command allows you to change the parameters that are set at GALGEN time. You can specify a specific unit number or a range of unit numbers. The card-punch device handles standard 12-row 80-column cards. The defaults for the card punch are set by your System Manager at software-installation time through the generation of the SPFORM.INI file. FFoorrmmaatt | OPR>SET CARD-PUNCH nn /switch argument /switch where nn must be a unit number or a range: n:m and, optionally, the switch: /NODE:node-name:: followed by one of these arguments: DESTINATION quoted string FORMS-TYPE name LIMIT-EXCEEDED-ACTION word OUTPUT-LIMITS cards PRIORITY-LIMITS nn n:m | followed optionally by the switch: | | /CLUSTER-NODE:cluster-node-name AArrgguummeennttss nn specifies a card-punch unit number. The number is usually from 0 to 5, but can be 3-119 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((SSEETT CCAARRDD--PPUUNNCCHH)) larger if your installation has acquired more card-punch devices. n:m specifies a range of card-punch unit numbers. DESTINATION node"user password account"::device:[directory] specifies the destination to receive IBM card punch output. This is valid only if node has been defined as an SNA-WORKSTATION with the DEFINE NODE command. See the D_E_C_n_e_t_/_S_N_A_ T_O_P_S_-_2_0_ R_e_m_o_t_e_ J_o_b_ E_n_t_r_y_ U_s_e_r_'_s_ a_n_d_ O_p_e_r_a_t_o_r_'_s_ G_u_i_d_e_ for more information. FORMS-TYPE name specifies the name of the type of card-punch forms. Your installation can have different names for different types of card-punch forms. By setting the FORMS-TYPE, you are specifying the type of forms in the card punch. LIMIT-EXCEEDED-ACTION word specifies what action, if any, should be taken if a card-punch job that is currently punching on the unit number you specify exceeds the set limit of output. The limit is set by the OUTPUT-LIMITS argument. There are three possible words associated with the LIMIT-EXCEEDED-ACTION argument. They are: ASK specifies that you are asked what to do if the card-punch job exceeds the card limit on output. You then have the option to continue or abort the card-punch job. CANCEL specifies that the card-punch job is automatically canceled when the limit has been exceeded. IGNORE specifies that the card-punch job continues automatically and the set output (card) limit is ignored. OUTPUT-LIMITS cards specifies the maximum card limit for punched output. This argument can also specify a range of card limits. The card limit refers to the number of output cards that are punched. This command restricts the size of 3-120 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((SSEETT CCAARRDD--PPUUNNCCHH)) jobs that is sent to the card punch you specify. PRIORITY-LIMITS nn specifies the priority limits (numeric importance) of a card punch or a range of card punches at the central site or at a node. The numeric value associated with this argument means that only card-punch jobs submitted by users with the /PRIORITY: switch specifying the number (or range) you set for the card punch can execute on that card punch. The numeric value for the PRIORITY-LIMITS argument can be from 1 to 63. The higher the number is, the higher the priority is. SSwwiittcchheess | /CLUSTER-NODE:cluster-node-name | | specifies the particular cluster node within | the TOPS-20 cluster where the command is | processed. The "cluster-node-name" qualifier | can be any node name within the cluster or an | asterisk (*). The asterisk specifies all | nodes within the cluster. /NODE:node-name:: specifies the name of your host node, a remote station, or an SNA workstation. The default is your own node. The double colon (::) following the node name is optional. EExxaammpplleess 1. Specify the SET CARD-PUNCH command to set the forms type to 5081s for all card-punch devices at your installation. OPR>S_E_T_ C_A_R_D_-_P_U_N_C_H_ 0_:_2_ F_O_R_M_S_-_T_Y_P_E_ 5_0_8_1_<_R_E_T_>_ OPR> 10:13:17 Card-Punch 0 --Set Accepted-- 10:13:20 Card-Punch 1 --Set Accepted-- 10:13:23 Card-Punch 2 --Set Accepted-- OPR> 2. Specify the SET CARD-PUNCH command to set all card-punch jobs for a maximum output limit of 200 cards per job. 3-121 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((SSEETT CCAARRDD--PPUUNNCCHH)) OPR>S_E_T_ C_A_R_D_-_P_U_N_C_H_ 0_:_2_ O_U_T_P_U_T_-_L_I_M_I_T_ 2_0_0_<_R_E_T_>_ OPR> 10:30:16 Card-Punch 0 --Set Accepted-- 10:30:19 Card-Punch 1 --Set Accepted-- 10:30:22 Card-Punch 2 --Set Accepted-- OPR> 3-122 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((SSEETT DDIISSKK--DDRRIIVVEE)) SSEETT DDIISSKK--DDRRIIVVEE -- SSeettttiinngg DDiisskk--DDrriivvee PPaarraammeetteerrss FFuunnccttiioonn The SET DISK-DRIVE command sets the availability characteristics of a particular disk drive device. With the use of this command, you can allow or disallow users from mounting and dismounting structures on the disk drive. You must specify the channel and drive numbers, and either the AVAILABLE or UNAVAILABLE argument. FFoorrmmaatt OPR>SET DISK-DRIVE CHANNEL nn argument DRIVE nn argument where nn must be the channel number optionally followed by the argument: CONTROLLER nn followed by the drive unit number and either of the following arguments: AVAILABLE UNAVAILABLE | optionally followed by the switch: | | /CLUSTER-NODE:cluster-node-name KKeeyywwoorrddss CHANNEL nn specifies the channel number that connects the disk drive with the central processing unit. The SHOW STATUS DISK-DRIVE command displays the available channels on your system. DRIVE nn specifies the physical unit number of the disk drive. The SHOW STATUS DISK-DRIVE command displays the drive numbers that are associated with the channels on your system. AArrgguummeennttss CONTROLLER nn specifies the number of the disk drive 3-123 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((SSEETT DDIISSKK--DDRRIIVVEE)) controller. The SHOW STATUS DISK-DRIVE command displays the controller numbers that are associated with the disk drives on your system. AVAILABLE specifies that users can now MOUNT structures on this particular disk drive. This argument cancels the effect of the UNAVAILABLE argument. The PTYCON.ATO file determines whether each of the disk drives at your installation are available or unavailable at system start-up. UNAVAILABLE specifies that users cannot MOUNT structures on this particular disk drive. This argument cancels the effect of the AVAILABLE argument. If a user is currently using a structure on this disk drive, the disk drive becomes unavailable after the user completes his work. If the system crashes or is shutdown, the command SET DISK-DRIVE CHANNEL nn DRIVE nn UNAVAILABLE remains in effect after the system is in operation again. When you specify the UNAVAILABLE argument, you can enter a single- or multiple-line response and confirm with a carriage return, or you can confirm with a carriage return immediately after the UNAVAILABLE argument and OPR responds with ENTER TEXT AND TERMINATE WITH ^Z. You then enter as many lines of text for a response as you need. When you press CTRL/Z, the OPR> prompt returns and your report is logged into the ERROR.SYS file. SSwwiittcchh | /CLUSTER-NODE:cluster-node-name | | specifies the particular cluster node within | the TOPS-20 cluster where the command is | processed. The "cluster-node-name" qualifier | can be any node name within the cluster or an | asterisk (*). The asterisk specifies all | nodes within the cluster. 3-124 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((SSEETT DDIISSKK--DDRRIIVVEE)) EExxaammpplleess 1. Specify the SET DISK-DRIVE command to set drive 2 on channel 2 to be unavailable. Any users currently using this device are allowed to finish their work before the device becomes unavailable to them. Any users requesting a structure mount on this device receives a message notifying them that the structure is unavailable. OPR>S_E_T_ D_I_S_K_-_D_R_I_V_E_ C_H_A_N_N_E_L_ 2_ D_R_I_V_E_ 2_ U_N_A_V_A_I_L_A_B_L_E_<_R_E_T_>_ Enter Text and Terminate with ^Z D_R_I_V_E_ M_U_S_T_ B_E_ A_D_J_U_S_T_E_D_^Z ^ | OPR> 10:23:56 --Disk Drive Set Unavailable-- Chan 2 Drive 2 set unavailable for mounting by MOUNTR OPR> 2. Specify the SET DISK-DRIVE command to make any structure on disk drive 2 on channel 2 available for mounts and dismounts. OPR>S_E_T_ D_I_S_K_-_D_R_I_V_E_ C_H_A_N_N_E_L_ 2_ D_R_I_V_E_ 2_ A_V_A_I_L_A_B_L_E_<_R_E_T_>_ OPR> 12:02:24 --Disk Drive Set Available-- Chan 2 Drive 2 set available for mounting by MOUNTR OPR> 3-125 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((SSEETT JJOOBB)) SSEETT JJOOBB -- SSeettttiinngg CChhaarraacctteerriissttiiccss ffoorr JJoobbss FFuunnccttiioonn The SET JOB command sets the characteristics for a particular job number. You can set the job for operator intervention allowed, no operator intervention allowed, or you can change the scheduler class of the job. FFoorrmmaatt | OPR>SET JOB nn argument /switch where nn must be the job number followed by one of these arguments: NOOPR-INTERVENTION OPR-INTERVENTION SCHEDULER-CLASS n | optionally followed by the switch: | | /CLUSTER-NODE:cluster-node-name AArrgguummeennttss nn specifies a job number currently in the system. The numeric value can be from 0 to 99999. NOOPR-INTERVENTION specifies that a user cannot make any requests in the job that require you to perform an action of some kind and/or produce a message to be answered by you. If the job has a NOOPR-INTERVENTION setting, the messages are ignored; you are not asked to perform any action. OPR-INTERVENTION specifies that a user associated with the specified job number can pass messages to you and you can perform the requested actions. SCHEDULER-CLASS n specifies the scheduler class for the job be changed. This keyword can be used only when POLICY-PROGRAM is controlling your class-scheduling. Refer to your System 3-126 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((SSEETT JJOOBB)) Manager about a POLICY-PROGRAM accounting system before you issue this command. | SSwwiittcchh | | /CLUSTER-NODE:cluster-node-name | | specifies the particular cluster node within | the TOPS-20 cluster where the command is | processed. The "cluster-node-name" qualifier | can be any node name within the cluster or an | asterisk (*). The asterisk specifies all | nodes within the cluster. RReessttrriiccttiioonnss If you attempt to set the SCHEDULER-CLASS for a particular job without the POLICY-PROGRAM initiated at your installation, you will receive the following error message: hh:mm:ss --Set Job Scheduler Error: Cannot change class-- EExxaammpplleess 1. Specify the SET JOB command to allow operator intervention for job number 100. OPR>S_E_T_ J_O_B_ 1_0_0_ O_P_R_-_I_N_T_E_R_V_E_N_T_I_O_N_<_R_E_T_>_ OPR> 15:55:15 Job 100 --Modified-- OPR> 2. Specify the SET JOB command to not allow operator intervention for job number 50. OPR>S_E_T_ J_O_B_ 5_0_ N_O_O_P_R_-_I_N_T_E_R_V_E_N_T_I_O_N_<_R_E_T_>_ OPR> 16:43:34 Job 50 --Modified-- OPR> 3-127 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((SSEETT NNOODDEE)) SSEETT NNOODDEE -- SSeettttiinngg NNooddee PPaarraammeetteerrss FFuunnccttiioonn The SET NODE command is applicable only if your installation has IBM communications software. The SET NODE command sets the modem-related and data-transfer-related parameters for DN60 nodes, and sets the characteristics for SNA workstations. Before you set the parameters for a node, you must define the node name, type, and mode with the DEFINE command. Refer to the DEFINE command in this chapter. FFoorrmmaatt OPR>SET NODE keyword arguments where keyword is: node-name:: followed by one of these arguments: BYTES-PER-MESSAGE b CLEAR-SEND-DELAY d RECORDS-PER-MESSAGE r TIMEOUT-CATEGORY PRIMARY SECONDARY TRANSPARENCY ON OFF or for SNA workstations, one of these arguments: APPLICATION name CHARACTER-SET filespec CIRCUIT circuit-id DATA string LOGON-MODE name KKeeyywwoorrdd node-name:: specifies the node name of the remote station for IBM communications. The double colon (::) following the node name is optional. 3-128 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((SSEETT NNOODDEE)) AArrgguummeennttss BYTES-PER-MESSAGE b specifies the number of bytes, b, per message that the front end uses to communicate with the remote site. There is no limit to the number of bytes you can supply. CLEAR-SEND-DELAY d specifies a clear-to-send delay, where d = 0, 1, 3, 9, or 13 milliseconds. The default is 3 milliseconds. RECORDS-PER-MESSAGE r specifies the number of records per message, where r can equal: 0 for unlimited number of records (the default for 3780) 2 for a unit with no multirecord feature 7 for a unit like an IBM 2780 with the multirecord feature (the default for 2780) TIMEOUT-CATEGORY PRIMARY SECONDARY specifies the timeout category used by the BSC protocol to determine how connecting systems bid for use of the line. Two systems bidding for the use of a line must not be in the same timeout category, since this condition can result in simultaneous bids for a line and a "deadly embrace". To prevent this, one system is placed in the PRIMARY (p) category and the other in the SECONDARY (s) category. The timeout category for the HASP spooler is always SECONDARY so when the TOPS-20 host connects to a HASP system, it must be placed in the PRIMARY timeout category. The timeout category for IBM 2780s and 3780s is usually hardwired as PRIMARY, so when the TOPS-20 host connects to stations like these, it must usually be placed in the SECONDARY timeout category. The timeout category for the ASP spooler may be PRIMARY. The default timeout 3-129 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((SSEETT NNOODDEE)) category is PRIMARY. TRANSPARENCY ON specifies a transmission mode where the OFF specifies a transmission mode where the recognition of most control characters is suppressed (TRANSPARENCY ON argument). The argument can only be specified when using HASP. The default TRANSPARENCY is OFF. AArrgguummeennttss (for SNA workstations) For more information about SNA workstations, refer to the D_E_C_n_e_t_/_S_N_A_ T_O_P_S_-_2_0_ R_e_m_o_t_e_ J_o_b_ E_n_t_r_y_ U_s_e_r_'_s_ a_n_d_ O_p_e_r_a_t_o_r_'_s_ G_u_i_d_e_. APPLICATION name Specifies the name of the application in the IBM host to which the workstation connects. CHARACTER-SET filespec Specifies the name of the file that contains the ASCII/EBCDIC translation table used by the workstation. CIRCUIT circuit-id Specifies the name of the circuit that the Gateway uses to reach the IBM host. DATA string Supplies additional log-on information required by the job entry subsystem in the IBM host. LOGON-MODE name Specifies a name that the IBM host uses to obtain predefined characteristics for the session being established. These arguments for the SET NODE command correspond to parameters set by the IBM host's system manager. The SET NODE command gives you the option of changing or adding to information associated with the access name you specified in the DEFINE command. If you specify a null argument for any parameter, the parameter is automatically cleared and reset to the information specified in the access name. To use the APPLICATION parameter, you must know the name of the IBM application to which you want to connect. Contact your IBM system manager for this information. 3-130 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((SSEETT NNOODDEE)) EExxaammpplleess 1. You specify the SET NODE command to change the TRANSPARENCY from the OFF default to ON for node IBM2::. OPR>S_E_T_ N_O_D_E_ I_B_M_2_:_:_ T_R_A_N_S_P_A_R_E_N_C_Y_ O_N_<_R_E_T_>_ OPR> 16:32:43 -- Set for Node IBM2 Accepted -- OPR> 2. You specify the SET NODE command to set the clear-to-send delay of 3 milliseconds for node IBM1::. OPR>S_E_T_ N_O_D_E_ I_B_M_1_:_:_ C_L_E_A_R_-_S_E_N_D_-_D_E_L_A_Y_ 3_<_R_E_T_>_ OPR> 17:23:45 -- Set for Node IBM1 Accepted -- OPR> 3-131 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((SSEETT OONNLLIINNEE)) SSEETT OONNLLIINNEE -- SSeettttiinngg aa DDeevviiccee OOnn--LLiinnee FFuunnccttiioonn The SET ONLINE command sets the devices listed below on-line when the device has been newly installed at your operations site. This command is valid only if your site has a DX20 channel controller installed and on-line. The devices that are interfaced through the DX20 are: 1. TX01 - tape controller 2. TX03 - channel selector 3. TX05 - tape drive selector 4. TU70 - tape drive 5. TU71 - tape drive 6. TU72 - tape drive In addition, this command is helpful when Field Service takes one of these devices off-line for repair and then returns the device back to you for your control. The SET ONLINE command's arguments are channel number, device unit number, and controller number, separated by commas. If the device has no controller number, type -1. NOTE This command currently accepts an alternate channel number, device unit number, and controller number separated by commas. However, these alternate arguments are not used by the system and are provided for future use. FFoorrmmaatt | OPR>SET ONLINE ch,unit,cntrlr /switch where ch is the channel number unit is the device unit number cntrlr is the controller number 3-132 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((SSEETT OONNLLIINNEE)) | optionally followed by the switch: | | /CLUSTER-NODE:cluster-node-name | | | SSwwiittcchh | | /CLUSTER-NODE:cluster-node-name | | specifies the particular cluster node within | the TOPS-20 cluster where the command is | processed. The "cluster-node-name" qualifier | can be any node name within the cluster or an | asterisk (*). The asterisk specifies all | nodes within the cluster. RReessttrriiccttiioonn Once the monitor has been reloaded, you do not need to SET the device ONLINE again. The device is automatically recognized by the monitor as being on-line. EExxaammpplleess 1. You set the hardware device TX05 on-line after it has been installed during timesharing with an address of channel 1, unit 1, controller 1. OPR>S_E_T_ O_N_L_I_N_E_ 1_,_1_,_1_<_R_E_T_>_ OPR> 8:32:13 --Set Online Accepted-- OPR> 2. You set the hardware device TU70 on-line after Field Service repaired the tape unit. OPR>S_E_T_ O_N_L_I_N_E_ 1_,_2_,_1_<_R_E_T_>_ OPR> 14:43:09 --Set Online Accepted-- OPR> 3-133 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((SSEETT PPAAPPEERR--TTAAPPEE--PPUUNNCCHH)) SSEETT PPAAPPEERR--TTAAPPEE--PPUUNNCCHH -- SSeettttiinngg PPaappeerr--TTaappee--PPuunncchh PPaarraammeetteerrss FFuunnccttiioonn The SET PAPER-TAPE-PUNCH command specifies what kind of jobs will be scheduled on this device. You can set the forms type, output limits (fold limits), priority limits, and the action to be taken when a job exceeds the output limit that you specify. This command allows you change the parameters that are set at GALGEN time. You can specify a specific unit number or a range of unit numbers. The defaults for the paper-tape punch are set by your System Manager at software-installation time through the generation of the SPFORM.INI file. These defaults are normally referred to as NORMAL in most installations. FFoorrmmaatt | OPR>SET PAPER-TAPE-PUNCH nn /switch argument /switch where nn must be a unit number or a range: n:m and, optionally, the switch: /NODE:node-name:: followed by one of these arguments: FORMS-TYPE name LIMIT-EXCEEDED-ACTION word OUTPUT-LIMITS folds PRIORITY-LIMITS nn n:m | followed optionally by the switch: | | /CLUSTER-NODE:cluster-node-name AArrgguummeennttss nn specifies a paper-tape-punch unit number. The number is usually from 0 to 5, but can be larger if your installation has acquired more paper-tape-punch devices. 3-134 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((SSEETT PPAAPPEERR--TTAAPPEE--PPUUNNCCHH)) n:m specifies a range of paper-tape punches. FORMS-TYPE name specifies the name of the type of paper-tape forms. Typically in some installations, the normal paper-tape form is referred to as a 1-inch wide fan-fold, and can be abbreviated as 1WFF or NORMAL. Your installation can have different form names for different types of paper-tape. By setting the FORMS-TYPE, you are specifying the type of forms in the paper-tape punch. LIMIT-EXCEEDED-ACTION word specifies what action, if any, should be taken if a paper-tape job that is currently punching on the unit number you specify exceeds the set limit of output. The limit is set with the OUTPUT-LIMITS argument. There are three possible words associated with the LIMIT-EXCEEDED-ACTION argument. They are: ASK specifies that you are asked what to do if the paper-tape job exceeds the fold limit on output. You then have the option to continue or abort the paper-tape job. CANCEL specifies that the paper-tape job is automatically canceled when the limit has been exceeded. IGNORE specifies that the paper-tape job continues automatically and the specified output fold limit will be ignored. OUTPUT-LIMITS folds specifies the maximum fold limit for punched paper-tape output. This argument can also specify a range of fold limits. The fold limit refers to the number of output folds that are punched. This command restricts the size of jobs that are sent to the paper-tape punch you specify. PRIORITY-LIMITS nn n:m specifies the priority limits (numeric importance) of a paper-tape punch or a range of paper-tape punches at the central site or 3-135 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((SSEETT PPAAPPEERR--TTAAPPEE--PPUUNNCCHH)) at a node. The numeric value associated with this argument means that only paper-tape jobs submitted by users with the /PRIORITY: switch specifying the number (or range) you set for the paper-tape punch can execute on that paper-tape punch. The numeric value for the PRIORITY-LIMITS argument can be from 1 to 63. The higher the number is, the higher the priority is. SSwwiittcchheess /NODE:node-name:: specifies the name of your host node, a remote station, a VMS node, or a LAT server. The default is your own node. The double colon (::) following the node name is optional. | /CLUSTER-NODE:cluster-node-name | | specifies the particular cluster node within | the TOPS-20 cluster where the commmand is | processed. The "cluster-node-name" qualifier | can be any node name within the cluster or an | asterisk (*). The asterisk specifies all | nodes within the cluster. EExxaammpplleess 1. Specify the SET PAPER-TAPE-PUNCH command to set the default form type to 1WFF for a paper-tape-punch device at your installation. OPR>S_E_T_ P_A_P_E_R_-_T_A_P_E_-_P_U_N_C_H_ 0_ F_O_R_M_S_-_T_Y_P_E_ 1_W_F_F_<_R_E_T_>_ OPR> 12:45:09 Papertape 0 --Set Accepted-- OPR> 2. Specify the SET PAPER-TAPE-PUNCH command form, to set all paper-tape-punch jobs for a maximum output limit of 25 folds per job. OPR>S_E_T_ P_A_P_E_R_-_T_A_P_E_-_P_U_N_C_H_ 0_:_1_ O_U_T_P_U_T_-_L_I_M_I_T_ 2_5_<_R_E_T_>_ OPR> 13:45:07 Papertape 0 --Set Accepted-- OPR> 3-136 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((SSEETT PPLLOOTTTTEERR)) SSEETT PPLLOOTTTTEERR -- SSeettttiinngg PPllootttteerr PPaarraammeetteerrss FFuunnccttiioonn The SET PLOTTER command specifies what kind of jobs are scheduled on this device. You can set the forms type, output limits (step limits), priority limits, and the action to be taken when a job exceeds the output limit that you specify. This command allows you change the parameters that are set at GALGEN time. You can specify a specific unit number or a range of unit numbers. The plotter device draws (or plots) ink plots of computer-generated data. Its movement in producing the output is measured in "steps". The steps refer to the speed per second of the plotter and the distance (or size) that the pencils move on the output paper. The paper for the plotter is either drum feed or bed feed. The defaults for the plotter are set by your System Manager at software-installation time through the generation of the SPFORM.INI file. At some installations, the default settings for the plotter are referred to as NORMAL. FFoorrmmaatt | OPR>SET PLOTTER nn /switch argument /switch where nn must be a unit number or a range: n:m and, optionally the switch: /NODE:node-name:: followed by one of these arguments: FORMS-TYPE name LIMIT-EXCEEDED-ACTION word OUTPUT-LIMITS steps PRIORITY-LIMITS nn n:m | followed optionally by the switch: | | /CLUSTER-NODE:cluster-node-name 3-137 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((SSEETT PPLLOOTTTTEERR)) AArrgguummeennttss nn specifies a plotter unit number. The number is usually from 0 to 5, but can be larger if your installation has more plotter devices. n:m specifies a range of plotter unit numbers. FORMS-TYPE name specifies the name of the type of plotter forms. Typically, the normal plotter paper form is referred to as roll feed or bed feed. This can be referred to as type ROLL, DRUM, or BED. Your installation can have different form names for different plotter types. LIMIT-EXCEEDED-ACTION word specifies what action, if any, should be taken if a plotter job that is currently plotting on the unit number you specify exceeds the set limit of output. The limit is set with the OUTPUT-LIMITS argument. There are three possible words associated with the LIMIT-EXCEEDED-ACTION argument. They are: ASK specifies that you are asked what to do if the plotter job exceeds the step limit on output. You then have the option to continue or abort the plotter job. CANCEL specifies that the plotter job is automatically canceled when the limit has been exceeded. IGNORE specifies that the plotter job continues automatically and the specified output (step) limit will be ignored. OUTPUT-LIMIT steps specifies the number of plotter steps per second. A step is the horizontal and vertical movement of the pen within the grid on the paper. This is referred to as the size (or distance). The number you specify represents nnK steps (K = 1000). For example, OUTPUT-LIMIT 3 is equal to 3000. 3-138 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((SSEETT PPLLOOTTTTEERR)) PRIORITY-LIMITS nn n:m specifies the priority limits (numeric importance) of a plotter or a range of plotters at the central site or at a node. The numeric value associated with this argument means that only plotter jobs submitted by users with the /PRIORITY: switch specifying the number (or range) you set for the plotter can execute on that plotter. The numeric value for the PRIORITY-LIMITS argument can be from 1 to 63. The higher the number is, the higher the priority is. SSwwiittcchheess | /CLUSTER-NODE:cluster-node-name | | specifies the particular cluster node within | the TOPS-20 cluster where the command is | processed. The "cluster-node-name" qualifier | can be any node name within the cluster or an | asterisk (*). The asterisk specifies all | nodes within the cluster. /NODE:node-name:: specifies the name of your host node, a remote station, a VMS node, or a LAT server. The default is your own node. The double colon (::) following the node name is optional. EExxaammpplleess 1. Specify the SET PLOTTER command to change the forms type of the plotter. OPR>S_E_T_ P_L_O_T_T_E_R_ 1_ F_O_R_M_S_-_T_Y_P_E_ R_O_L_L_<_R_E_T_>_ OPR> 9:34:12 Plotter 1 --Set Accepted-- OPR> 2. Specify the SET PLOTTER command to change the output limit. OPR>S_E_T_ P_L_O_T_T_E_R_ 0_ O_U_T_P_U_T_-_L_I_M_I_T_ 8_<_R_E_T_>_ OPR> 10:11:12 Plotter 0 --Set Accepted-- OPR> 3-139 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((SSEETT PPOORRTT CCII)) SSEETT PPOORRTT CCII -- CCoonnttrroolllliinngg tthhee CCII ppoorrtt FFuunnccttiioonn The SET PORT CI command allows or disallows using the CI20 port. You can use this command only if your system has a CI20. Set the CI port UNAVAILABLE to run diagnostics on the CI hardware or to remove a TOPS-20 system from a CFS cluster. Never set the CI port UNAVAILABLE without approval from your system manager. See the T_O_P_S_-_2_0_ S_y_s_t_e_m_ M_a_n_a_g_e_r_'_s_ G_u_i_d_e_ for more information. Setting the CI port UNAVAILABLE helps you perform an orderly TOPS-20 shutdown in a CFS configuration. FFoorrmmaatt | OPR>SET PORT keyword argument /switch where keyword must be: CI and argument is one of the following: AVAILABLE UNAVAILABLE | optionally followed by the switch: | | /CLUSTER-NODE:cluster-node-name KKeeyywwoorrdd CI specifies the CI port. AArrgguummeennttss AVAILABLE specifies that TOPS-20 start using the CI20 again. When you give this command, the system asks you whether there is another TOPS-20 node in the cluster. If yes, you will be instructed to reboot the system. If you answer no and the system discovers another TOPS-20 system on the CI, one of the systems will BUGHLT. This argument cancels the effect of the 3-140 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((SSEETT PPOORRTT CCII)) UNAVAILABLE argument. Once this command is given and the CI20 microcode is successfully loaded, the CI port remains AVAILABLE until it is set UNAVAILABLE. AVAILABLE is the default. UNAVAILABLE specifies that TOPS-20 should stop using the CI. When you SET PORT CI UNAVAILABLE, the system lists the structures that will be affected and asks you to respond with ABORT, PROCEED or FORCE. You must be sure that all multiaccess structures are dismounted properly, or the users will be "hung." Notify the users to dismount the affected structures. The SET PORT CI UNAVAILABLE command remains in effect until you use the SET PORT CI AVAILABLE command, even if the system crashes or is shut down and rebooted. If a massbus disk drive is dualported, it may be necessary to switch to single port so access to the drive can continue on one system. After giving the users time to dismount the structure, use the RESPOND command with one of the following options: ABORT cancels the command without changing the status of the CI or any structures. PROCEED begins the procedure to set the CI port unavailable. FORCE dismounts all structures and sets the CI port unavailable. (Use caution with this response; structures are dismounted whether or not users are accessing the structure.) If a massbus drive is dualported, the system informs you with a message. Respond by manually setting the port switch to a single system. Then type the PROCEED response. 3-141 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((SSEETT PPOORRTT CCII)) SSwwiittcchh | /CLUSTER-NODE:cluster-node-name | | specifies the particular cluster node within | the TOPS-20 cluster where the command is | processed. The "cluster-node-name" qualifier | can be any node name within the cluster or an | asterisk (*). The asterisk specifies all | nodes within the cluster. EExxaammpplleess 1. Set the CI UNAVAILABLE to stop using the CI20. OPR>S_E_T_ P_O_R_T_ C_I_ U_N_A_V_A_I_L_A_B_L_E_ <_R_E_T_>_ OPR> 12:14:48 <1> -- Port Unavailable Procedure Notice -- Setting CI Port 7 UNAVAILABLE The following structure(s) need to be dismounted or removed. DISK DRIVE INFORMATION DISK PACK INFO... Chan-Cont Disk Mount Mount Usage Type Drive Status Status Count Name Options ----- ---------------- ------ ----- ------------ ------- *RP06 0, ,2 Avail Mounted 1 AP02 (1/1) RA81 7,07,5 Avail Mounted 1 EXODUS (1/1) RA60 7,07,254 Avail Mounted 1 DRV354 (1/1) RA81 7,07,18 Avail Mounted 0 DRV18 (1/1) NOTE: Channel 7 indicates CI channel (*) indicates dual ported disk drives Type 'RESPOND option' where 'option' is one of the following: ABORT To cancel Port Unavailable Procedure. PROCEED To follow normal port unavailable procedure verifying each structure change. FORCE To proceed with no further notification. Use this option with extreme caution. OPR>R_E_S_P_O_N_D_ 1_ P_R_O_C_E_E_D_ <_R_E_T_>_ OPR> 12:15:33 -- Port Unavailable Procedure Notice -- Structure CHIP set exclusive due to port unavailable operation . 3-142 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((SSEETT PPOORRTT CCII)) . . 12:21:24 -- Port Unavailable Operation Completed -- Port Set Unavailable OPR> 2. Set the CI AVAILABLE to allow use of the CI20 (single CI system). OPR>S_E_T_ P_O_R_T_ C_I_ A_V_A_I_L_A_B_L_E_ <_R_E_T_>_ OPR> 17:40:31 <16> -- Port Available Procedure Notice -- Is there another TOPS-20 system currently running on the CI? 'RESPOND Yes or No' OPR>R_E_S_P_O_N_D_ 1_6_ N_O_ <_R_E_T_>_ OPR> 17:40:42 -- Port Available Operation Completed -- The following disk structures have been returned to available: Structure DISK1 set shared due to port available operation Channel 7 Controller 1 Drive 1 set available Channel 7 Controller 7 Drive 8 set available Channel 7 Controller 7 Drive 9 set available Channel 7 Controller 8 Drive 254 set available Port set available 3. Set the CI AVAILABLE to allow use of the CI20 (multiple CI system). OPR>S_E_T_ P_O_R_T_ C_I_ A_V_A_I_L_A_B_L_E_ <_R_E_T_>_ OPR> 17:42:33 <18> -- Port Available Procedure Notice -- Is there another TOPS-20 system currently running on the CI? 'RESPOND Yes or No' OPR>R_E_S_P_O_N_D_ 1_8_ Y_E_S_ <_R_E_T_>_ OPR> 17:42:46 -- Port Available Procedure Notice -- CI port will not be in use until system is reloaded 17:42:46 -- Port Available Operation Completed -- The following disk structures have been returned to available: Structure DISK1 set shared due to port available operation 3-143 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((SSEETT PPOORRTT CCII)) Channel 7 Controller 1 Drive 1 set available Channel 7 Controller 7 Drive 8 set available Channel 7 Controller 7 Drive 9 set available Channel 7 Controller 8 Drive 254 set available Port not found but status set to available 3-144 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((SSEETT PPOORRTT NNII)) SSEETT PPOORRTT NNII -- CCoonnttrroolllliinngg tthhee NNII PPoorrtt FFuunnccttiioonn You can use the SET PORT NI command only if your installation has an Ethernet interface. The SET PORT NI command allows or disallows using the NI port. Set the NI port UNAVAILABLE to run diagnostics on the NI hardware. Do not set the NI port UNAVAILABLE without approval from the system manager. See the T_O_P_S_-_2_0_ S_y_s_t_e_m_ M_a_n_a_g_e_r_'_s_ G_u_i_d_e_ for more information. FFoorrmmaatt | OPR>SET PORT keyword argument /switch where keyword must be: NI and argument is one of the following: AVAILABLE UNAVAILABLE | optionally followed by the switch: | | /CLUSTER-NODE:cluster-node-name KKeeyywwoorrdd NI specifies the NI port. AArrgguummeennttss AVAILABLE specifies that users are allowed to access the Ethernet interface. This argument cancels the effect of the UNAVAILABLE argument. AVAILABLE is the default setting. UNAVAILABLE specifies that users cannot access the Ethernet interface. This includes DECnet, LAT, and the NI% JSYS. 3-145 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((SSEETT PPOORRTT NNII)) SSwwiittcchh | /CLUSTER-NODE:cluster-node-name | | specifies the particular cluster node within | the TOPS-20 cluster where the command is | processed. The "cluster-node-name" qualifier | can be any node name within the cluster or an | asterisk (*). The asterisk specifies all | nodes within the cluster. 3-146 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((SSEETT PPRRIINNTTEERR)) SSEETT PPRRIINNTTEERR -- SSeettttiinngg LLiinnee PPrriinntteerr PPaarraammeetteerrss FFuunnccttiioonn The SET PRINTER command specifies what kind of jobs are scheduled on this device. You can set the forms type, page limits, priority limits, and the action to be taken when a job exceeds the output limit that you specify. This command allows you to change the parameters that are set at GALGEN time. You can specify a specific unit number or a range of unit numbers. In addition, you can specify ranges for the page and priority limits. | You can use an alias name defined with the DEFINE ALIAS command | to reference a printer specification in this command. The defaults for the line printers at your installation are set by your System Manager at software-installation time through the generation of the n-CONFIG.CMD file (where n is the TOPS-20 software generation number) and the LPFORM.INI file. These defaults are usually referred to as NORMAL in most installations. The printer is also commonly referred to as the line printer. There are two basic types of line printers, those that print in uppercase characters only (64 character print drum) and those that print in both uppercase and lowercase characters (96 character print drum). FFoorrmmaatt | OPR>SET PRINTER nn arguments /switch | | followed by the alias name or followed by the unit number: nn or a range of numbers: n:m or optionally, one of these arguments: CLUSTER nn n:m followed by: NODE node-name:: 3-147 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((SSEETT PPRRIINNTTEERR)) or DQS queuename followed by: NODE node-name:: or LAT followed by: SERVICE "name" SERVER "name" or followed by: PORT "name" SERVER "name" followed by one of these arguments: DESTINATION quoted string FORMS-TYPE name LIMIT-EXCEEDED-ACTION word PAGE-LIMITS pages PRIORITY-LIMITS nn n:m | optionally followed by the switch: | | /CLUSTER-NODE:cluster-node-name AArrgguummeennttss | aliasname specifies an alias name defined with the | DEFINE ALIAS command to reference a printer | specification. | nn specifies a printer unit number. The number is usually from 0 to 5, but can be larger if your installation has acquired more printer devices. n:m specifies a range of printer unit numbers. CLUSTER nn specifies a printer, or range of printers, on n:m a node within a cluster. A cluster is a configuration of processors with similar internal characteristics. Each processor in the configuration is identified by a node name. For example, HUEY::, DEWEY::, and LOUIE:: can be three nodes within a cluster of TOPS-20 processors. DQS queuename specifies the Distributed Queue Service allowing users to queue print requests to VMS systems using DECnet. DQS accepts the user specified print request and transmits it to the remote VMS node. The "queuename" specifies the VMS queuename and can be a 3-148 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((SSEETT PPRRIINNTTEERR)) string of 1 to 31 characters, consisting of alphanumeric characters, underscores, dashes, and dollar signs. LAT specifies the Local Area Transport service used to control communication between LAT hosts and terminals on the Ethernet. With the LAT keyword, you specify the SERVICE or PORT and its SERVER name to establish communication between your system, running LAT software, and the resource printer terminal. You cannot use the following SERVICE/PORT/SERVER specifications: SERVICE name only SERVER name only PORT name only SERVICE name and PORT name SERVICE, SERVER, and PORT names Refer to Chapter 4 for additional information about LAT communications. PORT "name" specifies the communication path between the host system and the printer resource or the access point that the node represents to the user. The "name" is the port name and can have from 1 to 16 characters consisting of alphanumeric characters, underscores, dashes, and dollar signs. SERVICE "name" specifies the resource and establishes the LAT access path to the resource. The "name" is the service name and can have from 1 to 16 characters consisting of alphanumeric characters, underscores, dashes, and dollar signs. SERVER "name" specifies the server name of the resource printer terminal. This name can be the LAT box with the proper LAT software running in it. The name can be from 1 to 6 alphanumeric characters in length. NODE node-name:: specifies that the printer and reader device for a node within the system's network be started. The double colon (::) following the node name is optional. Before you start an IBM node, you must define the node and set the parameters for the node. Refer to the DEFINE 3-149 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((SSEETT PPRRIINNTTEERR)) and SET NODE commands in this chapter. For the CLUSTER argument, NODE node-name:: specifies a node within the cluster and cannot be the local node or an alias. For the DQS argument, NODE node-name:: specifies the VMS node-name and cannot be an alias. DESTINATION node"user password account"::device:[directory] specifies the destination to receive IBM printer output. This is valid only if node has been defined as an SNA-WORKSTATION with the DEFINE NODE command. See the D_E_C_n_e_t_/_S_N_A_ T_O_P_S_-_2_0_ R_e_m_o_t_e_ J_o_b_ E_n_t_r_y_ U_s_e_r_'_s_ a_n_d_ O_p_e_r_a_t_o_r_'_s_ G_u_i_d_e_ for more information. The DESTINATION argument is valid only with the specification of unit number "nn" or a range of unit numbers "n:m". FORMS-TYPE name specifies the name of the type of printer forms. Typically, the normal paper form for the printer is referred to as 1-ply-wide or 1-ply-narrow. These can be abbreviated as 1W or 1N, or can be given some other name by your System Manager. Your installation can have different names for different types of line printer forms. By setting the FORMS-TYPE, you are specifying the type of forms in the line printer. The FORMS-TYPE argument is valid with the unit number argument and the LAT (PORT or SERVICE) arguments. FORMS-TYPE cannot be used if the CLUSTER or DQS arguments are specified. LIMIT-EXCEEDED-ACTION word specifies what action, if any, should be taken if a printer job that is currently printing on the unit number you specify exceeds the specified limit of output. The limit is set with the PAGE-LIMITS argument. There are three possible words associated with the LIMIT-EXCEEDED-ACTION argument. They are: ASK specifies that you are asked what to do if the printer job exceeds the page limit on output. You then have the option to continue or abort the printer job. 3-150 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((SSEETT PPRRIINNTTEERR)) CANCEL specifies that the print job is automatically canceled when the limit has been exceeded. IGNORE specifies that the print job continues automatically and the specified output page limit is ignored. PAGE-LIMITS pages specifies the maximum page limit for printed output. This argument can also specify a range of page limits. The page limit refers to the number of output pages that are printed. This command restricts the size of jobs that are sent to the printer you specify. PRIORITY-LIMITS nn n:m specifies the priority limits (numeric importance) of a line printer or a range of line printers at the central site or at a node. The numeric value associated with this argument means that only printer jobs submitted by users with the /PRIORITY: switch specifying the number (or range) you set for the line printer can execute on that printer. The numeric value for the PRIORITY-LIMITS argument can be from 1 to 63. The higher the number is, the higher the priority is. | SSwwiittcchh | | /CLUSTER-NODE:cluster-node-name | | specifies the particular cluster node within | the TOPS-20 cluster where the command is | processed. The "cluster-node-name" qualifier | can be any node name within the cluster or an | asterisk (*). The asterisk specifies all | nodes within the cluster. EExxaammpplleess 1. Specify the SET PRINTER command to set the default printer's forms type to 1-ply-wide for all line printers at your installation. NORMAL has been previously defined in the LPFORM.INI file as 1-ply-wide paper. OPR>S_E_T_ P_R_I_N_T_E_R_ 0_:_2_ F_O_R_M_S_-_T_Y_P_E_ N_O_R_M_A_L_<_R_E_T_>_ OPR> 3-151 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((SSEETT PPRRIINNTTEERR)) 13:10:10 Printer 0 --Set Accepted-- 13:10:11 Printer 1 --Set Accepted-- 13:10:12 Printer 2 --Set Accepted-- OPR> 2. Specify the SET PRINTER command to set the LIMIT-EXCEEDED-ACTION to IGNORE. This means that all queued printer jobs that exceed their output page limit continue to print and are not aborted. In addition, there is no required operator action to take except loading paper in the line printer. OPR>S_E_T_ P_R_I_N_T_E_R_ 0_:_1_ L_I_M_I_T_-_E_X_C_E_E_D_E_D_-_A_C_T_I_O_N_ I_G_N_O_R_E_<_R_E_T_>_ OPR> 15:43:17 Printer 0 --Set Accepted-- 15:43:18 Printer 1 --Set Accepted-- OPR> 3-152 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((SSEETT SSCCHHEEDDUULLEERR)) SSEETT SSCCHHEEDDUULLEERR -- SSeettttiinngg SSyysstteemm PPeerrffoorrmmaannccee FFuunnccttiioonn The SET SCHEDULER command changes the scheduling scheme (or allocation of system resources) for batch jobs and timesharing jobs. Normally, if your installation is making use of the TOPS-20 class scheduling of jobs, the scheduling classes are set up in the n-CONFIG.CMD file at system startup. The SET SCHEDULER command allows you to change these classes during timesharing, such as when first shift ends and second shift begins. You should refer to your System Manager about job scheduling before you use this command with any of its available arguments. FFoorrmmaatt | OPR>SET SCHEDULER argument /switch where argument can be one of the following: BATCH-CLASS BACKGROUND NONE scheduler-class BIAS-CONTROL nn CLASS n nn | optionally followed by the switch: | | /CLUSTER-NODE:cluster-node-name AArrgguummeennttss BATCH-CLASS specifies that the class be changed for all batch jobs submitted to your system for processing. With this argument you can specify BACKGROUND, NONE, or a scheduler-class number. To check the current batch class setting, give the SHOW SCHEDULER command. BACKGROUND specifies that batch jobs for a particular class be processed in your system using the CPU time that has not been allocated to any 3-153 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((SSEETT SSCCHHEEDDUULLEERR)) other class. | If you are not using the class scheduler, the | BACKGROUND argument causes batch jobs to run | in the lowest priority queue. NONE specifies that batch jobs entered into the system be processed whenever CPU time becomes available and is not assigned to a particular class that has been allocated a percentage of CPU time. scheduler-class specifies that batch jobs be processed in a particular class number that has been allocated a certain percentage of CPU time. BIAS-CONTROL nn specifies that the allocation of system resources between compute-bound jobs and interactive jobs be changed. The "nn" is a integer from 1 to 20 that determines which job grouping receives the higher or lower priority. To allocate a higher priority to compute-bound jobs, set the integer in the 11 to 20 range with 20 being the highest priority. To allocate a higher priority to interactive jobs, set the integer in the 1 to 10 range with 1 being the highest priority. The default is set by your System Manager at system installation time. To check the current setting of the bias control, give the SHOW SCHEDULER command. CLASS n nn specifies the percentage of CPU time for a particular job class be changed. The percentage (nn) cannot exceed a 100% total for all classes in the system. The class number (n) can be from 0 to 7. To check the current settings of the classes in your system, give the SHOW SCHEDULER command. SSwwiittcchh | /CLUSTER-NODE:cluster-node-name | | specifies the particular cluster node within | the TOPS-20 cluster where the command is | processed. The "cluster-node-name" qualifier | can be any node name within the cluster or an | asterisk (*). The asterisk specifies all 3-154 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((SSEETT SSCCHHEEDDUULLEERR)) | nodes within the cluster. EExxaammpplleess 1. You change the batch class and percentage at the end of first shift to allow for more CPU time for production jobs that process in the batch mode. OPR>S_E_T_ S_C_H_E_D_U_L_E_R_ B_A_T_C_H_-_C_L_A_S_S_ 1_<_R_E_T_>_ OPR> 15:31:09 --Scheduler Setting Modified-- OPR>S_E_T_ S_C_H_E_D_U_L_E_R_ C_L_A_S_S_ 1_ 6_0_<_R_E_T_>_ OPR> 15:31:45 --Scheduler Setting Modified-- OPR> 2. You set the scheduler bias-control to 15 to allow compute-bound (production) jobs a greater allocation of system resources than interactive jobs. OPR>S_E_T_ S_C_H_E_D_U_L_E_R_ B_I_A_S_-_C_O_N_T_R_O_L_ 1_5_<_R_E_T_>_ OPR> 16:30:09 --Scheduler Bias set to 15-- OPR> 3-155 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((SSEETT SSTTRRUUCCTTUURREE)) SSEETT SSTTRRUUCCTTUURREE -- SSeettttiinngg SSttrruuccttuurree PPaarraammeetteerrss FFuunnccttiioonn The SET STRUCTURE command enters a new structure or changes the parameters of an existing structure. The SET STRUCTURE command enters the parameters of a structure into the system's structure data base. The structure data base contains a catalog of all the system's mountable structures and their parameters. Whenever a structure is mounted, the parameters in the structure data base take effect. These parameters do not change if the system crashes or is shut down. You can display the contents of the structure data base with the SHOW STATUS STRUCTURE command. FFoorrmmaatt | OPR>SET STRUCTURE keyword argument /switch where keyword is the structure's name: structure-name: and argument must be one of the following: ACKNOWLEDGED AVAILABLE DOMESTIC DUMPABLE EXCLUSIVE FOREIGN IGNORED NODUMPABLE REGULATED SHARED UNAVAILABLE UNREGULATED | | optionally followed by the switch: | | /CLUSTER-NODE:cluster-node-name KKeeyywwoorrdd structure-name: specifies the alias for the structure. The 3-156 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((SSEETT SSTTRRUUCCTTUURREE)) alias is the mounted structure-name. The structure-name must be from 1 to 6 characters in length and must include the colon. The alias is normally the same as the physical identification unless a privileged user has specified a different alias. AArrgguummeennttss ACKNOWLEDGED specifies that structure attributes can be changed only with the SET STRUCTURE command. If a structure attribute is changed by some other means, the Mountable D. The opposite state of ACKNOWLEDGED is IGNORED. When a new structure is entered into the structure data base, its default state is ACKNOWLEDGED. AVAILABLE specifies that the structure is available so that users can MOUNT the structure. The opposite state of AVAILABLE is UNAVAILABLE. When a new structure is entered into the structure data base, its default state is AVAILABLE. DOMESTIC specifies that the structure with its alias is to be DOMESTIC. A user can ACCESS or CONNECT to his directory on a DOMESTIC structure without giving a password. The opposite state of DOMESTIC is FOREIGN. When a new structure is entered into the structure data base, its default state is FOREIGN. DUMPABLE specifies to allow continuable dumps when Dump-On-BUGCHK is enabled. Dump-On-BUGCHK (DOB) allows the system to take a dump at a time specified by the System Manager, without discontinuing system process time. This is referred to as a "continuable" dump. The structure must be up and spinning, but the structure need not be MOUNTed. The structure must have a valid DUMP.EXE file. If this file does not exist or is invalid, the structure is ignored when a continuable dump occurs. 3-157 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((SSEETT SSTTRRUUCCTTUURREE)) This SET command makes the structure dumpable regardless of any system reloads, because GALAXY saves the dumpable status of the structure. EXCLUSIVE specifies that the structure in a CFS configuration is available only to users on the system that set the structure EXCLUSIVE. The opposite state of EXCLUSIVE is SHARED. When a new structure is mounted, its default state is SHARED. A structure set EXCLUSIVE on one CFS system should be set UNAVAILABLE on all other systems in the CFS configuration. FOREIGN specifies the structure with the alias to be FOREIGN. A user must always give a password to ACCESS or CONNECT to a directory on a FOREIGN structure. The opposite state of FOREIGN is DOMESTIC. When a new structure is entered into the structure data base, its default state is FOREIGN. The primary public structure is always DOMESTIC. An attempt to set this structure FOREIGN is ignored by the system. IGNORED specifies that the structure is not under the control of the Mountable Device Allocator. Only privileged users can change structure attributes and mount the structure, and only by using direct monitor calls. While the structure is in an IGNORED state, SET STRUCTURE commands are accepted but do not take effect until the structure is set ACKNOWLEDGED. Also, a structure cannot be DISMOUNTED through the mountable device allocator unless it is set ACKNOWLEDGED. If the structure has already been MOUNTed by a user when the structure is set IGNORED, users can continue to MOUNT the structure. If the structure is not MOUNTed when it is set IGNORED, users cannot MOUNT the structure. The opposite state of IGNORED is ACKNOWLEDGED. When a new structure is entered into the structure data base, its default state is ACKNOWLEDGED. 3-158 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((SSEETT SSTTRRUUCCTTUURREE)) NONDUMPABLE specifies to disallow continuable dumps when Dump-On-BUGCHK is enabled. Refer to the DUMPABLE argument for a description of this feature. REGULATED specifies that the structure has accounting and that prior incrementing of the mount count is required to use the structure. The opposite state of REGULATED is UNREGULATED. When a new structure is entered into the structure data base, its default state is REGULATED. The primary public structure is always UNREGULATED. An attempt to set this structure REGULATED is ignored by the system. SHARED specifies that the structure in a CFS configuration is available to users on any system. The opposite state of SHARED is EXCLUSIVE. When a new structure is entered into the structure data base, its default state is SHARED. UNAVAILABLE specifies that the structure cannot be mounted, but allows those users who currently have the structure mounted to finish their work on it. The opposite state of UNAVAILABLE is AVAILABLE. When a new structure is entered into the structure data base, its default state is AVAILABLE. UNREGULATED specifies that the structure does not have accounting and that prior incrementing of the mount count is not required to use this structure. The opposite state of UNREGULATED is REGULATED. When a new structure is entered into the structure data base, its default state is REGULATED. 3-159 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((SSEETT SSTTRRUUCCTTUURREE)) | SSwwiittcchh | | /CLUSTER-NODE:cluster-node-name | | specifies the particular cluster node within | the TOPS-20 cluster where the command is | processed. The "cluster-node-name" qualifier | can be any node name within the cluster or an | asterisk (*). The asterisk specifies all | nodes within the cluster. EExxaammpplleess 1. Specify the SET STRUCTURE command to set structure DSKA1: as unavailable for any MOUNT requests from users. OPR>S_E_T_ S_T_R_U_C_T_U_R_E_ D_S_K_A_1_:_ U_N_A_V_A_I_L_A_B_L_E_<_R_E_T_>_ OPR> 15:27:03 -- Set Structure Command -- Structure DSKA1: set UNAVAILABLE OPR> 2. Specify the SET STRUCTURE command to prevent the structure TEST: from being mounted by OPR/ORION. OPR>S_E_T_ S_T_R_U_C_T_U_R_E_ T_E_S_T_:_ I_G_N_O_R_E_D_<_R_E_T_>_ OPR> 10:45:40 -- Set Structure Command -- Structure is currently set IGNORED. Attributes will be applied when structure is set to ACKNOWLEDGED. Structure PACK: set IGNORED OPR> Later, to allow the structure to be mounted by OPR/ORION: OPR>S_E_T_ S_T_R_U_C_T_U_R_E_ T_E_S_T_:_ A_C_K_N_O_W_L_E_D_G_E_D_<_R_E_T_>_ OPR> 15:26:43 --Set Structure Command -- Structure TEST: set ACKNOWLEDGED OPR> 3. Specify the SET STRUCTURE command to set structure MOON: as FOREIGN. OPR>S_E_T_ S_T_R_U_C_T_U_R_E_ M_O_O_N_:_ F_O_R_E_I_G_N_<_R_E_T_>_ OPR> 15:35:42 -- Set Structure Command -- Structure MOON: set FOREIGN OPR> 3-160 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((SSEETT TTAAPPEE--DDRRIIVVEE)) SSEETT TTAAPPEE--DDRRIIVVEE -- SSeettttiinngg TTaappee--DDrriivvee PPaarraammeetteerrss FFuunnccttiioonn The SET TAPE-DRIVE command sets the availability characteristics of a particular tape-drive device. With the use of this command, you can allow or disallow users from requesting tapes to be mounted on the tape drives. In addition, you can initialize tapes with the SET TAPE-DRIVE command. You must specify the logical tape-drive name, and either the keyword AVAILABLE, INITIALIZE, or UNAVAILABLE. FFoorrmmaatt OPR>SET TAPE-DRIVE MTAn: argument /switch where MTAn: is the logical tape-drive name followed by one of these arguments: AVAILABLE INITIALIZE UNAVAILABLE the INITIALIZE keyword has the following switches: | /CLUSTER-NODE:cluster-node-name /COUNT:nn /DENSITY:nn /INCREMENT:nn /LABEL-TYPE:type /OVERRIDE-EXPIRATION:YES NO /OWNER:name /PROTECTION:nnnnnn /TAPE-DISPOSITION:condition /VOLUME-ID:volid KKeeyywwoorrdd MTAn: specifies the logical tape-drive name; the colon must be included. The tape-drive name: is in the format of MTAn:, where n is the tape-drive number. An example of a logical tape-drive name is MTA0: for Magnetic Tape Drive 0. 3-161 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((SSEETT TTAAPPEE--DDRRIIVVEE)) AArrgguummeennttss AVAILABLE specifies that this particular tape drive can be used to satisfy user tape mount requests. This argument cancels the effect of the UNAVAILABLE argument. Once this command is given, the tape drive remains AVAILABLE until it is set UNAVAILABLE. INITIALIZE specifies that the tape drive is unavailable for user mount requests and that the drive is being used by you to initialize tapes. A labeled tape is initialized when you write a volume identification at the beginning of the tape. An unlabeled tape is initialized when you write a record of 80 null characters at the beginning of the tape. When the specified number of tapes have been INITIALIZEd, the tape drive automatically becomes available for user mount requests. You specify the number of tapes to be initialized with the /COUNT: switch. UNAVAILABLE specifies that this particular tape drive cannot be used to satisfy user tape mount requests. This argument cancels the effect of the AVAILABLE argument. If the user is currently using a tape on this tape drive, the tape drive becomes unavailable after the user completes his work. If the system crashes or is shutdown, the command SET TAPE-DRIVE MTAn: UNAVAILABLE remains in effect after the system is in operation again. NOTE Drives that are set UNAVAILABLE can be ASSIGNed by user jobs. This could pose a security problem, as no label processing or verification is performed by the system when using a tape on an UNAVAILABLE drive. When you specify UNAVAILABLE, you can enter a single- or multiple-line reason and terminate with a carriage return, or you can terminate immediately with a carriage return after the UNAVAILABLE keyword and OPR responds with ENTER TEXT AND TERMINATE WITH ^Z. You then enter as many lines of text for a reason as you need. When you press CTRL/Z, the OPR> 3-162 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((SSEETT TTAAPPEE--DDRRIIVVEE)) prompt returns and your report is logged into the ERROR.SYS file. SSwwiittcchheess | /CLUSTER-NODE:cluster-node-name | | specifies the particular cluster node within | the TOPS-20 cluster where the command is | processed. The "cluster-node-name" qualifier | can be any node name within the cluster or an | asterisk (*). The asterisk specifies all | nodes within the cluster. /COUNT:nn specifies the number (nn) of tapes to be initialized. The /COUNT: switch, when specified, provides a mechanism for initialization of multiple tapes with the same attributes. Each tape prompts you with a WTOR message for the volume identification. After initialization, the tape is automatically unloaded and the tape drive is ready to accept the next tape to initialize. When as many tapes as specified by the /COUNT: switch have been initialized, the tape drive returns to the AVAILABLE state. /DENSITY:nn specifies the BPI (bits-per-inch) density of the tapes to be initialized. The number (nn) can be 200, 556, 800, 1600, or 6250. If you do not specify the /DENSITY: switch, the density defaults to 1600 BPI. /INCREMENT:nn specifies the numeric value (nn) by which to increment the tape volumes. This switch is ignored unless you also use the /COUNT: switch and specify a numeric volume identification (see the /VOLID: switch) that contains no leading zeros. If you do not include this switch but do specify a numeric volume identification that contains no leading zeros, the default numeric value is 1. /LABEL-TYPE:type specifies the type of label to be written on the tape. The type can be ANSI, EBCDIC, TOPS-20, or UNLABELED. If you do not specify the /LABEL-TYPE: switch, the default is TOPS-20. 3-163 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((SSEETT TTAAPPEE--DDRRIIVVEE)) /OVERRIDE-EXPIRATION: (YES or NO) specifies whether to check for expiration date of the data on the tape. If you specify NO and attempt to re-initialize a labeled tape whose first file is not expired, the system issues an error message and does not re-initialize the tape. If you specify YES, each tape is re-initialized unconditionally. If you are initializing brand new tapes, you should specify YES to prevent the tape drive from "running away" when MOUNTR tries to read a label from the tape. If you do not specify this switch, the default is NO. /OWNER:name specifies the name of the owner of the tape(s) to be initialized. This switch affects only to TOPS-20 label types. If you do not specify the /OWNER: switch, the tape is initialized as a scratch tape. /PROTECTION:nnnnnn specifies a 6-digit octal number as the protection number of the tape. The number is usually from 000000 (so that no one can use the tape) through 777777 (where anyone can use the tape). If you do not specify the /PROTECTION: switch, the default is 777777. This switch is ignored if the label type is ANSI, EBCDIC, or UNLABELED. /TAPE-DISPOSITION:condition specifies what is to be done to the tape after it is initialized. The condition can be either HOLD or UNLOAD. If you specify HOLD, the tape is initialized and is not unloaded. A user requesting the tape can use it without your having to reload it. If you specify UNLOAD, the tape is initialized and is unloaded from the tape drive. The default is UNLOAD. If a value greater than 1 is specified by the /COUNT: switch, the /TAPE-DISPOSITION: switch is ignored and UNLOAD is assumed. /VOLUME-ID:volid specifies a volume identification for the tape. The volid must be from 1 to 6 characters. The volid must contain only alphanumeric characters. If the volid 3-164 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((SSEETT TTAAPPEE--DDRRIIVVEE)) contains leading zeros it is considered nonnumeric, and the /INCREMENT: switch is ignored. This switch is not necessary if the tape is being initialized as an unlabeled tape. RReessttrriiccttiioonnss If you set a tape drive to be UNAVAILABLE before you set the tape drive to INITIALIZE, the following error message appears: hh:mm:ss --Tape Drive MTAn: is Not Under Operator Control-- The SET TAPE-DRIVE command to INITIALIZE must be given for a tape drive that is AVAILABLE. When the initialization is complete, the tape drive is left AVAILABLE. EExxaammpplleess 1. A user (J.JONES) has requested a tape mount of an ANSI tape with a volid of TAPE01 and has requested that you initialize the tape first. The volume is initialized with ANSI labels and a volid of TAPE01. The system default for density (1600 BPI) is used. When the tape is mounted on the drive, the tape is initialized and the drive then becomes available to the user (/TAPE-DISPOSITION:HOLD). AVR takes over and satisfies the mount request for TAPE01. OPR> --Tape Mount Request # 31-- 12:11:34 Mount ANSI volume TAPE01, 9-track, 1600 BPI, WRITE-ENABLED User J. JONES, Job 39, Terminal 13 User's remark: PLEASE INITIALIZE TAPE FIRST OPR>S_E_T_ T_A_P_E_-_D_R_I_V_E_ M_T_A_3_:_ I_N_I_T_I_A_L_I_Z_E_ /_L_A_B_E_L_-_T_Y_P_E_:_A_N_S_I_-_<_R_E_T_>_ /_T_A_P_E_-_D_I_S_P_O_S_I_T_I_O_N_:_H_O_L_D_/_V_O_L_U_M_E_-_I_D_:_T_A_P_E_0_1_<_R_E_T_>_ OPR> 12:12:01 --Mount Tape To Be Initialized-- Mount tape volume TAPE01 for initialization on MTA3: OPR> You now load the tape on drive MTA3:. When the initializing is completed, OPR types the following message: 12:13:14 --MTA3: Volume TAPE01 Initialized-- Label type: ANSI Density: 1600 OPR> 12:13:19 --INITIALIZE Completed-- 3-165 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((SSEETT TTAAPPEE--DDRRIIVVEE)) MTA3: available for user tape requests OPR> 12:13:30 --MTA3: Volume TAPE01, ANSI labeled tape mounted-- OPR> 12:13:33 --MTA3: Given to Request 31-- Volume TAPE01 now in use by User J.JONES, Job 39, Terminal 13 OPR> 2. Specify the SET TAPE-DRIVE command to set tape drive MTA1: to be unavailable. Any user job currently using this device is allowed to finish his work and dismount the tape before the device becomes unavailable. OPR>S_E_T_ T_A_P_E_-_D_R_I_V_E_ M_T_A_1_:_ U_N_A_V_A_I_L_A_B_L_E_<_R_E_T_>_ Enter Text and Terminate with ^Z T_A_P_E_ D_R_I_V_E_ I_S_ N_E_E_D_E_D_ B_Y_ F_I_E_L_D_ S_E_R_V_I_C_E_^Z ^ | OPR> 10:23:56 --Tape Drive Set Unavailable-- MTA1: set unavailable for assignment by MOUNTR OPR> 3. Specify the SET TAPE-DRIVE command to make tape drive MTA3: available for tape mounts. OPR>S_E_T_ T_A_P_E_-_D_R_I_V_E_ M_T_A_3_:_ A_V_A_I_L_A_B_L_E_<_R_E_T_>_ OPR> 12:02:24 --Tape Drive Set Available-- MTA3: set available for assignment by MOUNTR OPR> 3-166 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((SSHHOOWW)) SSHHOOWW -- DDiissppllaayyiinngg SSyysstteemm IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn FFuunnccttiioonn The SHOW command shows (or displays) information from the system. The SHOW command does not alter or change any jobs, queues, or devices. The SHOW command can be issued before a particular job, queue, or device has been changed; and then it can be issued after the change to check to see if the particular change was satisfactory. Because the SHOW command is complex, having multiple keywords, subkeywords, parameters, switches, and numeric values, each SHOW keyword command is described in the same format as an individual OPR command. FFoorrmmaatt OPR>SHOW keyword where keyword can be one of the following: | ALIAS | BROADCAST-MESSAGES CLUSTER-GALAXY-LINK-STATUS CONFIGURATION CONTROL-FILE MESSAGES OPERATORS PARAMETERS QUEUES ROUTE-TABLE SCHEDULER STATUS TIME followed by one or more of the keywords, arguments, switches, and values described in the SHOW command subsections. 3-167 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS | ((SSHHOOWW AALLIIAASS)) | SSHHOOWW AALLIIAASS -- DDiissppllaayyiinngg PPrriinntteerr AAlliiaass NNaammeess | | | | FFuunnccttiioonn | | The SHOW ALIAS command displays the alias to printer | specification mappings that were previously defined. | | | FFoorrmmaatt | | OPR>SHOW ALIAS keyword argument /switch | | where keyword can be one of the following: | | CLUSTER | DQS | LAT | LOCAL | | followed by a unit number: | | nn | | or a range: n:m | | followed optionally by the switch: | | /NODE:node-name | | or | CLUSTER nn | n:m | followed by: NODE node-name:: | | or DQS queuename | followed by: NODE node-name:: | | or LAT | followed by: SERVICE "name" | SERVER "name" | or followed by: PORT "name" | SERVER "name" | | followed optionally by the switch: | | /CLUSTER-NODE:cluster-node-name | | | AArrgguummeennttss 3-168 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS | ((SSHHOOWW AALLIIAASS)) | CLUSTER nn specifies a printer, or a range of printers, | n:m on a remote node within a TOPS-20 cluster. A | TOPS-20 cluster is a loosely coupled | configuration of between two and four TOPS-20 | processors. Each processor in the | configuration is identified by a node name. | For example, HUEY::, DEWEY::, and LOUIE:: can | be three nodes within a cluster of TOPS-20 | processors. | | NODE node-name:: | | specifies that the printer device for a | cluster be started. The double colon (::) | following the node name is not needed. | | For the CLUSTER argument, NODE node-name:: | specifies a node within the cluster and cannot | be the local node or an alias. | | DQS queuename | | specifies the Distributed Queue Service | allowing users to queue print requests to VMS | systems using DECnet. DQS accepts the user | specified print request and transmits it to | the remote VMS node. The "queuename" | specifies the VMS queuename and can be a | string of 1 to 31 characters, consisting of | alphanumeric characters, underscores, dashes, | and dollar signs. | | NODE node-name:: | | specifies the VMS node where the print request | is to be processed. The double colon (::) | following the node name is not needed. | | For the DQS argument, NODE node-name:: | specifies the VMS nodename and cannot be an | alias. | | LAT specifies the Local Area Transport service | used to control communication between LAT | hosts and terminals on the Ethernet. With the | LAT keyword, you specify the SERVICE or PORT | and its SERVER name to establish communication | between your system, running LAT software, and | the resource printer terminal. | | You cannot use the following 3-169 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS | ((SSHHOOWW AALLIIAASS)) | SERVICE/PORT/SERVER specifications: | | SERVICE name only | SERVER name only | PORT name only | SERVICE name and PORT name | SERVICE, SERVER, and PORT names | | Refer to Chapter 4 for additional information | about LAT communications. | | PORT "name" | | specifies the communication path between the | host system and the printer resource or the | access point that the node represents to the | user. The "name" is the port name and can | have from 1 to 16 characters consisting of | alphanumeric characters, underscores, dashes, | and dollar signs. | | SERVICE "name" | | specifies the resource and establishes the LAT | access path to the resource. The "name" is | the service name and can have from 1 to 16 | characters consisting of alphanumeric | characters, underscores, dashes, and dollar | signs. | | SERVER "name" | | specifies the server name of the resource | printer terminal. This name can be the LAT | box with the proper LAT software running in | it. The name can be from 1 to 6 alphanumeric | characters in length. | | LOCAL specifies to display the line printer | parameters for your local logged-in system. | | nn specifies a numeric value representing a | batch-stream number or a device unit number. | The number is usually from 0 to 5, but can be | larger if your installation has acquired | additional devices. | | n:m specifies a range of unit numbers. | | 3-170 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS | ((SSHHOOWW AALLIIAASS)) | SSwwiittcchh | | /CLUSTER-NODE:cluster-node-name | | specifies the particular node in the TOPS-20 | cluster where the command is processed. The | "cluster-node-name" can be any node name | within the cluster or an asterisk (*). The | asterisk specifies all nodes within the | cluster. | | /NODE:node-name:: specifies the name of your host or a remote | station. The double colon (::) following the | node name is optional. | | | EExxaammpplleess | | | 1. Specify the SHOW ALIAS command to display the alias names for | CLUSTER, DQS, and LAT printer specifications. | | OPR>S_H_O_W_ A_L_I_A_S_<_R_E_T_>_ | OPR> | 14:45:37 -- Alias Printer Mappings -- | | Cluster printers | Alias Unit Node | ------ ---- ------ | RONCO 0 RONCO | | DQS printers | Alias DQS queue name Node | ------ ------------------------------ ------ | NATASH TOPS$LN03 GALLO | XEROX SI$8700 JUNIPR | PLVD LVD$LN03 MED | XPLOT SI$87PLOT MRSVAX | BENSON SI$BENSON MRSVAX | | LAT PORT printers | Alias Port name Server | ------ ---------------- ------ | ROCKY 24004_LN03A LAT1 | BULLW 24004_LN03B LAT70 | BORIS LN03 LAT71 | | 2. Specify the SHOW ALIAS command with the /CLUSTER-NODE switch | to display which printer specifications on all the nodes in | the cluster use the alias name BORIS. 3-171 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS | ((SSHHOOWW AALLIIAASS)) | OPR>S_H_O_ A_L_I_A_S_ B_O_R_I_S_ /_C_L_U_S_T_E_R_-_N_O_D_E_:_ *_<_R_E_T_>_ | | 14:46:04 -- Alias Printer Mappings -- | | LAT PORT printers | Alias Port name Server | ------ ---------------- ------ | BORIS LN03 LAT71 | OPR> | 14:46:04 Received message from RONCO:: | 14:45:58 -- Alias Printer Mappings -- | | LAT PORT printers | Alias Port name Server | ------ ---------------- ------ | BORIS LN03 LAT71 | | 14:46:05 Received message from CLOYD:: | 14:45:53 -- Alias Printer Mappings -- | | LAT PORT printers | Alias Port name Server | ------ ---------------- ------ | BORIS LN03 LAT71 | 3-172 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS | ((SSHHOOWW BBRROOAADDCCAASSTT--MMEESSSSAAGGEESS)) | SSHHOOWW BBRROOAADDCCAASSTT--MMEESSSSAAGGEESS -- DDiissppllaayyiinngg SSttaattuuss ooff RReemmoottee BBrrooaaddccaassttiinngg ooff | OORRIIOONN MMeessssaaggeess | | | | FFuunnccttiioonn | | The SHOW BROADCAST-MESSAGES command displays whether or not | remote broadcasting of ORION messages are enabled or disabled to | a particular node or nodes. | | | FFoorrmmaatt | | OPR>SHOW BROADCAST-MESSAGES keyword argument /switch | | where keyword is the optional keyword NODE | | followed by either of the arguments: | | cluster-node-name | * | | followed optionally by the switch: | | /CLUSTER-NODE:cluster-node-name | | | KKeeyywwoorrdd | | NODE specifies the particular node in the TOPS-20 | cluster to display or an asterisk (*) to | display all nodes in the cluster. | | SSwwiittcchh | | /CLUSTER-NODE:cluster-node-name | | specifies the particular node in the TOPS-20 | cluster where the command is processed. The | "cluster-node-name" can be any node name | within the cluster or an asterisk (*). The | asterisk specifies all nodes within the | cluster. | | | EExxaammppllee | | OPR>SHOW BROADCAST-MESSAGES | | OPR> 3-173 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS | ((SSHHOOWW BBRROOAADDCCAASSTT--MMEESSSSAAGGEESS)) | 17:01:54 -- Broadcast Messages -- | | CLOYD GIDNEY Message type | ------ ------ ------------ | Ena Ena BATCH-MESSAGES | Ena Ena CARD-PUNCH-MESSAGES | Ena Ena CARD-READER-INTERPRETER-MESSAGES | Ena Ena FILE-RETRIEVAL-MESSAGES | Ena Ena MOUNT-MESSAGES | Ena Ena PAPER-TAPE-PUNCH-MESSAGES | Ena Ena PLOTTER-MESSAGES | Ena Ena PRINTER-MESSAGES | Ena Ena READER-MESSAGES | Ena Ena USER-MESSAGES | | Ena Ena BUGCHK-MESSAGES | Ena Ena BUGINF-MESSAGES | Ena Ena DECNET-EVENT-MESSAGES | Ena Ena DECNET-LINK-MESSAGES | Ena Ena SYSTEM-MESSAGES | | Ena Ena LCP-MESSAGES | Ena Ena NCP-MESSAGES 3-174 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((SSHHOOWW CCLLUUSSTTEERR--GGAALLAAXXYY--LLIINNKK--SSTTAATTUUSS)) SSHHOOWW CCLLUUSSTTEERR--GGAALLAAXXYY--LLIINNKK--SSTTAATTUUSS -- DDiissppllaayyiinngg CClluusstteerr LLiinnkk SSttaattuuss FFuunnccttiioonn The SHOW CLUSTER-GALAXY-LINK-STATUS command displays NEBULA's DECnet connections to remote NEBULAs in the cluster. FFoorrmmaatt OPR>SHOW CLUSTER-GALAXY-LINK-STATUS /switch where switch can be: /NODE:node-name:: /CLUSTER-NODE:cluster-node-name SSwwiittcchheess /NODE:node-name:: specifies the name of a remote node in the cluster. The double colon (::) following the node name is optional. If you do not specify the /NODE: switch, NEBULA's link status to every remote node in the cluster is displayed. /CLUSTER-NODE:cluster-node-name specifies the particular node in the TOPS-20 cluster where the command is processed. The "cluster-node-name" can be any node name within the cluster or an asterisk (*). The asterisk specifies all nodes within the cluster. EExxaammppllee You are logged in to GIDNEY and you wish to display NEBULA's DECnet link status to the remote NEBULAs in the cluster. OPR>S_H_O_W_ C_L_U_S_T_E_R_-_G_A_L_A_X_Y_-_L_I_N_K_-_S_T_A_T_U_S_<_R_E_T_>_ OPR> 19:28:26 -- Cluster Status -- Node Sender Link Status Listener Link Status ------ ------------------ -------------------- THEP Connected Connected CLOYD Connected Connected 3-175 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((SSHHOOWW CCLLUUSSTTEERR--GGAALLAAXXYY--LLIINNKK--SSTTAATTUUSS)) RONCO Connected Connected 3-176 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((SSHHOOWW CCOONNFFIIGGUURRAATTIIOONN)) SSHHOOWW CCOONNFFIIGGUURRAATTIIOONN -- DDiissppllaayyiinngg DDiisskk DDrriivvee CCoonnffiigguurraattiioonn FFuunnccttiioonn The SHOW CONFIGURATION command displays information that uniquely identifies disk drives. FFoorrmmaatt OPR>SHOW CONFIGURATION (of) keyword /switch where keyword must be: DISK-DRIVE followed by one of these switches: /ALL /FREE /MOUNTED and, optionally the switch: /CLUSTER-NODE:cluster-node-name KKeeyywwoorrdd DISK-DRIVE specifies to display information about disk drives. SSwwiittcchheess /ALL specifies that both free disk drives and mounted disk drives be displayed. This switch is the default. /FREE specifies that only those disk drives that are available for structure mounts be displayed. /MOUNTED specifies that only those disk drives that are currently mounted and being accessed be displayed. /CLUSTER-NODE:cluster-node-name specifies the particular node in the TOPS-20 cluster where the command is processed. The "cluster-node-name" can be any node name 3-177 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((SSHHOOWW CCOONNFFIIGGUURRAATTIIOONN)) within the cluster or an asterisk (*). The asterisk specifies all nodes within the cluster. EExxaammppllee You are logged in on cluster node CLOYD and wish to display configuration information about mounted disk drives on cluster node GIDNEY. OPR>S_H_O_W_ C_O_N_F_I_G_U_R_A_T_I_O_N_ D_I_S_K_-_D_R_I_V_E_ /_M_O_U_N_T_E_D_ -_<_R_E_T_>_ /_C_L_U_S_T_E_R_-_N_O_D_E_:_G_I_D_N_E_Y_<_R_E_T_>_ OPR> 09:12:39 Received message from GIDNEY:: 09:12:32 -- Disk Drive Configuration -- MOUNTED DRIVES Chan-Cont Mount Type Drive Drive Serial Number Status Name ---- --------- --------------------- ------- ------------ RP06 0, ,0 17170432 1156 Mounted GIDNEY (1/1) *RP07 2, ,0 17235968 8965 Mounted CHOP (1/1) *RP07 2, ,2 17235968 10337 Mounted REL7 (1/1) *RP07 2, ,3 17235968 14402 Mounted SLICE (1/1) RA81 7,00,2 33882112 17697 Mounted WORK (2/2) RA81 7,01,11 33882112 4005 Mounted WHITE (1/1) RA81 7,01,12 33882112 3029 Mounted LINK (1/1) RA81 7,01,14 33882112 4258 Mounted SNARK (1/2) RA81 7,01,19 33882112 18036 Mounted MOOSE (1/1) RA81 7,01,21 33882112 4201 Mounted WORK (1/2) RA81 7,01,22 33882112 3411 Mounted MORDOR (1/1) RP06 7,05,1 17170432 1368 Mounted THEP (1/1) RP06 7,06,1 17170432 370 Mounted CLOYD (1/1) RA81 7,01,8 33882112 18289 Mounted MKT (1/1) RA81 7,00,17 33882112 2463 Mounted GREEN (1/1) RA81 7,00,20 33882112 18035 Mounted RIP (1/1) RA60 7,00,16 33816576 1023 Mounted DBMS20 (1/1) RA81 7,00,18 33882112 17878 Mounted IGUANA (1/1) RA81 7,00,36 33882112 18053 Mounted GALAXY (1/1) RA81 7,01,4 33882112 2003 Mounted FTN (1/1) RA81 7,00,15 33882112 4002 Mounted SNARK (2/2) RA81 7,00,13 33882112 3675 Mounted SOFT (1/1) RA81 7,01,0 33882112 17610 Mounted COMMON (1/1) *RP06 1, ,2 17170432 388 Mounted APATCH (1/1) RA81 7,00,3 33882112 2014 Mounted EXODUS (1/1) RA60 7,00,7 33816576 14375 Mounted ROCKET (1/1) *RP06 1, ,4 17170432 263 Mounted JAWS (1/1) *RP06 1, ,6 17170432 1874 Mounted GALKL (1/1) RP07 7,06,546 17235968 9501 Mounted DICE (1/1) 3-178 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((SSHHOOWW CCOONNFFIIGGUURRAATTIIOONN)) RP06 1, ,3 17170432 1317 Mounted B20 (1/1) RA81 7,02,6 33882112 4009 Mounted RANDOM (1/1) 09:12:39 Received message from GIDNEY:: 09:12:32 -- Disk Drive Configuration -- RA81 7,03,7 33882112 4255 Mounted MOLD (1/1) RA81 7,02,1 33882112 4274 Mounted PUBLIC (1/1) RA81 7,00,9 33882112 18264 Mounted GUMBY (1/1) RA81 7,03,11 33882112 18466 Mounted POKEY (1/1) RA81 7,03,12 33882112 18293 Mounted DEMO (1/1) RP06 7,11,1 17170432 8192 Mounted RONCO (1/1) RP06 7,11,2 17170432 775 Mounted RDUMP (1/1) RA60 7,02,10 33816576 12148 Mounted DML60 (1/1) NOTE: Channel 7 indicates CI channel (*) indicates potential external port OPR> 3-179 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((SSHHOOWW CCOONNTTRROOLL--FFIILLEE)) SSHHOOWW CCOONNTTRROOLL--FFIILLEE -- DDiissppllaayyiinngg BBaattcchh CCoonnttrrooll FFiilleess FFuunnccttiioonn The SHOW CONTROL-FILE command displays the control file of a batch job that is processing in a particular batch stream. The only keyword for this command is BATCH-STREAM followed by the stream number. You must specify the BATCH-STREAM keyword. Some of the advantages of this command is that it enables you to display a particular stream while the job is processing, to see any possible problems that might come about due to an incorrect command, and to check whether there are any commands that require an operator action of some kind. FFoorrmmaatt OPR>SHOW CONTROL-FILE keyword nn /switch where keyword must be the following: BATCH-STREAM followed by a stream number: nn and, optionally, the switch: /LINES:number KKeeyywwoorrddss BATCH-STREAM specifies a particular batch input stream. nn specifies the stream number of the batch stream to be displayed by OPR. You must specify this stream number. SSwwiittcchh /LINES:number specifies the number of lines you want displayed of the control file in the batch stream. If you do not specify the /LINES: switch, the default is ten lines. EExxaammpplleess 1. Specify the SHOW CONTROL-FILE command to display four lines of a control file in batch stream 2. 3-180 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((SSHHOOWW CCOONNTTRROOLL--FFIILLEE)) OPR>S_H_O_W_ C_O_N_T_R_O_L_-_F_I_L_E_ B_A_T_C_H_-_S_T_R_E_A_M_ 2_/_L_I_N_E_S_:_4_<_R_E_T_>_ OPR> 16:42:20 Batch-Stream 2 JOB #3 --SHOW-CONTROL-FILE-- Job MYFILE Req #121 for ADLEY @MOUNT TAPE REEL1: @COMPILE TEST2/FORTRAN @EXECUTE @DISMOUNT TAPE REEL1: OPR> 2. Specify the SHOW CONTROL-FILE command to display ten lines in batch stream 0. OPR>S_H_O_W_ C_O_N_T_R_O_L_-_F_I_L_E_ B_A_T_C_H_-_S_T_R_E_A_M_ 0_<_R_E_T_>_ OPR> 13:20:30 Batch-Stream 0 JOB #12 --SHOW-CONTROL-FILE-- Job EDIT01 Req #211 for LATTA *F.PG^[ *M. *D. *E @IF (ERROR) @GOTO DEL1 @EDIT *F.PG^[ *M. *D. *E OPR> 3-181 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((SSHHOOWW MMEESSSSAAGGEESS)) SSHHOOWW MMEESSSSAAGGEESS -- DDiissppllaayyiinngg OOuuttssttaannddiinngg MMeessssaaggeess FFuunnccttiioonn The SHOW MESSAGES command displays any outstanding messages for which you must perform an action and/or reply with the RESPOND command. With the SHOW MESSAGES command, you can specify an outstanding message number or a node. If you do not specify either a message number or a node, OPR responds with all outstanding messages that you are enabled to receive. Use the RESPOND command to respond to any outstanding message displayed by this SHOW command. (Refer to the description of the RESPOND command in this chapter.) FFoorrmmaatt OPR>SHOW MESSAGES nnnn /switch where, optionally, the message number is: nnnn or, optionally, the switch: /NODE:node-name:: or the switch: /CLUSTER-NODE:cluster-node-name KKeeyywwoorrdd nnnn specifies the outstanding message number. Valid message numbers can range from 0 to 9999. If you do not specify a message number, all outstanding messages with their sequence numbers, if any, are displayed. SSwwiittcchheess /NODE:node-name:: specifies the name of a remote node in the cluster. The double colon (::) following the node name is optional. If you do not specify the /NODE: switch, all outstanding messages with their sequence numbers, if any, are displayed, provided that 3-182 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((SSHHOOWW MMEESSSSAAGGEESS)) you have enabled the messages to appear at the OPR terminal. /CLUSTER-NODE:cluster-node-name specifies the particular node in the cluster where the command is processed. The "cluster-node-name" can be any node name within the cluster or an asterisk (*). The asterisk specifies all nodes within the cluster. EExxaammpplleess 1. Specify the SHOW MESSAGES command to display all outstanding messages with their sequence numbers. You are enabled to receive the output display of all messages. OPR>S_H_O_W_ M_E_S_S_A_G_E_S_<_R_E_T_>_ OPR> ** MESSAGES REQUIRING OPERATOR ACTION ** 15:25:35 <2> Printer 1 JOB #13 LPTSPL: Please load forms type 'NARROW' Respond 'CONTINUE' when ready. 17:23:40 <15> Card-Punch 0 JOB #45 SPROUT: Please load 5081's RESPOND GO when ready. 23:20:50 <31> Batch-stream 2 JOB #23 BATCON: Please mount the PAYROLL-MASTER-TAPE. RESPOND GO when ready. OPR> 2. Specify the SHOW MESSAGES command to display an outstanding message with the message number 47. OPR>S_H_O_W_ M_E_S_S_A_G_E_S_ 4_7_<_R_E_T_>_ OPR> ** MESSAGES REQUIRING OPERATOR ACTION ** 12:30:30 <47> Batch-stream 1 JOB #19 SPRINT: Please START the card-reader. SEND message to User: McElmoyle when done. OPR> 3-183 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((SSHHOOWW OOPPEERRAATTOORRSS)) SSHHOOWW OOPPEERRAATTOORRSS -- DDiissppllaayyiinngg OOppeerraattoorrss oonn tthhee SSyysstteemm FFuunnccttiioonn The SHOW OPERATORS command displays the terminal and job numbers of all users on the system who are running OPR. The display shows the node, terminal number, job number, and user's name. In addition, you can specify the /NODE: switch to display the | operators at a remote station. The /ALL switch includes whether | or not operators will receive particular message types. FFoorrmmaatt OPR>SHOW OPERATORS /switch where /switch can be one of the following: | | /ALL /CLUSTER-NODE:cluster-node-name /NODE:node-name:: SSwwiittcchheess /NODE:node-name:: specifies the name of a remote node in the cluster. The double colon (::) following the node name is optional. /CLUSTER-NODE:cluster-node-name specifies the particular node in the cluster where the command is processed. The "cluster-node-name" can be any node name within the cluster or an asterisk (*). The asterisk specifies all nodes within the cluster. | /ALL specifies whether or not operators receive | particular message types. It displays if a | particular message type is enabled or disabled | for the operators listed. If any of the | switches: /INFORMATION-MESSAGES, | /JOB-MESSAGES, or /OPR-ACTION-MESSAGES are | enabled for a message type that supports these | switches, then that message type is considered | enabled. 3-184 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((SSHHOOWW OOPPEERRAATTOORRSS)) RReessttrriiccttiioonn If there are no users running OPR at the node you specify in the SHOW OPERATORS command, OPR responds with: hh:mm:ss --No Operators at Node name-- where name is the node name or number. If you do not specify the /NODE: switch, all operators on the system (all nodes included) are displayed. EExxaammpplleess 1. Specify the SHOW OPERATORS command to display all operators on cluster node THEP. OPR>S_H_O_W_ O_P_E_R_A_T_O_R_S_ /_C_L_U_S_T_E_R_-_N_O_D_E_:_T_H_E_P_<_R_E_T_>_ OPR> 09:21:39 Received message from THEP:: 09:21:29 -- Operators -- Node Type Terminal Job User ----------- ------ -------- --- --------------- THEP system 236 197 OPERATOR THEP system 434 205 WONG **** SEMI-OPR is enabled **** OPR> | | 2. Specify the SHOW OPERATORS command with the /ALL switch to | display what types of messages are enabled for the operators | listed. | | OPR>S_H_O_W_ O_P_E_R_A_T_O_R_S_ /_A_L_L_<_R_E_T_>_ | OPR> | 17:02:12 -- Operators -- | | Node Type Terminal Job User | ----------- ------ -------- --- -------------- | RONCO system 236 69 OPERATOR | | RONCO Message type | ------ ------------ | Ena BATCH-MESSAGES | Ena CARD-PUNCH-MESSAGES | Ena CARD-READER-INTERPRETER-MESSAGES | Ena FILE-RETRIEVAL-MESSAGES | Ena MOUNT-MESSAGES 3-185 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((SSHHOOWW OOPPEERRAATTOORRSS)) | Ena PAPER-TAPE-PUNCH-MESSAGES | Ena PLOTTER-MESSAGES | Ena PRINTER-MESSAGES | Ena READER-MESSAGES | Ena USER-MESSAGES | | Dis BUGCHK-MESSAGES | Dis BUGINF-MESSAGES | Dis DECNET-EVENT-MESSAGES | Dis DECNET-LINK-MESSAGES | Ena SYSTEM-MESSAGES | | Ena LCP-MESSAGES | Ena NCP-MESSAGES | | RONCO system 434 78 WONG | RONCO Message type | ------ ------------ | Ena BATCH-MESSAGES | Ena CARD-PUNCH-MESSAGES | Ena CARD-READER-INTERPRETER-MESSAGES | Ena FILE-RETRIEVAL-MESSAGES | Ena MOUNT-MESSAGES | Ena PAPER-TAPE-PUNCH-MESSAGES | Ena PLOTTER-MESSAGES | Ena PRINTER-MESSAGES | Ena READER-MESSAGES | Ena USER-MESSAGES | | Ena BUGCHK-MESSAGES | Ena BUGINF-MESSAGES | Ena DECNET-EVENT-MESSAGES | Ena DECNET-LINK-MESSAGES | Ena SYSTEM-MESSAGES | | Ena LCP-MESSAGES | Ena NCP-MESSAGES | | SSEMI-OPR is enabled | 3-186 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((SSHHOOWW PPAARRAAMMEETTEERRSS)) SSHHOOWW PPAARRAAMMEETTEERRSS -- DDiissppllaayyiinngg DDeevviiccee SSeettttiinnggss FFuunnccttiioonn The SHOW PARAMETERS command displays information about a particular device or range of devices, showing its current defaults and values. The device can be a batch stream, an input/output unit number, or all devices known to the system. The SHOW PARAMETERS command is very useful when you want to change the defaults of a particular device. You can issue this command to check the parameters before and after the changes have been made. If you do not specify any keyword with the SHOW PARAMETERS command, the command defaults to all devices. FFoorrmmaatt OPR>SHOW PARAMETERS keyword nn /switch where keyword can be one of the following: BATCH-STREAM CARD-PUNCH NETWORK-NODE PAPER-TAPE-PUNCH PLOTTER PRINTER argument followed by a stream/unit number: nn or a range: n:m or the argument for the PRINTER keyword: CLUSTER nn n:m followed by: NODE node-name:: or DQS queuename followed by: NODE node-name:: or LAT followed by: SERVICE "name" SERVER "name" 3-187 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((SSHHOOWW PPAARRAAMMEETTEERRSS)) or followed by: PORT "name" SERVER "name" and, optionally, the switches: /NODE:node-name:: /CLUSTER-NODE:cluster-node-name The NETWORK-NODE argument can only be followed by the node name; no switches or stream/unit numbers. For example, to specify the node named KL2102, type NETWORK-NODE KL2102::. You must type two colons (::) after the node name. KKeeyywwoorrddss BATCH-STREAM specifies a particular batch input stream or a range of batch streams. If no unit number or range is specified, all batch streams are displayed. CARD-PUNCH specifies a particular card-punch device or a range of card-punch devices. If no unit number or range is specified, all card-punch devices are displayed. NETWORK-NODE specifies that the IBM network parameters of the nodes currently known to the system be displayed. This argument displays information only if your installation has DN60 software. The display shows the value of the arguments that can be altered with the DEFINE and SET NODE commands. PAPER-TAPE-PUNCH specifies a particular paper-tape-punch device or a range of paper-tape-punch devices. If no unit number or range is specified, all paper-tape-punch devices are displayed. PLOTTER specifies a particular plotter device or a range of plotter devices. If no unit number or range is specified, all plotter devices are displayed. PRINTER argument specifies a particular line printer device or | a range of line printer devices. You can use | an alias name defined with the DEFINE ALIAS | command to reference a printer specification | in this command. The argument can be: CLUSTER nn specifies a printer, or a range of printers, n:m on a remote node within a TOPS-20 cluster. A TOPS-20 cluster is a loosely coupled 3-188 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((SSHHOOWW PPAARRAAMMEETTEERRSS)) configuration of between two and four TOPS-20 processors. Each processor in the configuration is identified by a node name. For example, HUEY::, DEWEY::, and LOUIE:: can be three nodes within a cluster of TOPS-20 processors. NODE node-name:: specifies that the printer device for a cluster be started. The double colon (::) following the node name is not needed. For the CLUSTER argument, NODE node-name:: specifies a node within the cluster and cannot be the local node or an alias. DQS queuename specifies the Distributed Queue Service allowing users to queue print requests to VMS systems using DECnet. DQS accepts the user specified print request and transmits it to the remote VMS node. The "queuename" specifies the VMS queuename and can be a string of 1 to 31 characters, consisting of alphanumeric characters, underscores, dashes, and dollar signs. NODE node-name:: specifies the VMS node where the print request is processed. The double colon (::) following the node name is not needed. For the DQS argument, NODE node-name:: specifies the VMS nodename and cannot be an alias. LAT specifies the Local Area Transport service used to control communication between LAT hosts and terminals on the Ethernet. With the LAT keyword, you specify the SERVICE or PORT and its SERVER name to establish communication between your system, running LAT software, and the resource printer terminal. You cannot use the following SERVICE/PORT/SERVER specifications: SERVICE name only 3-189 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((SSHHOOWW PPAARRAAMMEETTEERRSS)) SERVER name only PORT name only SERVICE name and PORT name SERVICE, SERVER, and PORT names Refer to Chapter 4 for additional information about LAT communications. PORT "name" specifies the communication path between the host system and the printer resource or the access point that the node represents to the user. The "name" is the port name and can have from 1 to 16 characters consisting of alphanumeric characters, underscores, dashes, and dollar signs. SERVICE "name" specifies the resource and establishes the LAT access path to the resource. The "name" is the service name and can have from 1 to 16 characters consisting of alphanumeric characters, underscores, dashes, and dollar signs. SERVER "name" specifies the server name of the resource printer terminal. This name can be the LAT box with the proper LAT software running in it. The name can be from 1 to 6 alphanumeric characters in length. LOCAL specifies to display the line printer parameters for your local logged-in system. nn specifies a numeric value representing a batch-stream number or a device unit number. The number is usually from 0 to 5, but can be larger if your installation has acquired additional devices. n:m specifies a range of batch streams or unit numbers. SSwwiittcchheess /NODE:node-name:: specifies the name of a remote node in the 3-190 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((SSHHOOWW PPAARRAAMMEETTEERRSS)) cluster. The double colon (::) following the node name is optional. /CLUSTER-NODE:cluster-node-name specifies the particular node in the cluster where the command is processed. The "cluster-node-name" can be any node name within the cluster or an asterisk (*). The asterisk specifies all nodes within the cluster. EExxaammpplleess 1. Specify the SHOW PARAMETERS command to display the current parameters of all batch streams. OPR>S_H_O_W_ P_A_R_A_M_E_T_E_R_S_ B_A_T_C_H_-_S_T_R_E_A_M_<_R_E_T_>_ OPR> 18:25:07 -- System Device Parameters-- Batch-Stream Parameters: Strm Minutes Prio Opr-Intvn ---- ----------- ----- --------- 0 0:3600 1:63 Yes 1 0:10 1:19 Yes 2 0:11000 1:19 Yes 3 0:11000 20:63 Yes 4 0:3600 1:63 No OPR> 2. Specify the SHOW PARAMETERS command to display the current parameters of the card punch. OPR>S_H_O_W_ P_A_R_A_M_E_T_E_R_S_ C_A_R_D_-_P_U_N_C_H_ 0_<_R_E_T_>_ OPR> 19:43:30 -- System Device Parameters-- Card-Punch Parameters: Unit Card-Limits Form Prio Lim-Ex Dev-Chars ---- ------------ ------ ----- ------ --------- 0 1:500 NORMAL 1:63 Ask OPR> 3. Specify the SHOW PARAMETERS command to display the current parameters of all cluster printer devices within the cluster. OPR>S_H_O_W_ P_A_R_A_M_E_T_E_R_S_ P_R_I_N_T_E_R_ C_L_U_S_T_E_R_ /_C_L_U_S_T_E_R_-_N_O_D_E_:_*_<_R_E_T_>_ 3-191 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((SSHHOOWW PPAARRAAMMEETTEERRSS)) OPR> 09:31:19 -- System Device Parameters -- Cluster printers | Alias Unit Node Page Limits Prio Lim-Ex | ---- ------- ------ ------------ ----- ------ | CHARLI 0 GIDNEY 0:10000 1:63 Ask | BARR 0 THEP 0:10000 1:63 Ask OPR> 09:31:20 Received message from RONCO:: 09:31:18 -- System Device Parameters -- Cluster printers | Alias Unit Node Page Limits Prio Lim-Ex | ----- ---- ------ ------------ ----- ------ | BINN 0 THEP 0:5000 1:63 Ask 09:31:20 Received message from THEP:: 09:31:10 -- There are no devices started -- 09:31:21 Received message from GIDNEY:: 09:31:13 -- There are no devices started -- OPR> 3-192 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((SSHHOOWW QQUUEEUUEESS)) SSHHOOWW QQUUEEUUEESS -- DDiissppllaayyiinngg QQuueeuueedd JJoobb RReeqquueessttss FFuunnccttiioonn The SHOW QUEUES command displays the job requests that are active, that are waiting to be processed, and that are being held and must be rescheduled. You can specify all jobs in all queues or only those jobs in a particular queue. The default for the SHOW QUEUES command is ALL-JOBS. A queue is a list of jobs for a particular device or stream that are processing, are waiting to be processed, or are being held for rescheduling. The asterisk (*) before the job name in the output display of the SHOW QUEUES command indicates that the job request is currently active. FFoorrmmaatt OPR>SHOW QUEUES keyword /switch where keyword can be one of the following: ALL-JOBS BATCH-JOBS CARD-PUNCH-JOBS MOUNT-REQUESTS PAPER-TAPE-PUNCH-JOBS PLOTTER-JOBS PRINTER-JOBS RETRIEVAL-REQUESTS and, optionally, one or more of the following switches: /NODE:node-name:: /ALL /SHORT /USER:name or the switch: /CLUSTER-NODE:cluster-node-name KKeeyywwoorrddss ALL-JOBS specifies all queues for the entire system. This is the default of the SHOW QUEUES command if you do not specify any other keyword 3-193 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((SSHHOOWW QQUUEEUUEESS)) described below. BATCH-JOBS specifies all batch jobs currently processing, waiting, or being held in the batch input queue. CARD-PUNCH-JOBS specifies all card-punch jobs currently processing, waiting, or being held in the card-punch output queue. MOUNT-REQUESTS specifies all requests for tape and disk structure mounts, all requests that are currently using tape drives, whether or not the tapes are labeled, and all requests waiting for a disk structure to be dismounted. You cannot use the /NODE: switch with MOUNT-REQUESTS. PAPER-TAPE-PUNCH-JOBS specifies all paper-tape-punch jobs currently processing, waiting, or being held in the paper-tape-punch output queue. PLOTTER-JOBS specifies all plotter jobs currently processing, waiting, or being held in the plotter output queue. PRINTER-JOBS specifies all line printer jobs currently processing, waiting, or being held in the line printer output queue. RETRIEVAL-REQUESTS specifies all file retrievals for archived and/or migrated files waiting to be retrieved from the retrieval request queue. You cannot use the /NODE: switch with RETRIEVAL-REQUESTS. SSwwiittcchheess /NODE:node-name:: specifies the name of a remote node in the cluster. The double colon (::) following the node name is optional. This switch cannot be used with the MOUNT-REQUESTS and RETRIEVAL-REQUESTS keywords. /ALL specifies that the following be added to the display: the /ASSISTANCE, /PRIORITY, /RESTARTABLE, /NOTE, /SEQUENCE, /UNIQUE, and /REMARK switches, whether a tape mount request 3-194 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((SSHHOOWW QQUUEEUUEESS)) is for a labeled tape, and the tape volume-set name. /SHORT specifies that only the job name be displayed, along with the request number, the scheduled run time, and the user name of each job in the queue. There are no column headers and there are no switches displayed in the output queue list. /USER:name specifies that the request number and scheduled runtime of a particular user be displayed. /CLUSTER-NODE:cluster-node-name specifies the particular node in the cluster where the command is processed. The "cluster-node-name" can be any node name within the cluster or an asterisk (*). The asterisk specifies all nodes within the cluster. EExxaammpplleess 1. Specify the SHOW QUEUES command to display batch jobs that are processing or waiting to be processed by the batch system. OPR>S_H_O_W_ Q_U_E_U_E_S_ B_A_T_C_H_-_J_O_B_S_ /_A_L_L_<_R_E_T_>_ 10:17:24 -- System Queues Listing -- Batch Queue: Job Name Req Run Time User -------- ------ -------- ------------------------ CLDDAY 14 00:20:00 WIZARD /After:25-Mar-88 05:30 /Uniq:Yes /Restart:No /Assist:Yes /Output:Nolog /Batlog:Super /Seq:1208 CLOYD 3 02:00:00 GSCOTT /After:26-Mar-88 00:10 /Uniq:Yes /Restart:Yes /Assist:Yes /Output:Nolog /Batlog:Super /Seq:151 EASY20 15 00:15:00 MONITOR /After:31-Mar-88 06:00 /Uniq:Yes /Restart:Yes /Assist:Yes /Output:Nolog /Batlog:Super /Seq:1209 CLDWEK 16 00:29:00 WIZARD 3-195 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((SSHHOOWW QQUUEEUUEESS)) /After:31-Mar-88 07:30 /Uniq:Yes /Restart:Yes /Assist:Yes /Output:Nolog /Batlog:Super /Seq:1210 There are 4 jobs in the queue (none in progress) OPR> 2. Specify the SHOW QUEUES command with the /SHORT switch to display all jobs in the line printer queue. OPR>S_H_O_W_ Q_U_E_U_E_S_ P_R_I_N_T_E_R_ /_S_H_O_R_T_<_R_E_T_>_ OPR> 8:27:41 -- System Queues Listing -- Printer Queue: * DAPFIL 23 624 LSCD MEM50 5 672 LOFGREN MS-OUT 6 6 GUNN OPR> 3-196 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((SSHHOOWW RROOUUTTEE--TTAABBLLEE)) SSHHOOWW RROOUUTTEE--TTAABBLLEE -- DDiissppllaayyiinngg NNooddee RRoouuttiinngg TTaabblleess FFuunnccttiioonn The SHOW ROUTE-TABLE command displays the routing tables of the nodes whose output has been transferred by means of the ROUTE command. (Refer to the ROUTE command description in this chapter.) The SHOW ROUTE-TABLE command has no keywords and no switches. The SHOW ROUTE-TABLE command is applicable at your installation only if your installation has remote station communication software. FFoorrmmaatt OPR>SHOW ROUTE-TABLE and, optionally the switch: /CLUSTER-NODE:cluster-node-name SSwwiittcchh /CLUSTER-NODE:cluster-node-name specifies the particular node in the cluster where the command is processed. The "cluster-node-name" can be any node name within the cluster or an asterisk (*). The asterisk specifies all nodes within the cluster. EExxaammpplleess 1. Specify the SHOW ROUTE-TABLE command to display the current routing on cluster node CLOYD. OPR>S_H_O_W_ R_O_U_T_E_-_T_A_B_L_E_ /_C_L_U_S_T_E_R_-_N_O_D_E_:_C_L_O_Y_D_<_R_E_T_>_ OPR> 10:34:55 -- System Device Routing Table -- | Printer 0 [CLOYD] (Alias:FOO) Routed to Cluster Printer 0 | [GIDNEY] (Alias:BAR) OPR> 3-197 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((SSHHOOWW RROOUUTTEE--TTAABBLLEE)) 2. Specify the SHOW ROUTE-TABLE command, but no routing has been performed. OPR>S_H_O_W_ R_O_U_T_E_-_T_A_B_L_E_<_R_E_T_>_ OPR> 16:30:23 --No Routing has been performed-- OPR> 3-198 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((SSHHOOWW SSCCHHEEDDUULLEERR)) SSHHOOWW SSCCHHEEDDUULLEERR -- DDiissppllaayyiinngg tthhee SSyysstteemm SScchheedduulleerr FFuunnccttiioonn The SHOW SCHEDULER command displays the current settings of the scheduling scheme for your system. The parameters and values shown in the display are set by your System Manager in the n-CONFIG.CMD file at system installation time. You can optionally change these settings with the SET SCHEDULER and ENABLE CLASS-SCHEDULER commands. The scheduler information display shows the following: 1. the class scheduler setting (on or off) 2. the bias control setting 3. the batch class setting 4. the class number with its share (percentage) of CPU time, its use percentage, and load averages in intervals of 1, 5, and 15 minutes 5. windfall setting (allocated or withheld) 6. the classes setting (by account or by policy program) Refer to the SET SCHEDULER and ENABLE CLASS-SCHEDULER commands for a description of these parameters and values. FFoorrmmaatt OPR>SHOW SCHEDULER and, optionally the switch: /CLUSTER-NODE:cluster-node-name SSwwiittcchh /CLUSTER-NODE:cluster-node-name specifies the particular node in the cluster where the command is processed. The "cluster-node-name" can be any node name within the cluster or an asterisk (*). The asterisk specifies all nodes within the cluster. 3-199 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((SSHHOOWW SSCCHHEEDDUULLEERR)) EExxaammppllee Type SHOW SCHEDULER to display the current settings of the scheduling scheme for cluster node GIDNEY. OPR>S_H_O_W_ S_C_H_E_D_U_L_E_R_ /_C_L_U_S_T_E_R_-_N_O_D_E_:_G_I_D_N_E_Y_<_R_E_T_>_ OPR> 10:28:14 -- System scheduler information -- For node GIDNEY:: Class scheduler: off Bias control: 11 Batch class: none set OPR> 3-200 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((SSHHOOWW SSTTAATTUUSS)) SSHHOOWW SSTTAATTUUSS -- DDiissppllaayyiinngg DDeevviiccee//SSyysstteemm IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn FFuunnccttiioonn The SHOW STATUS command displays the current information about a particular device or range of devices, showing its current status within the system. The device can be a batch stream, an input/output unit number, a tape-drive name, a structure name, a node, or all current devices known to the system. The SHOW STATUS command is useful when you want to know the current status of the system. You can issue this command to check whether any devices are active or idle. If you do not specify any keyword with the SHOW STATUS command, the command defaults to batch streams, printers, and readers. If your installation has a card punch, paper-tape punch, or plotter, the status of these devices are also displayed when no keyword is specified. FFoorrmmaatt OPR>SHOW STATUS keyword nn /switch where keyword can be one of the following: BATCH-STREAM CARD-PUNCH DISK-DRIVE NETWORK-NODE PAPER-TAPE-PUNCH PLOTTER PRINTER argument READER STRUCTURE TAPE-DRIVE followed by a stream/unit number: nn or a range: n:m or the argument for the PRINTER keyword: | aliasname or CLUSTER nn n:m followed by: NODE node-name:: 3-201 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((SSHHOOWW SSTTAATTUUSS)) or DQS queuename followed by: NODE node-name:: or LAT followed by: SERVICE "name" SERVER "name" or followed by: PORT "name" SERVER "name" or a structure name: structure-name: or a tape-drive logical name: MTAn: and, optionally, the switches: /NODE:node-name:: /SHORT /CLUSTER-NODE:cluster-node-name DISK-DRIVES has these optional switches: /ALL /FREE /MOUNTED STRUCTURE has these optional switches: /ALL /MOUNTED /UNMOUNTED TAPE-DRIVE has these optional switches: /ALL /CHARACTERISTICS /FREE The NETWORK-NODE argument can only be followed by the node name; no switches or stream/unit numbers. For example, to specify the node named KL2102, type NETWORK-NODE BOSTON::. You must type two colons (::) after the node name. KKeeyywwoorrddss BATCH-STREAM specifies one or more batch input streams. CARD-PUNCH specifies one or more card-punch devices. DISK-DRIVE specifies all the disk drives currently known to the system. With this keyword, you can optionally specify the /ALL, /FREE, or /MOUNTED switch. The /ALL switch is assumed if you do not specify a switch. 3-202 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((SSHHOOWW SSTTAATTUUSS)) NETWORK-NODE specifies the status of all nodes currently known to the system be displayed. The display shows each node name and whether the node is off-line or on-line. PAPER-TAPE-PUNCH specifies one or more paper-tape-punch devices. PLOTTER specifies one or more plotter devices. PRINTER argument specifies a particular line printer device or | a range of line printer devices. You can use | an alias name defined with the DEFINE ALIAS | command to reference a printer specification | in this command. The argument can be: CLUSTER nn specifies a printer, or a range of printers, n:m on a remote node within a TOPS-20 cluster. A TOPS-20 cluster is a loosely coupled configuration of between two and four TOPS-20 processors. Each processor in the configuration is identified by a node name. For example, HUEY::, DEWEY::, and LOUIE:: can be three nodes within a cluster of TOPS-20 processors. NODE node-name:: specifies that the printer device for a cluster be started. The double colon (::) following the node name is not needed. For the CLUSTER argument, NODE node-name:: specifies a node within the cluster and cannot be the local node or an alias. DQS queuename specifies the Distributed Queue Service allowing users to queue print requests to VMS systems using DECnet. DQS accepts the user specified print request and transmits it to the remote VMS node. The "queuename" specifies the VMS queuename and can be a string of 1 to 31 characters, consisting of alphanumeric characters, underscores, dashes, and dollar signs. NODE node-name:: specifies the VMS node where the print request is to be processed. The double colon (::) following the node name is not needed. 3-203 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((SSHHOOWW SSTTAATTUUSS)) For the DQS argument, NODE node-name:: specifies the VMS nodename and cannot be an alias. LAT specifies the Local Area Transport service used to control communication between LAT hosts and terminals on the Ethernet. With the LAT keyword, you specify the SERVICE or PORT and its SERVER name to establish communication between your system, running LAT software, and the resource printer terminal. You cannot use the following SERVICE/PORT/SERVER specifications: SERVICE name only SERVER name only PORT name only SERVICE name and PORT name SERVICE, SERVER, and PORT names Refer to Chapter 4 for additional information about LAT communications. PORT "name" specifies the communication path between the host system and the printer resource or the access point that the node represents to the user. The "name" is the port name and can have from 1 to 16 characters consisting of alphanumeric characters, underscores, dashes, and dollar signs. SERVICE "name" specifies the resource and establishes the LAT access path to the resource. The "name" is the service name and can have from 1 to 16 characters consisting of alphanumeric characters, underscores, dashes, and dollar signs. SERVER "name" specifies the server name of the resource printer terminal. This name can be the LAT box with the proper LAT software running in it. The name can be from 1 to 6 alphanumeric characters in length. LOCAL specifies to display the local line printer parameters. 3-204 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((SSHHOOWW SSTTAATTUUSS)) READER specifies one or more punched-card input devices. STRUCTURE specifies all structures in the system's structure data base. With this keyword, you can optionally specify a structure name, or the /ALL, /MOUNTED, or /UNMOUNTED switch. The /ALL switch is assumed if you do not specify a switch. When you specify a structure name, the display shows the names of all users who have mounted the structure, accessed the structure, and connected to the structure. In addition, the disk drive status for the structure is displayed. TAPE-DRIVE specifies one or more magnetic tape-drive units known to the system. With this keyword, you can optionally specify a tape-drive name (in the format of MTAn:), the /ALL switch, the /CHARACTERISTICS switch, or the /FREE switch. nn specifies a batch stream number or a device unit number. The number is usually from 0 to 5, but can be larger if your installation has acquired additional devices. n:m specifies a range of batch streams or unit numbers. The n represents the low-order number; and the m represents the high-order number. structure-name: specifies the name of a structure. MTAn: specifies the logical tape-drive name. The colon must be included with the name specified. The name is in the format of MTAn:, where n is the tape-drive number. SSwwiittcchheess /NODE:node-name:: specifies the name of a remote node in the cluster. The double colon (::) following the node name is optional. /SHORT specifies that the status display list only the stream/unit number, the current status, the job name, the request-id number, and the user name with column headers. If you do not specify the /SHORT switch, additional information such as the job number and the runtime appears in the display for each job 3-205 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((SSHHOOWW SSTTAATTUUSS)) request. This switch is not valid with the DISK-DRIVES or TAPE-DRIVE keyword. /CLUSTER-NODE:cluster-node-name specifies the particular node in the cluster where the command is processed. The "cluster-node-name" can be any node name within the cluster or an asterisk (*). The asterisk specifies all nodes within the cluster. The following switches are optional for the DISK-DRIVE keyword: /ALL specifies that both free disk drives and mounted disk drives be displayed. This switch is assumed if you do not specify a switch. /FREE specifies that only those disk drives that are available for structure mounts be displayed. /MOUNTED specifies that only those disk drives that are currently mounted and being accessed be displayed. The following switches are optional for the STRUCTURE keyword: /ALL specifies that both mounted and unmounted structures be displayed. This switch is assumed if you do not specify a switch. /MOUNTED specifies that only those structures that are currently mounted be displayed. /UNMOUNTED specifies that only those structures that are free for mounting be displayed. The following switches are optional for the TAPE-DRIVE keyword: /ALL specifies that all tape drives known to the system be displayed. The status display also provides additional information, such as the AVR status, the label-type, and the density (BPI). If you do not specify the /ALL switch, the additional information does not appear in the status display. /CHARACTERISTICS specifies that the status display contain the characteristics of all tape drives or one tape drive if you specify the tape drive name 3-206 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((SSHHOOWW SSTTAATTUUSS)) (MTAn:). The characteristics include the drive name, the model name (TU45, TU78 etc.), the type of drive (7-track or 9-track), and the tape densities the drive accepts. /FREE specifies that the status display contain all tape drives that are currently unloaded and available for mounting tape volumes. The /FREE switch also displays those tape drives that are loaded, but are not being accessed by any user. EExxaammpplleess 1. Specify the SHOW STATUS command to display the status of all printers on all nodes within the cluster. OPR>S_H_O_W_ S_T_A_T_U_S_ P_R_I_N_T_E_R_ /_C_L_U_S_T_E_R_-_N_O_D_E_:_*_<_R_E_T_>_ OPR> 10:51:32 Received message from RONCO:: 10:51:30 -- System Device Status -- Printer Status: Cluster printers | Alias Unit Node Status | ----- ---- ------ --------------- | BINN 0 THEP Idle | | | DQS printers | | Alias DQS queue name Node Status | ----- ----------------------- ------ ------ | LARRY SI$8700 JUNIPR Idle | JOE SWE$LN03 LATOUR Idle | | LAT PORT printers | Alias Port name Server Status | ----- ----------- ------ --------------- | LAT1 LN03 LAT100 Idle | | 10:51:32 Received message from THEP:: | 10:51:22 -- System Device Status -- | 3-207 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((SSHHOOWW SSTTAATTUUSS)) | Printer Status: | | Local printers | Alias Unit Status | ----- ---- --------------- | BAR 0 Idle | | DQS printers | Alias DQS queue name Node Status | ----- ----------------------- ------ ------ | CURLIE SI$8700 JUNIPR Idle | SHEMP SWE$LN03 LATOUR Idle | | LAT PORT printers | Alias Port name Server Status | ----- ----------- ------ --------------- | LAT2 F00-NN BAR--M Idle | LAT3 LN03 LAT100 Idle | | | 10:51:32 Received message from GIDNEY:: | 10:51:25 -- System Device Status -- | | Printer Status: | | Local printers | Alias Unit Status | ---- ---- ----------- | RUND 0 Idle | | DQS printers | Alias DQS queue name Node Status | ----- ---------------------- ------ ------ | CURLIE SI$8700 JUNIPR Idle | SHEMP SWE$LN03 LATOUR Idle | | LAT PORT printers | Alias Port name Server Status | ----- ----------- ------ --------------- | LAT1 LN03 LAT100 Idle | | | 10:51:32 -- System Device Status -- | | Printer Status: | | Cluster printers | Alias Unit Node Status | ----- ----- ------ --------------- | FOO 0 GIDNEY Idle | BINN 0 THEP Idle 3-208 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((SSHHOOWW SSTTAATTUUSS)) | DQS printers | Alias DQS queue name Node Status | ----- ----------------------- ------ --------- | CURLIE SI$8700 JUNIPR Idle | SHEMP SWE$LN03 LATOUR Idle | | LAT PORT printers | Alias Port name Server Status | ----- ----------- ------ --------------- | LAT3 LN03 LAT100 Idle OPR> 2. Give the SHOW STATUS command to display the status of free disk drives on cluster node GIDNEY. OPR>S_H_O_W_ S_T_A_T_U_S_ D_I_S_K_-_D_R_I_V_E_ /_F_R_E_E_ /_C_L_U_S_T_E_R_-_N_O_D_E_:_G_I_D_N_E_Y_<_R_E_T_>_ OPR> 10:55:34 Received message from GIDNEY:: 10:55:28 -- Disk Drive Status -- FREE DRIVES DISK DRIVE INFORMATION DISK PACK INFORMATION Chan-Cont Disk Mount Mount Usage Type Drive Status Status Count Name Options ---- --------- -------- ------- ----- ------------ ------- RP06 0, ,1 Avail Offline RA81 7,00,0 Avail Offline RA81 7,00,4 Avail Offline RA81 7,01,3 Avail Offline RA60 7,01,7 Avail Offline RA81 7,01,13 Avail Offline RA81 7,01,15 Avail Offline RA60 7,01,16 Avail Offline RA81 7,01,17 Avail Offline RA81 7,01,18 Avail Offline RA81 7,01,20 Avail Offline RA81 7,01,36 Avail Offline RA81 7,00,22 Avail Offline RA81 7,00,14 Avail Offline RA81 7,00,12 Avail Offline RA81 7,01,2 Avail Offline RA81 7,00,21 Avail Offline RA81 7,00,11 Avail Offline RA81 7,00,19 Avail Offline RP06 1, ,5 Avail Offline RA81 7,03,6 Avail Offline RA81 7,03,1 Avail Offline RA81 7,00,8 Avail Offline 3-209 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((SSHHOOWW SSTTAATTUUSS)) RA81 7,01,9 Avail Offline RA60 7,03,10 Avail Offline RA81 7,02,12 Avail Offline NOTE: Channel 7 indicates CI channel OPR> 3-210 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((SSHHOOWW TTIIMMEE)) SSHHOOWW TTIIMMEE -- DDiissppllaayyiinngg DDaattee aanndd TTiimmee FFuunnccttiioonn The SHOW TIME command displays the date and time. The date is shown in the format of dd-mmm-yy (dd=day, mmm=month, yy=year). The time is shown in the format of hh:mm:ss (hh=hour, mm=minutes, ss=seconds). FFoorrmmaatt OPR>SHOW TIME EExxaammppllee Type SHOW TIME and confirm with a carriage return. OPR responds with the display of the current date and time. OPR>S_H_O_W_ T_I_M_E_<_R_E_T_>_ 20-Apr-88 11:55:38 OPR> 3-211 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((SSHHUUTTDDOOWWNN)) SSHHUUTTDDOOWWNN -- TTeerrmmiinnaattiinngg DDeevviiccee SScchheedduulliinngg FFuunnccttiioonn The SHUTDOWN command terminates scheduling for a device. The SHUTDOWN command is the opposite of the START command. When you issue this command, the job currently processing continues until it has been completed. When the job has completed, the stream or device is terminated and no further jobs requiring the stream or device are processed. FFoorrmmaatt OPR>SHUTDOWN keyword nn /switch where keyword can be one of the following: BATCH-STREAM CARD-PUNCH NODE PAPER-TAPE-PUNCH PLOTTER PRINTER argument READER followed by the stream/unit number: nn or a range: n:m or for the NODE keyword: node-name:: and, optionally, the following switches: /NODE:node-name:: | /CLUSTER-NODE:cluster-node-name or the argument for the PRINTER keyword: | aliasname or CLUSTER nn n:m followed by: NODE node-name:: or DQS queuename 3-212 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((SSHHUUTTDDOOWWNN)) followed by: NODE node-name:: or LAT followed by: SERVICE "name" SERVER "name" or followed by: PORT "name" SERVER "name" KKeeyywwoorrddss BATCH-STREAM specifies a particular batch input stream or a range of batch-input streams. CARD-PUNCH specifies a particular card-punch device or a range of card-punch devices. NODE node-name:: specifies to shutdown the printer and reader device for a node within the system's network for remote station communication. The double colon (::) following the node name is optional. For the CLUSTER argument, NODE node-name:: specifies a node within the cluster and cannot be the local node or an alias. For the DQS argument, NODE node-name:: specifies the VMS node-name and cannot be an alias. PAPER-TAPE-PUNCH specifies a particular paper-tape-punch device or a range of paper-tape-punch devices. PLOTTER specifies a particular plotter device or a range of plotter devices. PRINTER argument specifies a particular line printer device or | a range of line printer devices. You can use | an alias name defined with the DEFINE ALIAS | command to reference a printer specification | in this command. The argument can be: CLUSTER nn specifies a printer, or a range of printers, n:m on a remote node within a TOPS-20 cluster. A TOPS-20 cluster is a loosely coupled configuration of between two and four TOPS-20 processors. Each processor in the configuration is identified by a node name. For example, HUEY::, DEWEY::, and LOUIE:: can be three nodes within a cluster of TOPS-20 3-213 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((SSHHUUTTDDOOWWNN)) processors. DQS queuename specifies the Distributed Queue Service allowing users to queue print requests to VMS systems using DECnet. DQS accepts the user specified print request and transmits it to the remote VMS node. The "queuename" specifies the VMS queuename and can be a string of 1 to 31 characters, consisting of alphanumeric characters, underscores, dashes, and dollar signs. LAT specifies the Local Area Transport service used to control communication between LAT hosts and terminals on the Ethernet. With the LAT keyword, you specify the SERVICE or PORT and its SERVER name to establish communication between your system, running LAT software, and the resource printer terminal. You cannot use the following SERVICE/PORT/SERVER specifications: SERVICE name only SERVER name only PORT name only SERVICE name and PORT name SERVICE, SERVER, and PORT names Refer to Chapter 4 for additional information about LAT communications. PORT "name" specifies the communication path between the host system and the printer resource or the access point that the node represents to the user. The "name" is the port name and can have from 1 to 16 characters consisting of alphanumeric characters, underscores, dashes, and dollar signs. SERVICE "name" specifies the resource and establishes the LAT access path to the resource. The "name" is the service name and can have from 1 to 16 characters consisting of alphanumeric characters, underscores, dashes, and dollar 3-214 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((SSHHUUTTDDOOWWNN)) signs. SERVER "name" specifies the server name of the resource printer terminal. This name can be the LAT box with the proper LAT software running in it. The name can be from 1 to 6 alphanumeric characters in length. READER specifies a particular card-reader (input) device or a range of card-reader devices. nn specifies the stream number or unit number to be shutdown. n:m specifies a range of stream/unit numbers. You can specify this range instead of a single stream/unit number. The colon must separate the two numbers. The n represents the low-order number and the m represents the high-order number. SSwwiittcchheess | /CLUSTER-NODE:cluster-node-name | | specifies the particular cluster node within | the TOPS-20 cluster where the command is | processed. The "cluster-node-name" qualifier | can be any node name within the cluster or an | asterisk (*). The asterisk specifies all | nodes within the cluster. /NODE:node-name:: specifies the name of your host or a remote station. The double colon (::) following the node name is optional. EExxaammpplleess 1. Specify the SHUTDOWN command to terminate the card punch at the central site. OPR>S_H_U_T_D_O_W_N_ C_A_R_D_-_P_U_N_C_H_ 0_<_R_E_T_>_ OPR> 13:23:33 Card-punch 0 --Shutdown at EOJ Scheduled-- OPR> 3-215 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((SSHHUUTTDDOOWWNN)) 2. Specify the SHUTDOWN command to terminate all batch streams. OPR>S_H_U_T_D_O_W_N_ B_A_T_C_H_-_S_T_R_E_A_M_ 0_:_2_<_R_E_T_>_ OPR> 12:30:15 Batch-stream 0 --Shutdown-- 12:30:16 Batch-stream 1 --Shutdown at EOJ Scheduled-- 12:30:17 Batch-stream 2 --Shutdown at EOJ Scheduled-- OPR> 3. Specify the SHUTDOWN command to terminate the line printers at your site. OPR>S_H_U_T_D_O_W_N_ P_R_I_N_T_E_R_ 0_:_1_<_R_E_T_>_ OPR> 16:23:45 Printer 0 --Shutdown at EOJ Scheduled-- 16:23:46 Printer 1 --Shutdown-- OPR> 3-216 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((SSTTAARRTT)) SSTTAARRTT -- SSttaarrttiinngg DDeevviiccee SScchheedduulliinngg FFuunnccttiioonn The START command starts the scheduling for the specified devices. The START command is the opposite of the SHUTDOWN command. FFoorrmmaatt OPR>START keyword nn /switch where keyword can be one of the following: BATCH-STREAM CARD-PUNCH NODE identifier:: PAPER-TAPE-PUNCH PLOTTER PRINTER argument READER followed by the stream/unit number: nn or a range: n:m optionally, followed by this switches: /NODE:node-name:: | /CLUSTER-NODE:cluster-node-name optionally followed by (PRINTER keyword only): /DEVICE:MTAn: TTYn: or the argument for the PRINTER keyword: | aliasname or CLUSTER nn n:m followed by: NODE node-name:: or DQS queuename followed by: NODE node-name:: 3-217 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((SSTTAARRTT)) or LAT followed by: SERVICE "name" SERVER "name" or followed by: PORT "name" SERVER "name" and, for SERVER, the switch: /TERMINAL-CHARACTERISTIC: KKeeyywwoorrddss BATCH-STREAM specifies a particular batch input stream or a range of batch input streams. The maximum number of batch streams is 63. Note that this maximum can be lowered by the system manager using Galgen. CARD-PUNCH specifies a particular card-punch device or a range of card-punch devices. NODE node-name:: specifies that the printer and reader device for a node within the system's network be started. The double colon (::) following the node name is optional. Before you start an IBM node, you must define the node and set the parameters for the node. Refer to the DEFINE and SET NODE commands in this chapter. For the CLUSTER argument, NODE node-name:: specifies a node within the cluster and cannot be the local node or an alias. For the DQS argument, NODE node-name:: specifies the VMS node-name and cannot be an alias. PAPER-TAPE-PUNCH specifies a particular paper-tape-punch device or a range of paper-tape-punch devices. PLOTTER specifies a particular plotter device or a range of plotter devices. PRINTER argument specifies a particular line printer device or | a range of line printer devices. You can use | an alias name defined with the DEFINE ALIAS | command to reference a printer specification | in this command. The argument can be: CLUSTER nn specifies a printer, or a range of printers, n:m on a remote node within a TOPS-20 cluster. A TOPS-20 cluster is a loosely coupled 3-218 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((SSTTAARRTT)) configuration of between two and four TOPS-20 processors. Each processor in the configuration is identified by a node name. For example, HUEY::, DEWEY::, and LOUIE:: can be three nodes within a cluster of TOPS-20 processors. DQS queuename specifies the Distributed Queue Service allowing users to queue print requests to VMS systems using DECnet. DQS accepts the user specified print request and transmits it to the remote VMS node. The "queuename" specifies the VMS queuename and can be a string of 1 to 31 characters, consisting of alphanumeric characters, underscores, dashes, and dollar signs. LAT specifies the Local Area Transport service used to control communication between LAT hosts and terminals on the Ethernet. With the LAT keyword, you specify the SERVICE or PORT and its SERVER name to establish communication between your system, running LAT software, and the resource printer terminal. You cannot use the following SERVICE/PORT/SERVER specifications: SERVICE name only SERVER name only PORT name only SERVICE name and PORT name SERVICE, SERVER, and PORT names Refer to Chapter 4 for additional information about LAT communications. PORT "name" specifies the communication path between the host system and the printer resource or the access point that the node represents to the user. The "name" is the port name and can have from 1 to 16 characters consisting of alphanumeric characters, underscores, dashes, and dollar signs. SERVICE "name" 3-219 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((SSTTAARRTT)) specifies the resource and establishes the LAT access path to the resource. The "name" is the service name and can have from 1 to 16 characters consisting of alphanumeric characters, underscores, dashes, and dollar signs. SERVER "name" specifies the server name of the resource printer terminal. This name can be the LAT box with the proper LAT software running in it. The name can be from 1 to 6 alphanumeric characters in length. READER specifies a particular card-reader (input) device or a range of card-reader devices. nn specifies the stream number or unit number to be started. You must specify a stream or unit number. n:m specifies a range of stream or unit numbers. You can specify this range instead of a single stream or unit number. The colon must separate the two numbers. The n represents the low-order number and the m represents the high-order number. SSwwiittcchheess | /CLUSTER-NODE:cluster-node-name | | specifies the particular cluster node within | the TOPS-20 cluster where the command is | processed. The "cluster-node-name" qualifier | can be any node name within the cluster or an | asterisk (*). The asterisk specifies all | nodes within the cluster. /DEVICE:MTAn: or TTYn: specifies that printer output is to be written to tape, on device MTAn:, or to a terminal, on device TTYn:. The "n" is the tape drive number or the terminal line number. The MTAn: specification allows you to spool printer output to tape. This is particularly helpful when printer hardware problems exist. The TTYn: specification must be a hardwired 3-220 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((SSTTAARRTT)) dedicated terminal line. Before you use START PRINTER/DEVICE:MTAn:, you must specify SET TAPE-DRIVE MTAn: UNAVAILABLE. Refer to the T_O_P_S_-_2_0_ O_p_e_r_a_t_o_r_'_s_ G_u_i_d_e_, for more information. /NODE:node-name:: specifies the name of your host or a remote station. The double colon (::) following the node name is optional. /TERMINAL-CHARACTERISTIC: specifies the printer terminal type of the server. The printer terminal type is defined by your System Manager. For example, LA50, LA100, and LN03 are printer terminal types. EExxaammpplleess 1. Specify the START command to start the line printer at the central site. OPR>S_T_A_R_T_ P_R_I_N_T_E_R_ 0_<_R_E_T_>_ OPR> 20:31:09 Printer 0 --Startup Scheduled-- OPR> 2. Specify the START command to start all batch streams. OPR>S_T_A_R_T_ B_A_T_C_H_-_S_T_R_E_A_M_ 0_:_3_<_R_E_T_>_ OPR> 12:15:32 Batch-stream 0 --Startup Scheduled-- OPR> 12:15:38 Batch-stream 1 --Startup Scheduled-- OPR> 12:15:44 Batch-stream 2 --Startup Scheduled-- OPR> 12:15:50 Batch-stream 3 --Startup Scheduled-- OPR> 3. Specify the START command to start the card-punch devices at your site. OPR>S_T_A_R_T_ C_A_R_D_-_P_U_N_C_H_ 0_:_1_<_R_E_T_>_ OPR> 13:17:23 Card-punch 0 --Startup Scheduled-- OPR> 13:17:30 Card-punch 1 --Startup Scheduled-- OPR> 3-221 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((SSTTOOPP)) SSTTOOPP -- SSttooppppiinngg DDeevviicceess TTeemmppoorraarriillyy FFuunnccttiioonn The STOP command temporarily stops one of six possible devices that are currently idle or processing a particular job. The STOP command only temporarily stops the device and the device is still active. The device has not been terminated and jobs requesting that device can still be scheduled. To re-activate the particular device after a STOP command has been issued, give the CONTINUE command. Refer to the description of the CONTINUE command in this chapter. FFoorrmmaatt OPR>STOP keyword nn argument /switch where keyword can be one of the following: BATCH-STREAM CARD-PUNCH PAPER-TAPE-PUNCH PLOTTER PRINTER argument READER followed by the stream/unit number: nn or a range: n:m optionally followed by the switches: /CLUSTER-NODE:cluster-node-name | /NODE:node-name:: or the argument for the PRINTER keyword: | aliasname or CLUSTER nn n:m followed by: NODE node-name:: or DQS queuename 3-222 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((SSTTOOPP)) followed by: NODE node-name:: or LAT followed by: SERVICE "name" SERVER "name" or followed by: PORT "name" SERVER "name" and, optionally, one of the following arguments: AFTER CURRENT-REQUEST EVERY-REQUEST IMMEDIATELY KKeeyywwoorrddss BATCH-STREAM specifies a particular batch input stream or a range of batch input streams. CARD-PUNCH specifies a particular card-punch device or a range of card-punch devices. PAPER-TAPE-PUNCH specifies a particular paper-tape-punch device or a range of paper-tape-punch devices. PLOTTER specifies a particular plotter device or a range of plotter devices. PRINTER argument specifies a particular line printer device or | a range of line printer devices. You can use | an alias name defined with the DEFINE ALIAS | command to reference a printer specification | in this command. The argument can be: CLUSTER nn specifies a printer, or a range of printers, n:m on a remote node within a TOPS-20 cluster. A TOPS-20 cluster is a loosely coupled configuration of between two and four TOPS-20 processors. Each processor in the configuration is identified by a node name. For example, HUEY::, DEWEY::, and LOUIE:: can be three nodes within a cluster of TOPS-20 processors. NODE node-name:: specifies that the printer device for a cluster be started. The double colon (::) following the node name is not needed. 3-223 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((SSTTOOPP)) For the CLUSTER argument, NODE node-name:: specifies a node within the cluster and cannot be the local node or an alias. DQS queuename specifies the Distributed Queue Service allowing users to queue print requests to VMS systems using DECnet. DQS accepts the user specified print request and transmits it to the remote VMS node. The "queuename" specifies the VMS queuename and can be a string of 1 to 31 characters, consisting of alphanumeric characters, underscores, dashes, and dollar signs. NODE node-name:: specifies the VMS node where the print request is to be processed. The double colon (::) following the node name is not needed. For the DQS argument, NODE node-name:: specifies the VMS nodename and cannot be an alias. LAT specifies the Local Area Transport service used to control communication between LAT hosts and terminals on the Ethernet. With the LAT keyword, you specify the SERVICE or PORT and its SERVER name to establish communication between your system, running LAT software, and the resource printer terminal. You cannot use the following SERVICE/PORT/SERVER specifications: SERVICE name only SERVER name only PORT name only SERVICE name and PORT name SERVICE, SERVER, and PORT names Refer to Chapter 4 for additional information about LAT communications. PORT "name" specifies the communication path between the host system and the printer resource or the access point that the node represents to the 3-224 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((SSTTOOPP)) user. The "name" is the port name and can have from 1 to 16 characters consisting of alphanumeric characters, underscores, dashes, and dollar signs. SERVICE "name" specifies the resource and establishes the LAT access path to the resource. The "name" is the service name and can have from 1 to 16 characters consisting of alphanumeric characters, underscores, dashes, and dollar signs. SERVER "name" specifies the server name of the resource printer terminal. This name can be the LAT box with the proper LAT software running in it. The name can be from 1 to 6 alphanumeric characters in length. READER specifies a particular card-reader (input) device or a range of card-reader devices. nn specifies the stream number or unit number to be stopped. You must specify a stream or unit number. n:m specifies a range of stream or unit numbers. You can specify this range instead of a single stream or unit number. The colon must separate the two numbers. The n represents the low-order number and the m represents the high-order number. AArrgguummeennttss AFTER CURRENT-REQUEST specifies that the device must stop after the current request is finished. AFTER EVERY-REQUEST specifies that the device stop after every request. This setting will remain in effect until you use the SHUTDOWN and START commands to shut the device down and restart the device. 3-225 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((SSTTOOPP)) IMMEDIATELY specifies that the device stop processing immediately. Any job in progress is stopped. This action is the default for the STOP command. SSwwiittcchheess | /CLUSTER-NODE:cluster-node-name | | specifies the particular cluster node within | the TOPS-20 cluster where the command is | processed. The "cluster-node-name" qualifier | can be any node name within the cluster or an | asterisk (*). The asterisk specifies all | nodes within the cluster. /NODE:node-name:: specifies the name of your host or a remote station. The double colon (::) following the node name is optional. EExxaammpplleess 1. Specify the STOP command to stop the card reader while it was processing to prevent a card-reader jam. OPR>S_T_O_P_ R_E_A_D_E_R_ 0_<_R_E_T_>_ OPR> 09:20:10 Reader 0 --Stopped-- OPR> 2. Specify the STOP command to stop a batch stream that was currently processing a job. OPR>S_T_O_P_ B_A_T_C_H_-_S_T_R_E_A_M_ 2_<_R_E_T_>_ OPR> 18:23:55 Batch-stream 2 --Stopped-- OPR> 3. Specify the STOP command to stop the line printer that was currently processing. OPR>S_T_O_P_ P_R_I_N_T_E_R_ 1_<_R_E_T_>_ OPR> 11:37:02 Printer 1 --Stopped-- OPR> 3-226 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((SSUUPPPPRREESSSS)) SSUUPPPPRREESSSS -- SSuupppprreessssiinngg PPrriinntteerr FFoorrmm--FFeeeeddss FFuunnccttiioonn The SUPPRESS command converts all vertical-form-feed motion characters to single space characters. All form feeds and multiple line feeds are converted to a single line feed. Thus, the paging motion in a printer-job request is ignored. However, this command does not cause printing to occur across the forms page burst (perforation). The SUPPRESS command is very useful when you want to stop a user's program that caused a print loop, for example when bad code causes too many form feeds. When this happens, you can stop the printer, issue the SUPPRESS command, and then continue the printer, thus saving a lot of paper. The SUPPRESS command's only keyword is PRINTER with its unit number and, optionally, the node name or number. You must specify the PRINTER keyword. FFoorrmmaatt OPR>SUPPRESS keyword nn (or) LAT /switch where keyword must be: PRINTER | followed by it alias name or followed by its unit number: nn | followed optionally by the switch: | | /NODE:node-name:: or LAT followed by: SERVICE "name" SERVER "name" or followed by: PORT "name" SERVER "name" and one of the following switches: /FILE /JOB 3-227 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((SSUUPPPPRREESSSS)) /STOP | or, optionally the following switch: | | /CLUSTER-NODE:cluster-node-name KKeeyywwoorrddss PRINTER specifies a particular line printer device. | You can use an alias name defined with the | DEFINE ALIAS command to reference a printer | specification in this command. nn specifies the unit number of the line printer that will have its vertical motion suppressed (for example, 0 for LPT0, 1 for LPT1, and so forth). You must specify this unit number. LAT specifies the Local Area Transport service used to control communication between LAT hosts and terminals on the Ethernet. With the LAT keyword, you specify the SERVICE or PORT and its SERVER name to establish communication between your system, running LAT software, and the resource printer terminal. You cannot use the following SERVICE/PORT/SERVER specifications: SERVICE name only SERVER name only PORT name only SERVICE name and PORT name SERVICE, SERVER, and PORT names Refer to Chapter 4 for additional information about LAT communications. PORT "name" specifies the communication path between the host system and the printer resource or the access point that the node represents to the user. The "name" is the port name and can have from 1 to 16 characters consisting of alphanumeric characters, underscores, dashes, and dollar signs. SERVICE "name" 3-228 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((SSUUPPPPRREESSSS)) specifies the resource and establishes the LAT access path to the resource. The "name" is the service name and can have from 1 to 16 characters consisting of alphanumeric characters, underscores, dashes, and dollar signs. SERVER "name" specifies the server name of the resource printer terminal. This name can be the LAT box with the proper LAT software running in it. The name can be from 1 to 6 alphanumeric characters in length. SSwwiittcchheess You must specify one of the following switches: /FILE specifies the current file being printed that was originally queued to process multiple files. (Refer to the BACKSPACE and FORWARDSPACE commands.) /JOB specifies the current job being printed. With the /JOB switch, the entire job is suppressed, regardless of how many files or switches were specified when the job was originally queued to print. The /JOB switch is the default of the SUPPRESS command. /STOP specifies a switch used to resume normal printing and stop the suppression of carriage control on the line printer. When you specify this switch, the job that is currently printing reverts to the print job format that occurred before the SUPPRESS command was issued. | You can optionally specify the following switches: | | /CLUSTER-NODE:cluster-node-name | | specifies the particular cluster node within | the TOPS-20 cluster where the command is | processed. The "cluster-node-name" qualifier | can be any node name within the cluster or an | asterisk (*). The asterisk specifies all | nodes within the cluster. 3-229 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((SSUUPPPPRREESSSS)) | /NODE:node-name:: specifies the name of your host or a remote | station. the double colon (::) following the | node name is optional. EExxaammpplleess 1. Specify the SUPPRESS command to stop the waste of paper on line printer 0 that is printing a run-away print program. This SUPPRESS command affects the entire job that is currently printing. OPR>S_U_P_P_R_E_S_S_ P_R_I_N_T_E_R_ 0_<_R_E_T_>_ OPR> 6:37:41 Printer 0 --Carriage control suppressed-- Job DUMP01 Req # 23 For: OPERATOR OPR> 2. Specify the SUPPRESS command to stop the suppression of form feeds and carriage returns on line printer 0 after a run-away job has completed printing. The line printer is now free to print the next job in the queue. OPR>S_U_P_P_R_E_S_S_ P_R_I_N_T_E_R_ 0_ /_S_T_O_P_<_R_E_T_>_ OPR> 7:32:12 Printer 0 --Carriage control activated-- Job DUMP01 Req # 23 For: OPERATOR OPR> 3-230 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((SSWWIITTCCHH)) SSWWIITTCCHH -- SSwwiittcchhiinngg TTaappee DDrriivveess aanndd VVoolliiddss FFuunnccttiioonn The SWITCH command switches a tape-mount request from one volume to another that is on another tape drive. This command should be used when a user program wishes to switch volumes without issuing another tape MOUNT request. In particular, this command is useful when you want to handle tape volume switching for unlabeled tapes used by certain COBOL programs. FFoorrmmaatt | OPR>SWITCH nnn volid MTAn: /switch where nnn is the tape-mount request number followed by the new tape-volume identification (volid) followed by the tape-drive name (MTAn:) | followed optionally by the switch /CLUSTER-NODE:cluster-node-name | | | SSwwiittcchh | | /CLUSTER-NODE:cluster-node-name | | specifies the particular cluster node | within the TOPS-20 cluster where the | command is processed. The | "cluster-node-name" qualifier can be any | node name within the cluster or an | asterisk (*). The asterisk specifies | all nodes within the cluster. RReessttrriiccttiioonnss The following list are the restrictions for the SWITCH command: 1. You must specify a new volid. 2. The tape drive name is optional. If specified, it must be a drive other than the drive that the request is 3-231 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((SSWWIITTCCHH)) currently using. If not specified, the drive must be the same tape drive. 3. If you give a drive name, you must have the new volume mounted and ready on the tape drive. 4. The switched tape and tape drive must be the same track-type and density. EExxaammppllee A user has requested that you SWITCH volid COBOL1 to COBOL2. You have already mounted and made ready COBOL2 on tape drive MTA1:. OPR>S_W_I_T_C_H_ 9_0_ C_O_B_O_L_2_ M_T_A_1_:_<_R_E_T_>_ OPR> 7:45:06 --Tape Drive Released By User-- MTA0: Volume COBOL1 Being unloaded OPR> 7:45:06 --MTA1: Given To Request 90-- Volume COBOL2 now in use by User BROWN, Job 16, Terminal 114 OPR> 3-232 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((TTAAKKEE)) TTAAKKEE -- EExxeeccuuttiinngg OOPPRR CCoommmmaannddss AAuuttoommaattiiccaallllyy FFuunnccttiioonn The TAKE command executes a series of commands that reside in a TAKE command file. This command serves as an aid to you when you execute the same commands over and over again. You can create a command file that consists of the commands used most frequently and then execute these commands by issuing the TAKE command. There is no minimum or maximum limit on the number of OPR commands that you can put in a TAKE command file. FFoorrmmaatt OPR>TAKE filespec /switch where filespec is the input-file specification and, optionally, /switch can be: /DISPLAY /NODISPLAY KKeeyywwoorrddss filespec specifies the input filename and file type of the file that contains the executable OPR commands. If you do not specify the dev:, OPR defaults to DSK:. SSwwiittcchheess /DISPLAY specifies that OPR displays all messages from the TAKE command file, any error messages that occur, and the OPR commands once they have been executed. /NODISPLAY specifies that OPR does not display the OPR commands that exist in the TAKE command file after their execution. All other messages appear with the /NODISPLAY switch specified. This switch is the default of the TAKE command. 3-233 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((TTAAKKEE)) EExxaammpplleess 1. Specify the TAKE command to execute a series of OPR commands that are in OPR-TAKE01.CMD, which resides in your directory. OPR>T_A_K_E_ <_O_P_E_R_A_T_O_R_>_O_P_R_-_T_A_K_E_0_1_._C_M_D_<_R_E_T_>_ OPR> 14:54:10 Batch-stream 0 --Startup Scheduled-- 14:54:12 Batch-stream 1 --Startup Scheduled-- 14:54:15 Batch-stream 2 --Startup Scheduled-- START BATCH-STREAM 0:2 OPR> 14:54:18 Printer 0 --Startup Scheduled-- 14:54:21 Printer 1 --Startup Scheduled-- START PRINTER 0:1 OPR> 2. Specify the TAKE command to execute a series of OPR commands from SYS:OPRCMD.CMD. You do not specify SYS: as this is the default device type. OPR>T_A_K_E_ O_P_R_C_M_D_._C_M_D_ /_N_O_D_I_S_P_L_A_Y_<_R_E_T_>_ OPR> 16:43:07 Card-punch 0 --Shutdown Scheduled-- 16:43:11 Plotter 0 --Shutdown Scheduled-- 16:43:15 Reader 0 --Shutdown Scheduled-- 16:43:18 Paper-tape-punch 0 --Shutdown Scheduled-- OPR> 3-234 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((UUNNDDEEFFIINNEEnn)) UUNNDDEEFFIINNEE -- RReemmoovviinngg SSttrruuccttuurree PPaarraammeetteerrss FFuunnccttiioonn The UNDEFINE command removes a structure's attribute definition from the structure data base. The structure data base contains a list of all the system's structures and their parameters. You can display the contents of the structure data base with the SHOW STATUS STRUCTURE command. Use the UNDEFINE command when a structure in the structure data base is no longer used. You can also use the UNDEFINE command if you incorrectly enter a new structure name with the SET STRUCTURE command. FFoorrmmaatt | OPR>UNDEFINE keyword argument /switch where keyword must be: STRUCTURE followed by the argument: structure-name: | followed optionally by the switch: | | /CLUSTER-NODE:cluster-node-name KKeeyywwoorrddss STRUCTURE specifies a disk structure. AArrgguummeennttss structure-name: specifies the alias name of the disk structure to remove from the structure table. | SSwwiittcchh | | /CLUSTER-NODE:cluster-node-name | | specifies the particular cluster node within | the TOPS-20 cluster where the command is | processed. The "cluster-node-name" qualifier | can be any node name within the cluster or an | asterisk (*). The asterisk specifies all 3-235 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((UUNNDDEEFFIINNEEnn)) | nodes within the cluster. RReessttrriiccttiioonnss The UNDEFINE command functions only if the structure is not mounted. EExxaammpplleess Specify the SHOW STATUS STRUCTURE command to verify that structure JACK: is not mounted. Then specify the UNDEFINE STRUCTURE command to remove structure JACK: from the structure data base. OPR>S_H_O_W_ S_T_A_T_U_S_ S_T_R_U_C_T_U_R_E_ J_A_C_K_:_<_R_E_T_>_ OPR> 10:14:21 -- Structure Status -- Mount Mount File Alias Name State Count Count Status Access... ------ ------ ------- ----- ----- -------- ------------... JACK Unavail Shared ... Structure is not mounted on a disk drive OPR>U_N_D_E_F_I_N_E_ S_T_R_U_C_T_U_R_E_ J_A_C_K_:_<_R_E_T_>_ OPR> 10:14:22 -- Undefine Structure Command -- Structure JACK: deleted from data base OPR> 3-236 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((WWAAIITT)) WWAAIITT -- CCoonnttrroolllliinngg IInnppuutt ffrroomm BBaattcchh JJoobbss FFuunnccttiioonn The WAIT command causes OPR to wait a specified number of seconds before accepting input. The WAIT command is used in batch control files to try to prevent OPR from accepting a command before a previously issued command has been processed. The OPR program is designed to accept and process commands immediately, and the batch system (BATCON) will send commands to OPR as soon as the previous command is accepted. Most OPR commands require processing by other modules of the operating system. OPR can accept a command, dispatch it to the appropriate module, and accept another command from the batch file before the output from the first command returns to OPR. For example, it is possible for an EXIT command in the batch file to be processed before the response to previously issued command is displayed. The WAIT command should be entered between the previous command and the EXIT command, to allow the first command to finish processing before the EXIT command is sent to OPR. FFoorrmmaatt OPR>WAIT n where n is the number of seconds that OPR should wait before accepting the next command in the batch file. The value of n must be between 1 and 60. WWaarrnniinngg Using the WAIT command does NOT guarantee that the output from the first command will be successfully displayed before the EXIT command is accepted and processing by OPR. OPR will, however, WAIT the specified number of seconds, and the output from the first command will be displayed if it is ready before the specified number of seconds is up. EExxaammppllee The following batch file may be submitted to the batch system: 3-237 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS ((WWAAIITT)) @ENABLE $OPR *SHOW STATUS TAPE-DRIVE *EXIT When this job is processed, the SHOW STATUS command is issued and accepted by OPR, passed to ORION for processing, and then the output is passed back through OPR to BATCON. However, BATCON will send the EXIT command immediately after OPR dispatches the SHOW STATUS command. When OPR receives the EXIT command, it causes the batch job to exit from OPR immediately, before the output from SHOW STATUS is received by OPR. The WAIT command is used to cause OPR to WAIT for the specified number of seconds before accepting the EXIT command. The following batch file would probably work successfully: @ENABLE $OPR *SHOW STATUS TAPE-DRIVE *WAIT 10 *EXIT 3-238 CCHHAAPPTTEERR 44 LLCCPP CCOOMMMMAANNDDSS 44..11 IINNTTRROODDUUCCTTIIOONN LCP is the LAT Control Program. LAT is the Local Area Transport protocol, used to control communication between LAT hosts and terminals on the Ethernet. LCP allows you to perform LAT host management functions at a TOPS-20 host. WARNING The LCP commands described in this chapter can seriously affect system performance. If you are not sure of what you are doing, do not use LCP commands to set or clear LAT parameters. NOTE This introduction describes the LAT protocol as it pertains to TOPS-20 LAT hosts. The LCP command descriptions in this chapter apply only to LAT host management functions on TOPS-20 nodes. For more information about LAT architecture and LAT Terminal Server Configuration Guidelines see the L_o_c_a_l_ A_r_e_a_ T_r_a_n_s_p_o_r_t_ (_L_A_T_)_ A_r_c_h_i_t_e_c_t_u_r_e_ N_e_t_w_o_r_k_ M_a_n_a_g_e_r_'_s_ G_u_i_d_e_ and the T_O_P_S_-_2_0_ S_y_s_t_e_m_ M_a_n_a_g_e_r_'_s_ G_u_i_d_e_. To run LCP, you must first run OPR, and therefore must have OPR or WHEEL privileges enabled. Many hundreds of hosts and terminals can be connected on the same Ethernet. LAT terminal servers allow terminal users to connect to TOPS-20 hosts that are connected to the same Ethernet. There must be corresponding server software in the host. The host server and the terminal server use the LAT protocol to enable the (potentially) thousands of communications links to efficiently utilize the Ethernet. Users do not need to be aware of the LAT servers. Three types of parameters control the action of a TOPS-20 LAT host 4-1 LLCCPP CCOOMMMMAANNDDSS server: o permanent o static o dynamic You can change permanent parameters only by rebuilding the monitor. You can change static parameters by editing n-CONFIG.CMD and reloading the monitor. You can change dynamic parameters with LCP commands. LAT operation and some dynamic parameters are discussed below. There is one physical connection between all hosts and LAT terminal servers: the Ethernet. All communication is transmitted on that one physical connection. All communication between users of a particular LAT terminal server and a particular host is transmitted on a logical connection known as a virtual circuit. Software in the terminal server and in the host ensures that each message is delivered to the correct destination. Each message received (by a host or a terminal server) must be acknowledged by the receiver. The acknowledgement can be included in a data message, or can be sent as a separate message when there is no data. If a host does not receive an acknowledgement from a server, the host can send one more message to that server, at which time the host starts its retransmit timer. When the host receives an acknowledgement from the server, this timer is stopped. If the host receives no acknowledgement and the host's retransmit timer expires, the host retransmits all unacknowledged messages to the server and restarts the timer. The host can retransmit these messages a specified number of times, known as the retransmit limit. You can use LCP commands to change the host's retransmit timer and retransmit limit in response to network load. Hosts present themselves to users of terminal servers as "services". Dynamic parameters associated with the services, such as service-name, group, and service-rating, let you control access to the hosts. A host can offer more than one service. For example, a host can offer one service that is the host itself, and another service that is the host as part of a cluster. Service-names identify the services to users of the terminal servers. The service-name can be the host's node name. More than one host can use the same service-name, letting you identify a cluster of hosts as one service. The fact that two or more services have the same service-name is transparent to the user. The ratings of identically named services determine to which host the connection will be made. You can set the rating to be an integer between 0 and 255, or you can set it to be dynamic. The host 4-2 LLCCPP CCOOMMMMAANNDDSS periodically updates a dynamic rating to be 255 - (4 * 15-minute load average) When a user requests a connection to a service that is offered by two hosts, the connection is made to the service with the highest rating. Terminal servers and host services are organized into logical categories called groups. Each group is identified by an integer between zero and 255 that controls access to the service by the terminal server. A service or a terminal server can be in more than one group. Terminal servers can connect only to services with which they have a group in common. For example, a terminal server that is in group 2 (only) can connect to a service only if that service is also a member of group 2. By default, all terminal servers are in group zero. Therefore, a service that is in group zero (the TOPS-20 default) is accessible to all terminal servers unless you clear the terminal server from group zero. At intervals determined by its multicast-timer, each host broadcasts a multicast message (a message to all terminal servers on the Ethernet), listing the services that the host offers. This message also contains information about service-ratings and the host's groups. Before sending the multicast message, the host updates any dynamic service-ratings. In response to a user request, a terminal server displays a list of services that consists of only those services to which the terminal server can connect. Each service is identified by a service-name and a service-identification string. When the user logs in to the service (using the servicename), the host displays the service-identification string. This is a descriptive message about the service, such as "Node A of cluster ABC". You can set and change the service-name and service-identification with LCP commands. 44..22 LLOOAADDIINNGG AANNDD DDUUMMPPIINNGG LLAATT TTEERRMMIINNAALL SSEERRVVEERRSS You load and dump LAT terminal servers with the NCP LOAD and DUMP commands. See the D_E_C_n_e_t_-_2_0_/_P_S_I_-_2_0_ S_y_s_t_e_m_ M_a_n_a_g_e_r_'_s_ G_u_i_d_e_ for information on using these commands. 44..33 OOPPRR CCOOMMMMAANNDDSS AAVVAAIILLAABBLLEE IINN LLCCPP Certain OPR commands can be executed from LCP. o ENTER (command subset) name 4-3 LLCCPP CCOOMMMMAANNDDSS o EXIT (to monitor level) o PUSH (to EXEC level) o RETURN (to Operator Command Level) o TAKE (commands from) file /DISPLAY /NODISPLAY o WAIT (for) seconds These OPR commands are described briefly on the next page. You can find complete descriptions of these commands in Chapter 3 (OPR Command Descriptions) of this manual. CCoommmmaanndd FFuunnccttiioonn ENTER name enters another command level such as NCP. EXIT exits from LCP and returns to TOPS-20 command level. For example: OPR>E_N_T_E_R_ L_C_P_<_R_E_T_>_ LCP>E_X_I_T_<_R_E_T_>_ $ 4-4 LLCCPP CCOOMMMMAANNDDSS CCoommmmaanndd FFuunnccttiioonn PUSH exits LCP enters a new TOPS-20 command level. You can then perform any software task or run a utility. To return, give the TOPS-20 POP command. For example: LCP>P_U_S_H_<_R_E_T_>_ TOPS-20 Command processor 7.0(186) @E_N_A_B_L_E_<_R_E_T_>_ $D_U_M_P_E_R_<_R_E_T_>_ DUMPER> . . DUMPER>E_X_I_T_<_R_E_T_>_ $P_O_P_<_R_E_T_>_ LCP> RETURN returns immediately to OPR command level. You do not lose any commands or actions that you specified in LCP. LCP>R_E_T_U_R_N_<_R_E_T_>_ OPR> TAKE input-filespec executes a series of commands in a command file automatically. The commands in the TAKE command file can be both OPR and LCP commands. LCP>T_A_K_E_ L_C_P_._C_M_D_<_R_E_T_>_ LCP> The TAKE command works in LCP the same way as in OPR. You can specify either the /DISPLAY switch or the /NODISPLAY switch. The /NODISPLAY switch is the default if you do not specify either switch. WAIT n waits from 1 to 60 seconds before executing the next command. This is useful when you TAKE (see above) commands from a file, to give each command time to execute. 44..44 LLCCPP CCOOMMMMAANNDDSS The LAT Control Program (LCP) enables you to control and monitor LAT 4-5 LLCCPP CCOOMMMMAANNDDSS activity associated with the host on which you are running LCP. For example, LCP commands: o Clear LAT parameters. o Set LAT parameters. o Show the current parameters, terminal connections, counter and server information. o Change certain counter settings to zero. This chapter explains how to enter and exit LCP, and describes the LCP commands listed below. o CLEAR o SET o SHOW o START o STOP o ZERO WARNING The LCP commands described in this chapter can seriously affect system performance. If you are not sure of what you are doing, do not use LCP commands to set or clear LAT parameters. You start the LCP program from within OPR. To enter LCP use the OPR command, ENTER, as shown below. OPR>E_N_T_E_R_ L_C_P_<_R_E_T_>_ LCP> There are three ways to exit LCP: o You can exit LCP and return to OPR command level. o You can exit LCP and return to monitor command level. o You can exit LCP by entering another command level, such as NCP. To return to OPR command level, use the RETURN command as below: 4-6 LLCCPP CCOOMMMMAANNDDSS LCP>R_E_T_U_R_N_<_R_E_T_>_ OPR> To return to EXEC command level, use the EXIT command as below: LCP>E_X_I_T_<_R_E_T_>_ The LCP commands are in alphabetical order on the following pages. 4-7 LLCCPP CCOOMMMMAANNDDSS ((CCLLEEAARR)) CCLLEEAARR -- CClleeaarriinngg LLAATT hhoosstt ppaarraammeetteerrss FFuunnccttiioonn The CLEAR command resets parameters specified with the SET command. FFoorrmmaatt LCP>CLEAR keyword argument Keywords: _ _ / | | \ GROUPS / n |,n1, .... | \ \ m:n |,m1:n1, ....| / \ |_ _| / IDENTIFICATION / \ MAXIMUM / ACTIVE-CIRCUITS \ \ SESSIONS / \ / MULTICAST-TIMER NUMBER / \ RETRANSMIT / LIMIT \ \ TIMER / \ / SERVICE-NAME text KKeeyywwoorrddss GROUPS n clears the specified GROUPS setting. You can clear the current setting for single groups or a range of groups. You can specify a number from 0 to 255, a range of numbers (m:n) from 0 to 255, or a list of both. For example: CLEAR GROUPS 7 CLEAR GROUPS 8:10, 22 IDENTIFICATION resets the host identification information to the system banner as defined in MONNAM.TXT. 4-8 LLCCPP CCOOMMMMAANNDDSS ((CCLLEEAARR)) MAXIMUM ACTIVE-CIRCUITS changes to 20 the maximum number of virtual circuits that can simultaneously be connected to your host. MAXIMUM SESSIONS changes the maximum number of active LAT terminals allowed to connect to the host. The new value is the maximum number of LAT terminals allowed in the host system configuration. MULTICAST-TIMER changes the time period set on the multicast-timer to 30 seconds. The multicast-timer specifies the interval at which the host transmits a multicast message announcing host services that are available to LAT terminal servers. NUMBER resets the host identification number to that specified in n-CONFIG.CMD. RETRANSMIT LIMIT changes to 30 the number of times that a LAT host can retransmit unacknowledged messages to the server. After the last message transmission, the host detaches all jobs associated with the virtual circuit to that server. RETRANSMIT TIMER changes the setting of the LAT host retransmit-timer to 1000 milliseconds (1 second). The retransmit-timer specifies the amount of time before the host retransmits any unacknowledged messages to the terminal server. SERVICE-NAME text cancels the service identified by service-name text. The CLEAR SERVICE-NAME command also clears all RATING and IDENTIFICATION information associated with service text. NOTE If there is only one service associated with a host, you cannot CLEAR that service. 4-9 LLCCPP CCOOMMMMAANNDDSS ((CCLLEEAARR)) EExxaammpplleess 1. You no longer wish the host to serve groups 2, 4, 14, 15, 16, or 20. LCP>C_L_E_A_R_ G_R_O_U_P_S_ 2_,_4_,_1_4_:_1_6_,_2_0_<_R_E_T_>_ LCP> 2. You reset the multicast timer to the default value. LCP>C_L_E_A_R_ M_U_L_T_I_C_A_S_T_-_T_I_M_E_R_<_R_E_T_>_ LCP> 3. You no longer wish the host to provide the service named KLUDGE. LCP>C_L_E_A_R_ S_E_R_V_I_C_E_-_N_A_M_E_ K_L_U_D_G_E_<_R_E_T_>_ LCP> 4-10 LLCCPP CCOOMMMMAANNDDSS ((SSEETT)) SSEETT -- SSeettttiinngg LLAATT hhoosstt ppaarraammeetteerrss FFuunnccttiioonn You can specify LCP parameters with the SET command. The parameters that you can set and the LCP commands to do it are: o Host Id SET IDENTIFICATION o Host Number SET NUMBER o Maximum Active Circuits SET MAXIMUM ACTIVE-CIRCUITS o Maximum Sessions SET MAXIMUM SESSIONS o Retransmit Limit SET RETRANSMIT LIMIT o Retransmit Timer SET RETRANSMIT TIMER o Multicast Timer SET MULTICAST-TIMER o Groups SET GROUPS o Service Name(rating) SET SERVICE-NAME/RATING: o Service Id SET SERVICE-NAME /IDENTIFICATION: You can clear the current settings for each of these parameters with the CLEAR command. FFoorrmmaatt LCP>SET keyword argument /switch where keyword, argument, and switch syntax is: _ _ / | | \ GROUPS / n |,n1, .... | \ \ m:n |,m1:n1, ....| / \ |_ _| / IDENTIFICATION "quoted string" / \ MAXIMUM / ACTIVE-CIRCUITS n \ \ SESSIONS n / \ / MULTICAST-TIMER n 4-11 LLCCPP CCOOMMMMAANNDDSS ((SSEETT)) NUMBER n / \ RETRANSMIT / LIMIT n \ \ TIMER n / \ / _ _ _ _ | | | | SERVICE-NAME service-name |/RATING: |n | | | |DYNAMIC | | | |_ _| | |/IDENTIFICATION:"quoted string" | |_ _| KKeeyywwoorrddss GROUPS n specifies for the host a group, a range of groups, or a list that can contain both single groups and group ranges. Only terminal servers that have the corresponding groups set can connect to the host. Groups can be integers from 0 to 255. You can specify any combination of ranges or single numbers, separated by commas. Zero is the default. For example: SET GROUPS 7:9, 22, 45:49 SET GROUPS 8, 12, 14:17 IDENTIFICATION "quoted string" specifies host identification information. This host identification is purely descriptive, and is displayed when a LAT terminal server displays information about the host node. You can specify a string of up to 64 characters. You can include any printable characters. You must enclose the string in double quotes ("). This string defaults to the system banner defined in MONNAM.TXT MAXIMUM ACTIVE-CIRCUITS n sets the maximum number of LAT virtual circuits that can exist simultaneously at the host. MAXIMUM ACTIVE-CIRCUITS can be an integer between 1 and 173, inclusive. The default is 20. MAXIMUM SESSIONS n sets the maximum number of active LAT 4-12 LLCCPP CCOOMMMMAANNDDSS ((SSEETT)) terminals that can be connected to the host at one time. MAXIMUM SESSIONS can be an integer between 1 and 50, inclusive. The default is the maximum number of terminals allowed in your system configuration. MULTICAST-TIMER n sets the interval (in seconds) at which the host transmits to all servers a multicast message announcing the services available from that host. You can set the MULTICAST-TIMER to an integer between 8 and 48, inclusive. The default is 30 seconds. NUMBER n specifies a unique host identification number. RETRANSMIT LIMIT n sets the maximum number of times that the host retransmits unacknowledged messages to the server. If the final transmission is not acknowledged, the host detaches all jobs associated with the virtual circuit to the server. The RETRANSMIT LIMIT can be an integer between 0 and 64, inclusive. The default is 60. RETRANSMIT TIMER n sets the host retransmit-timer. This timer determines the amount of time (in milliseconds) before the host retransmits any unacknowledged messages to the server. The RETRANSMIT TIMER can be set to an integer between 100 (.1 second) and 100000 (100 seconds). The default is 2000 milliseconds (1 second). SERVICE-NAME text specifies that the host offers a service named text. Users select the name of the service, rather than the name of the host when they request the server to initiate a terminal session. The SERVICE-NAME (text) can be up to 16 characters long, and can contain any alphanumeric characters, dollar sign ($), hyphen (-), and underscore (_). SSwwiittcchheess _ _ | | /RATING: |n | |DYNAMIC| |_ _| 4-13 LLCCPP CCOOMMMMAANNDDSS ((SSEETT)) specifies the rating assigned to the service. When you select a service name that is used by more than one available host, the server connects you to the host with the highest rating. You can specify n as an integer in the range 0-255, inclusive, or you can specify DYNAMIC. When you use the SET command to specify a service but do not specify a rating, the default rating is zero. /IDENTIFICATION: "quoted string" specifies a descriptive phrase that will display when a user connects to the service (specified by SERVICE-NAME). You can specify a string of up to 64 characters. You can include any printable characters. You must enclose the string in double quotes ("). EExxaammpplleess 1. You wish the host to serve groups 2, 4, 14, 15, 16, and 20. LCP>S_E_T_ G_R_O_U_P_S_ 2_,_4_,_1_4_:_1_6_,_2_0_<_R_E_T_>_ LCP> 2. You set the host to retransmit unacknowledged messages 30 times. LCP>S_E_T_ R_E_T_R_A_N_S_M_I_T_-_L_I_M_I_T_ 3_0_<_R_E_T_>_ LCP> 3. You set the identification string for a service named ALPHA, and allow the service-rating to default to DYNAMIC. LCP>S_E_T_ S_E_R_V_I_C_E_-_N_A_M_E_ A_B_C_l_u_s_t_r_/_I_D_E_N_T_I_F_I_C_A_T_I_O_N_:_-_<_R_E_T_>_ "_A_l_p_h_a_ o_f_ A_B_C_l_u_s_t_r_"_<_R_E_T_>_ LCP> SSHHOOWW -- DDiissppllaayyiinngg LLAATT HHoosstt aanndd TTeerrmmiinnaall SSeerrvveerr PPaarraammeetteerrss The SHOW command displays the following LAT information: o Dynamic and permanent parameters of the LAT host o Active LAT terminal server connections to the LAT host 4-14 LLCCPP CCOOMMMMAANNDDSS ((SSHHOOWW)) o Server information o Counter information FFoorrmmaatt LCP>SHOW keyword /switch argument Keywords: CHARACTERISTICS COUNTERS [/SERVER:server-name] HOST-INITIATED-REQUESTS PENDING-REQUESTS _ _ | | SERVER |server-name| |/ALL | |_ _| SESSIONS KKeeyywwoorrddss CHARACTERISTICS displays the dynamic parameters and many of the permanent LAT parameters. COUNTERS displays the counter totals for all servers on the system. To display the counters for a particular server, use the /SERVER: switch and supply a server name. HOST-INITIATED-REQUESTS displays all the currently active outgoing LAT connections. PENDING-REQUESTS displays all the currently pending outgoing LAT connections. SERVER server-name displays information about the servers that have connected to the local LAT host. SHOW SERVER with no switch displays a summary of server information including the server name, number and Ethernet address. SHOW SERVER followed by a server name displays additional information about the specified server including the server location, type, status 4-15 LLCCPP CCOOMMMMAANNDDSS ((SSHHOOWW)) and timers. server-name specifies the server for which to display information. SESSIONS displays information about the current LAT terminal connections including: o Job number o Line number o Program name o Server name o Port name o User SSwwiittcchheess /SERVER: server-name displays counters for the specified server. You must specify a server name with this switch. Use this switch only with the SHOW COUNTERS command. server-name specifies the server for which to display information. /ALL displays summary information about the specified server. Use this switch only with the SHOW SERVER command. EExxaammpplleess 1. You display the LAT host parameters. LCP>S_H_O_W_ C_H_A_R_A_C_T_E_R_I_S_T_I_C_S_<_R_E_T_>_ LCP> 13:12:44 [LCP] -- Host Characteristics -- LAT Access State: ON Host Name: CLOYD Host id: Cloyd, TOPS-20 Monitor 7(20172) Host number: 140 Retransmit Limit: 60 4-16 LLCCPP CCOOMMMMAANNDDSS ((SSHHOOWW)) Retransmit Timer: 1000 Multicast Timer: 30 Groups: 3:4,7,10,18,21:23,29,45,47 Current Maximum ------- ------- Allocated circuits 12 32 Active circuits 9 32 Sessions 16 128 Service name Rating Identification ------------ ------ ------------------------ CLOYD 1 CLOYD - The toe tag has been removed TOPS20 D Software Engineering Cluster LCP> 2. You display a list of all LAT terminal sessions connected to the host. LCP>S_H_O_W_ S_E_S_S_I_O_N_ /_A_L_L_<_R_E_T_>_ LCP> 13:13:18 [LCP] -- Active LAT Sessions -- Job Line Program Server Name Port Name User --- ---- ------- ---------------- ---------------- --------- 140 326 EXEC LAT95 RASPUZZI_2 RASPUZZI 141 327 EXEC LAT96 DAWN_EVANS EVANS 134 330 EXEC LAT1 GREG_SCOTT GSCOTT 133 331 EXEC LAT99 H_MAYBERRY MAYBERRY 138 333 EXEC LAT1 J_DUSSEAULT DUSSEAULT 142 334 EXEC LAT1 D_LOMARTIRE LOMARTIRE 144 335 EXEC LAT1 TIPH_WORLEY WORLEY 145 336 MS LAT1 LAT1_PORT23 GAGNE 146 337 EXEC LAT98 JACK_WONG WONG 147 340 OPR LAT97 E_BROWN EBROWN 148 341 EMACS LAT92 RUTH_FONG FONG 149 342 EXEC LAT1 JIM_MCCOLLUM MCCOLLUM 151 343 EXEC LAT308 TSN_IN_308_1 KSTEVENS 152 345 EXEC LAT49 DIALIN_49_17 WORLEY LCP> 3. You display information about LAT terminal server CICERO. LCP>S_H_O_W_ S_E_R_V_E_R_ C_I_C_E_R_O_<_R_E_T_>_ LCP> 16:57:39 [LCP] Information about server CICERO Server Number: 6 Server Location: MRO1-2 Pole J9 Server Type: Ethernet Terminal Server Ethernet Address: AA-00-03-00-01-0E 4-17 LLCCPP CCOOMMMMAANNDDSS ((SSHHOOWW)) Server Status: Connected Max Slots: 33 Data Link Size: 1514 Circuit Timer(ms): 80 Keep-alive Timer(s): 12 LCP> 4. You display the counters for LAT terminal server CICERO. LCP>S_H_O_W_ C_O_U_N_T_E_R_S_ /_S_E_R_V_E_R_:_ C_I_C_E_R_O_<_R_E_T_>_ LCP> 16:57:00 [LCP] Counters for server CICERO Messages received: 1315 Messages transmitted: 1398 Messages retransmitted: 0 Sequence errors received: 0 Illegal messages received: 0 Illegal slots received: 0 Resource failures: 0 LCP> 5. You display the counters for all LAT terminal servers connected to the host. LCP>S_H_O_W_ C_O_U_N_T_E_R_S_<_R_E_T_>_ LCP> 16:57:13 [LCP] Counter totals for all servers Messages received: 7502 Messages transmitted: 8167 Messages retransmitted: 0 Sequence errors received: 0 Illegal messages received: 0 Illegal slots received: 0 Resource failures: 0 LCP> 4-18 LLCCPP CCOOMMMMAANNDDSS ((SSTTAARRTT)) SSTTAARRTT -- MMaakkiinngg tthhee LLAATT HHoosstt AAvvaaiillaabbllee FFuunnccttiioonn The START command notifies all servers that the host is available, and sets the LAT-ACCESS-STATE to ON. See the STOP command for information about restricting access to the local host. FFoorrmmaatt LCP>START 4-19 LLCCPP CCOOMMMMAANNDDSS ((SSTTOOPP)) SSTTOOPP -- MMaakkiinngg tthhee LLAATT HHoosstt UUnnaavvaaiillaabbllee FFuunnccttiioonn The STOP command terminates all existing LAT terminal sessions and rejects any new connections from servers. See the START command for information on permitting access to the local host. FFoorrmmaatt LCP>STOP 4-20 LLCCPP CCOOMMMMAANNDDSS ((ZZEERROO)) ZZEERROO -- RReesseettttiinngg LLAATT CCoouunntteerrss ttoo ZZeerroo FFuunnccttiioonn The ZERO COUNTERS command changes specified LAT counters to zero. FFoorrmmaatt LCP>ZERO keyword /switch argument Keyword: ZERO [/SERVER: server-name] SSwwiittcchh /SERVER: sets the counters for a particular server to zero. This switch does not affect the counters for the combined server totals. You must specify a server name with this switch. server-name specifies the server for which to set the counters to zero. EExxaammpplleess 1. You reset all counters to zero. LCP>Z_E_R_O_ C_O_U_N_T_E_R_S_<_R_E_T_>_ LCP> 2. You reset counters for LAT terminal server CICERO to zero. LCP>Z_E_R_O_ C_O_U_N_T_E_R_S_ /_S_E_R_V_E_R_:_C_I_C_E_R_O_<_R_E_T_>_ LCP> 4-21 5-1 CCHHAAPPTTEERR 55 ^^EE PPRRIIVVIILLEEGGEEDD CCOOMMMMAANNDDSS 55..11 IINNTTRROODDUUCCTTIIOONN The commands in this chapter must be given with a ^E () preceding the command and these commands can affect the entire system or a specific user. Thus, these commands are called ^E Privileged Commands. Because these commands can easily destroy your system security, their usage is restricted to users who have WHEEL or OPERATOR capability. WHEEL capability allows you to execute all privileged commands. OPERATOR capability allows you to execute only the privileged commands relevant to system operations. WHEEL and OPERATOR capabilities can be granted when you create or change a directory. Normally, the user name OPERATOR, which you should be using, has the OPERATOR capability. Before you can successfully issue a privileged command, you must type the ENABLE command to enable your capabilities. If you are using recognition input, the command is ENABLE (CAPABILITIES). Once you are enabled, the prompt character changes from @ to $. For example, @E_N_A_B_L_E_ (_C_A_P_A_B_I_L_I_T_I_E_S_)_<_R_E_T_>_ $ NOTE Even if you do not have WHEEL or OPERATOR capability, ENABLE changes the prompt to $. Once you are at privileged command level, you must type before each command. The prints as ^E on your terminal. Then type the remainder of the command. There are nine (9) privileged commands and most of them have subcommands. If you do not have the privileges needed to execute the command or you have not typed ENABLE, you get the message: 5-1 ^^EE PPRRIIVVIILLEEGGEEDD CCOOMMMMAANNDDSS ?Unrecognized command and your terminal is at operating system command level. When you complete a privileged command, disable your special capabilities by typing DISABLE. The prompt character changes to @. For example, $D_I_S_A_B_L_E_<_R_E_T_>_ @ NOTE It is very important that you give the DISABLE command after you use a privileged command. This safeguard protects you against accidentally damaging part of the system. In the following sections of each privileged command, is indicated by ^E. Where you would press the RETURN key is indicated by the symbol. You can abbreviate a privileged command by typing as few of the beginning characters as are needed to make the command unique. Recognition with guide words is given with the command formats. You can easily get a list of all ^E commands by typing ENABLE AND THEN ? (question mark). The following is printed on your terminal. @E_N_A_B_L_E_<_R_E_T_>_ $^E? one of the following: CEASE CREATE DEFINE EDDT PRINT QUIT SEND SET SPEAK $ 55..22 PPRRIIVVIILLEEGGEEDD CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS The following descriptions of the ^E privileged commands are listed in alphabetical order. 5-2 ^^EE PPRRIIVVIILLEEGGEEDD CCOOMMMMAANNDDSS ((^^EECCEEAASSEE)) ^^EECCEEAASSEE -- SScchheedduulliinngg SSyysstteemm SShhuuttddoowwnn FFuunnccttiioonn The ^ECEASE command schedules system shutdown at a specified time to end timesharing. FFoorrmmaatt ^ECEASE (TIMESHARING AT) downtime (RESUMING AT) uptime AArrgguummeennttss downtime NOW TODAY +hh:mm day-of-week +hh:mm +hh:mm date-and-time Legal formats for dates are: FRIDAY 6 DEC 79 7-APR-79 11 JULY 1979 24-OCTOBER-1979 NOV 26, 79 APRIL 30, 1979 Other date formats might be accepted; however, they are not recommended because of their ambiguity. Legal formats for times are: +1:00 (1 hour from now) day-of-week +8:00 (8 hours after midnight) 1630 (4:30 p.m.) 1200 (noon) 116 (1:16 a.m.) 16:30 (4:30 p.m.) 00:00 (midnight) 1:12:13 (13 seconds after 1:12 a.m.) 23:59:59 (1 second before midnight) 5-3 ^^EE PPRRIIVVIILLEEGGEEDD CCOOMMMMAANNDDSS ((^^EECCEEAASSEE)) uptime date and time given in the same format as for downtime. The uptime argument is optional and does not need to be specified. CChhaarraacctteerriissttiiccss After you type the ^ECEASE command and press RETURN, the system outputs the name of the system to be shutdown (displayed only if | the system is part of a DECnet or INTERNET network) and the time of the scheduled shutdown. For example: BADGER Shutdown scheduled for 4-Apr-84 18:00:00 If the output is not what you expected, type CTRL/C to abort the command. Otherwise, confirm the command by pressing RETURN. When the command is in effect, downtime and uptime, if specified, are reported to users when they first type CTRL/C or RETURN on a terminal. They receive a message similar to: System shutdown scheduled for 22-Apr-84 18:00:00, Up again at 22-Apr-84 20:00:00 When you issue the command, you and users already logged in receive one of the following messages. If downtime is more than one hour away, the message is similar to: [System going down at 2-Apr-84 11:30:00] If the downtime is 60 or fewer minutes away, the message is similar to: [System going down in 30 minutes at 2-Apr-84 11:30:00] When the downtime is one minute away, the message is: [System going down in one minute!!] One of the preceding messages is also printed at hourly intervals before downtime and 30 minutes, 15 minutes, 10 minutes, 5 minutes, and 1 minute before downtime to indicate how long it is before the actual shutdown. In addition, if: o your system is part of a CFS cluster AND 5-4 ^^EE PPRRIIVVIILLEEGGEEDD CCOOMMMMAANNDDSS ((^^EECCEEAASSEE)) o any other system in the cluster has access to any of your disks through the MSCP server AND o you issue this command with downtime scheduled within 60 minutes the following message appears on the CTY and on the terminal of anyone who is running OPR: Check other cluster systems for possible structure dismount instructions. If your system is part of a CFS cluster and another system in the cluster has access to your disks as described above, the above message also appears on the CTY and on the terminal of anyone who is running OPR at 30 minutes, 15 minutes, 10 minutes, 5 minutes, and 1 minute before downtime. See the T_O_P_S_-_2_0_ O_p_e_r_a_t_o_r_'_s_ G_u_i_d_e_ for more information. When downtime is reached, if you specified uptime, a message such as the following is printed. [System down, up again at 2-Apr-84 12:00:00] When downtime occurs, SHUTDOWN COMPLETE is printed on the CTY. All jobs are then logged out, except the CTY, so PTYCON continues to run. Processes under SYSJOB continue to run, but PTYCON subjobs are logged out. Then, no further LOGINs are allowed except from the CTY. To cancel an existing plan for a shutdown, type ^ECEASE and press RETURN. Then you and all users receive the message: [Shutdown cancelled] If you do not know the uptime, omit it by pressing RETURN after (RESUMING AT). The message output to users before they log in is similar to: System shutdown scheduled for 2-Apr-84 16:30:00 The uptime is only informational; it does not initiate any automatic startup. To resume timesharing, you should use ^ESEND to say that the system is being reloaded, enter the PARSER with , type SHUTDOWN, and reload via a load switch. HHiinnttss After giving the command, look at the output message to check the dates and times. The output times are based on a 24-hour clock 5-5 ^^EE PPRRIIVVIILLEEGGEEDD CCOOMMMMAANNDDSS ((^^EECCEEAASSEE)) for example, twelve is added to the hours between noon and midnight. The times are given as hh:mm:ss, where hh is the hour, mm is the minute, and ss is the second. If you use AM or PM in the time, do not put a space before either of them. For example, 6:00 PM causes the error message "INVALID DATE FORMAT" explained in the Restrictions section below. You must use 6:00PM. For the time, you must specify minutes if you are also specifying hours, for example, for 6p.m. you must use 6:00PM or 1800. If you use 6PM, it is interpreted as 12:06p.m.. If you give the command with an incorrect date or time, retype the command correctly. RReessttrriiccttiioonnss Error messages associated with the ^ECEASE command are: ?Downtime has already passed The time you specified for downtime has already gone by. ?Downtime cannot be more than 7 days in the future You specified a downtime that was too far in the future. ?Invalid date format You typed an unacceptable date or you typed a space before AM or PM, which causes the time specified not to be recognized as time format. ?Invalid time format You typed an unacceptable time. ?Timesharing will resume before it ends You typed an uptime that comes before the downtime. EExxaammpplleess 1. By using recognition input and typing ?, you get the prompt for downtime: @E_N_A_B_L_E_<_R_E_T_>_ $^_E_C_E_A_S_E_ (_T_I_M_E_S_H_A_R_I_N_G_ A_T_)_ ?_ Date/time, or NOW for immediately, 5-6 ^^EE PPRRIIVVIILLEEGGEEDD CCOOMMMMAANNDDSS ((^^EECCEEAASSEE)) or null to cancel shutdown or "+" to enter amount of time from now or day of the week or TODAY Then, if you type ? for uptime, you get: (RESUMING AT) ? Date and time of restart of null if unknown or "+" to enter amount of time from now or day of the week or TODAY 2. To stop timesharing at 6 p.m. on July 16, 1984, and have it resume at 8 p.m. the same day: @E_N_A_B_L_E_<_R_E_T_>_ $^_E_C_E_A_S_E_ (_T_I_M_E_S_H_A_R_I_N_G_ A_T_)_ 1_6_ J_U_L_ 8_8_ 1_8_0_0_ -_<_R_E_T_>_ (_R_E_S_U_M_I_N_G_ A_T_)_ 1_6_ J_U_L_ 8_4_ 2_0_0_0_<_R_E_T_>_ GIDNEY Shutdown scheduled for 16-Jul-84 18:00:00 [Confirm]<_R_E_T_>_ [System going down at 16-Jul-84 18:00:00] $D_I_S_A_B_L_E_<_R_E_T_>_ 3. To stop timesharing at the end of the day July 23, 1984 and resume at noon July 24, 1984. @E_N_A_B_L_E_<_R_E_T_>_ $^_E_C_E_A_S_E_ 2_4_-_J_U_L_-_8_4_ 1_2_:_0_0_A_M_ 2_4_-_J_U_L_-_8_4_ 1_2_:_0_0_P_M_<_R_E_T_>_ BOSTON Shutdown scheduled for 24-Jul-84 00:00:00 [Confirm]<_R_E_T_>_ [System going down at 24-Jul-84 00:00:00] $D_I_S_A_B_L_E_<_R_E_T_>_ 4. To stop timesharing one hour from the current time without knowing when the system resumes timesharing: @E_N_A_B_L_E_<_R_E_T_>_ $^_E_C_E_A_S_E_ +_1_:_0_0_<_R_E_T_>_ Shutdown scheduled for 4-Apr-84 16:30:00 [Confirm]<_R_E_T_>_ [System going down in 60 minutes at 4-Apr-84 16:30:00] $D_I_S_A_B_L_E_<_R_E_T_>_ 5. To cancel a shutdown: @E_N_A_B_L_E_<_R_E_T_>_ $^_E_C_E_A_S_E_<_R_E_T_>_ [Shutdown cancelled] $D_I_S_A_B_L_E_<_R_E_T_>_ @ 5-7 ^^EE PPRRIIVVIILLEEGGEEDD CCOOMMMMAANNDDSS ((^^EECCRREEAATTEE)) ^^EECCRREEAATTEE -- CCrreeaattiinngg//RReemmoovviinngg DDiirreeccttoorriieess FFuunnccttiioonn The ^ECREATE command is used to: 1. Create a directory for a user. 2. Create a files-only directory. 3. Create a directory on a mountable structure. 4. Change the parameters for an existing directory. 5. Remove a user from the system. 6. Remove a user and his files from the system. FFoorrmmaatt ^ECREATE (DIRECTORY NAME) structure: or ^ECREATE (DIRECTORY NAME) structure: (PASSWORD) password AArrgguummeennttss structure: specifies the 1- to 6-character alphanumeric name or logical name for the structure on which you want to create or alter a directory. You must type a colon (:) after the name. Also, you must MOUNT the structure using this name, unless the structure is the public structure or an unregulated structure. (Regulated and unregulated structures are discussed in Chapter 3, in the SET STRUCTURE command description.) If you do not specify structure:, you can create or alter a directory on your currently-connected structure. If you have not connected to a specific structure, you are connected by default to the public structure. Note that a user must have a directory on the public structure to be able to log in. 5-8 ^^EE PPRRIIVVIILLEEGGEEDD CCOOMMMMAANNDDSS ((^^EECCRREEAATTEE)) specifies the name of the directory that you want to create or alter. The name is 1 to 39 alphanumeric characters, including hyphens, underlines, and dollar signs. Angle or square brackets must enclose the name. This name is used when a user tries to log in to the system, connect to a directory, access a directory, or change directory parameters. You can use recognition on this name if the directory already exists. password specifies 1 to 39 letters, digits, or hyphens. You can omit the password here and specify it later in a subcommand. You can omit the password completely for a files-only directory. The password is used when a user tries to log in to the system, connect to a directory, access a directory, or change directory parameters. CChhaarraacctteerriissttiiccss To create a directory on a structure, the directory name in the ^ECREATE command must be different from any existing directory name on the structure and must be enclosed in angle brackets. If the directory name contains one or more periods (.), for example , the directory is a subdirectory. Before you can create a subdirectory, you must first create its superior directory, in this case . You can determine the superior directory for a subdirectory by using the name of the subdirectory and eliminating the last period (.) and the characters after it. For example, the superior directory for is , and the superior directory for is . After you type the ^ECREATE command using either format and press RETURN, the system outputs [NEW] or [OLD] on the next line and $$ on the following line. Be sure you check this output. If [NEW] is printed, you are creating a directory. If [OLD] is printed, you are altering an existing directory. If the output is not what you expected, type ABORT and retype the ^ECREATE command. The $$ (double-dollar-signs) indicates that you can give a subcommand or press RETURN to finish the command. The ^ECREATE subcommands are described under Subcommands in this section. If you are creating a directory and you press RETURN at subcommand level without giving any subcommands, you create a directory with default parameters. (Refer to Table 5-1 in this section for the default parameters.) For example, using recognition input, 5-9 ^^EE PPRRIIVVIILLEEGGEEDD CCOOMMMMAANNDDSS ((^^EECCRREEAATTEE)) $^_E_C_R_E_A_T_E_ (DIRECTORY NAME) <_T_E_S_>_<_R_E_T_>_ [New] $$<_R_E_T_>_ $ or simply $^_E_C_R_E_A_T_E_ <_T_E_S_>_<_R_E_T_>_ [New] $$<_R_E_T_>_ $ If you use the second format of the ^ECREATE command (see Format section below), to create a directory and you press RETURN at subcommand level without giving any subcommands, you create a directory with default parameters except for the password. For example, $^_E_C_R_E_A_T_E_ (DIRECTORY NAME) <_T_E_S_>_ (PASSWORD) X_A_P_<_R_E_T_>_ [New] $$<_R_E_T_>_ $ or simply $^_E_C_R_E_A_T_E_ <_T_E_S_>_ X_A_P_<_R_E_T_>_ [New] $$<_R_E_T_>_ $ To change the password for an existing directory, you can use either ^ECREATE command format. However, one format requires the PASSWORD subcommand. For example, $^_E_C_R_E_A_T_E_ S_Q_M_:_<_H_O_G_A_N_>_ (PASSWORD) J_O_H_N_Q_<_R_E_T_>_ [Old] $$<_R_E_T_>_ $ or $^_E_C_R_E_A_T_E_ S_Q_M_:_<_H_O_G_A_N_>_<_R_E_T_>_ [Old] $$P_A_S_S_W_O_R_D_ J_O_H_N_Q_<_R_E_T_>_ $$<_R_E_T_>_ $ Also, see Hint under PASSWORD subcommand, described later, for another way of changing a password. 5-10 ^^EE PPRRIIVVIILLEEGGEEDD CCOOMMMMAANNDDSS ((^^EECCRREEAATTEE)) SSuubbccoommmmaannddss To create a directory with some nondefault parameters or to alter some directory parameters of an existing directory, you must give the appropriate subcommands to ^ECREATE. You can list the subcommands available with ^ECREATE by typing a ? (question mark) at subcommand level. $^_E_C_R_E_A_T_E_ <_S_A_M_P_L_E_>_<_R_E_T_>_ [New] $$?_ confirm with carriage return or one of the following: | ABORT ABSOLUTE-INTERNET-SOCKETS ACCOUNT-DEFAULT ARCHIVE-ONLINE-EXPIRED-FILES CONFIDENTIAL DECNET-ACCESS DEFAULT-FILE-PROTECTION DIRECTORY-GROUP DISABLE ENABLE ENQ-DEQ FILES-ONLY | GENERATIONS INTERNET-ACCESS | INTERNET-WIZARD IPCF KILL LIST MAINTENANCE MAXIMUM-SUBDIRECTORIES NOT NUMBER OFFLINE-EXPIRATION-DEFAULT ONLINE-EXPIRATION-DEFAULT OPERATOR PASSWORD PERMANENT PRESERVE PROTECTION PUSH REPEAT-LOGIN-MESSAGES SEMI-OPERATOR SUBDIRECTORY-USER-GROUP TOPS10-PROJECT-PROGRAMMER... USER-OF-GROUP WHEEL WORKING $$ 5-11 ^^EE PPRRIIVVIILLEEGGEEDD CCOOMMMMAANNDDSS ((^^EECCRREEAATTEE)) TTaabbllee 55--11:: SSuummmmaarryy ooff ^^EECCRREEAATTEE SSuubbccoommmmaannddss _____________________________________________________________________ Subcommand Default Help Text _____________________________________________________________________ ABORT - (1) | ABSOLUTE-INTERNET-SOCKETS NOT (CAPABILITY) ACCOUNT-DEFAULT (FOR LOGIN) NONE SET DEFAULT ACCOUNT FOR USERS LOGGING INTO THIS DIRECTORY ARCHIVE-ONLINE-EXPIRED-FILES NOT CONFIDENTIAL (INFORMATION ACCESS CAPABILITY) NOT DECNET-ACCESS (CAPABILITY) NOT DEFAULT-FILE-PROTECTION (NUMBER) 777700 6-DIGIT OCTAL NUMBER DIRECTORY-GROUP (NUMBER) NONE SET DECIMAL GROUP NUMBER DISABLE (CAPABILITIES) ENABLE ENABLE (CAPABILITIES) ENABLE ENQ-DEQ (CAPABILITY) NOT FILES-ONLY NOT GENERATIONS (TO KEEP) 1 DECIMAL NUMBER OF GENERATIONS TO RETAIN PER FILE | INTERNET-ACCESS (CAPABILITY) NOT | INTERNET-WIZARD (CAPABILITY) NOT IPCF (CAPABILITY) NOT KILL (THIS DIRECTORY) - LIST - ONE OF THE FOLLOWING: FAST NAME-ONLY VERBOSE MAINTENANCE (CAPABILITY) NOT MAXIMUM-SUBDIRECTORIES NONE SET DECIMAL NUMBER OF (ALLOWED) SUBDIRECTORIES ALLOWED UNDER THIS DIRECTORY NOT - ONE OF THE FOLLOWING: ABSOLUTE-ARPANET-SOCKETS ARCHIVE-ONLINE-EXPIRED... ARPANET-ACCESS ARPANET-WIZARD CONFIDENTIAL DECNET-ACCESS DIRECTORY-GROUP ENQ-DEQ FILES-ONLY IPCF KILL (1) in this column means to press the RETURN key. 5-12 ^^EE PPRRIIVVIILLEEGGEEDD CCOOMMMMAANNDDSS ((^^EECCRREEAATTEE)) TTaabbllee 55--11 ((CCoonntt..)) SSuummmmaarryy ooff ^^EECCRREEAATTEE SSuubbccoommmmaannddss _____________________________________________________________________ Subcommand Default Help Text _____________________________________________________________________ MAINTENANCE OPERATOR REPEAT-LOGIN-MESSAGES SUBDIRECTORY-USER-GROUP USER-GROUP WHEEL NUMBER (OF DIRECTORY) FREE ONE OCTAL DIRECTORY NUMBER OFFLINE-EXPIRATION-DEFAULT 90 EXPIRATION DATE OR "+n" ONLINE-EXPIRATION-DEFAULT 60 EXPIRATION DATE OR "+n" OPERATOR (CAPABILITY) NOT PASSWORD NONE SET 1 TO 39 ALPHANUMERIC CHARACTERS OR HYPHENS PERMANENT (DISK STORAGE PAGE LIMIT) 250 DECIMAL NUMBER OF PAGES OR INFINITY PRESERVE (SUPERIOR QUOTAS) PROTECTION (OF DIRECTORY) 777700 6-DIGIT OCTAL NUMBER PUSH - REPEAT-LOGIN-MESSAGES NOT SEMI-OPERATOR NOT SUBDIRECTORY-USER-GROUP (ALLOWED) NONE SET DECIMAL GROUP NUMBER TOPS10-PROJECT-PROGRAMMER-NUMBER NONE SET OCTAL NUMBER IN RANGE (FOR COMPATIBILITY) 10-377777, 6-DIGIT OCTAL NUMBER USER-OF-GROUP (NUMBER) NONE SET DECIMAL GROUP NUMBER WHEEL (CAPABILITY) NOT WORKING (DISK STORAGE PAGE LIMIT) 250 DECIMAL NUMBER OF PAGES OR INFINITY ____________________________________________________________________ SSuubbccoommmmaanndd CChhaarraacctteerriissttiiccss When you give a subcommand, you need to type only the beginning characters up to the point that the abbreviation is unique. If you want to see the guide words, press the ESCape key after you give the subcommand or its abbreviation. You can also see the help text for the argument by typing ? (question mark) in place of the argument. After the help text is printed, the subcommand is repeated up to the argument. At any point before you end the subcommand, you can delete the subcommand line by typing CTRL/U. 5-13 ^^EE PPRRIIVVIILLEEGGEEDD CCOOMMMMAANNDDSS ((^^EECCRREEAATTEE)) To end the subcommand, press RETURN or LINE FEED. When you finish giving subcommands to alter, kill, or create a directory, you must type an extra RETURN or LINE FEED for confirmation. For the system to ignore the creation of a directory or any changes to an old directory since the last ^ECREATE, type a CTRL/C any time during the ^ECREATE, or type ABORT at subcommand level, instead or waiting to give the final RETURN or LINE FEED. NOTE Remember that you need to use a subcommand only if you want to assign a nondefault value when you are creating a directory or if you want to change any value for an existing directory. See the Subcommands Table for a list of all the subcommands and their defaults. You can also print the defaults on your terminal by giving the LIST subcommand to ^ECREATE before you specify any other subcommands (or you can use the INFORMATION DIRECTORY command at TOPS-20 command level). If you change a directory parameter for a logged-in user and the user complains that the change has not occurred, tell the user to log out and log in again. Some directory parameters do not take effect until a user logs in. The ^ECREATE subcommands and their guide words, functions, arguments, and defaults are given on the following pages. The discussion of a subcommand also contains the explanation of any corresponding negative function. AABBOORRTT This subcommand returns you to system command level immediately. It is equivalent to typing CTRL/C at any time before you give the final to the ^ECREATE command. As a result, the system ignores the creation of a directory or any changes to an old directory since the last ^ECREATE command was given. ----- Example ----- If you give an incorrect name, you can simply abort and type ^ECREATE again with the correct name. $^_E_C_R_E_A_T_E_ (DIRECTORY NAME) <_T_E_S_T_I_N_G_>_<_R_E_T_>_ [New] $$A_B_O_R_T_<_R_E_T_>_ 5-14 ^^EE PPRRIIVVIILLEEGGEEDD CCOOMMMMAANNDDSS ((^^EECCRREEAATTEE)) $^_E_C_R_E_A_T_E_ (DIRECTORY NAME) F_O_R_T_:_<_T_E_S_T_I_N_G_>_<_R_E_T_>_ [Old] $$<_R_E_T_>_ $ | AABBSSOOLLUUTTEE--IINNTTEERRNNEETT--SSOOCCKKEETTSS ((CCAAPPAABBIILLIITTYY)) | | This subcommand grants a user the ABSOLUTE INTERNET SOCKETS capability. This capability allows a user to specify | absolute socket numbers in a certain privileged monitor call | on a system running TCP/IP. Give this capability only to those users who need it and who can be trusted, because a user with this capability can break system security. | NOT ABSOLUTE-INTERNET-SOCKETS, which is the default, withholds this capability from the user. ----- Example ----- | To give a TCP/IP user the ABSOLUTE INTERNET SOCKETS | capability: $^_E_C_R_E_A_T_E_ <_C_I_R_I_N_O_>_<_R_E_T_>_ [New] | $$A_B_S_O_L_U_T_E_-_I_N_T_E_R_N_E_T_-_S_O_C_K_E_T_S_ (CAPABILITY)<_R_E_T_>_ $$<_R_E_T_>_ $ AACCCCOOUUNNTT--DDEEFFAAUULLTT ((FFOORR LLOOGGIINN)) aaccccoouunntt This subcommand specifies the default account for users logging into this directory. A user with a default account can press RETURN for the account in the LOGIN command when logging into this directory, and the account specified in this subcommand is used. If this subcommand is not given, no default account is set. To eliminate a default account, give this subcommand without an argument. To change a default account, give this subcommand with the new default account as the argument. At some installations, a user can also change an account default with the command SET DIRECTORY ACCOUNT-DEFAULT. ----- Hint ----- You can also use ENABLE and the SET DIRECTORY ACCOUNT-DEFAULT command to change the default account. When you have OPERATOR capability enabled, you can type a fictitious password in the command. 5-15 ^^EE PPRRIIVVIILLEEGGEEDD CCOOMMMMAANNDDSS ((^^EECCRREEAATTEE)) ----- Example ----- If user J.SMITH wants his default account to be PAYROLL.TEST, type the following: $^_E_C_R_E_A_T_E_ <_J_._S_M_I_T_H_>_<_R_E_T_>_ [Old] $$A_C_C_O_U_N_T_-_D_E_F_A_U_L_T_ (FOR LOGIN) P_A_Y_R_O_L_L_._T_E_S_T_<_R_E_T_>_ $$<_R_E_T_>_ $ AARRCCHHIIVVEE--OONNLLIINNEE--EEXXPPIIRREEDD--FFIILLEESS This subcommand specifies that expired disk files are to be automatically marked for archiving. The TOPS-20 Operator's Guide discusses archiving. NOT ARCHIVE-ONLINE-EXPIRED-FILES, which is the default, causes all files in the directory to remain on the disk regardless of the expiration date. ----- Example ----- To ensure that user GORE's files are archived some time after the expiration date is reached, give the following command: $^_E_C_R_E_A_T_E_ <_G_O_R_E_>_<_R_E_T_>_ [Old] $$A_R_C_H_I_V_E_-_O_N_L_I_N_E_-_E_X_P_I_R_E_D_-_F_I_L_E_S_<_R_E_T_>_ $$<_R_E_T_>_ $ CCOONNFFIIDDEENNTTIIAALL ((IINNFFOORRMMAATTIIOONN AACCCCEESSSS CCAAPPAABBIILLIITTYY)) This subcommand grants a user the confidential information access capability. This capability lets a user obtain some confidential information within the system via certain monitor calls. Give this capability only to those users who need it and who can be trusted, because a user with this capability can break system security. NOT CONFIDENTIAL, which is the default, withholds this capability from the user. ----- Example ----- If you need to give a user the confidential information access capability, give the CONFIDENTIAL subcommand. 5-16 ^^EE PPRRIIVVIILLEEGGEEDD CCOOMMMMAANNDDSS ((^^EECCRREEAATTEE)) $^_E_C_R_E_A_T_E_ (DIRECTORY NAME) <_T_E_S_S_>_<_R_E_T_>_ [New] $$C_O_N_F_I_D_E_N_T_I_A_L_ (INFORMATION ACCESS CAPABILITY)<_R_E_T_>_ $$<_R_E_T_>_ $ DDEECCNNEETT--AACCCCEESSSS ((CCAAPPAABBIILLIITTYY)) This subcommand, in conjunction with pre-established system manager controls, grants a user the capability to establish DECnet network connections. Note that this is the default in the absence of system manager controls. NOT DECNET-ACCESS denies access to the network. This is the default if the system manager has exercised control over network access. ----- Example ----- To enable access to the DECnet network, type the following: $^_E_C_R_E_A_T_E_ <_C_U_R_R_Y_>_<_R_E_T_>_ [Old] $$D_E_C_N_E_T_-_A_C_C_E_S_S_ (CAPABILITY)<_R_E_T_>_ $$<_R_E_T_>_ $ DDEEFFAAUULLTT--FFIILLEE--PPRROOTTEECCTTIIOONN ((NNUUMMBBEERR)) 66--ddiiggiitt ooccttaall nnuummbbeerr This subcommand specifies the default file-access protection for files within this directory. (You can find an explanation of file-access protection in the TOPS-20 User's Guide.) The argument for this command is a 6-digit octal number. If you do not use this subcommand, the default protection is 777700. To change the default file protection for an existing directory, give this subcommand with the new protection. A user can also change this default with the command SET DIRECTORY FILE-PROTECTION-DEFAULT. Do not confuse this value with the protection of the directory, which is set with the PROTECTION (OF DIRECTORY) subcommand. ----- Hint ----- You can also use ENABLE and the SET DIRECTORY FILE-PROTECTION-DEFAULT command to change the default file protection. When you have OPERATOR capability enabled, you can type a fictitious password in the command. 5-17 ^^EE PPRRIIVVIILLEEGGEEDD CCOOMMMMAANNDDSS ((^^EECCRREEAATTEE)) ----- Example ----- To make the default file protection 775252 for user TES: $^_E_C_R_E_A_T_E_ <_T_E_S_>_<_R_E_T_>_ [New] $$D_E_F_A_U_L_T_-_F_I_L_E_-_P_R_O_T_E_C_T_I_O_N_ 7_7_5_2_5_2_<_R_E_T_>_ $$<_R_E_T_>_ $ DDIIRREECCTTOORRYY--GGRROOUUPP ((NNUUMMBBEERR)) ddeecciimmaall ggrroouupp nnuummbbeerr This subcommand specifies a group number for a directory. If the group number is n, users in group n have group-level access to this directory. (See the subcommand USER-OF-GROUP to put a user into a group.) The group-level access is determined by the directory- and file-access protection. (Refer to the TOPS-20 User's Guide for an explanation of access protection.) The argument is a decimal number from 1 to 262143 (2**18-1). Because you can specify only one number for the argument, you must repeat the subcommand for each group that is allowed to access the files in the directory. You can specify a maximum of 40 different group numbers for a directory. NOT DIRECTORY prevents the directory from being accessed at the group level by users in that group. Because a directory does not belong to any group by default, NOT DIRECTORY is needed to prohibit group access only if DIRECTORY had been given for that group. You must repeat the subcommand for each group for which you want access prohibited. ----- Examples ----- 1. To make a directory accessible to groups 4 and 9: $^_E_C_R_E_A_T_E_ <_W_H_I_T_E_>_<_R_E_T_>_ [New] $$D_I_R_E_C_T_O_R_Y_-_G_R_O_U_P_ (NUMBER) 4_<_R_E_T_>_ $$D_I_R_E_C_T_O_R_Y_-_G_R_O_U_P_ (NUMBER) 9_<_R_E_T_>_ $$<_R_E_T_>_ $ 2. If you want to create a directory of library subroutines called , which is accessible to users in group 6, give the subcommand DIRECTORY 6 when you create . $^_E_C_R_E_A_T_E_ <_L_I_B_R_A_R_Y_>_<_R_E_T_>_ 5-18 ^^EE PPRRIIVVIILLEEGGEEDD CCOOMMMMAANNDDSS ((^^EECCRREEAATTEE)) [New] $$D_I_R_E_C_T_O_R_Y_-_G_R_O_U_P_ (NUMBER) 6_<_R_E_T_>_ $$<_R_E_T_>_ $ Then, to allow a user to access the library, put the user in user group 6 (see USER subcommand). $^_E_C_R_E_A_T_E_ (NAME) <_R_O_S_E_N_>_<_R_E_T_>_ [Old] $$U_S_E_R_-_G_R_O_U_P_ (NUMBER) 6_<_R_E_T_>_ $$<_R_E_T_>_ $ DDIISSAABBLLEE ((CCAAPPAABBIILLIITTIIEESS)) This subcommand disables any capabilities that you may have activated with the ENABLE subcommand or the ENABLE TOPS-20 command. EENNAABBLLEE ((CCAAPPAABBIILLIITTIIEESS)) This subcommand allows you to activate any privileged capabilities that the system manager has given you and that you may need during the ^ECREATE session. This is the default setting. EENNQQ--DDEEQQ ((CCAAPPAABBIILLIITTYY)) This subcommand gives a user the ability to do certain ENQUEUE and DEQUEUE functions. Give this capability only to those users who need it and who can be trusted, because a user with this capability can break system security. NOT ENQ-DEQ, which is the default, withholds this ability from a user. ----- Example ----- $^_E_C_R_E_A_T_E_ <_U_P_D_A_T_E_>_<_R_E_T_>_ [New] $$E_N_Q_-_D_E_Q_<_R_E_T_>_ $$<_R_E_T_>_ $ FFIILLEESS--OONNLLYY This subcommand makes the directory simply a storage place for files. A user cannot give the LOGIN or ACCESS commands for this directory. A user can gain owner privileges to this directory by giving the CONNECT command. The 5-19 ^^EE PPRRIIVVIILLEEGGEEDD CCOOMMMMAANNDDSS ((^^EECCRREEAATTEE)) subdirectories of a FILES-ONLY directory must be FILES-ONLY. A FILES-ONLY directory cannot receive mail. NOT FILES-ONLY, which is the default, allows a user to give the LOGIN and ACCESS commands for the directory. If a FILES-ONLY directory does not have a password, connecting to it depends on directory protection and user groups. ----- Hint ----- To temporarily disable a user from logging in and leave his files intact, simply make his directory FILES-ONLY. Then, to restore his log-in privilege, make his directory NOT FILES-ONLY. This method does not change any of the other directory parameters. ----- Example ----- To make the directory on structure FORT FILES-ONLY: $^_E_C_R_E_A_T_E_ F_O_R_T_:_<_L_I_B_R_A_R_Y_>_<_R_E_T_>_ [New] $$F_I_L_E_S_-_O_N_L_Y_<_R_E_T_>_ $$<_R_E_T_>_ $ GGEENNEERRAATTIIOONNSS ((TTOO KKEEEEPP)) ddeecciimmaall nnuummbbeerr This specifies the default number of generations that a file can have in this directory. The argument must be a decimal number from 0 to 63, where 0 means an infinite number. The default is 1. Currently, it is advisable to use this default to limit disk usage. To change the number of default generations, use this subcommand and specify a new number. At some installations, a user can also change this default with the command SET DIRECTORY GENERATION-RETENTION-COUNT-DEFAULT. ----- Hint ----- You can also use ENABLE and the SET DIRECTORY GENERATION-RETENTION-COUNT-DEFAULT command to change the default number of generations to keep. When you have OPERATOR capability enabled, you can type a fictitious password in the command. ----- Example ----- 5-20 ^^EE PPRRIIVVIILLEEGGEEDD CCOOMMMMAANNDDSS ((^^EECCRREEAATTEE)) To allow a user two generations of a file by default: $^_E_C_R_E_A_T_E_ (DIRECTORY NAME) <_T_R_E_S_S_>_<_R_E_T_>_ [New] $$G_E_N_E_R_A_T_I_O_N_S_ (TO KEEP) 2_<_R_E_T_>_ $$<_R_E_T_>_ $ | IINNTTEERRNNEETT--AACCCCEESSSS ((CCAAPPAABBIILLIITTYY)) This subcommand, in conjunction with pre-established system manager controls, grants a user the capability to establish | INTERNET network connections. Note that this is the default in the absence of system manager controls. | NOT INTERNET-ACCESS denies access to the network. This is the default if the system manager has exercised control over network access. ----- Example ----- | To enable access to the INTERNET network, type the | following: $^_E_C_R_E_A_T_E_ <_S_I_M_M_O_N_S_>_<_R_E_T_>_ [Old] | $$I_N_T_E_R_N_E_T_-_A_C_C_E_S_S_ (CAPABILITY)<_R_E_T_>_ $$<_R_E_T_>_ $ | IINNTTEERRNNEETT--WWIIZZAARRDD ((CCAAPPAABBIILLIITTYY)) | | This subcommand grants a user the INTERNET WIZARD capability. This capability allows a user to execute | certain privileged monitor calls on a system running TCP/IP. Give this capability only to those users who need it and who can be trusted, because a user with this capability can break system security. | NOT INTERNET-WIZARD, which is the default, withholds this capability from the user. ----- Example ----- | | To give a TCP/IP user the INTERNET WIZARD capability: $^_E_C_R_E_A_T_E_ <_C_R_O_S_S_L_A_N_D_>_<_R_E_T_>_ [New] | $$I_N_T_E_R_N_E_T_-_W_I_Z_A_R_D_ (CAPABILITY)<_R_E_T_>_ $$<_R_E_T_>_ 5-21 ^^EE PPRRIIVVIILLEEGGEEDD CCOOMMMMAANNDDSS ((^^EECCRREEAATTEE)) $ IIPPCCFF ((CCAAPPAABBIILLIITTYY)) This subcommand grants a user the capability of executing all privileged IPCF functions. Give this capability only to those users who need it and who can be trusted, because a user with this capability can break system security. NOT IPCF, which is the default, withholds this capability from the user. ----- Example ----- To give a user the IPCF capability: $^_E_C_R_E_A_T_E_ <_C_O_M_M_U_N_I_C_A_T_O_R_>_<_R_E_T_>_ [New] $$I_P_C_F_<_R_E_T_>_ $$<_R_E_T_>_ $ KKIILLLL ((TTHHIISS DDIIRREECCTTOORRYY)) This subcommand allows you to eliminate a directory from the system. After you give the subcommand, you are asked to [CONFIRM]. [CONFIRM] warns you that KILL also deletes all the files in the directory. At this time be sure that you typed the correct directory. If you did not, type CTRL/C to abort immediately. If it is the right directory, press RETURN after [CONFIRM]. When you get the next $$ (double-dollar-signs), you can continue with the KILL by pressing RETURN again or cancel the KILL by typing NOT KILL. NOT KILL, which is the default, cancels a KILL subcommand when it is given before the ^ECREATE command is completed. ----- Hints ----- Do not kill a directory that is logged in, because the system is not able to use that user's job number until TOPS-20 is reloaded. If you must kill that directory, log out the user first and then kill the directory. When you kill a directory, you lose all the files in the directory. If you try to kill a directory and get: 5-22 ^^EE PPRRIIVVIILLEEGGEEDD CCOOMMMMAANNDDSS ((^^EECCRREEAATTEE)) ?Directory file is mapped the directory is being used. You cannot kill the directory until it is not in use. If you try to kill a directory and get: ?Internal format of directory is incorrect refer to the T_O_P_S_-_2_0_ O_p_e_r_a_t_o_r_'_s_ G_u_i_d_e_ to delete the directory. ----- Examples ----- 1. To eliminate the user ALPHONSE from the system: $^_E_C_R_E_A_T_E_ P_S_:_<_A_L_P_H_O_N_S_E_>_<_R_E_T_>_ [Old] $$K_I_L_L_<_R_E_T_>_ [Confirm] $$<_R_E_T_>_ $ 2. To prevent killing a directory when you discover that you typed the wrong name: $^_E_C_R_E_A_T_E_ <_R_O_S_E_N_B_U_R_G_>_<_R_E_T_>_ [Old] $$K_I_L_L_<_R_E_T_>_ [CONFIRM]^C ^ | $ LLIISSTT aarrgguummeenntt This subcommand lets you check the directory parameters. Consequently, it helps to use it before you terminate the ^ECREATE command, so you can make any necessary changes. The acceptable arguments are FAST, NAME-ONLY, and VERBOSE. If no argument is typed, FAST is assumed. ----- Arguments ----- If you type LIST FAST or LIST, the output is a short list equivalent to the output from the ^EPRINT command. Items not listed have default values. If you type LIST NAME-ONLY, the output gives the name of the 5-23 ^^EE PPRRIIVVIILLEEGGEEDD CCOOMMMMAANNDDSS ((^^EECCRREEAATTEE)) directory that you specified after the ^ECREATE command. This is equivalent to the output from the ^EPRINT command with the NAME-ONLY subcommand. If you type LIST VERBOSE, the output lists all the | parameters except PASSWORD, NOT ABSOLUTE-INTERNET-SOCKETS, | and NOT INTERNET-WIZARD. This is equivalent to the output from the ^EPRINT command with the VERBOSE subcommand, providing the directory was previously completed. ----- Hint ----- If you typed KILL as a subcommand, the LIST output is simply KILLED. For example, $$K_I_L_L_<_R_E_T_>_ [Confirm] $$L_I_S_T_<_R_E_T_>_ Killed $$ ----- Examples ----- 1. To get a brief list of parameters for : $^_E_C_R_E_A_T_E_ <_S_M_I_T_H_>_<_R_E_T_>_ [Old] $$L_I_S_T_<_R_E_T_>_ Name Working disk storage page limit 800 Permanent disk storage page limit 600 WHEEL Number of directory 142 Account default for LOGIN BASIC | Last interactive login 10-AUG-83 07:58:28 | Last non-interactive login Never TOPS10 project-programmer number 27-5434 $$<_R_E_T_>_ $ 2. To get a complete list of parameters for and increase the permanent disk storage page limit by 200 pages: $^_E_C_R_E_A_T_E_ <_S_M_I_T_H_>_<_R_E_T_>_ [Old] $$L_I_S_T_ V_E_R_B_O_S_E_<_R_E_T_>_ Name Working disk storage page limit 800 Permanent disk storage page limit 400 5-24 ^^EE PPRRIIVVIILLEEGGEEDD CCOOMMMMAANNDDSS ((^^EECCRREEAATTEE)) WHEEL not OPERATOR not CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION ACCESS not MAINTENANCE not IPCF not ENQ-DEQ not SEMI-OPERATOR not FILES-ONLY | SECURE Number of directory 142 Default file protection 777700 Account default for LOGIN BASIC Protection of directory 777700 Generations to keep 1 Maximum subdirectories allowed 0 | Last interactive login 10-Jun-90 07:58:28 | Last non-interactive login Never | Password expiration date is 1-Jul-90 15:41:37 | No interactive login failures | No non-interactive login failures User of groups - none set Directory groups - none set Subdirectory user groups allowed - none set Online expiration default 60 days Offline expiration default 90 days TOPS10 project-programmer number 27-5434 $$P_E_R_M_A_N_E_N_T_ (DISK STORAGE PAGE LIMIT) 6_0_0_<_R_E_T_>_ $$<_R_E_T_>_ $ 3. To list just the name of the directory. $^_E_C_R_E_A_T_E_ <_S_M_I_T_H_>_<_R_E_T_>_ [Old] $$L_I_S_T_ N_A_M_E_-_O_N_L_Y_<_R_E_T_>_ NAME $$<_R_E_T_>_ $ MMAAIINNTTEENNAANNCCEE ((CCAAPPAABBIILLIITTYY)) This subcommand grants a user the MAINTENANCE capability. It allows the user to execute certain system maintenance functions. Give this capability only to those users who need it and who can be trusted, because a user with this capability can break system security. 5-25 ^^EE PPRRIIVVIILLEEGGEEDD CCOOMMMMAANNDDSS ((^^EECCRREEAATTEE)) NOT MAINTENANCE, which is the default, withholds this capability from the user. ----- Example ----- To give the field service directory the MAINTENANCE capability: $^_E_C_R_E_A_T_E_ <_F_I_E_L_D_-_S_E_R_V_I_C_E_>_<_R_E_T_>_ [New] $$M_A_I_N_T_E_N_A_N_C_E_<_R_E_T_>_ $$<_R_E_T_>_ $D_I_S_A_B_L_E_<_R_E_T_>_ @ MMAAXXIIMMUUMM--SSUUBBDDIIRREECCTTOORRIIEESS ((AALLLLOOWWEEDD)) ddeecciimmaall nnuummbbeerr This subcommand specifies a limit for the sum of the number of subdirectories that can be created in the directory and the number of subdirectories that can currently be delegated to subdirectories in the directory. The limit can be from 0 to 262143. A number of subdirectories is delegated when the value for MAXIMUM-SUBDIRECTORIES is specified for a subdirectory in the directory. After subdirectories are delegated, the value for MAXIMUM-SUBDIRECTORIES in the superior directory is automatically decremented by the number delegated. The default value is zero. You can change the value for this parameter by giving the subcommand with a new value. ----- Example ----- To let user WIZARD create two subdirectories and allow those subdirectories to create a total of four subdirectories: $^_E_C_R_E_A_T_E_ <_W_I_Z_A_R_D_>_<_R_E_T_>_ [Old] $$M_A_X_I_M_U_M_-_S_U_B_D_I_R_E_C_T_O_R_I_E_S_ (ALLOWED) 4_<_R_E_T_>_ $$<_R_E_T_>_ $D_I_S_A_B_L_E_<_R_E_T_>_ @ NNOOTT ssuubbccoommmmaanndd The NOT must be followed by one of the following subcommands: | ABSOLUTE-INTERNET-SOCKETS ARCHIVE-ONLINE-EXPIRED-FILES 5-26 ^^EE PPRRIIVVIILLEEGGEEDD CCOOMMMMAANNDDSS ((^^EECCRREEAATTEE)) CONFIDENTIAL DECNET-ACCESS DIRECTORY-GROUP ENQ-DEQ FILES-ONLY | INTERNET-ACCESS | INTERNET-WIZARD IPCF KILL MAINTENANCE OPERATOR REPEAT-LOGIN-MESSAGES SEMI-OPERATOR SUBDIRECTORY-USER-GROUP TOPS10-PROJECT-PROGRAMMER-NUMBER USER-OF-GROUP WHEEL The function for NOT subcommand is discussed under each subcommand, for example, NOT USER-GROUP is described under the subcommand USER-GROUP. ----- Examples ----- 1. To take away the ENQ-DEQ capability from JONES: $^_E_C_R_E_A_T_E_ <_J_O_N_E_S_>_<_R_E_T_>_ [Old] $$N_O_T_ E_N_Q_-_D_E_Q_<_R_E_T_>_ $$<_R_E_T_>_ $D_I_S_A_B_L_E_<_R_E_T_>_ @ 2. To prohibit the directory on structure FUN from being accessed by users in group 9 when the directory protection does not allow all users to access : $^_E_C_R_E_A_T_E_ F_U_N_:_<_G_A_M_E_S_>_<_R_E_T_>_ [Old] $$N_O_T_ D_I_R_E_C_T_O_R_Y_-_G_R_O_U_P_ 9_<_R_E_T_>_ $$<_R_E_T_>_ $D_I_S_A_B_L_E_<_R_E_T_>_ @ NNUUMMBBEERR ((OOFF DDIIRREECCTTOORRYY)) ooccttaall ddiirreeccttoorryy nnuummbbeerr This subcommand allows you to assign an unused directory number to the directory that you are creating. The number must be octal. Certain programs use a specific directory number. Also, directory numbers 1 through 17 are reserved for use by DIGITAL. Currently, , , 5-27 ^^EE PPRRIIVVIILLEEGGEEDD CCOOMMMMAANNDDSS ((^^EECCRREEAATTEE)) , , , and must have directory numbers 1 to 6, respectively. If you do not use this subcommand, a default number is chosen by TOPS-20. You should always use the default number unless the directory must have a specific number. While creating a new directory, you can change a directory number you specified by repeating the subcommand with a new number or by giving the subcommand NUMBER 0 to get the default. However, once you create the directory, you cannot change this number. ----- Example ----- To re-create the directory , which must have directory number 5: $^_E_C_R_E_A_T_E_ <_O_P_E_R_A_T_O_R_>_<_R_E_T_>_ [New] $$N_U_M_B_E_R_ (OF DIRECTORY) 5_<_R_E_T_>_ $$<_R_E_T_>_ $ OOFFFFLLIINNEE--EEXXPPIIRRAATTIIOONN--DDEEFFAAUULLTT ((IISS)) date or +n This subcommand establishes the tape expiration date for files in your directory that are to go off line because of migration or archiving. To generate a relative date, give the "+n" argument, where n represents the number of days from the removal date. After issuing this subcommand, you may receive the error message: ?Offline expiration time cannot exceed system maximum. In this situation, you have requested a longer interval of time than that established by the system manager. Issue the INFORMATION (ABOUT) SYSTEM-STATUS command to learn what the system default is. (Refer to the description of the PUSH subcommand, below, for information on entering and exiting from TOPS-20 command level during the ^ECREATE session.) ----- Example ----- To indicate that all off-line files can be expunged from tape two months after the removal date, give the following command: $^_E_C_R_E_A_T_E_ <_A_N_D_E_R_S_O_N_>_<_R_E_T_>_ [New] $$O_F_F_L_I_N_E_-_E_X_P_I_R_A_T_I_O_N_-_D_E_F_A_U_L_T_ (IS) +_6_0_<_R_E_T_>_ 5-28 ^^EE PPRRIIVVIILLEEGGEEDD CCOOMMMMAANNDDSS ((^^EECCRREEAATTEE)) $$<_R_E_T_>_ $ OONNLLIINNEE--EEXXPPIIRRAATTIIOONN--DDEEFFAAUULLTT ((IISS)) date or +n This subcommand establishes the expiration date for disk files that are to be created in the directory. Upon expiration, the files will be automatically marked for archiving if you previously specified the ARCHIVE-ONLINE-EXPIRED-FILES subcommand. To indicate a relative date, give the "+n" argument, where n represents the number of days from the creation date. ----- Example ----- If user HILL wants all newly created files to expire on Labor Day, issue the following: $^_E_C_R_E_A_T_E_ (DIRECTORY NAME) <_H_I_L_L_>_<_R_E_T_>_ [New] $$O_N_L_I_N_E_-_E_X_P_I_R_A_T_I_O_N_-_D_E_F_A_U_L_T_ (IS) 6_-_S_E_P_-_8_2_<_R_E_T_>_ $$<_R_E_T_>_ $ OOPPEERRAATTOORR ((CCAAPPAABBIILLIITTYY)) This subcommand grants a user the OPERATOR capability. Normally, it is given to the operator's directory . NOT OPERATOR, which is the default, withholds the capability from a user. SEMI-OPERATOR capability is a subset of the OPERATOR capability (see SEMI-OPERATOR). ----- Example ----- To give <2-OPERATOR> the OPERATOR capability: $^_E_C_R_E_A_T_E_ <_2_-_O_P_E_R_A_T_O_R_>_<_R_E_T_>_ [New] $$O_P_E_R_A_T_O_R_<_R_E_T_>_ $$<_R_E_T_>_ $D_I_S_A_B_L_E_<_R_E_T_>_ @ PPAASSSSWWOORRDD 11 ttoo 3399 aallpphhaannuummeerriicc cchhaarraacctteerrss oorr hhyypphheennss This subcommand specifies the password for the directory. A user must give his correct password to log in to the system. The identifier may be 1 to 39 letters, digits, or hyphens. 5-29 ^^EE PPRRIIVVIILLEEGGEEDD CCOOMMMMAANNDDSS ((^^EECCRREEAATTEE)) If this subcommand is not given and the password is not specified on the same line as ^ECREATE, no password is set. To eliminate a password, give this subcommand without an argument. You can change an existing password by giving this subcommand with the new password. At some installations, a user can also change a password with the command SET DIRECTORY PASSWORD. ----- Hint ----- You can also ENABLE your WHEEL or OPERATOR capability to change the password with the SET DIRECTORY PASSWORD command. This method has the advantage of not echoing the new password. ----- Examples ----- 1. To change a user's password to NEW-ONE: $^_E_C_R_E_A_T_E_ <_J_O_N_E_S_>_<_R_E_T_>_ [Old] $$P_A_S_S_W_O_R_D_ N_E_W_-_O_N_E_<_R_E_T_>_ $$<_R_E_T_>_ $D_I_S_A_B_L_E_<_R_E_T_>_ @ 2. To create a new directory named ELLIS with a password of JOAN: $^_E_C_R_E_A_T_E_ <_E_L_L_I_S_>_<_R_E_T_>_ [New] $$P_A_S_S_W_O_R_D_ J_O_A_N_<_R_E_T_>_ $$<_R_E_T_>_ $D_I_S_A_B_L_E_<_R_E_T_>_ @ PPEERRMMAANNEENNTT ((DDIISSKK SSTTOORRAAGGEE PPAAGGEE LLIIMMIITT)) aarrgguummeenntt This subcommand specifies the limit of the sum of disk space that the directory can have for permanent storage and the disk space that can be delegated to subdirectories in the directory for permanent storage. Disk space for permanent storage is delegated when the value for PERMANENT is specified for a subdirectory in the directory. After permanent storage is delegated, the value for PERMANENT in the superior directory is automatically decremented by the amount delegated. 5-30 ^^EE PPRRIIVVIILLEEGGEEDD CCOOMMMMAANNDDSS ((^^EECCRREEAATTEE)) You should make permanent storage less than or equal to working storage. You can change the value for this parameter by giving the subcommand with a new value. The arguments are the number of pages or INFINITY. ----- Arguments ----- The number of pages argument is a decimal number where a page is 512 36-bit words. The default value is 250 pages. The INFINITY argument allocates an unlimited number of pages to the directory. The permanent storage of the superior directory must also be INFINITY. The number of pages that can be used by the user is limited to the number of free pages on the structure. This argument is intended for special system directories; it is not intended for general users. ----- Example ----- To give user FOX 200 pages of permanent storage: $^_E_C_R_E_A_T_E_ <_F_O_X_>_<_R_E_T_>_ [NEW] $$P_E_R_M_A_N_E_N_T_ (DISK STORAGE PAGE LIMIT) 2_0_0_<_R_E_T_>_ $$<_R_E_T_>_ $D_I_S_A_B_L_E_<_R_E_T_>_ @ PPRREESSEERRVVEE ((SSUUPPEERRIIOORR QQUUOOTTAASS)) This subcommand preserves the values of the superior directory's PERMANENT, WORKING and MAXIMUM-SUBDIRECTORIES parameters. Normally, when you create a subdirectory, the PERMANENT, WORKING, and MAXIMUM-SUBDIRECTORIES subcommands subtract equal values from the permanent superior directory. The PRESERVE subcommand, when used with the PERMANENT, WORKING, and MAXIMUM-SUBDIRECTORIES subcommands, stops this subtraction. ----- Hint ----- This subcommand allows you to create a subdirectory without first increasing the pages in the superior directory. ----- Example ----- To create a subdirectory for user FOX with 100 pages of permanent and working storage without subtracting 100 pages from the permanent and working quotas of the superior 5-31 ^^EE PPRRIIVVIILLEEGGEEDD CCOOMMMMAANNDDSS ((^^EECCRREEAATTEE)) directory: $^_E_C_R_E_A_T_E_ <_F_O_X_._S_U_B_>_<_R_E_T_>_ [New] $$P_E_R_M_A_N_E_N_T_ (DISK STORAGE PAGE LIMIT ) 1_0_0_<_R_E_T_>_ $$W_O_R_K_I_N_G_ (DISK STORAGE PAGE LIMIT ) 1_0_0_<_R_E_T_>_ $$P_R_E_S_E_R_V_E_ (_S_U_P_E_R_I_O_R_ Q_U_O_T_A_S_)_<_R_E_T_>_ $$<_R_E_T_>_ $ PPRROOTTEECCTTIIOONN ((OOFF DDIIRREECCTTOORRYY)) 66--ddiiggiitt ooccttaall nnuummbbeerr This subcommand specifies the access protection for a directory. (You can find an explanation of directory-access protection in the T_O_P_S_-_2_0_ U_s_e_r_'_s_ G_u_i_d_e_.) The argument for this command is a 6-digit octal number. If you do not use this subcommand, the directory protection is 777700. To change the protection of an existing directory, give this subcommand with the new protection. A user can also change the protection of a directory with the command SET DIRECTORY PROTECTION. ----- Hint ----- You can also use ENABLE and the SET DIRECTORY PROTECTION command to change the protection. When you have OPERATOR capability enabled, you can type a fictitious password in the command. ----- Example ----- To make the directory protection 775252 on structure APPL: $^_E_C_R_E_A_T_E_ A_P_P_L_:_<_L_I_B_R_A_R_Y_>_<_R_E_T_>_ [New] $$P_R_O_T_E_C_T_I_O_N_ (OF DIRECTORY) 7_7_5_2_5_2_<_R_E_T_>_ $$<_R_E_T_>_ $ PPUUSSHH ((CCOOMMMMAANNDD LLEEVVEELL)) This subcommand creates a level of TOPS-20 inferior to the one from which you issued the ^ECREATE command, and leaves your terminal at this new level. You can issue any TOPS-20 command from this level. Give the POP command to return to your ^ECREATE session. With this subcommand you can leave the ^ECREATE command sequence in order to issue a user, operator, or other privileged command. Following this, you can resume ^ECREATE activities, with your previous work intact. 5-32 ^^EE PPRRIIVVIILLEEGGEEDD CCOOMMMMAANNDDSS ((^^EECCRREEAATTEE)) You can use the PUSH subcommand to create an inferior EXEC of your choice. Normally, PUSH creates the EXEC defined by the system logical name DEFAULT-EXEC:. You can use the DEFINE command to define a job definition of DEFAULT-EXEC: with the name of the EXEC you want to create each time you PUSH. Note that many TOPS-20 programs have their own PUSH commands. However, only the EXEC and OPR PUSH commands refer to the job definition of DEFAULT-EXEC:; all other PUSH commands refer to the system definition. ----- Examples ----- 1. You may be called upon to perform some unscheduled software task, such as initializing tapes or handling tape mount requests while you are in the middle of a ^ECREATE session. The PUSH subcommand allows you to do this: $^_E_C_R_E_A_T_E_ (DIRECTORY NAME) <_T_U_C_K_E_R_>_<_R_E_T_>_ [Old] $$A_R_C_H_I_V_E_-_O_N_L_I_N_E_-_E_X_P_I_R_E_D_-_F_I_L_E_S_ <_R_E_T_>_ $$O_N_L_I_N_E_-_E_X_P_I_R_A_T_I_O_N_-_D_E_F_A_U_L_T_ (IS) +_1_8_0_<_R_E_T_>_ $$A_C_C_O_U_N_T_-_D_E_F_A_U_L_T_ (FOR LOGIN) 1_7_2_<_R_E_T_>_ $$P_U_S_H_ (COMMAND LEVEL)<_R_E_T_>_ TOPS-20 Command processor 5(702) @E_N_A_B_L_E_ (CAPABILITIES)<_R_E_T_>_ $O_P_R_<_R_E_T_>_ OPR>S_E_T_ T_A_P_E_-_D_R_I_V_E_ M_T_A_3_:_ I_N_I_T_I_A_L_I_Z_E_ /_L_A_B_E_L_-_T_Y_P_E_:_T_O_P_S_-_2_0_-_<_R_E_T_>_ /_O_V_E_R_R_I_D_E_-_E_X_P_I_R_A_T_I_O_N_:_Y_E_S_ /_T_A_P_E_-_D_I_S_P_O_S_I_T_I_O_N_:_H_O_L_D_-_<_R_E_T_>_ /_V_O_L_U_M_E_-_I_D_:_S_A_M_P_L_E_<_R_E_T_>_ OPR> When you are notified of a successful initialization, exit from OPR; give the POP command to return to the ^ECREATE session; then continue issuing ^ECREATE subcommands: OPR>E_X_I_T_<_R_E_T_>_ $P_O_P_<_R_E_T_>_ [Continuing BUILD of directory PS:] $$D_E_F_A_U_L_T_-_F_I_L_E_-_P_R_O_T_E_C_T_I_O_N_ (NUMBER) 7_7_0_0_0_0_<_R_E_T_>_ $$P_E_R_M_A_N_E_N_T_ (DISK STORAGE PAGE LIMIT) 6_0_0_<_R_E_T_>_ $$W_O_R_K_I_N_G_ (DISK STORAGE PAGE LIMIT) 6_0_0_<_R_E_T_>_ $$<_R_E_T_>_ $ 2. Suppose you gave an unacceptable argument to the WORKING subcommand, as follows: 5-33 ^^EE PPRRIIVVIILLEEGGEEDD CCOOMMMMAANNDDSS ((^^EECCRREEAATTEE)) $^_E_C_R_E_A_T_E_ (DIRECTORY NAME) <_T_U_C_K_E_R_._O_P_E_R_A_T_O_R_>_-_<_R_E_T_>_ (PASSWORD) T_E_S_T_<_R_E_T_>_ [Old] $$W_O_R_K_I_N_G_ (DISK STORAGE PAGE LIMIT) 3_0_<_R_E_T_>_ $$P_E_R_M_A_N_E_N_T_ (DISK STORAGE PAGE LIMIT) 2_1_<_R_E_T_>_ $$<_R_E_T_>_ ?Working space insufficient for current allocation. Please fix incorrect subcommands. $$ The error message above indicates that the number of pages currently assigned to your directory exceeds the working space quota that you desire. Give the PUSH subcommand. Then, while at this new level of TOPS-20, give the INFORMATION (ABOUT) DISK-USAGE command to display the current page assignment: $$P_U_S_H_<_R_E_T_>_ TOPS-20 Command processor 5(703) @I_N_F_O_R_M_A_T_I_O_N_ (ABOUT) D_I_S_K_-_U_S_A_G_E_ (OF DIRECTORY)<_R_E_T_>_ PS: 37 Pages assigned 75 Working pages, 75 Permanent pages allowed 4452 Pages free on PS:, 147548 pages used. @ If you are unwilling for the working space quota to equal or exceed the current page assignment, you can delete files to sufficiently reduce the current page assignment: @DELETE (FILES) ._QXAMPLE CREATE.QXAMPLE.2 [OK] OPR-POP.QXAMPLE.1 [OK] OPR-PUSH.QXAMPLE.5 [OK] POP-RETURN.QXAMPLE.5 [OK] PUSH-ERROR.QXAMPLE.4 [OK] SYSJ.QXAMPLE.7 [OK] @E_X_P_U_N_G_E_ (DIRECTORY) <_R_E_T_>_ PS: [30 pages freed] Only seven pages are assigned to the directory now. Return to your ^ECREATE session, and respecify the working space quota. @P_O_P_<_R_E_T_>_ [Continuing BUILD of directory PS:] $$W_O_R_K_I_N_G_ (DISK STORAGE PAGE LIMIT) 3_0_<_R_E_T_>_ 5-34 ^^EE PPRRIIVVIILLEEGGEEDD CCOOMMMMAANNDDSS ((^^EECCRREEAATTEE)) $$<_R_E_T_>_ $ RREEPPEEAATT--LLOOGGIINN--MMEESSSSAAGGEESS This subcommand allows the user, when logging onto the system, to read all messages in SYSTEM:MAIL.TXT. Thus, when a user logs into his directory with the REPEAT-LOGIN-MESSAGES attribute enabled, all messages from SYSTEM:MAIL.TXT will be displayed at his terminal. NOT REPEAT-LOGIN-MESSAGES, which is the default, withholds this attribute from the user. ----- Example ----- To give a user the REPEAT-LOGIN-MESSAGES attribute: $^_E_C_R_E_A_T_E_ <_B_R_O_W_N_>_<_R_E_T_>_ [Old] $$R_E_P_E_A_T_-_L_O_G_I_N_-_M_E_S_S_A_G_E_S_<_R_E_T_>_ $$<_R_E_T_>_ $ SSEEMMII--OOPPEERRAATTOORR This subcommand allows the user to execute a sub-set of OPR commands. The subset are those OPR commands for accessing information and controlling certain devices. (The devices are determined by the System Administrator when a GALGEN is performed.) After this subcommand is issued for a particular user, the operator must turn-on SEMI-OPR with the OPR command ENABLE. ----- Example ----- $^_E_C_R_E_A_T_E_ <_B_R_O_W_N_>_<_R_E_T_>_ [Old] $$S_E_M_I_-_O_P_E_R_A_T_O_R_ (CAPABILITY)<_R_E_T_>_ $$<_R_E_T_>_ $ SSUUBBDDIIRREECCTTOORRYY--UUSSEERR--GGRROOUUPP ((AALLLLOOWWEEDD)) ddeecciimmaall ggrroouupp nnuummbbeerr This subcommand specifies what user groups can be specified in the USER-OF-GROUP or SUBDIRECTORY-USER-GROUP subcommands for a subdirectory in this directory. The argument is a decimal number from 1 to 262143 (2**18-1). You can specify a maximum of 40 different groups. Because 5-35 ^^EE PPRRIIVVIILLEEGGEEDD CCOOMMMMAANNDDSS ((^^EECCRREEAATTEE)) you can give only one number for the argument, however, you must repeat the subcommand for each different group. If this subcommand is being specified for a subdirectory, the user-group number must be in the list of subdirectory user groups allowed in the superior directory. NOT SUBDIRECTORY-USER-GROUP removes a group from the list of groups allowed. To remove more than one group from the list, you must repeat the subcommand for each group. ----- Example ----- To allow the subdirectories of directory to specify user groups or subdirectory user groups of 1, 2, 3, or 4: $^_E_C_R_E_A_T_E_ <_A_>_<_R_E_T_>_ [New] $$S_U_B_D_I_R_E_C_T_O_R_Y_-_U_S_E_R_-_G_R_O_U_P_ (ALLOWED) 1_<_R_E_T_>_ $$S_U_B_D_I_R_E_C_T_O_R_Y_-_U_S_E_R_-_G_R_O_U_P_ (ALLOWED) 2_<_R_E_T_>_ $$S_U_B_D_I_R_E_C_T_O_R_Y_-_U_S_E_R_-_G_R_O_U_P_ (ALLOWED) 3_<_R_E_T_>_ $$S_U_B_D_I_R_E_C_T_O_R_Y_-_U_S_E_R_-_G_R_O_U_P_ (ALLOWED) 4_<_R_E_T_>_ $$<_R_E_T_>_ $ TTOOPPSS1100--PPRROOJJEECCTT--PPRROOGGRRAAMMMMEERR--NNUUMMBBEERR ((FFOORR CCOOMMPPAATTIIBBIILLIITTYY)) nn,,nn This subcommand sets a TOPS-10 project-programmer number (PPN) to the directory. This allows TOPS-10 programs that require PPNs to be compatible with TOPS-20. The project-programmer number consists of two octal numbers, separated by a comma, that identify the user and his file storage area on a TOPS-10 file structure. To change the PPN in an existing directory, give this subcommand with the new PPN. ----- Example ----- To assign user JONES a TOPS-10 PPN: $^_E_C_R_E_A_T_E_ <_J_O_N_E_S_>_<_R_E_T_>_ [Old] $$T_O_P_S_1_0_-_P_R_O_J_E_C_T_-_P_R_O_G_R_A_M_M_E_R_-_N_U_M_B_E_R_ 2_7_,_5_4_3_4_<_R_E_T_>_ $$<_R_E_T_>_ $ UUSSEERR--OOFF--GGRROOUUPP ((NNUUMMBBEERR)) ddeecciimmaall ggrroouupp nnuummbbeerr This subcommand places the user of the directory in a group and gives the user group-level access to other directories 5-36 ^^EE PPRRIIVVIILLEEGGEEDD CCOOMMMMAANNDDSS ((^^EECCRREEAATTEE)) with the same directory group number. (See the subcommand DIRECTORY-GROUP to specify a directory group number.) The argument is a decimal number from 1 to 262143 (2**18-1). A user can belong to a maximum of 40 different groups. However, because you can give only one number for the argument, you must repeat the subcommand for each different group. If this subcommand is being specified for a subdirectory, the user group number must be in the list of subdirectory user groups allowed in the superior directory. NOT USER-OF-GROUP removes a user from the group number specified. To remove a user from more than one group, you must repeat the subcommand for each group. ----- Examples ----- 1. To put a user in groups 3, 9, and 27: $^_E_C_R_E_A_T_E_ <_T_E_S_>_<_R_E_T_>_ [New] $$U_S_E_R_-_O_F_-_G_R_O_U_P_ 3_<_R_E_T_>_ $$U_S_E_R_-_O_F_-_G_R_O_U_P_ 9_<_R_E_T_>_ $$U_S_E_R_-_O_F_-_G_R_O_U_P_ 2_7_<_R_E_T_>_ $$<_R_E_T_>_ $ 2. To allow an instructor whose directory is to have group-level access to his students' directories, which have a directory group number of 5: $^_E_C_R_E_A_T_E_ <_T_E_A_C_H_>_<_R_E_T_>_ [New] $$U_S_E_R_-_O_F_-_G_R_O_U_P_ 5_<_R_E_T_>_ $$<_R_E_T_>_ $ 3. To remove a user from group 3: $^_E_C_R_E_A_T_E_ <_T_E_S_>_<_R_E_T_>_ [Old] $$N_O_T_ U_S_E_R_-_O_F_-_G_R_O_U_P_ 3_<_R_E_T_>_ $$<_R_E_T_>_ $ WWHHEEEELL ((CCAAPPAABBIILLIITTYY)) This subcommand grants the WHEEL capability to a user. 5-37 ^^EE PPRRIIVVIILLEEGGEEDD CCOOMMMMAANNDDSS ((^^EECCRREEAATTEE)) NOTE Be very cautious about giving this capability, because it allows a user to do anything on the system and possibly destroy system security. NOT WHEEL, which is the default, withholds this capability from a user. ----- Example ----- To give user WHEEL capability: $^_E_C_R_E_A_T_E_ <_S_Y_S_T_E_M_-_A_C_E_>_<_R_E_T_>_ [New] $$W_H_E_E_L_<_R_E_T_>_ $$<_R_E_T_>_ $ WWOORRKKIINNGG ((DDIISSKK SSTTOORRAAGGEE PPAAGGEE LLIIMMIITT)) aarrgguummeenntt This subcommand specifies the limit of the sum of temporary working space that a user of the directory can have on disk while logged in and the temporary working space that can be delegated to subdirectories in the directory. Temporary working space is delegated when the value for WORKING is specified for a subdirectory in the directory. After temporary working space is delegated, the value for WORKING in the superior directory is automatically decremented by the amount delegated. You should allow at least as much working storage as permanent storage. You can change the value for this parameter by giving the subcommand with a new value. The arguments are the number of pages or INFINITY. ----- Arguments ----- The number of pages argument is a decimal number where a page is 512 36-bit words. The default value is 250 pages. The INFINITY argument allocates an unlimited number of pages to the directory. The working storage of the superior directory must also be INFINITY. The number of pages that can be used by the user is limited to the number of free pages on the structure. This argument is intended for special system directories; it is not intended for general users. 5-38 ^^EE PPRRIIVVIILLEEGGEEDD CCOOMMMMAANNDDSS ((^^EECCRREEAATTEE)) ----- Example ----- To give user FOX 400 pages of working storage: $^_E_C_R_E_A_T_E_ <_F_O_X_>_<_R_E_T_>_ [New] $$W_O_R_K_I_N_G_ (DISK STORAGE PAGE LIMIT) 4_0_0_<_R_E_T_>_ $$<_R_E_T_>_ $D_I_S_A_B_L_E_<_R_E_T_>_ @ RReessttrriiccttiioonnss The following are error messages associated with the ^ECREATE command and its subcommands. After some of the following error messages, you will also get the message: Please fix incorrect subcommands. After any error, you automatically return to subcommand level with the prompt $$. You can then give more subcommands to correct the error, specify additional directory parameters, or type ABORT and then correct the problem. ?6-digit value only The maximum value accepted is six octal digits. ?Can't add new group; buffer full You specified over 40 directory groups or user groups. ?Carriage return or subcommand required ?Does not match switch or keyword You typed an invalid subcommand. ?Directory file is mapped You tried to kill a directory that was being used. ?Directory still contains subdirectory. You cannot delete a directory that has subdirectories. ?First nonspace character is not a digit - "character" You must type a numeric argument. ?Group already exists 5-39 ^^EE PPRRIIVVIILLEEGGEEDD CCOOMMMMAANNDDSS ((^^EECCRREEAATTEE)) The group number that you typed was previously given. ?Group numbers must be between 1 and 262143. A user group number or directory group number must be between 1 and 262143, inclusive. ?Illegal to create non-files-only subdirectory under files-only directory. You cannot create a non-FILES-ONLY subdirectory under a FILES-ONLY directory. ?Illegal to delete connected directory. You cannot delete your connected directory.To delete a specific directory, first connect to a different directory. ?Illegal to delete logged-in directory. You cannot delete your logged-in directory. To delete a specific directory you must log in to a different directory. ?Internal format of directory is incorrect You tried to kill a directory whose internal format is incorrect. (See Hints under the KILL subcommand.) ?Invalid character in number You typed a nondigit in a numeric argument or you typed a nonoctal digit in an octal argument. ?Invalid directory number. The number that you tried to give to a new directory has already been given to another directory. ?Invalid directory specification You typed a directory incorrectly. Perhaps you forgot the right angle bracket (>). ?Invalid structure name - "name" You specified a structure name incorrectly. Perhaps you omitted the angle brackets around a directory name, or you omitted the colon after the structure name. ?Invalid user group. 5-40 ^^EE PPRRIIVVIILLEEGGEEDD CCOOMMMMAANNDDSS ((^^EECCRREEAATTEE)) You specified a number for USER-GROUP or SUBDIRECTORY-USER-GROUP that is not in the superior directories list of subdirectory user groups allowed. ?Must be 0-63 The default number of generations to keep must be 0 to 63. ?No group to remove You tried to remove a group number that was never assigned. ?Not confirmed You must press RETURN or LINE FEED at the end of the command. ?Overflow (number is greater than 2**35) The argument you specified is too large. ?Request exceeds superior directory permanent quota. The number of pages you specified for a subdirectory's permanent disk-storage page limit exceeds the permanent disk-storage page limit remaining for the superior directory. ?Request exceeds superior directory subdirectory quota. You tried to create a subdirectory when the superior directory allows no more subdirectories, or you specified a value for MAXIMUM-SUBDIRECTORIES that exceeds what is allowed by the superior directory. ?Request exceeds superior directory working quota. The number of pages you specified for a subdirectory's working disk-storage page limit exceeds the working disk-storage page limit remaining for the superior directory. ?Structure str: not mounted The structure you specified, str:, has not been mounted. Be sure you typed the structure name correctly. Also, MOUNT a structure before you create a directory on it. ?Subdirectory quota insufficient for existing subdirectories. You tried to specify a value for MAXIMUM-SUBDIRECTORIES that 5-41 ^^EE PPRRIIVVIILLEEGGEEDD CCOOMMMMAANNDDSS ((^^EECCRREEAATTEE)) is less than the number of subdirectories already created and delegated. ?Superior directory does not exist. You tried to create the subdirectory , but , the superior directory, does not exist. ?Superior directory full Either on the structure where you are trying to create a directory cannot contain any more directories, or you are trying to create and cannot contain any more directories. ?Working space insufficient for current allocation. You tried to specify a value for WORKING that is less than the current disk space already being used by the directory. Refer to Example 2 of the PUSH subcommand description for help. ?You can't change the number of an old directory You cannot change the number of an existing directory. EExxaammpplleess 1. To create a directory with all default values: @E_N_A_B_L_E_<_R_E_T_>_ $^_E_C_R_E_A_T_E_ <_S_T_U_D_E_N_T_-_1_>_ S_1_<_R_E_T_>_ [New] $$<_R_E_T_>_ $D_I_S_A_B_L_E_<_R_E_T_>_ @ 5-42 ^^EE PPRRIIVVIILLEEGGEEDD CCOOMMMMAANNDDSS ((^^EECCRREEAATTEE)) 2. To create a new directory with some nondefault parameters: @E_N_A_B_L_E_<_R_E_T_>_ $^_E_C_R_E_A_T_E_ (DIRECTORY NAME) <_W_H_I_T_E_M_A_N_>_<_R_E_T_>_ [New] $$P_A_S_S_W_O_R_D_ P_A_U_L_A_M_<_R_E_T_>_ $$A_C_C_O_U_N_T_-_D_E_F_A_U_L_T_ (FOR LOGIN) B_A_N_K_._M_C_<_R_E_T_>_ $$W_O_R_K_I_N_G_ (DISK STORAGE PAGE LIMIT) 5_0_0_<_R_E_T_>_ $$P_E_R_M_A_N_E_N_T_ (DISK STORAGE PAGE LIMIT) 3_0_0_<_R_E_T_>_ $$U_S_E_R_-_G_R_O_U_P_ (_N_U_M_B_E_R_)_ 9_<_R_E_T_>_ $$D_I_R_E_C_T_O_R_Y_-_G_R_O_U_P_ (_N_U_M_B_E_R_)_ 5_<_R_E_T_>_ $$L_I_S_T_<_R_E_T_>_ Name Working disk storage page limit 500 Permanent disk storage page limit 300 Account default for LOGIN BANK.MC User of groups 9 Directory groups 5 TOPS10 project-programmer number - none set $$L_I_S_T_ V_E_R_B_O_S_E_<_R_E_T_>_ Name Working disk storage page limit 500 Permanent disk storage page limit 300 not WHEEL not OPERATOR not CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION ACCESS not MAINTENANCE not IPCF not ENQ-DEQ not FILES-ONLY | not SERCURE No directory number Default file protection 777700 Account default for LOGIN BANK.MC Protection of directory 777700 Generations to keep 1 Maximum subdirectories allowed 0 | Never logged in interactively | Never logged in non-interactively | Password expiration date not set | No interactive loging failures | No non-interactive login failures User of groups 9 Directory groups 5 Subdirectory user groups allowed - none set Online expiration default 60 days Offline expiration default 90 days TOPS10 project-programmer number - none set $$<_R_E_T_>_ 5-43 ^^EE PPRRIIVVIILLEEGGEEDD CCOOMMMMAANNDDSS ((^^EECCRREEAATTEE)) $D_I_S_A_B_L_E_<_R_E_T_>_ @ 3. To alter a parameter for a directory: $^_E_C_R_E_A_T_E_ <_W_H_I_T_E_M_A_N_>_<_R_E_T_>_ [Old] $$C_O_N_F_I_D_E_N_T_I_A_L_ (INFORMATION ACCESS CAPABILITY)<_R_E_T_>_ $$S_E_M_I_-_O_P_E_R_A_T_O_R_ (CAPABILITY)<_R_E_T_>_ $$L_I_S_T_ V_E_R_B_O_S_E_<_R_E_T_>_ Name Working disk storage page limit 500 Permanent disk storage page limit 300 not WHEEL not OPERATOR CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION ACCESS not MAINTENANCE not IPCF not ENQ-DEQ SEMI-OPERATOR not FILES-ONLY | not SECURE Number of directory 606 Default file protection 777700 Account default for login BANK.MC Protection of directory 777700 Generations to keep 1 Maximum subdirectories allowed 0 | Last interactive login 11-May-90 15:30:47 | Last non-interactive login 22-Feb-90 18:28:21 | Password expiration date is 15-Aug-90 17:35:14 | No interactive login failures | No non-interactive login failures Never logged in non-interactively Password expiration date not set No interactive loging failures No non-interactive login failures Last LOGIN User of groups 5, 9 Directory groups 5 Subdirectory user groups allowed - none set Online expiration default 60 days Offline expiration default 90 days TOPS10 project-programmer number - none set $$<_R_E_T_>_ $D_I_S_A_B_L_E_<_R_E_T_>_ @ 5-44 ^^EE PPRRIIVVIILLEEGGEEDD CCOOMMMMAANNDDSS ((^^EECCRREEAATTEE)) 4. To delete a directory from the system: $^_E_C_R_E_A_T_E_ <_W_H_I_T_E_M_A_N_>_<_R_E_T_>_ [Old] $$K_I_L_L_<_R_E_T_>_ [Confirm]<_R_E_T_>_ $$<_R_E_T_>_ $D_I_S_A_B_L_E_<_R_E_T_>_ @ 5. To create the files-only directory on structure DSKA with DSKA previously MOUNTed: $^_E_C_R_E_A_T_E_ D_S_K_A_:_<_M_A_N_U_A_L_S_>_<_R_E_T_>_ [New] $$F_I_L_E_S_-_O_N_L_Y_<_R_E_T_>_ $$<_R_E_T_>_ $D_I_S_A_B_L_E_<_R_E_T_>_ @ 6. To create PS:

and allow it to have 50 subdirectories in user groups 3 and/or 4: $^_E_C_R_E_A_T_E_ P_S_:_<_P_>_<_R_E_T_>_ [New] $$W_O_R_K_I_N_G_ 1_2_5_0_0_<_R_E_T_>_ $$P_E_R_M_A_N_E_N_T_ 1_2_5_0_0_<_R_E_T_>_ $$M_A_X_I_M_U_M_-_S_U_B_D_I_R_E_C_T_O_R_I_E_S_ 5_0_<_R_E_T_>_ $$S_U_B_D_I_R_E_C_T_O_R_Y_-_U_S_E_R_-_G_R_O_U_P_ (ALLOWED) 3_<_R_E_T_>_ $$S_U_B_D_I_R_E_C_T_O_R_Y_-_U_S_E_R_-_G_R_O_U_P_ (ALLOWED) 4_<_R_E_T_>_ $$<_R_E_T_>_ $D_I_S_A_B_L_E_<_R_E_T_>_ @ 7. To create the subdirectory in user group 3 when

already exists: $^_E_C_R_E_A_T_E_ <_P_._H_U_R_L_E_Y_>_<_R_E_T_>_ [New] $$P_A_S_S_W_O_R_D_ Y_U_I_O_P_<_R_E_T_>_ $$U_S_E_R_-_G_R_O_U_P_ 3_<_R_E_T_>_ $$<_R_E_T_>_ $D_I_S_A_B_L_E_<_R_E_T_>_ @ 5-45 ^^EE PPRRIIVVIILLEEGGEEDD CCOOMMMMAANNDDSS ((^^EEDDEEFFIINNEE)) ^^EEDDEEFFIINNEE -- DDeeffiinniinngg aanndd DDeelleettiinngg SSyysstteemm LLooggiiccaall NNaammeess FFuunnccttiioonn The ^EDEFINE command creates or deletes system logical names. A system logical name applies to all users on the system. A system logical name is a list of system directories that tells the system where and in what order to search for a file for all users. FFoorrmmaatt ^EDEFINE (SYSTEM LOGICAL NAME) lognam: (AS) filespec AArrgguummeennttss lognam: specifies a 1- to 39-character alphanumeric abbreviation or system logical name to be defined or deleted, or * to delete all system logical names. filespec specifies one or more file specifications separated by commas. A file specification is any combination of device or structure name, directory name, filename, file type, generation number, and wild cards. If you are deleting a system logical name, do not type any file specification. HHiinnttss Whenever you give this command, you are asked to CONFIRM. If you have typed the command correctly, press RETURN. Otherwise, type CTRL/U and retype the command. Do not confuse the ^EDEFINE command with the TOPS-20 EXEC DEFINE command. The DEFINE command defines a logical name for only the user that issues the command. (See the TOPS-20 User's Guide and/or TOPS-20 Commands Manual for a complete description of the DEFINE command.) To check the current list of system logical names, use the command INFORMATION (ABOUT) LOGICAL NAMES with the argument SYSTEM. You should use this command before and after you add or delete a system logical name. For example: 5-46 ^^EE PPRRIIVVIILLEEGGEEDD CCOOMMMMAANNDDSS ((^^EEDDEEFFIINNEE)) @I_N_F_O_R_M_A_T_I_O_N_ (ABOUT) L_O_G_I_C_A_L_-_N_A_M_E_S_ (OF) S_Y_S_T_E_M_<_R_E_T_>_ CR: => CDR: DS: => DSK: HLP: => SYS: LP: => LPT: NEW: => PS:,PS: SY: => SYS: SYS: => PS:,PS:, PS:,PS:,PS: TT: => TTY: RReessttrriiccttiioonnss The following is a warning message associated with the ^EDEFINE command: %Logical name lognam: was not defined The system logical name "lognam:" that you tried to delete was not defined. The following are error messages associated with the ^EDEFINE command: ?Directory terminating delimiter is not preceded by a valid beginning delimiter You made an error in typing the file specification. Perhaps you forgot a comma between two directory names. ?Invalid character in filename You typed an invalid character in the file specification. ?More than one name field is not allowed You made an error in the file specification. You probably typed a period instead of a comma. EExxaammpplleess 1. To define SYS: as PS: and PS: using all guide words and prompts: @E_N_A_B_L_E_<_R_E_T_>_ $^_E_D_E_F_I_N_E_ (SYSTEM LOGICAL NAME) ?_ LOGICAL NAME TO DEFINE OR DELETE, OR "*" TO DELETE ALL $^_E_D_E_F_I_N_E_ (SYSTEM LOGICAL NAME) S_Y_S_:_ (AS) ?_ 5-47 ^^EE PPRRIIVVIILLEEGGEEDD CCOOMMMMAANNDDSS ((^^EEDDEEFFIINNEE)) DEFINITION LIST OR NULL TO DELETE $^_E_D_E_F_I_N_E_ (SYSTEM LOGICAL NAME) S_Y_S_:_ -_<_R_E_T_>_ (AS) P_S_:_<_S_U_B_S_Y_S_>_,_P_S_:_<_N_E_W_>_<_R_E_T_>_ [CONFIRM]<_R_E_T_>_ $D_I_S_A_B_L_E_<_R_E_T_>_ @ 2. To define BAS: as PS:: @E_N_A_B_L_E_<_R_E_T_>_ $^_E_D_E_F_I_N_E_ (SYSTEM LOGICAL NAME) B_A_S_:_ (AS) P_S_:_<_B_A_S_I_C_>_<_R_E_T_>_ [CONFIRM]<_R_E_T_>_ $D_I_S_A_B_L_E_<_R_E_T_>_ @ 3. To delete the logical name BAS: @E_N_A_B_L_E_<_R_E_T_>_ $^_E_D_E_F_I_N_E_ (SYSTEM LOGICAL NAME) B_A_S_:_ (_A_S_)_<_R_E_T_>_ [CONFIRM]<_R_E_T_>_ $D_I_S_A_B_L_E_<_R_E_T_>_ @ 4. To define TEST: as PS:TSTPAK.FOR.3: @E_N_A_B_L_E_<_R_E_T_>_ $^_E_D_E_F_I_N_E_ T_E_S_T_:_ P_S_:_<_T_E_S_T_>_T_S_T_P_A_K_._F_O_R_._3_<_R_E_T_>_ [CONFIRM]<_R_E_T_>_ $D_I_S_A_B_L_E_<_R_E_T_>_ @ 5-48 ^^EE PPRRIIVVIILLEEGGEEDD CCOOMMMMAANNDDSS ((^^EEEEDDDDTT)) ^^EEEEDDDDTT -- DDeebbuuggggiinngg tthhee EEXXEECC FFuunnccttiioonn The ^EEDDT command transfers control to DDT looking at the TOPS-20 EXEC with symbols. FFoorrmmaatt ^EEDDT CChhaarraacctteerriissttiiccss The ^EEDDT command should be used only by a system programmer. If necessary, it gets DDT from the file SYS.UDDT.EXE and stores a symbol table pointer into it. Normally, this command is used only by a system programmer to debug the EXEC. HHiinntt If you get into EDDT by mistake, type $G to get back to the EXEC. For example, @E_N_A_B_L_E_<_R_E_T_>_ $^_E_E_D_D_T_<_R_E_T_>_ D_D_T_<_R_E_T_>_ $G_<_R_E_T_>_ $D_I_S_A_B_L_E_<_R_E_T_>_ @ RReessttrriiccttiioonn You must have WHEEL capability to execute the ^EEDDT command. If you issue the ^EEDDT command without WHEEL capability, an error message appears and the enabled prompt reappears. For example, @E_N_A_B_L_E_<_R_E_T_>_ $^_E_E_D_D_T_<_R_E_T_>_ ?Insufficient privileges $D_I_S_A_B_L_E_<_R_E_T_>_ @ 5-49 ^^EE PPRRIIVVIILLEEGGEEDD CCOOMMMMAANNDDSS ((^^EEPPRRIINNTT)) ^^EEPPRRIINNTT -- PPrriinntt DDiirreeccttoorryy PPaarraammeetteerrss FFuunnccttiioonn The ^EPRINT command prints on your terminal the parameters associated with the directory specified. FFoorrmmaatt $^EPRINT (DIRECTORY NAME) structure:, $$subcommand AArrgguummeennttss structure specifies a 1- to 6-character alphanumeric name or logical name for the structure containing the directory for which you want directory information. If you do not specify a structure name, your currently-connected structure is assumed. If you have not connected to a specific structure, you are connected by default to the public structure. You cannot use recognition on the structure name. specifies 1 to 39 letters, digits, hyphens, or periods representing the name of the directory for which you want information. The directory name must be embedded in angle brackets. You can use recognition on this name. SSuubbccoommmmaannddss FAST specifies the output be a short list equivalent to the LIST FAST subcommand of the ^ECREATE command. If you omit the comma and the subcommand, FAST is assumed. NAME-ONLY specifies the output be the name of the directory. This is equivalent to the LIST NAME-ONLY subcommand of the ^ECREATE command. VERBOSE specifies the output be all the parameters except PASSWORD, NOT 5-50 ^^EE PPRRIIVVIILLEEGGEEDD CCOOMMMMAANNDDSS ((^^EEPPRRIINNTT)) | ABSOLUTE-INTERNET-SOCKETS, and NOT | INTERNET-WIZARD. This is equivalent to the LIST VERBOSE subcommand of the ^ECREATE command. CChhaarraacctteerriissttiiccss This command is equivalent to the EXEC command INFORMATION DIRECTORY. When you specify the NAME-ONLY subcommand, the structure and directory name that you specified after ^EPRINT are output. When you specify the VERBOSE subcommand, all the parameters listed on the next page are printed except the following: | Not ABSOLUTE-INTERNET-SOCKETS | Not INTERNET-ACCESS Not ARCHIVE-ONLINE-EXPIRED-FILES Not DECNET-ACCESS If you use the FAST subcommand or no argument, certain default-value parameters are suppressed as indicated below. The values are set when you use ^ECREATE. PARAMETER SUPPRESSED BY "FAST" IF Name - Password always suppressed Working disk storage page limit - Permanent disk storage page limit - WHEEL not WHEEL OPERATOR not OPERATOR CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION ACCESS not CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION ACCESS MAINTENANCE not MAINTENANCE IPCF not IPCF ENQ-DEQ not ENQ-DEQ SEMI-OPERATOR not SEMI-OPERATOR DECNET-ACCESS not DECNET-ACCESS | INTERNET-ACCESS not INTERNET-ACCESS | INTERNET-WIZARD not INTERNET-WIZARD | ABSOLUTE-INTERNET-SOCKETS not ABSOLUTE-INTERNET- SOCKETS FILES-ONLY not FILES-ONLY | SECURE not SECURE Archive-online-expired-files not ARCHIVE-ONLINE- EXPIRED-FILES Number of directory - Default file protection 777700 Account default for login none set 5-51 ^^EE PPRRIIVVIILLEEGGEEDD CCOOMMMMAANNDDSS ((^^EEPPRRIINNTT)) Protection of directory 777700 Generations to keep 1 Maximum subdirectories allowed 0 | Last interactive login never logged in | Last non-interactive login never logged in | Password expiration date none set | Interactive login failures no failures | Non-interactive login failures no failures User of groups none set Directory groups none set Subdirectory user groups allowed none set Online expiration default SYSTEM DEFAULT (USUALLY 60 DAYS) Offline expiration default - TOPS10 project-programmer number - (See ^ECREATE for a definition of the parameters.) HHiinnttss If you want to see the values of all the parameters, except the ARPANET ones, use the VERBOSE subcommand. Once you are familiar with default values, you seldom need to use VERBOSE. You can also use the EXEC command, INFORMATION (ABOUT) DIRECTORY, instead of ^EPRINT. If you need to change a parameter, use ^ECREATE. RReessttrriiccttiioonnss The following are error messages associated with the ^EPRINT command: ?Invalid structure name You specified a structure name incorrectly. Perhaps you omitted the angle brackets around a directory name, or you omitted the colon after the structure name. ?No such directory The user name that you typed does not exist. Type the command again with a valid user name; try recognition input. EExxaammpplleess 5-52 ^^EE PPRRIIVVIILLEEGGEEDD CCOOMMMMAANNDDSS ((^^EEPPRRIINNTT)) 1. To print a brief list of parameters for directory : @E_N_A_B_L_E_<_R_E_T_>_ $^_E_P_R_I_N_T_ <_P_E_T_E_R_>_<_R_E_T_>_ Name PS: Working disk storage page limit 100 Permanent disk storage page limit 70 MAINTENANCE Number of directory 523 Account default for LOGIN INVENTORY | Last interactive LOGIN 24-Aug-88 13:05:52 | Last non-interactive LOGIN 12-Sep-88 15:22:48 TOPS10 project-programmer number 12,3553 $D_I_S_A_B_L_E_<_R_E_T_>_ @ 2. To print all the parameters for directory : $^_E_P_R_I_N_T_ <_P_E_T_E_R_>_,_<_R_E_T_>_ $$V_E_R_B_O_S_E_<_R_E_T_>_ $$<_R_E_T_>_ Name PS: Working disk storage page limit 100 Permanent disk storage page limit 70 not WHEEL not OPERATOR not CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION ACCESS MAINTENANCE not IPCF not ENQ-DEQ not FILES-ONLY | not SECURE Number of directory 523 Default file protection 777700 Account default for LOGIN INVENTORY Protection of directory 777700 Generations to keep 1 Maximum subdirectories allowed 0 | Last interactive login 24-Aug-89 13:05:52 | Last non-interactive login 23-Aug-89 20:57:07 | Password expires on 18-Oct-89 07:01:00 | Number of interactive login failures 1 | Number of non-interactive login failures 2 User of groups - none set Directory groups - none set Subdirectory user groups allowed - none set Online expiration default 60 days Offline expiration default 90 days TOPS10 project-programmer number 12,3553 5-53 ^^EE PPRRIIVVIILLEEGGEEDD CCOOMMMMAANNDDSS ((^^EEPPRRIINNTT)) $D_I_S_A_B_L_E_<_R_E_T_>_ @ 3. To use recognition input, determine arguments, and then get a brief list of parameters: @E_N_A_B_L_E_<_R_E_T_>_ $^_E_P_R_I_N_T_ (DIRECTORY NAME) <_A_L_A_N_>_,_<_R_E_T_>_ $$?_ confirm with carriage return or one of the following: FAST NAME-ONLY VERBOSE $$<_R_E_T_>_ NAME PS: Working disk storage page limit 800 Permanent disk storage page limit 400 Number of directory 142 Account default for login 120 | Last interactive login 27-OCT-89 07:45:30 | Last non-interactive login 12-OCT-89 03:30:44 TOPS10 project-programmer number - none set $D_I_S_A_B_L_E_<_R_E_T_>_ @ 5-54 ^^EE PPRRIIVVIILLEEGGEEDD CCOOMMMMAANNDDSS ((^^EEQQUUIITT)) ^^EEQQUUIITT -- HHaallttiinngg tthhee EEXXEECC FFuunnccttiioonn The ^EQUIT command halts the EXEC (the TOPS-20 command processor) and returns control to the program under which the EXEC is being run. FFoorrmmaatt ^EQUIT HHiinntt The ^EQUIT command should be used only by a system programmer. For the privileged user the command is normally used to get into the MINI-EXEC. The prompt to indicate that you are in the MINI-EXEC is MX>. Some commands for the MINI-EXEC are documented in the TOPS-20 Software Installation Guide, because they are useful in the installation process. If you get into the MINI-EXEC by mistake, type S after the prompt. TART will be printed immediately. Press RETURN and you are back at EXEC level with the enable prompt. (See the example below.) Once you use ^EQUIT to enter the MINI-EXEC, whenever you type thereafter, you enter the MINI-EXEC. The has this effect until you log out. RReessttrriiccttiioonn You must have WHEEL capability to execute the ^EQUIT command. If you issue the ^EQUIT command without WHEEL capability, a question mark appears and the enabled prompt reappears. For example, @E_N_A_B_L_E_<_R_E_T_>_ $^_E_Q_U_I_T_<_R_E_T_>_ ? $D_I_S_A_B_L_E_<_R_E_T_>_ @ EExxaammppllee @E_N_A_B_L_E_<_R_E_T_>_ 5-55 ^^EE PPRRIIVVIILLEEGGEEDD CCOOMMMMAANNDDSS ((^^EEQQUUIITT)) $^_E_Q_U_I_T_<_R_E_T_>_ INTERRUPT AT 17377 MX>S_T_A_R_T_<_R_E_T_>_ $D_I_S_A_B_L_E_<_R_E_T_>_ @ 5-56 ^^EE PPRRIIVVIILLEEGGEEDD CCOOMMMMAANNDDSS ((^^EESSEENNDD)) ^^EESSEENNDD -- SSeennddiinngg MMeessssaaggeess ttoo UUsseerrss IImmmmeeddiiaatteellyy FFuunnccttiioonn The ^ESEND command sends a single- or multiple-line message immediately to a particular user, a particular terminal-line number, or all users, or terminal numbers, on the local system or a remote system within the cluster. FFoorrmmaatt ^ESEND (TO) arguments AArrgguummeennttss user name specifies a user name or an asterisk (*) for all users. terminal number specifies a terminal-line number or an asterisk (*) for all terminals. /NODE:node-name:: specifies a remote node name within the cluster or an asterisk (*) for all users on all systems within the cluster. message specifies a message of one to six lines of text followed by a carriage return. CChhaarraacctteerriissttiiccss The ^ESEND command accepts multiple-line messages with up to six lines of text. You can continue typing the message past the end of a line and onto the next line, without pressing RETURN. ^ESEND reorganizes the message so that any words split between two lines appear on the same line on receiving terminals. If you want to avoid divided words while typing your message, use the hyphen (-) continue character. At the end of each line, type a space and a hyphen, and then press RETURN. The ^ESEND command does not send the message to PTYs (pseudo-terminals). When you end the command, the message is then printed on the specified terminals. 5-57 ^^EE PPRRIIVVIILLEEGGEEDD CCOOMMMMAANNDDSS ((^^EESSEENNDD)) HHiinnttss Use the TOPS-20 SYSTAT command to determine a user's line number. If you wish to begin the message with a question mark (?), type CTRL/V before the "?". The CTRL/V allows the "?" to be taken literally instead of printing the help text. Note that CTRL/V is required only if the "?" is in the first character position. EExxaammpplleess 1. To immediately tell all users to free up disk space, because available disk space is getting low: @E_N_A_B_L_E_<_R_E_T_>_ $^_E_S_E_N_D_ *_ P_L_E_A_S_E_ D_E_L_E_T_E_ A_N_D_ E_X_P_U_N_G_E_ U_N_N_E_C_E_S_S_A_R_Y_ F_I_L_E_S_ N_O_W_<_R_E_T_>_ [From OPERATOR on line 130: PLEASE DELETE AND EXPUNGE UNNECESSARY FILES NOW] $D_I_S_A_B_L_E_<_R_E_T_>_ @ 2. Send a multiple-line message to TTY20:. Note that the words "installed" and "converted" are divided between lines. $^_E_S_E_N_D_ A_S_M_I_T_H_ Y_o_u_r_ n_e_w_ s_h_o_r_t_-_s_h_i_p_ t_r_a_c_k_i_n_g_ p_r_o_g_r_a_m_ i_s_ i_n_s_t_a_l_l_e_d_ o_n_ S_Y_S_:_._ H_o_w_e_v_e_r_,_ t_h_e_ d_a_t_a_b_a_s_e_ f_i_l_e_s_ c_a_n_n_o_t_ b_e_ c_o_n_v_e_r_t_e_d_ u_n_t_i_l_ t_o_n_i_g_h_t_._ P_l_e_a_s_e_ w_a_i_t_ u_n_t_i_l_ t_o_m_o_r_r_o_w_ t_o_ m_a_k_e_ n_e_w_ e_n_t_r_i_e_s_._<_R_E_T_>_ The message appears on the receiving terminals as: [From OPERATOR on line 17: Your new short-ship tracking program is installed on SYS:. However, the database files cannot be converted until tonight. Please wait until tomorrow to make new entries.] 3. Send the same message as in Example 2 only use the continue character. $^_E_S_E_N_D_ A_S_M_I_T_H_ Y_o_u_r_ n_e_w_ s_h_o_r_t_-_s_h_i_p_ t_r_a_c_k_i_n_g_ p_r_o_g_r_a_m_ i_s_ -_<_R_E_T_>_ i_n_s_t_a_l_l_e_d_ o_n_ S_Y_S_:_._ H_o_w_e_v_e_r_,_ t_h_e_ d_a_t_a_b_a_s_e_ f_i_l_e_s_ -_<_R_E_T_>_ c_a_n_n_o_t_ b_e_ c_o_n_v_e_r_t_e_d_ u_n_t_i_l_ t_o_n_i_g_h_t_._ P_l_e_a_s_e_ w_a_i_t_ u_n_t_i_l_ -_<_R_E_T_>_ t_o_m_o_r_r_o_w_ t_o_ m_a_k_e_ n_e_w_ e_n_t_r_i_e_s_._<_R_E_T_>_ 5-58 ^^EE PPRRIIVVIILLEEGGEEDD CCOOMMMMAANNDDSS ((^^EESSEETT)) ^^EESSEETT -- SSeettttiinngg JJoobb,, SSyysstteemm,, aanndd TTeerrmmiinnaall PPaarraammeetteerrss FFuunnccttiioonn The ^ESET command sets various parameters for a job, for the system, and for terminals. FFoorrmmaatt ^ESET argument AArrgguummeennttss CCLLUUSSTTEERR--IINNFFOORRMMAATTIIOONN specifies to allow information (@INFORMATION SYSTEM command) about the local system to be reported on remote systems. NNOO CCLLUUSSTTEERR--IINNFFOORRMMAATTIIOONN specifies to disable (not allow) information from the @INFORMATION SYSTEM command on remote systems. CCLLUUSSTTEERR--SSEENNDDAALLLLSS specifies to allow the acceptance of remote sendalls to the local system or node, by way of the @SEND /NODE: command. NNOO CCLLUUSSTTEERR--SSEENNDDAALLLLSS specifies to disallow the acceptance of remote sendalls to the local system or node, by way of the @SEND /NODE: command. DDAATTEE--AANNDD--TTIIMMEE ((TTOO)) ddaattee aanndd ttiimmee Sets the system date and time while the system is running. This is helpful if you type an incorrect date or time when you start the system. It is also useful when the system time has fallen behind because the system has been down for a while and then continued. (See the examples of legal dates and times under the ^ECEASE 5-59 ^^EE PPRRIIVVIILLEEGGEEDD CCOOMMMMAANNDDSS ((^^EESSEETT)) command.) ----- Characteristic ----- The ^ESET DATE-AND-TIME command, given from any OPR terminal in a CFS cluster, sets the date and time for all systems in the cluster. ----- Hint ----- If you set the time back, you can seriously affect accounting and the compilation of user programs. Therefore, you should notify all users that you had to set the time back. After you give the ^ESET DATE-AND-TIME command, you can check the results with the TOPS-20 DAYTIME command or the OPR command: SHOW DAYTIME. ----- Example ----- To change the date and time to February 29, 1980, 8 a.m.: @E_N_A_B_L_E_<_R_E_T_>_ $^_E_S_E_T_ D_A_T_E_-_A_N_D_-_T_I_M_E_ (_T_O_)_ 2_9_-_F_E_B_-_8_0_ 8_0_0_<_R_E_T_>_ $D_I_S_A_B_L_E_<_R_E_T_>_ @ FFAASSTT--LLOOGGIINNSS--AALLLLOOWWEEDD specifies that the /FAST switch is available with the LOGIN command. This switch prevents processing of LOGIN.CMD and COMAND.CMD files, printing of system mail, and printing of the notice of new mail. This is the default setting. NNOO FFAASSTT--LLOOGGIINNSS--AALLLLOOWWEEDD specifies that the /FAST switch is not available with the LOGIN command. ----- Example ----- To disallow the use of the /FAST switch with the TOPS-20 LOGIN command: @E_N_A_B_L_E_<_R_E_T_>_ $^_E_S_E_T_ N_O_ F_A_S_T_-_L_O_G_I_N_S_-_A_L_L_O_W_E_D_<_R_E_T_>_ $D_I_S_A_B_L_E_<_R_E_T_>_ @ 5-60 ^^EE PPRRIIVVIILLEEGGEEDD CCOOMMMMAANNDDSS ((^^EESSEETT)) LLEEVVEELL--OONNEE--MMEESSSSAAGGEESS specifies that level-one messages (messages of interest to all users) are sent to terminals on the system. The INFORMATION SYSTEM-STATUS displays whether or not level-one messages are enabled. ----- Example ----- @E_N_A_B_L_E_<_R_E_T_>_ $^_E_S_E_T_ L_E_V_E_L_-_O_N_E_-_M_E_S_S_A_G_E_S_<_R_E_T_>_ $D_I_S_A_B_L_E_<_R_E_T_>_ NNOO LLEEVVEELL--OONNEE--MMEESSSSAAGGEESS specifies that level-one messages (messages of interest to all users) are sent only to the CTY (console terminal). ----- Example ----- @E_N_A_B_L_E_<_R_E_T_>_ $^_E_S_E_T_ N_O_ L_E_V_E_L_-_O_N_E_-_M_E_S_S_A_G_E_S_<_R_E_T_>_ $D_I_S_A_B_L_E_<_R_E_T_>_ LLEEVVEELL--ZZEERROO--MMEESSSSAAGGEESS specifies that level-zero messages (messages primarily of interest to operations personnel) are sent to all terminals on the system. The INFORMATION SYSTEM-STATUS displays whether or not level-zero messages are enabled. ----- Example ----- @E_N_A_B_L_E_<_R_E_T_>_ $^_E_S_E_T_ L_E_V_E_L_-_Z_E_R_O_-_M_E_S_S_A_G_E_S_<_R_E_T_>_ $D_I_S_A_B_L_E_<_R_E_T_>_ NNOO LLEEVVEELL--ZZEERROO--MMEESSSSAAGGEESS specifies that level-zero messages (messages primarily of interest to operations personnel) are sent only to the CTY (console terminal). ----- Example ----- @E_N_A_B_L_E_<_R_E_T_>_ $^_E_S_E_T_ L_E_V_E_L_-_Z_E_R_O_-_M_E_S_S_A_G_E_S_<_R_E_T_>_ $D_I_S_A_B_L_E_<_R_E_T_>_ 5-61 ^^EE PPRRIIVVIILLEEGGEEDD CCOOMMMMAANNDDSS ((^^EESSEETT)) LLOOGGIINNSS--AALLLLOOWWEEDD ((OONN)) tteerrmmiinnaall specifies the terminals from which LOGINs will succeed. The value of terminal can be: ANY-TERMINAL | INTERNET-TERMINALS CONSOLE-TERMINAL DECNET-TERMINALS LOCAL-TERMINALS PSEUDO-TERMINALS REMOTE-TERMINALS The argument (terminal) you give adds to the list of terminals allowed. It does not change the list to only what you just typed. Before SYSJOB.RUN is processed at system startup, LOGINs are allowed from PSEUDO-TERMINALS and the CONSOLE-TERMINAL. After SYSJOB.RUN is processed, LOGINs are allowed from any terminal. NOTE You cannot use this command to allow LOGINs from LAT terminals. Use the START command from the LCP command set. See Chapter 4 (LCP COMMANDS) for more information about allowing LOGINs from LAT terminals. ----- Hints ----- To check the current LOGINS-ALLOWED, type the TOPS-20 command INFORMATION (ABOUT) SYSTEM-STATUS. To disallow certain terminals, use ^ESET NO LOGINS-ALLOWED, described as the next Argument to the ^ESET command. ----- Examples ----- 1. If you previously had LOGINs at the console terminal only and you also want to allow pseudo-terminal LOGINs: @E_N_A_B_L_E_<_R_E_T_>_ $^_E_S_E_T_ L_O_G_I_N_S_-_A_L_L_O_W_E_D_ (ON) P_S_E_U_D_O_-_T_E_R_M_I_N_A_L_S_<_R_E_T_>_ $D_I_S_A_B_L_E_<_R_E_T_>_ @ 2. To allow LOGINs from anywhere: @E_N_A_B_L_E_<_R_E_T_>_ $^_E_S_E_T_ L_O_G_I_N_S_-_A_L_L_O_W_E_D_ (ON) A_N_Y_-_T_E_R_M_I_N_A_L_<_R_E_T_>_ $D_I_S_A_B_L_E_<_R_E_T_>_ 5-62 ^^EE PPRRIIVVIILLEEGGEEDD CCOOMMMMAANNDDSS ((^^EESSEETT)) @ NNOO LLOOGGIINNSS--AALLLLOOWWEEDD ((OONN)) tteerrmmiinnaall specifies to disallow LOGINs from certain terminals. The value terminal can be: ANY-TERMINAL | INTERNET-TERMINALS CONSOLE-TERMINAL DECNET-TERMINALS LOCAL-TERMINALS PSEUDO-TERMINALS REMOTE-TERMINALS Thus, you can prevent certain users from accessing the system. The command removes the specified terminals from the list of terminals from which LOGINs are allowed. NOTE You cannot use this command to disallow LOGINs from LAT terminals. Use the STOP command from the LCP command set. See Chapter 4 (LCP COMMANDS) for more information about disallowing LOGINs from LAT terminals. ----- Example ----- To disallow LOGINs from remote terminals: @E_N_A_B_L_E_<_R_E_T_>_ $^_E_S_E_T_ N_O_ L_O_G_I_N_S_-_A_L_L_O_W_E_D_ (ON) R_E_M_O_T_E_-_T_E_R_M_I_N_A_L_S_<_R_E_T_>_ $D_I_S_A_B_L_E_<_R_E_T_>_ @ MMIINNIIMMUUMM--PPAASSSSWWOORRDD--LLEENNGGTTHH ''nn'' specifies a minimum password length to help ensure directory security. The 'n' must be a value from 1 to 39, representing the minimum number of characters needed for a password specification to the directory. You can find the current setting for the minimum password length with the EXEC command INFORMATION SYSTEM-STATUS. NNOO MMIINNIIMMUUMM--PPAASSSSWWOORRDD--LLEENNGGTTHH specifies that the password must be at least 8 characters in length. This is the default when the argument MINIMUM-PASSWORD-LENGTH is not specified in the ^ESET command. OOFFFFLLIINNEE--SSTTRRUUCCTTUURREESS ((ttiimmeeoouutt iinntteerrvvaall)) mmmm::ssss 5-63 ^^EE PPRRIIVVIILLEEGGEEDD CCOOMMMMAANNDDSS ((^^EESSEETT)) specifies to enable the offline structure facility and set the timeout interval to "mm:ss", where mm is minutes and ss is seconds. The default is one (1:00) minute. You can specify from one second (00:01) to fifteen minutes (15:00). The time you specify is the length of time between when a disk unit is noticed as offline by the monitor and the time when the monitor marks the structure as offline. NNOO OOFFFFLLIINNEE--SSTTRRUUCCTTUURREESS specifies to disable the offline structure facility. The TOPS-20 monitor resumes structure operation as in previous releases. OOPPEERRAATTOORR--IINN--AATTTTEENNDDAANNCCEE specifies that there is an operator present on the system. It also notifies OPR/ORION that form changing can be performed on the line printers. ----- Example ----- When you return after no operator was present, type: @E_N_A_B_L_E_<_R_E_T_>_ $^_E_S_E_T_ O_P_E_R_A_T_O_R_-_I_N_-_A_T_T_E_N_D_A_N_C_E_<_R_E_T_>_ $D_I_S_A_B_L_E_<_R_E_T_>_ @ NNOO OOPPEERRAATTOORR--IINN--AATTTTEENNDDAANNCCEE specifies there is no operator present on the system. (The INFORMATION (ABOUT) SYSTEM-STATUS command displays whether or not an operator is in attendance.) This command prevents certain system programs, for example, PLEASE, from indefinitely waiting for an operator to respond. It also notifies OPR/ORION to not allow any forms changing on the line printers. Be sure to give this command if you leave the computer room temporarily or if your shift is ending and no operator is coming on duty. This is the default setting. ----- Example ----- To indicate that there is no operator present, send a message to all users that you are leaving, and then type: @E_N_A_B_L_E_<_R_E_T_>_ $^_E_S_E_T_ N_O_ O_P_E_R_A_T_O_R_-_I_N_-_A_T_T_E_N_D_A_N_C_E_<_R_E_T_>_ $D_I_S_A_B_L_E_<_R_E_T_>_ 5-64 ^^EE PPRRIIVVIILLEEGGEEDD CCOOMMMMAANNDDSS ((^^EESSEETT)) @ | PPAASSSSWWOORRDD--DDIICCTTIIOONNAARRYY | | specifies that certain combinations of characters are | illegal for use as passwords. You can place such words in | the file SYSTEM:PASSWORD.DICTIONARY and have them | automatically matched against newly requested passwords. If | a match occurs, the password is denied and another must be | selected. | | ----- Example ----- | | @E_N_A_B_L_E_<_R_E_T_>_ | $^_E_S_E_T_ P_A_S_S_W_O_R_D_-_D_I_C_T_I_O_N_A_R_Y_<_R_E_T_>_ | $D_I_S_A_B_L_E_<_R_E_T_>_ | @ | | NNOO PPAASSSSWWOORRDD--DDIICCTTIIOONNAARRYY | | specifies to disable the PASSWORD-DICTIONARY feature. | Newly-supplied passwords are not checked against a list of | non-acceptable password combinations. | | PPAASSSSWWOORRDD--EEXXPPIIRRAATTIIOONN nn | | specifies the number of days a password is valid since the | time it was last changed. The value of n is a number from 1 | 366. The default number of days is 30. After a password | has expired, the user is allowed to log in, but must change | the password immediately. (The INFORMATION SYSTEM-STATUS | command displays the number of days a password is valid.) | | ----- Example ----- | | To set the password expiration to 45 days, type: | | @E_N_A_B_L_E_<_R_E_T_>_ | $^_E_S_E_T_ P_A_S_S_W_O_R_D_-_E_X_P_I_R_A_T_I_O_N_ 4_5_<_R_E_T_>_ | $D_I_S_A_B_L_E_<_R_E_T_>_ | @ | | NNOO PPAASSSSWWOORRDD--EEXXPPIIRRAATTIIOONN | | specifies to diable the password-expiration feature. The | TOPS-20 monitor does not obligate users to change their | password in a specified number of days. PPRRIIVVAATTEE--QQUUAASSAARR ((FFOORR PPRRIIVVAATTEE GGAALLAAXXYY)) specifies that the EXEC is to communicate with your private 5-65 ^^EE PPRRIIVVIILLEEGGEEDD CCOOMMMMAANNDDSS ((^^EESSEETT)) copy of the Galaxy subsystem, rather than with the system's copy. For example, when you issue such Galaxy-related EXEC commands as PRINT or SUBMIT, your private copy of QUASAR (a major component of the Galaxy subsystem) gets control. NNOO PPRRIIVVAATTEE--QQUUAASSAARR ((FFOORR PPRRIIVVAATTEE GGAALLAAXXYY)) specifies that the EXEC is no longer to recognize your copy of the Galaxy subsystem. After this command, the system's copy handles your GALAXY-related EXEC commands. RRUUNN--TTIIMMEE--GGUUAARRAANNTTEEEE ((FFOORR JJOOBB)) nn ((TTOO)) mm ((PPEERRCCEENNTT)) specifies a guarantee of at least a certain percentage (m) of run-time to a particular job (n). The n is the job number and the m is the percentage of runtime from 1 to 100. Then, from the time a job wants to run, the TOPS-20 scheduler tries to give the job at least the specified percentage of central processing time, for as long as the job continues to run. Be extremely cautious about giving a job 100 percent, because you may not be able to give another command. Note that this command has no effect if your system is running the class scheduler. ----- Example ----- To guarantee 5 percent runtime to job 11: @E_N_A_B_L_E_<_R_E_T_>_ $^_E_S_E_T_ R_U_N_-_T_I_M_E_-_G_U_A_R_A_N_T_E_E_ (FOR JOB) 1_1_-_<_R_E_T_>_ (TO) 5_ (PERCENT)<_R_E_T_>_ $D_I_S_A_B_L_E_<_R_E_T_>_ @ NNOO RRUUNN--TTIIMMEE--GGUUAARRAANNTTEEEE ((FFOORR JJOOBB)) nnuummbbeerr specifies to cancel a run-time guarantee for a particular job. ----- Example ----- To cancel the runtime guarantee for job 11: @E_N_A_B_L_E_<_R_E_T_>_ $^_E_S_E_T_ N_O_ R_U_N_-_T_I_M_E_-_G_U_A_R_A_N_T_E_E_ (FOR JOB) 1_1_<_R_E_T_>_ $D_I_S_A_B_L_E_<_R_E_T_>_ @ | SSYYSSTTEEMM--AACCCCEESSSS--CCOONNTTRROOLL--JJOOBB | | specifies that the Access Control Job (ACJ) is run by the 5-66 ^^EE PPRRIIVVIILLEEGGEEDD CCOOMMMMAANNDDSS ((^^EESSEETT)) | monitor as part of job 0, where it is more secure. The ACJ | helps govern access to many of the system's resources and | services, reduce or prevent unauthorized access to the | system, and investigate occurrences of unauthorized access. | It can control scheduling classes, the bias control, batch | background queue, logging in, use of physical resources | (tape drives, terminals, structures), and enabling | capabilities. | | There is no corresponding NO SYSTEM-ACCESS-CONTROL-JOB | command. TTEERRMMIINNAALL nn mm SSPPEEEEDD ((OOFF IINNPPUUTT)) rr ((OOFF OOUUTTPPUUTT)) tt specifies that terminal (n), or a range of terminals (n m), where n is the lowest terminal line number and m is the highest, have an input speed of r and an output speed of t; r is the receive baud rate; and t is the transmit baud rate. The legal baud rates are 0, 75, 50, 110, 134, 150, 200, 300, 600, 1200, 1800, 2400, 4800, and 9600. This command works like the user command TERMINAL SPEED, but it also allows you to set the speeds for any terminal on the system. If you give only one speed, it applies to both input and output. ----- Example ----- 1. To set a terminal's receive and transmit speed to 300: @E_N_A_B_L_E_<_R_E_T_>_ $^_E_S_E_T_ T_E_R_M_I_N_A_L_ 2_0_ S_P_E_E_D_ 3_0_0_<_R_E_T_>_ $D_I_S_A_B_L_E_<_R_E_T_>_ @ 2. To set all terminals from terminal 30 to terminal 45 to receive speeds of 4800 and transmit speeds of 9600: @E_N_A_B_L_E_<_R_E_T_>_ $^_E_S_E_T_ T_E_R_M_I_N_A_L_ 3_0_ 4_5_ S_P_E_E_D_ 4_8_0_0_ 9_6_0_0_<_R_E_T_>_ $D_I_S_A_B_L_E_<_R_E_T_>_ @ WWOORRKKIINNGG--SSEETT--PPRREELLOOAADDIINNGG specifies that the entire working set of a process is brought into memory at once when the process is selected to run. Otherwise, this action occurs on a page-by-page basis (demand paging). 5-67 ^^EE PPRRIIVVIILLEEGGEEDD CCOOMMMMAANNDDSS ((^^EESSEETT)) You should enable working set preloading only if your system runs large compute-bound jobs. If your system runs many interactive jobs, disable working set preloading with the ^ESET NO WORKING-SET-PRELOADING command. The INFORMATION SYSTEM-STATUS command displays whether or not working set preloading is enabled. 5-68 ^^EE PPRRIIVVIILLEEGGEEDD CCOOMMMMAANNDDSS ((^^EESSEETT)) ----- Example ----- @E_N_A_B_L_E_<_R_E_T_>_ $^_E_S_E_T_ W_O_R_K_I_N_G_-_S_E_T_-_P_R_E_L_O_A_D_I_N_G_<_R_E_T_>_ $D_I_S_A_B_L_E_<_R_E_T_>_ NNOO WWOORRKKIINNGG--SSEETT--PPRREELLOOAADDIINNGG specifies that the minimum pages in a process's working set are brought into memory. Pages are added to the working set on a page-by-page basis as they are referenced (demand paging). ----- Example ----- @E_N_A_B_L_E_<_R_E_T_>_ $^_E_S_E_T_ N_O_ W_O_R_K_I_N_G_-_S_E_T_-_P_R_E_L_O_A_D_I_N_G_<_R_E_T_>_ $D_I_S_A_B_L_E_<_R_E_T_>_ RReessttrriiccttiioonnss The following are error messages associated with the ^ESET command: ?Invalid date format You typed the date incorrectly. ?Invalid terminal range You must type the lowest terminal number first when specifying a range. ?Invalid time format You typed the time incorrectly. ?Must be between 1 and 39 You must type a value between 1 and 39 for the password length (MINIMUM-PASSWORD-LENGTH). ?Non-digit typed where number required You must type a number for the argument value. ?Non-octal digit typed where octal number required You must type an octal number for the argument value. ?Nonexistent job 5-69 ^^EE PPRRIIVVIILLEEGGEEDD CCOOMMMMAANNDDSS ((^^EESSEETT)) You typed a job number that does not exist. ?Run time guarantee percentage must be from 1-100 When you specify the percentage for RUN-TIME-GUARANTEE, you must give a number from 1 to 100. EExxaammppllee To see the various arguments to the ^ESET command, type a ? in place of the argument. @E_N_A_B_L_E_<_R_E_T_>_ $^_E_S_E_T_ ?_ one of the following: CLUSTER-INFORMATION CLUSTER-SENDALLS DATE-AND-TIME FAST-LOGINS-ALLOWED LEVEL-ONE-MESSAGE LEVEL-ZERO-MESSAGE LOGINS-ALLOWED MINIMUM-PASSWORD-LENGTH NO OFFLINE-STRUCTURES OPERATOR-IN-ATTENDANCE PRIVATE-QUASAR RUN-TIME-GUARANTEE TERMINAL WORKING-SET-PRELOADING $D_I_S_A_B_L_E_<_R_E_T_>_ @ 5-70 ^^EE PPRRIIVVIILLEEGGEEDD CCOOMMMMAANNDDSS ((^^EESSPPEEAAKK)) ^^EESSPPEEAAKK -- GGiivviinngg CCoommmmaannddss TToo SSYYSSJJOOBB FFuunnccttiioonn The ^ESPEAK command sends commands to SYSJOB, which is run under job 0. SYSJOB is a system task that controls other system processes and jobs. ^ESPEAK allows you to check the status of the processes under SYSJOB and restart them, if necessary. FFoorrmmaatt ^ESPEAK (TO SYSJOB) [Please type SYSJOB commands - end with ^Z] text (SYSJOB commands) SSuubbccoommmmaannddss The SYSJOB commands, which you must use to communicate with processes run under SYSJOB, are explained below. For ease of discussion, they are not alphabetical. PPRROOCCEESSSS CCOOMMMMAANNDDSS RRUUNN ffiilleessppeecc ooff pprrooggrraamm This command creates an inferior process and runs the specified program in it. The process is identified by a name consisting of the first six characters of the name portion of the file specification. KKIILLLL nnaammee This command kills the process of the specified name. PPUURRGGEE pprroocceessss nnuummbbeerr This command kills the process of the specified number. Process numbers appear in the first column of the STATUS command display. With the PURGE command, you can distinguish among processes having the same name. FFRREEEEZZEE nnaammee This command temporarily suspends execution of the specified process (name). This may later be undone by the RESUME command. 5-71 ^^EE PPRRIIVVIILLEEGGEEDD CCOOMMMMAANNDDSS ((^^EESSPPEEAAKK)) RREESSUUMMEE nnaammee This command continues execution of the process having the specified name, thus undoing the effect of a previous FREEZE. DDUUMMPP pprroocceessss nnuummbbeerr This command allows you to obtain a snapshot of a process' memory without disturbing operations. Execution of the process is temporarily suspended; the ACs and memory contents are saved in file xxx.DMP, where xxx is the process name; then execution is resumed. Refer to Example 4. JJOOBB CCOOMMMMAANNDDSS JJOOBB iiddeenntt tteexxtt--ssttrriinngg This command transmits text to a job via a PTY. The ident is an arbitrary small integer not related to the system job number of the job being controlled. You should choose the smallest number (beginning with 0) not presently in use when a new job is desired. Thereafter, that number identifies that job for SYSJOB. The text-string is a string of system commands surrounded by any character not occurring within the string, for example, /a string of characters/. The string may include , other format control characters, and control characters. You must indicate a control character by typing an up-arrow (^) followed by the character. If you want to indicate an up-arrow, when it is not being used to indicate a control character, type two up-arrows. If there is no job in existence when a JOB command is executed, a ^C is sent ahead of the specified text to create one. Note, however, that the job is not automatically logged in, so a LOGIN command must be given via the JOB command. Any output from the job is handled by SYSJOB and typed on the CTY. Each line is prefixed with the ident number of the job which produced the output. Output is only typed at the end of a line, so prompt characters coming from a job are not seen until the remainder of the line has been input. KKIILLLLJJOOBB iiddeenntt This command forces a LOGOUT of the specified job. 5-72 ^^EE PPRRIIVVIILLEEGGEEDD CCOOMMMMAANNDDSS ((^^EESSPPEEAAKK)) CCCCJJOOBB iiddeenntt This command transmits two ^C's to the specified job and holds any further input until the ^C's have been processed. OOTTHHEERR CCOOMMMMAANNDDSS SSTTAATTUUSS This command prints, on the CTY, the status of all existing inferior processes and jobs presently known to SYSJOB. RREELLOOAADD This command causes SYSJOB to reload and restart itself. Use this command with great caution, as it can cause an abrupt termination of all inferior processes and detach any PTY-controlled jobs. If possible, you should kill all processes and log out all jobs before the RELOAD is executed. This command allows you to put a new version of SYSJOB into operation during timesharing and provides the possibility of recovery after a severe SYSJOB malfunction. CChhaarraacctteerriissttiiccss All text on the line following the prompt message up to CTRL/Z is input to SYSJOB. Actually, the text is written into the file SYSTEM:SYSJOB.COMMANDS. Then, a wakeup request is issued to SYSJOB which reads the file and performs the commands in it. Thus, it is equivalent to: COPY (FROM) TTY: (TO) SYSTEM:SYSJOB.COMMANDS as soon as SYSJOB wakes up and reads the file. The text must consist of SYSJOB commands, which are described in this section under the Subcommands heading. The same commands are recognized in both the SYSJOB.COMMANDS file and the SYSJOB.RUN file, which SYSJOB reads at system startup. The commands are in the form of a keyword, possibly followed by arguments. The commands (text) can be divided into three types: 1. Those affecting an inferior process: RUN, KILL, FREEZE, RESUME 5-73 ^^EE PPRRIIVVIILLEEGGEEDD CCOOMMMMAANNDDSS ((^^EESSPPEEAAKK)) 2. Those affecting a job being controlled by a PTY (pseudo-terminal): JOB, KILLJOB, CCJOB 3. Others: STATUS, RELOAD HHiinntt All SYSJOB output appears on the CTY. Therefore, if you are at a terminal other than the CTY and you want to see SYSJOB output, enable for OPERATOR or WHEEL capability, TALK to the terminal that is the CTY, give the ^ESPEAK command followed by SYSJOB commands, and type BREAK after you have seen the output. RReessttrriiccttiioonn The following error message is associated with the ^ESPEAK command: ? CAN'T GET JFN ON SYSJOB.COMMANDS You have typed ENABLE but you do not have OPERATOR or WHEEL capability. Therefore, you cannot write SYSTEM:SYSJOB.COMMANDS. You should log into an account that has OPERATOR capability (for example, OPERATOR), and then type ENABLE and reissue the ^ESPEAK command. EExxaammpplleess 1. A sample SYSTEM:SYSJOB.RUN file: RUN SYS:INFO JOB 0 /LOG OPERATOR XX OPERATOR ENABLE ^ESET LOGIN PSEUDO ^ESET LOGIN CONSOLE ^ESET OPERATOR PTYCON GET SYSTEM:PTYCON.ATO / JOB 1 \LOG OPERATOR XX OPERATOR ENABLE | GET SYS:MOUNTR | START/STAY | GET SYS:MAILER | START/STAY 5-74 ^^EE PPRRIIVVIILLEEGGEEDD CCOOMMMMAANNDDSS ((^^EESSPPEEAAKK)) | GET SYS:MAPPER | START/STAY | GET SYS:SPRINT | START/STAY | GET SYS:NMAIL | START/STAY | GET SYS:DMAILR | START/STAY | GET SYS:MLSRV | START/STAY | GET SYS:ORION | START/STAY | GET SYS:QUASAR | START/STAY | GET SYS:LPTSPL | START/STAY | GET SYS:LPTSPL | START/STAY | GET SYS:CDRIVE | START/STAY | GET SYS:BATCON | START/STAY | GET SYS:FAL | START/STAY \ JOB 2 /LOG OPERATOR XX OPERATOR ENABLE | RUN SYS:NMLT20 / 2. To check the status of SYSJOB's inferior processes and jobs: @E_N_A_B_L_E_<_R_E_T_>_ $^_E_S_P_E_A_K_<_R_E_T_>_ [PLEASE TYPE SYSJOB COMMANDS - END WITH ^Z] STATUS ^Z ^ | Remember that the output will go to the CTY. If you are at another terminal, see the Hint above. A sample of the CTY output follows. OPR>STATUS SYSJOB status at 25-Sep-79 1008 | 0 INFO DISMS at 1012 25-Sep-79 1008 0: No job 1: Job 2, TTY207, (PRIV) 5-75 ^^EE PPRRIIVVIILLEEGGEEDD CCOOMMMMAANNDDSS ((^^EESSPPEEAAKK)) 2: Job 3, TTY210, (PRIV) OPR> 3. To restart INFO: @E_N_A_B_L_E_<_R_E_T_>_ $^_E_S_P_E_A_K_<_R_E_T_>_ [PLEASE TYPE SYSJOB COMMAND - END WITH ^Z] RUN SYS:INFO ^Z ^ | $D_I_S_A_B_L_E_<_R_E_T_>_ @ 4. To examine a process, first give the STATUS command to obtain the number assigned to that process: $^_E_S_P_E_A_K_ (TO SYSJOB)<_R_E_T_>_ [PLEASE TYPE SYSJOB COMMANDS - END WITH Z] S_T_A_T_U_S_<_R_E_T_>_ @STATUS SYSJOB status at 22-Jul-81 1110 0 ACS DISMS at 151 22-Jul-81 1110 The output above shows that there is only one process currently known to SYSJOB. To examine it, give the DUMP command, and specify the process number, which appears in the leftmost column of the status display: $^_E_S_P_E_A_K_ (TO SYSJOB)<_R_E_T_>_ [PLEASE TYPE SYSJOB COMMANDS - END WITH Z] D_U_M_P_ 0_<_R_E_T_>_ Output similar to the following appears on the CTY, providing you with the name of the file that contains the saved process-related information: DUMP 0 0 ACS DISMS at 151 22-Jul-81 1111 %DUMPING FORK ADDRESS SPACE TO FILE ACS.DMP.3 Use the FILDDT program to examine the file. 5-76 CCHHAAPPTTEERR 66 PPTTYYCCOONN CCOOMMMMAANNDD LLAANNGGUUAAGGEE 66..11 IINNTTRROODDUUCCTTIIOONN TTOO PPTTYYCCOONN Your TOPS-20 operating system considers all jobs to be timesharing jobs; thus, each job must be associated with a timesharing terminal (TTY). In some situations, however, it is inconvenient to require a timesharing terminal to be associated with every job on the system; for example, where many jobs are needed for a single application. PTYCON provides a method whereby a single job running from a single timesharing terminal can control many subjobs simultaneously. This is accomplished by implementing a "device" called a pseudo-terminal (PTY) that, in effect, is a software simulation of a terminal. The controlling job, PTYCON, can send information to a PTY and receive information from a PTY. PTYCON starts running subjobs by means of pseudo-terminals and controls each subjob by sending appropriate information (for example, the commands and/or data you give it) over the PTY controlling the subjob. You can run as many subjobs as there are PTYs on the system, up to a maximum of 24. PTYCON allows you to remain at one terminal and still control multiple jobs by means of multiple PTYs. 66..22 SSTTAARRTTIINNGG PPTTYYCCOONN PTYCON is normally started automatically on your console terminal (CTY) by SYSJOB when the system is brought up. At this time, PTYCON reads and processes the file PTYCON.ATO (usually referred to as an "Auto-File"). This file contains commands for PTYCON. Following is example of a PTYCON.ATO file that defines and starts the subjobs OPR, CHECKD, and FILCOM: SILENCE LOG DEFINE 0 OPR OPR-LOG OPERATOR FOO OPERATOR DEFINE 1 CKD 6-1 PPTTYYCCOONN CCOOMMMMAANNDD LLAANNGGUUAAGGEE CKD-LOG OPERATOR FOO OPERATOR DEFINE 2 FIL FIL-LOG OPERATOR FOO OPERATOR OPR-ENABLE OPR-OPR CKD-ENABLE CKD-CHECKD FIL-FILCOM NO SILENCE WHAT ALL CONNECT OPR ;Line contains a carriage return This processing consists of bringing up OPR and any other programs that you might need such as CHECKD and FILCOM. If PTYCON does not use PTYCON.ATO automatically, you can attach to PTYCON and, after you see the prompt PTYCON>, type: G_E_T_ <_S_Y_S_T_E_M_>_P_T_Y_C_O_N_._A_T_O_<_R_E_T_>_ For example, @S_Y_S_T_A_T_ O_P_E_R_A_T_O_R_<_R_E_T_>_ 0 DET SYSJOB OPERATOR 1 205 PTYCON OPERATOR 2 207 MFORK OPERATOR 3 210 NETCON OPERATOR 4 211 OPR OPERATOR 6 212 ACJ OPERATOR 7 213 FRECHK OPERATOR 8 DET PERF OPERATOR 9 214 IBMSPL OPERATOR 22 3 EXEC OPERATOR 27 DET EXEC OPERATOR @A_T_T_A_C_H_ O_P_E_R_A_T_O_R_ 1_<_R_E_T_>_ [ATTACHED TO TTY102, CONFIRM]<_R_E_T_>_ PASSWORD: <_R_E_T_>_ <_R_E_T_>_ PTYCON> G_E_T_ <_S_Y_S_T_E_M_>_P_T_Y_C_O_N_._A_T_O_<_R_E_T_>_ PTYCON> SILENCE PTYCON.LOG.1 PTYCON> WHAT ALL OPR(0) 39 OPERATOR OPR TO 0:0:0 CKD(1) 36 OPERATOR CHECKD TO 0:0:0 FIL(2) 32 OPERATOR FILCOM TO 0:0:0 PTYCON> **** OPR(0) 09:00:38 **** OPR> **** CKD(1) 09:00:39 **** CHECKD> 6-2 PPTTYYCCOONN CCOOMMMMAANNDD LLAANNGGUUAAGGEE **** FIL(2) 09:00:40 **** * PTYCON> CONNECT OPR [Connected to subjob OPR(0)] OPR> You could also follow the GET with a different file specification to use a special ATO file. If the output from SYSTAT OPERATOR showed that PTYCON was not running, you must start it yourself. To do this, type PTYCON at system command level. When PTYCON responds with its prompt, type the GET command to run the auto file. @P_T_Y_C_O_N_<_R_E_T_>_ PTYCON> G_E_T_ <_S_Y_S_T_E_M_>_P_T_Y_C_O_N_._A_T_O_<_R_E_T_>_ PTYCON> SILENCE PTYCON.LOG.1 . . . OPR> The following is an example of the output generated by PTYCON after the TOPS-20 monitor starts. SJ 0: $PTYCON SJ 0: PTYCON> GET :PTYCON.ATO SJ 0: PTYCON> SILENCE SJ 0: PTYCON.LOG.1 SJ 0: PTYCON> WHAT ALL SJ 0: OPR(0) 39 OPERATOR OPR TO 0:0:0 SJ 0: CKD(1) 36 OPERATOR CHECKD TO 0:0:0 SJ 0: FIL(2) 32 OPERATOR FILCOM TO 0:0:0 SJ 0: PTYCON> SJ 0: **** OPR(0) 09:00:38 **** SJ 0: OPR> SJ 0: **** CKD(1) 09:00:39 **** SJ 0: CHECKD> SJ 0: **** FIL(2) 09:00:40 **** SJ 0: * SJ 0: PTYCON> CONNECT OPR SJ 0: SJ 0: OPR> It is important to look at this output when the system starts to check whether the proper programs have been started. If you attach to the PTYCON job, you should also give a WHAT ALL command to PTYCON to check the status of these programs. 6-3 PPTTYYCCOONN CCOOMMMMAANNDD LLAANNGGUUAAGGEE The commands to start and control programs under PTYCON are in the file SYSTEM:PTYCON.ATO. Your System Manager must decide what those commands should be. If they differ from those in the PTYCON.ATO file supplied, you must change the file with an editor. The commands in this file can be in uppercase or lowercase. The PTYCON.ATO file normally runs OPR, and any other service programs that your System Manager decides to run as subjobs of PTYCON. 66..33 CCOOMMMMUUNNIICCAATTIIOONN WWIITTHH PPTTYYCCOONN AANNDD IITTSS SSUUBBJJOOBBSS 66..33..11 SSuubbjjoobbss A subjob is a job running on a pseudo-terminal (PTY) under control of PTYCON. PTYCON allows you to start and control as many jobs as there are pseudo-terminals (PTYs) available on your system, but never more than 24. To find out how many PTYs are available on your system, type the EXEC command INFORMATION (ABOUT) AVAILABLE DEVICES. To find out how many PTYs are in use by PTYCON, type the PTYCON command WHAT ALL. Each subjob is identified by a unique number from 0 to n-1, where n is the maximum number of PTYs available on your system. For example, if your system can have 24 PTYs, the subjobs can be numbered from 0 to 23. Each subjob is assigned a number when you use the DEFINE or CONNECT command to start the subjob. To make it easier for you to keep track of the subjobs, you can also use the DEFINE command to give a subjob a name. A subjob name can consist of up to five alphanumeric characters. If you type in more than five characters, PTYCON (in most cases) truncates the name to five characters. Before you try to start a subjob under PTYCON, be sure that PTYCON is running. If it is, you should see the prompt PTYCON>. To get the prompt, you might have to type POP or the PTYCON escape character, which is by default. (See the PTY commands CONNECT, PUSH, and REDEFINE. When PTYCON is running and has printed its prompt, PTYCON>, you can communicate with it or its subjobs in the following ways: 1. You can type a single- or multiple-line PTYCON command (see Section 6.5 for a complete description of all PTYCON commands). 2. You can type a single-line subjob command to an existing subjob. A subjob command is: PTYCON>n-text 6-4 PPTTYYCCOONN CCOOMMMMAANNDD LLAANNGGUUAAGGEE where n is the subjob name or number and text is a TOPS-20 command or input to a program running under subjob n. NOTE n cannot be a subjob name longer than five characters. You must type in the subjob name exactly as shown when you type in a question mark (?) at the PTYCON prompt (PTYCON>). 3. You can give the CONNECT command to PTYCON to connect to a subjob. Then you can communicate directly with the subjob by typing exactly what you would type to a job not under PTYCON. To later return to PTYCON command level, type the PTYCON escape character, which is by default. 4. You can give the PUSH command to PTYCON to perform a task at TOPS-20 command level. You can type commands or run programs as you would under any job, but you do not have to log in a job. To return to PTYCON command level, type POP. In communicating with a subjob, you can use all the standard TOPS-20 features. You can use , , , , recognition, rubout, DDT, EDIT, TV, languages, and system commands. However, there are some restrictions. 1. You can never pass the current PTYCON escape character to a subjob, because it has a special purpose. (See the CONNECT command.) 2. (control backslash) cannot be passed to a job or subjob from the CTY, because it causes you to enter the console processor command language (PARSER). If you type by mistake, immediately type QUIT. 3. If you are giving a single-line subjob command as: PTYCON> O_P_R_-_A_B_O_R_T_ B_A_T_C_H_-_S_T_R_E_A_M_ 2_<_R_E_T_>_ you cannot use recognition, because the command is not passed to the system until you press RETURN or LINE FEED. 4. does not reprint a faulty command up to the point of error. 6-5 PPTTYYCCOONN CCOOMMMMAANNDD LLAANNGGUUAAGGEE 66..33..22 CCrreeaattiinngg SSuubbjjoobbss To create a subjob, use either the CONNECT or DEFINE command. When you give either command with a number that has not yet been assigned to a subjob, you create a subjob with that number. If you type ESCAPE in place of a number in the DEFINE command, you create a subjob with the next free subjob number. The DEFINE command also allows you to associate a name with the subjob. NOTE Whenever you create a subjob, you must then log in to get a system job number, as you do for any other job. If you enable your privileges, you can use a null password if you log in under the same name that PTYCON is logged in under. For example, you use CONNECT to create a subjob: PTYCON> C_O_N_N_E_C_T_ 0_<_R_E_T_>_ [Connected to subjob 0] Boston Development System, TOPS-20 Monitor 4(3167) @L_O_G_ O_P_E_R_A_T_O_R_ F_O_O_ O_P_E_R_A_T_O_R_<_R_E_T_>_ Job 26 on TTY211 29-JAN-79 12:41 @E_N_A_B_L_E_<_R_E_T_>_ $O_P_R_<_R_E_T_>_ OPR> At this point, you can give commands directly to the job. When you want to return to PTYCON command level, type CTRL/X. Once a subjob exists, you can communicate with it by: o Sending commands through PTYCON o Connecting directly to the subjob 66..33..33 CCoommmmuunniiccaattiinngg wwiitthh SSuubbjjoobbss tthhrroouugghh PPTTYYCCOONN You can send commands to subjobs while your terminal is at the PTYCON> prompt. The format is: PTYCON> n-text where n is the subjob name or number, followed by a hyphen 6-6 PPTTYYCCOONN CCOOMMMMAANNDD LLAANNGGUUAAGGEE text is a TOPS-20 command or program input to be sent to the subjob NOTE n cannot be a subjob name longer than five characters. You must type in the subjob name exactly as shown when you type in a question mark (?) at the PTYCON prompt (PTYCON>). The subjob name is an alternate way to specify a subjob. Use the DEFINE command to define a subjob name. When you are giving commands to a subjob, be sure that you know if your subjob is waiting for program input or if it is at system command level. The last character output by the subjob is "@" or "$" if it is at system command level, and a program-specific prompt if it is awaiting program input. If it is awaiting program input and you want to give it a system command, first send a (followed by to end the command). Then, send the desired system command. In the case of OPR as a subjob, type EXIT to the OPR> prompt (followed by ) to get to system command level. PTYCON accepts single- or multiple-line commands after the prompt PTYCON>. If the PTYCON command line is longer than the maximum line length allowed by your terminal, you can continue typing the command past the end of the line and onto the next line, without pressing RETURN. PTYCON accepts command components that are divided between lines. If you want to avoid divided words, use the hyphen (-) continuation character. At the end of the first line, type a hyphen and press RETURN. Then, continue typing the command on the next line. At the end of the command, press RETURN to confirm the command. The following example sends a multiple line command to a subjob. PTYCON>A_C_C_E_P_T_ (_O_U_T_P_U_T_ F_R_O_M_ S_U_B_J_O_B_S_)_ 3_,_ 4_,_ 6_,_ 7_,_ 8_,_ 1_0_,_ -_<_R_E_T_>_ 1_4_,_ 1_6_,_ 1_7_<_R_E_T_>_ The following example creates OPR as a subjob, logs it in, enables it, and starts it: @P_T_Y_C_O_N_<_R_E_T_>_ PTYCON> D_E_F_I_N_E_ 0_ O_P_R_<_R_E_T_>_ PTYCON> O_P_R_-_L_O_G_ O_P_E_R_A_T_O_R_ F_O_O_ O_P_E_R_A_T_O_R_<_R_E_T_>_ PTYCON> **** OPR(0) 11:32:28 **** Boston Development System, TOPS-20 Monitor 6(6136) @LOG OPERATOR OPERATOR Job 55 on TTY222 1-Dec-84 11:32:28, Last Login 28-Nov-84 10:11:37 @ 6-7 PPTTYYCCOONN CCOOMMMMAANNDD LLAANNGGUUAAGGEE PTYCON> O_P_R_-_E_N_A_B_L_E_<_R_E_T_>_ **** OPR(0) 11:32:45 **** ENABLE $ PTYCON> O_P_R_-_O_P_R_<_R_E_T_>_ **** OPR(0) 11:32:50 **** OPR PTYCON> **** OPR(0) 11:32:53 **** OPR> PTYCON> Another example of creating a subjob, logging it in, and sending it other commands follows: @P_T_Y_C_O_N_<_R_E_T_>_ PTYCON> D_E_F_I_N_E_ 2_<_R_E_T_>_ PTYCON> 2_-_L_O_G_ D_E_M_O_ F_O_O_ 1_0_4_0_0_<_R_E_T_>_ PTYCON> **** 2 12:28:39 **** Boston Development System, TOPS-20 Monitor 6(6136) @LOG DEMO 10400 Job 17 on TTY225 1-Dec-84 12:28:39, Last Login 28-Nov-84 11:58:16 @ PTYCON> 2_-_F_I_L_C_O_M_<_R_E_T_>_ PTYCON> **** 2 12:28:55 **** FILCOM * PTYCON> 2_-_=_A_._A_T_O_,_B_._A_T_O_<_R_E_T_>_ PTYCON> **** 2 12:29:09 **** =A.ATO,B.ATO No differences encountered * PTYCON> 2_-_^_C_<_R_E_T_>_ PTYCON> **** 2 12:29:20 **** ^C @ @ PTYCON> 2_-_S_Y_S_T_A_T_ ._<_R_E_T_>_ PTYCON> **** 2 12:29:34 **** SYSTAT . 17* 103 EXEC DEMO @ PTYCON> 6-8 PPTTYYCCOONN CCOOMMMMAANNDD LLAANNGGUUAAGGEE 66..33..44 CCoommmmuunniiccaattiinngg DDiirreeccttllyy wwiitthh SSuubbjjoobbss To communicate with a subjob by direct connection, use the CONNECT command, type exactly what you want to communicate to the subjob, then finish with the PTYCON escape character, normally CTRL/X. When you connect to a subjob that has not been logged in, the first character that you type causes the identification message to be output on your terminal. For example, PTYCON> C_O_N_N_E_C_T_ 3_<_R_E_T_>_ [Connected to subjob 3] <_R_E_T_>_ Boston Development System, TOPS-20 Monitor 6(6136) @L_O_G_ O_P_E_R_A_T_O_R_ O_P_E_R_A_T_O_R_<_R_E_T_>_ Job 19 on TTY210 18-Nov-84 11:12:00, Last Login 17-Dec-84 10:12:51 @D_I_R_E_C_T_<_R_E_T_>_ A.ATO.1 B.ATO.1 PTYCON.ATO.1 .LOG.1 Total of 4 files @^X ^ | PTYCON> You can also start the subjob OPR with the CONNECT command. This is helpful when OPR has not been started or when you want multiple OPRs at your installation. For example, @P_T_Y_C_O_N_<_R_E_T_>_ PTYCON> C_O_N_N_E_C_T_ 3_<_R_E_T_>_ [Connected to subjob 3] <_R_E_T_>_ BOSTON Development System, TOPS-20 Monitor 6(6136) @L_O_G_ O_P_E_R_A_T_O_R_ O_P_E_R_A_T_O_R_<_R_E_T_>_ Job 53 on TTY232 2-Dec-84 08:37:25, Last Login 1-Dec-84 08:15:27 @E_N_A_B_L_E_<_R_E_T_>_ $O_P_R_<_R_E_T_>_ OPR>?_ one of the following: ABORT ALIGN BACKSPACE CANCEL CLOSE CONTINUE DEFINE DISABLE DISMOUNT ENABLE ENTER EXIT FORWARDSPACE HELP HOLD IDENTIFY MODIFY MOUNT NEXT PUSH 6-9 PPTTYYCCOONN CCOOMMMMAANNDD LLAANNGGUUAAGGEE RELEASE REPORT REQUEUE RESPOND ROUTE SEND SET SHOW SHUTDOWN START STOP SUPPRESS SWITCH TAKE UNDEFINE WAIT or one of the following: LCP NCP 6-10 PPTTYYCCOONN CCOOMMMMAANNDD LLAANNGGUUAAGGEE OPR>^X ^ | PTYCON> NOTE You cannot send the current PTYCON escape character to a subjob, because that character returns you to PTYCON command level if you are connected to a subjob, or it aborts the current command if you are at PTYCON command level. However, you can change that character with the REDEFINE command to PTYCON. 66..33..55 SSuubbjjoobb OOuuttppuutt You can do the following with the output from subjobs of PTYCON. o Allow it to be typed on your terminal o Buffer it until you request it o Save it in a file o Discard it The PTYCON commands that control the output of the subjobs either collectively or individually are: o ACCEPT o REFUSE o LOG o DISCARD If REFUSE is set for a subjob, its output is typed on your terminal only when you are connected to the subjob. Otherwise, the output is buffered until you request it with the ACCEPT (or NO REFUSE) command or until you connect to the subjob. If DISCARD is set for a subjob, again its output is printed on your terminal only when you are connected to the subjob. Otherwise, the output is discarded, except for recording it in a file if the PTYCON LOG command was given. If neither REFUSE nor DISCARD has been set for a subjob, the subjob's output is printed on your terminal. If PTYCON is at command level, 6-11 PPTTYYCCOONN CCOOMMMMAANNDD LLAANNGGUUAAGGEE output from each subjob is preceded by a header containing the subjob name and/or number and the time. If you are connected to a subjob: o All output from the connected subjob is printed on your terminal without headers. o All other subjob output is printed on your terminal and preceded by a header containing the name and/or number of the subjob giving output and the time. The output is followed by a trailer containing the name and/or number of the connected subjob and the time. NOTE If you are at command level and you are entering a command, PTYCON temporarily suspends output from the subjobs until the command is confirmed with a carriage return or line feed. For example, you are connected to subjob 3 and output is typed from subjob 0, which is defined as OPR, beginning with a header (**** OPR(0) hh:mm:ss ****). (Where hh:mm:ss is the time in hours:minutes:seconds.) When the output from subjob 0 is done, the trailer is output, indicating that the currently connected subjob is 3 (**** 3 hh:mm:ss ****). PTYCON> C_O_N_N_E_C_T_ 3_<_R_E_T_>_ [Connected to subjob 3] **** OPR(0) 12:34:27 **** 12:34:32 Printer 1 --End-- Job DEMO1 Seq # 2599 For: CCOOK OPR> **** 3 12:34:37 **** BOSTON Development System, TOPS-20 Monitor 6(6136) @ 66..33..66 LLooggggiinngg OOuutt SSuubbjjoobbss When you have completely finished using a subjob, you can log it out and deassign its subjob number with the KILL command. (See the description of the KILL command to PTYCON. You can log out a subjob by specifying either the subjob name or the subjob number. For example, to log out subjob 0, which is also defined as subjob OPR: PTYCON> K_I_L_L_ O_P_R_<_R_E_T_>_ 6-12 PPTTYYCCOONN CCOOMMMMAANNDD LLAANNGGUUAAGGEE PTYCON> or PTYCON> K_I_L_L_ 0_<_R_E_T_>_ PTYCON> To leave PTYCON permanently, you should be certain that you have no more use for any of the subjobs; then use KILL ALL and EXIT. During timesharing, you should never do this to the PTYCON-controlling OPR and any other utility program (such as, DUMPER or CHECKD) because you might need them to service users. For example, you log out all subjobs and EXIT from PTYCON before a system shutdown for preventive maintenance: PTYCON> K_I_L_L_ A_L_L_<_R_E_T_>_ PTYCON> E_X_I_T_<_R_E_T_>_ @ If you want to leave PTYCON temporarily to do something at system command level and not use a subjob, use the PUSH command, perform your commands, and return to PTYCON with POP. (See the example under the description of the PUSH command.) 66..44 PPTTYYCCOONN CCOOMMMMAANNDD FFEEAATTUURREESS PTYCON has the same command recognition, question mark, and control character features offered by the EXEC, OPR, and other TOPS-20 programs. Following is a summary of these features: 66..44..11 LLiissttiinngg AAvvaaiillaabbllee CCoommmmaannddss aanndd AArrgguummeennttss wwiitthh aa QQuueessttiioonn MMaarrkk 1. To list all the PTYCON commands, type a question mark at the PTYCON prompt. PTYCON> ?_ a command, one of the following: ACCEPT BELL CONNECT DEFINE DISCARD EXIT GET HELP KILL LOG NO PUSH REDEFINE REFUSE SAVE SILENCE WHAT or a subjob name, ALL or a subjob number PTYCON> 2. To list all the PTYCON commands that begin with a certain letter, type the letter followed by a question mark. 6-13 PPTTYYCCOONN CCOOMMMMAANNDD LLAANNGGUUAAGGEE PTYCON> R_?_ a command, one of the following: REDEFINE REFUSE PTYCON> 3. To list the arguments to a PTYCON command, type the command name followed by a space and a question mark. PTYCON> C_O_N_N_E_C_T_ ?_ subjob number or subjob name PTYCON> 66..44..22 UUssiinngg RReeccooggnniittiioonn IInnppuutt PTYCON recognition input works with commands and subjob names. To use recognition input, type enough letters of a command or subjob name to make it unique, and then type . PTYCON responds with the remainder of the command and its guidewords or the complete subjob name. PTYCON recognizes command names before subjob names. For example, if you have a subjob named LOOK and you type LO, PTYCON responds with the LOG command. 66..55 PPTTYYCCOONN CCOOMMMMAANNDD DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONNSS The commands to PTYCON with their guide words in parentheses are shown in the PTYCON help message below. ACCEPT (OUTPUT FROM SUBJOBS) * BELL (WHEN OUTPUT WAITING) * CONNECT (TO SUBJOB) DEFINE (SUBJOB #) DISCARD (OUTPUT FROM SUBJOB) * EXIT (FROM PTYCON) GET (COMMANDS FROM FILE) HELP (MESSAGE) KILL (SUBJOB) LOG (OUTPUT TO FILE) * PUSH (EXEC LEVEL) REDEFINE (PTYCON ESCAPE CHARACTER TO BE) REFUSE (OUTPUT FROM SUBJOBS) * SAVE (INPUT IN FILE) * SILENCE (ALL OUTPUT TO TERMINAL) * WHAT (IS STATE OF SUBJOB) "*" MEANS THE COMMAND CAN BE PRECEDED BY "NO" TO REVERSE ITS MEANING 6-14 PPTTYYCCOONN CCOOMMMMAANNDD LLAANNGGUUAAGGEE THE ESCAPE CHARACTER TO RETURN TO COMMAND LEVEL IS: ^X NOTE In the descriptions of the PTYCON commands in the sections that follow, n represents a subjob name or number. ALL represents all subjobs. 6-15 PPTTYYCCOONN CCOOMMMMAANNDD LLAANNGGUUAAGGEE ((AACCCCEEPPTT)) AACCCCEEPPTT -- AAcccceeppttiinngg OOuuttppuutt oonn YYoouurr TTeerrmmiinnaall FFuunnccttiioonn The ACCEPT command sets your terminal to receive output from the specified subjobs. FFoorrmmaattss PTYCON> ACCEPT n,...,n PTYCON> ACCEPT ALL or PTYCON> NO ACCEPT n,...,n PTYCON> NO ACCEPT ALL AArrgguummeenntt n specifies a subjob number. You can specify up to 24 (0 - 23) subjob numbers separated by commas. If you defined a name for the subjob, you can specify the name instead of the subjob number. CChhaarraacctteerriissttiiccss The ACCEPT command is the normal mode of operation. When used after NO ACCEPT or REFUSE, the ACCEPT command immediately types on your terminal any available output from the specified subjobs and continues to do so as it becomes available. If you do not specify any subjobs, ALL is automatically printed and assumed. NO ACCEPT is equivalent to REFUSE. If you do not specify any subjobs, ALL is assumed. EExxaammpplleess 1. You ACCEPT output from all subjobs on your terminal: PTYCON> A_C_C_E_P_T_ A_L_L_<_R_E_T_>_ 6-16 PPTTYYCCOONN CCOOMMMMAANNDD LLAANNGGUUAAGGEE ((AACCCCEEPPTT)) PTYCON> 2. You specify NO ACCEPT for subjobs 7, 15, 19, and 23, which are OPRs, so that your terminal receives output only from subjob OPR(0): PTYCON> N_O_ A_C_C_E_P_T_ 7_,_1_5_,_1_9_,_2_3_<_R_E_T_>_ PTYCON> 6-17 PPTTYYCCOONN CCOOMMMMAANNDD LLAANNGGUUAAGGEE ((BBEELLLL)) BBEELLLL -- SSoouunnddiinngg BBeellll ffoorr OOuuttppuutt WWaaiittiinngg FFuunnccttiioonn The BELL command rings your terminal bell every ten seconds to indicate that a subjob has output waiting to be printed on your terminal. This is referred to as a refused subjob. FFoorrmmaattss PTYCON> BELL or PTYCON> NO BELL CChhaarraacctteerriissttiiccss The BELL command is the normal mode of operation. Therefore, you need to give the BELL command only when you want to cancel a NO BELL command that you previously issued. When you give the PUSH command to PTYCON, the output from all subjobs is refused, unless it is already being discarded (refer to the DISCARD command). The BELL command also applies to these refused subjobs. NO BELL suppresses any bell, indicating that a refused subjob has some output. Consequently, you are not warned that there is output waiting. EExxaammppllee 1. You specify NO BELL to turn off the bell sound for output waiting: PTYCON> N_O_ B_E_L_L_<_R_E_T_>_ PTYCON> 6-18 PPTTYYCCOONN CCOOMMMMAANNDD LLAANNGGUUAAGGEE ((CCOONNNNEECCTT)) CCOONNNNEECCTT -- CCoonnnneeccttiinngg ttoo aa SSuubbjjoobb FFuunnccttiioonn The CONNECT command connects your terminal to a specified subjob, such that the subjob appears to be a normal timesharing job that is not running under PTYCON. FFoorrmmaatt PTYCON> CONNECT n AArrgguummeenntt n specifies a subjob number. You can specify any number from 0 to 23. If you defined a name for the subjob, you can specify the subjob name instead of the subjob number. CChhaarraacctteerriissttiiccss After issuing the CONNECT command, all commands that you type are passed directly to the subjob until you type the PTYCON escape character, which is CTRL/X by default. You can redefine the escape character with the REDEFINE command to PTYCON. As soon as you connect to a subjob, you receive the message [Connected to subjob name(n)] or [Connected to subjob n]. Then any output that was being buffered for that subjob by the REFUSE or NO ACCEPT command is printed on your terminal. If you do not specify a subjob, PTYCON connects your terminal either to the last connected subjob or to the last subjob defined, whichever was done most recently. If you specify a valid subjob number that you have not defined, a new subjob with that number is created for you. However, you cannot specify a subjob name that has not been defined. HHiinntt When you are connected to a subjob, type the PTYCON escape character, CTRL/X by default, to return to PTYCON. Then you see the PTYCON prompt. 6-19 PPTTYYCCOONN CCOOMMMMAANNDD LLAANNGGUUAAGGEE ((CCOONNNNEECCTT)) EExxaammpplleess 1. You CONNECT to subjob 4, which was not previously defined: PTYCON> C_O_N_N_E_C_T_ 4_<_R_E_T_>_ [Connected to subjob 4] BOSTON Development System, TOPS-20 Monitor 6(6136) @L_O_G_ O_P_E_R_A_T_O_R_ O_P_E_R_A_T_O_R_<_R_E_T_>_ Job 37 on TTY213 13-Nov-84 11:34:03, Last Login 12-Nov-84 11:15:36 @E_N_A_B_L_E_<_R_E_T_>_ $C_H_E_C_K_D_<_R_E_T_>_ CHECKD>^X ^ | PTYCON> 2. You CONNECT to subjob OPR(0), which was previously defined: PTYCON> C_O_N_N_E_C_T_ 0_<_R_E_T_>_ [Connected to subjob OPR(0)] <_R_E_T_>_ OPR> 6-20 PPTTYYCCOONN CCOOMMMMAANNDD LLAANNGGUUAAGGEE ((DDEEFFIINNEE)) DDEEFFIINNEE -- DDeeffiinniinngg aa SSuubbjjoobb FFuunnccttiioonn The DEFINE command defines a subjob. For example, it can create a new subjob, and it can associate a name with a subjob. You can also define a new name for an existing subjob by giving the DEFINE command again with the desired new name. FFoorrmmaatt PTYCON> DEFINE number name AArrgguummeennttss number specifies the subjob number to be defined. You can specify any number from 0 to 23. If you press ESCape twice after you type DEFINE (see Example 1.), the system uses the next available number. name specifies an optional name for the subjob. The name can consist of up to five alphanumeric characters. PTYCON simply ignores any characters after the fifth character. If you use any nonalphanumeric characters, PTYCON also ignores them and the characters that follow the nonalphanumeric characters. CChhaarraacctteerriissttiiccss If you press ESCape for the subjob number, the next free subjob number in the system is chosen. This is the recommended way to define a new subjob. If you define a subjob with a name already given to another subjob, you get the message: % Name already in use, reassigned to this subjob and the name is given to the new subjob. Also, defined names take precedence over subjob numbers when you define a subjob to be another number. If ALL is the name of a subjob, whenever you use ALL in a PTYCON command, it refers only to that subjob. 6-21 PPTTYYCCOONN CCOOMMMMAANNDD LLAANNGGUUAAGGEE ((DDEEFFIINNEE)) EExxaammpplleess 1. You DEFINE the next available subjob number as DUMPER: | | V V PTYCON> D_E_F_I_N_E_ (SUBJOB #) 5_ (AS) D_U_M_P_E_R_<_R_E_T_>_ PTYCON> 5_-_L_O_G_ O_P_E_R_A_T_O_R_ F_O_O_ O_P_E_R_A_T_O_R_<_R_E_T_>_ PTYCON> **** DUMPER(5) 11:12:03 **** BOSTON Development System, TOPS-20 Monitor 6(6144) @LOG OPERATOR OPERATOR Job 37 on TTY221 13-Nov-84 11:12:04, Last Login 12-Nov-84 8:26:02 PTYCON> 5_-_D_U_M_P_E_R_<_R_E_T_>_ PTYCON> **** DUMPER(5) 11:12:09 **** DUMPER PTYCON> **** DUMPER(5) 11:12:13 **** DUMPER> PTYCON> 2. You DEFINE subjob 6 as OPR while subjob 0 is also defined as OPR: PTYCON> D_E_F_I_N_E_ 6_ O_P_R_<_R_E_T_>_ % Name already is use, reassigned to this subjob PTYCON> 6_-_L_O_G_ O_P_E_R_A_T_O_R_ F_O_O_ O_P_E_R_A_T_O_R_<_R_E_T_>_ PTYCON> **** OPR(6) 11:23:28 **** BOSTON Development System, TOPS-20 Monitor 6(6144) @LOG OPERATOR OPERATOR Job 63 on TTY230 4-Dec-84 11:23:29, Last Login 3-Dec-84 11:12:29 @ PTYCON> O_P_R_-_E_N_A_B_L_E_<_R_E_T_>_ PTYCON> **** OPR(6) 11:23:32 **** ENABLE $ PTYCON> 6_-_O_P_R_<_R_E_T_>_ PTYCON> **** OPR(6) 11:23:37 **** OPR PTYCON> **** OPR(6) 11:23:41 **** OPR> PTYCON> 6-22 PPTTYYCCOONN CCOOMMMMAANNDD LLAANNGGUUAAGGEE ((DDIISSCCAARRDD)) DDIISSCCAARRDD -- EElliimmiinnaattiinngg SSuubbjjoobb OOuuttppuutt FFuunnccttiioonn The DISCARD command eliminates output to your terminal from the specified subjob when you are not connected to that subjob. FFoorrmmaattss PTYCON> DISCARD n,...,n PTYCON> DISCARD ALL or PTYCON> NO DISCARD n,...,n PTYCON> NO DISCARD ALL AArrgguummeenntt n specifies a subjob number. You can specify up to 24 (0 - 23) subjob numbers separated by commas. If you defined a name for the subjob, you can specify the subjob name instead of the subjob number. CChhaarraacctteerriissttiiccss The output is thrown away as far as your terminal is concerned with the use of the DISCARD command. However, output from the subjob does go into the LOG file, if you previously issued the LOG command to PTYCON. DISCARD differs from REFUSE, because REFUSE keeps the output for acceptance at a later time. Yet, if you discard a subjob's output after you have refused it, the output buffered by REFUSE is not typed on your terminal. However, at the time of the DISCARD, any output buffered by REFUSE goes into the LOG file, providing the LOG command to PTYCON is in effect. NO DISCARD is the default and allows all output to appear on your terminal. However, if you issued a REFUSE for the subjob before the DISCARD, NO DISCARD restores REFUSE mode for the subjob and buffers the output. (See the REFUSE command.) 6-23 PPTTYYCCOONN CCOOMMMMAANNDD LLAANNGGUUAAGGEE ((DDIISSCCAARRDD)) EExxaammppllee 1. You DISCARD the output to your terminal for subjobs 3 and 5: PTYCON> D_I_S_C_A_R_D_ 3_,_5_<_R_E_T_>_ PTYCON> 6-24 PPTTYYCCOONN CCOOMMMMAANNDD LLAANNGGUUAAGGEE ((EEXXIITT)) EEXXIITT -- LLeeaavviinngg PPTTYYCCOONN CCoommmmaanndd LLeevveell FFuunnccttiioonn The EXIT command exits from PTYCON and gets you back to system command level. FFoorrmmaatt PTYCON> EXIT CChhaarraacctteerriissttiiccss Use the EXIT command only when you want to permanently leave PTYCON. To return to system command level temporarily while subjobs are running, use the PUSH command. If there are subjobs active when you type EXIT, you get: Caution: Exiting may log out the still active subjobs! Confirm: (type to get back to PTYCON) where "A" is the current PTYCON escape character. Type that control character to return to PTYCON immediately. If you press RETURN to CONFIRM, you exit from PTYCON and you might lose the subjobs. HHiinntt If you mistakenly type EXIT and press RETURN to CONFIRM, immediately type CONTINUE to return to PTYCON and preserve any subjobs. If you first run a program or give some command and then type CONTINUE, you might not be able to get back to PTYCON. If this happens, subjobs become detached and are automatically logged out in five minutes unless corrective measures are taken. Therefore, to recover them, immediately run PTYCON again. Then, for each subjob that became detached, connect to a new subjob and attach to a system job corresponding to a detached subjob. (Use the SYSTAT command to see what jobs were detached.) Note that you cannot refer to the former subjob numbers; you must use the system job numbers until you establish PTYCON subjobs again. 6-25 PPTTYYCCOONN CCOOMMMMAANNDD LLAANNGGUUAAGGEE ((EEXXIITT)) EExxaammpplleess 1. You EXIT from PTYCON, but you have not killed all your subjobs. Press CTRL/X to return to PTYCON, KILL ALL your subjobs, and then EXIT: PTYCON> E_X_I_T_<_R_E_T_>_ Caution: Exiting may log out the still active subjobs! Confirm: (type CTRL/X to get back to PTYCON)^X ^ | PTYCON> K_I_L_L_ A_L_L_<_R_E_T_>_ PTYCON> E_X_I_T_<_R_E_T_>_ @ 2. You attach system jobs 6 and 7 that became detached and you make them subjobs with their former names (TV and EDIT): @E_N_A_B_L_E_<_R_E_T_>_ $P_T_Y_C_O_N_<_R_E_T_>_ PTYCON> C_O_N_N_E_C_T_ 0_<_R_E_T_>_ [Connected to subjob 0] <_R_E_T_>_ BOSTON Development System, TOPS-20 Monitor 4(3167) @A_T_T_A_C_H_ O_P_E_R_A_T_O_R_ 6_<_R_E_T_>_ @^X ^ | PTYCON> D_E_F_I_N_E_ 0_ T_V_<_R_E_T_>_ PTYCON> C_O_N_N_E_C_T_ 1_<_R_E_T_>_ [Connected to subjob 1] <_R_E_T_>_ BOSTON Development System, TOPS-20 Monitor 4(3167) @A_T_T_A_C_H_ O_P_E_R_A_T_O_R_ 7_<_R_E_T_>_ @^X ^ | PTYCON> D_E_F_I_N_E_ 1_ E_D_I_T_<_R_E_T_>_ PTYCON> 3. You issued the EXIT command and five minutes have passed and the former subjobs have become logged-out jobs. You have lost all the operator jobs originally started from SYSTEM:PTYCON.ATO. You can do the following: @P_T_Y_C_O_N_<_R_E_T_>_ PTYCON> G_E_T_ S_Y_S_T_E_M_:_P_T_Y_C_O_N_._A_T_O_<_R_E_T_>_ 6-26 PPTTYYCCOONN CCOOMMMMAANNDD LLAANNGGUUAAGGEE ((GGEETT)) GGEETT -- EExxeeccuuttiinngg aann AAuuttoo--FFiillee FFuunnccttiioonn The GET command reads and executes the commands in the specified file. FFoorrmmaatt PTYCON> GET filespec AArrgguummeenntt filespec specifies the file specification of the file that contains the PTYCON commands to be executed automatically. DDeeffaauulltt filename and type - PTYCON.ATO CChhaarraacctteerriissttiiccss When the system is first started, SYSJOB normally starts PTYCON and has PTYCON do a GET on SYSTEM:PTYCON.ATO. When the commands in the file are processed, they are echoed on your terminal as if they had been typed in directly (unless SILENCE is in effect). HHiinnttss Certain characters in the command file must be typed differently than if they were typed directly on your terminal. Control characters must be typed as ^a, where ^ is the up-arrow, or circumflex, and "a" is the character. Do not use the CTRL key for typing control characters in the command file. ESCape must be typed as two characters ^$ (up-arrow dollar-sign). An up-arrow must be typed as ^^ (two up-arrows). The PTYCON command file can contain leading and trailing spaces and tabs, lowercase letters and blank lines. When you run PTYCON under OPERATOR (the normal case), for any subjob you log in under OPERATOR, you can give a fictitious password, for example, FOO in the examples below. 6-27 PPTTYYCCOONN CCOOMMMMAANNDD LLAANNGGUUAAGGEE ((GGEETT)) EExxaammpplleess 1. The following is a sample SYSTEM:PTYCON.ATO file with comments added: SILENCE ;silence output to CTY LOG ;create LOG file PTYCON.LOG DEFINE 0 OPR ;define subjob 0 as OPR CONNECT 0 ;connect to subjob 0 LOG OPERATOR FOO OPERATOR ;log in ENABLE ;enable capabilities OPR ;run OPR ^X ;return to PTYCON NO SILENCE ;allow output to CTY WHAT ALL ;print status of subjob You now execute the PTYCON.ATO file with the GET command: @P_T_Y_C_O_N_<_R_E_T_>_ PTYCON> G_E_T_ S_Y_S_T_E_M_:_P_T_Y_C_O_N_._A_T_O_<_R_E_T_>_ PTYCON> SILENCE PTYCON.LOG.1 PTYCON> WHAT ALL OPR(0) 44 OPERATOR OPR RN 0:0:0 PTYCON> **** OPR(0) 15:08:08 **** OPR> PTYCON> 2. The following is a sample special ATO file that creates subjob 5 as DUMPER with comments added: LOG ;create LOG file PTYCON.LOG CONNECT 5 ;connect to subjob 5 ;Line contains a carriage ;return LOG OPERATOR FOO OPERATOR ;log in DUMPER ;start DUMPER as subjob 5 You now execute DUMPER.ATO with the GET command: @P_T_Y_C_O_N_<_R_E_T_>_ PTYCON> G_E_T_ <_O_P_E_R_A_T_O_R_>_D_U_M_P_E_R_._A_T_O_<_R_E_T_>_ PTYCON> LOG PTYCON.LOG.2 PTYCON> CONNECT 5 BOSTON Development System, TOPS-20 Monitor 6(6136) @ @LOG OPERATOR OPERATOR Job 65 on TTY222 4-Dec-84 15:28:35, 6-28 PPTTYYCCOONN CCOOMMMMAANNDD LLAANNGGUUAAGGEE ((GGEETT)) Last Login 3-Dec-84 15:05:42 @DUMPER DUMPER> 6-29 PPTTYYCCOONN CCOOMMMMAANNDD LLAANNGGUUAAGGEE ((HHEELLPP)) HHEELLPP -- PPrriinnttiinngg PPTTYYCCOONN CCoommmmaannddss FFuunnccttiioonn The HELP command prints a list of PTYCON commands with guide words. FFoorrmmaatt PTYCON> H_E_L_P_<_R_E_T_>_ EExxaammppllee PTYCON> H_E_L_P_<_R_E_T_>_ | PTYCON 7(35) commands: | | * ACCEPT (OUTPUT FROM SUBJOBS) subjob,subjob,... or ALL | * BELL (WHEN OUTPUT WAITING) | CONNECT (TO SUBJOB) lastsubjob | DEFINE (SUBJOB ) number (AS) name | * DISCARD (OUTPUT FROM SUBJOB) subjob,subjob,... or ALL | EXIT (FROM PTYCON) | GET (COMMANDS FROM FILE) ptycon.ato | HELP (MESSAGE) | KILL (SUBJOB) subjob,subjob,... or ALL | * LOG (OUTPUT TO FILE) ptycon.log | PUSH (EXEC LEVEL) | REDEFINE (PTYCON ESCAPE CHARACTER TO BE) controlcharacter | * REFUSE (OUTPUT FROM SUBJOBS) subjob,subjob,... or ALL | * SAVE (INPUT IN FILE) saved-input.txt | * SILENCE (ALL OUTPUT TO TERMINAL) | WHAT (IS STATE OF SUBJOB) subjob or ALL | | "subjob,subjob,..." means a list of subjobs or ALL for all active | subjobs. | "*" means the command can be preceded by "NO" to reverse its | meaning. | The escape character to return to command level is: X | PTYCON> 6-30 PPTTYYCCOONN CCOOMMMMAANNDD LLAANNGGUUAAGGEE ((KKIILLLL)) KKIILLLL -- KKiilllliinngg PPTTYYCCOONN SSuubbjjoobbss FFuunnccttiioonn The KILL command kills the indicated subjobs (logs them out) and deassigns the subjob numbers, provided that PTYCON is running with OPERATOR or WHEEL capability enabled, or that the subjobs are logged in under the same user name as PTYCON. FFoorrmmaattss PTYCON> KILL n,...,n or PTYCON> KILL ALL AArrgguummeenntt n specifies a subjob number. You can specify up to 24 (0 - 23) subjobs separated by commas. If you defined a name for the subjob, you can use the name instead of the subjob number. CChhaarraacctteerriissttiiccss If the subjob is not logged in under the same user as PTYCON, the KILL command does not succeed, and you receive the message: Could not kill subjob n Then, you must connect to the subjob, log out, return to PTYCON, and issue the KILL command. For KILL ALL you must type ALL in its entirety. The KILL command is necessary to deassign a subjob number. Simply logging out a subjob does not deassign the subjob number. EExxaammpplleess 1. You KILL subjob 7 which was defined as ULIST: PTYCON> K_I_L_L_ U_L_I_S_T_<_R_E_T_>_ PTYCON> 6-31 PPTTYYCCOONN CCOOMMMMAANNDD LLAANNGGUUAAGGEE ((KKIILLLL)) 2. You KILL ALL subjobs before you exit from PTYCON: PTYCON> K_I_L_L_ A_L_L_<_R_E_T_>_ PTYCON> E_X_I_T_<_R_E_T_>_ @ 6-32 PPTTYYCCOONN CCOOMMMMAANNDD LLAANNGGUUAAGGEE ((LLOOGG)) LLOOGG -- RReeccoorrddiinngg IInntteerraaccttiioonnss wwiitthh PPTTYYCCOONN FFuunnccttiioonn The LOG command causes all interactions with PTYCON to be recorded in the specified file specification. FFoorrmmaattss PTYCON> LOG filespec or PTYCON> NO LOG AArrgguummeenntt filespec specifies the file specification of the file that contains the recording of interactions with PTYCON and its subjobs. DDeeffaauulltt file name and type - PTYCON.LOG CChhaarraacctteerriissttiiccss If you specify a file that already exists, any new output is appended after the last entry of the existing file. Use this command to keep a record of what was typed at the console terminal. NO LOG, which is the normal mode, stops output to a log file and closes the file. This is the only command that stops output to the LOG file. Once the LOG command is given, the log file contains PTYCON prompts, commands, and error messages, all input to subjobs, and all output from subjobs. The order of information in the file resembles the input and output to PTYCON at your terminal. HHiinnttss If you do a DISCARD for a subjob, or GET a file that contains a SILENCE command, the log file contains all interactions as they occur, but your terminal output does not. (See DISCARD and SILENCE.) 6-33 PPTTYYCCOONN CCOOMMMMAANNDD LLAANNGGUUAAGGEE ((LLOOGG)) When you do a DISCARD for a subjob after a REFUSE, the log file gets all the output buffered by the REFUSE, and then gets all output from the subjob as it occurs. However, your terminal does not get output from a subjob once a DISCARD command has been issued. EExxaammpplleess 1. You specify LOG with a filename of NOV18-79 to record all interactions with PTYCON. The default file type is LOG. PTYCON> L_O_G_ N_O_V_1_8_-_7_9_<_R_E_T_>_ PTYCON> 2. You specify NO LOG after system startup to close the log file from the PTYCON.ATO and then you create a new log file for the day's interactions with PTYCON. PTYCON> N_O_ L_O_G_<_R_E_T_>_ PTYCON> L_O_G_ D_E_C_2_8_._T_X_T_<_R_E_T_>_ PTYCON> 6-34 PPTTYYCCOONN CCOOMMMMAANNDD LLAANNGGUUAAGGEE ((PPUUSSHH)) PPUUSSHH -- PPeerrffoorrmmiinngg TTaasskkss aatt EEXXEECC LLeevveell FFuunnccttiioonn The PUSH command allows you to perform a task at system command level without affecting subjobs. FFoorrmmaatt PTYCON> PUSH CChhaarraacctteerriissttiiccss When you give the PUSH command, the output from subjobs is suspended. Like REFUSE, PUSH causes a bell or beep to sound when output is waiting, providing the BELL command is in effect. When you return to PTYCON, waiting output is printed on your terminal. The advantage of this command is that you do not have to use another subjob or job number to do a task at system command level (EXEC level). However, commands given after a PUSH from PTYCON and before a POP are not entered in the LOG file. HHiinntt To return to PTYCON, type POP. NOTE Do not run PTYCON at the new EXEC command level. Return to PTYCON by using the TOPS-20 POP command. RReessttrriiccttiioonn You cannot give the LOGOUT command when you have PUSHed out of PTYCON. If you do, you receive the following error message instead of being logged out: ?LOG capability required Not logged off This prevents you from accidently losing your subjobs under PTYCON. 6-35 PPTTYYCCOONN CCOOMMMMAANNDD LLAANNGGUUAAGGEE ((PPUUSSHH)) EExxaammppllee 1. You PUSH to system command level to EDIT a file and then return to PTYCON's subjob OPR. OPR>^X ^ | PTYCON> P_U_S_H_<_R_E_T_>_ TOPS-20 Command processor 4(554) @E_D_I_T_ P_T_Y_C_O_N_._A_T_O_<_R_E_T_>_ Edit: PTYCON.ATO.1 *I_8_5_0_<_R_E_T_>_ 00850 N_O_ L_O_G_<_R_E_T_>_ *E_N_U_<_R_E_T_>_ [PTYCON.ATO.2] @P_O_P_<_R_E_T_>_ PTYCON> C_O_N_N_E_C_T_ O_P_R_<_R_E_T_>_ [CONNECTED TO SUBJOB OPR(0)] <_R_E_T_>_ OPR> 6-36 PPTTYYCCOONN CCOOMMMMAANNDD LLAANNGGUUAAGGEE ((RREEDDEEFFIINNEE)) RREEDDEEFFIINNEE -- CChhaannggiinngg tthhee PPTTYYCCOONN EESSCCaappee CChhaarraacctteerr FFuunnccttiioonn The REDEFINE command changes the ESCape character to return to PTYCON command level. By default, the ESCape character is . With this command you can change it to any control character that is not treated specially by the system. FFoorrmmaatt PTYCON> REDEFINE AArrgguummeenntt specifies the control character to be used as the PTYCON subjob ESCape character. The character can be one of the following: A, B, D, E, H, K, N, P, T, X, Y, or Z. Do not use or , if you have TERMINAL PAGE mode set. You must press the key labeled CTRL and the desired character. EExxaammppllee 1. You REDEFINE escape character to be : PTYCON> R_E_D_E_F_I_N_E_ ^_Z_<_R_E_T_>_ ^ | PTYCON> C_O_N_N_E_C_T_ O_P_R_<_R_E_T_>_ [Connected to subjob OPR(0)] <_R_E_T_>_ OPR>^Z ^ | PTYCON> 6-37 PPTTYYCCOONN CCOOMMMMAANNDD LLAANNGGUUAAGGEE ((RREEFFUUSSEE)) RREEFFUUSSEE -- RReeffuussiinngg OOuuttppuutt ffrroomm UUnnccoonnnneecctteedd SSuubbjjoobbss FFuunnccttiioonn The REFUSE command refuses output from the specified unconnected subjobs. FFoorrmmaattss PTYCON> REFUSE n,...,n PTYCON> REFUSE ALL or PTYCON> NO REFUSE n,...,n PTYCON> NO REFUSE ALL AArrgguummeenntt n specifies the subjob number. You can specify up to 24 (0 - 23) subjob numbers separated by commas. If you specified a name for the subjob, you can specify the subjob name instead of the subjob number. If you do not give a subjob name or number, ALL is assumed. CChhaarraacctteerriissttiiccss A bell or beep sounds every ten seconds if a refused subjob has output waiting. (See the BELL command to PTYCON.) Because the output is buffered, you can later get the output on your terminal by typing ACCEPT or NO REFUSE for the subjob or by connecting to the subjob. At that time, the output is also written into the log file, providing the PTYCON LOG command is in effect. HHiinntt NO REFUSE, which is the normal mode, is equivalent to ACCEPT. 6-38 PPTTYYCCOONN CCOOMMMMAANNDD LLAANNGGUUAAGGEE ((RREEFFUUSSEE)) EExxaammppllee 1. You REFUSE output from subjob OPR(0) while you PUSH to system command level and perform a SYSTAT. When you POP back to PTYCON and give the NO REFUSE command, all temporarily held OPR messages are printed on your terminal. PTYCON> R_E_F_U_S_E_ O_P_R_<_R_E_T_>_ PTYCON> P_U_S_H_<_R_E_T_>_ TOPS-20 Command processor 4(554) @S_Y_S_T_A_T_<_R_E_T_>_ . . . . . @P_O_P_<_R_E_T_>_ PTYCON> N_O_ R_E_F_U_S_E_ O_P_R_<_R_E_T_>_ PTYCON> **** OPR(0) 12:17:43 **** 12:17:29 Printer 0 --Begin-- Job COMREF Seq # 3914 For: LATTA OPR> PTYCON> 6-39 PPTTYYCCOONN CCOOMMMMAANNDD LLAANNGGUUAAGGEE ((SSAAVVEE)) SSAAVVEE -- RReeccoorrddiinngg IInnppuutt ttoo PPTTYYCCOONN SSuubbjjoobbss FFuunnccttiioonn The SAVE command records all input to PTYCON subjobs in a specified file. FFoorrmmaattss PTYCON> SAVE filespec or PTYCON> NO SAVE AArrgguummeenntt filespec specifies the file specification of the file that contains the recording of inputs to PTYCON subjobs. DDeeffaauulltt file name and type - SAVED-INPUT.TXT CChhaarraacctteerriissttiiccss If you specify a file that already exists, all new input to subjobs is recorded after the last entry in the existing file. NO SAVE, which is the normal mode, stops recording and closes the file. This is the only command that stops output to a saved-input file. The SAVE command records only the input to PTYCON subjobs. PTYCON prompts, commands, error messages, and subjob output are not recorded. HHiinntt The SAVE command can be used to create a command file such as a PTYCON.ATO or a batch control file. Edit the file to delete the file header and any editing control characters that were recorded, such as and . If the file is to be executed with the PTYCON GET command, use CONNECT commands to direct input to the proper subjobs. 6-40 PPTTYYCCOONN CCOOMMMMAANNDD LLAANNGGUUAAGGEE ((SSAAVVEE)) RReessttrriiccttiioonn Command-recognition input is not recorded accurately in the saved-input file. For example, if you give the EXEC START command by typing ST, the EXEC responds with ART (PROGRAM). However, the saved-input file contains only the letters ST and the escape symbol, ^$. EExxaammpplleess 1. You specify SAVE with a saved-input file name of OPR-CMD.TXT to record all input to PTYCON subjobs. PTYCON> S_A_V_E_ O_P_R_-_C_M_D_._T_X_T_<_R_E_T_>_ PTYCON> 2. You specify NO SAVE to close the saved-input file, and then you create a new saved-input file. PTYCON> N_O_ S_A_V_E_<_R_E_T_>_ PTYCON> S_A_V_E_ F_T_S_-_C_M_D_._T_X_T_<_R_E_T_>_ PTYCON> 6-41 PPTTYYCCOONN CCOOMMMMAANNDD LLAANNGGUUAAGGEE ((SSIILLEENNCCEE)) SSIILLEENNCCEE -- SSiilleenncciinngg OOuuttppuutt ttoo YYoouurr TTeerrmmiinnaall FFuunnccttiioonn The SILENCE command silences any output that would normally be output on your terminal while PTYCON processes the file specified in the GET command. FFoorrmmaattss SILENCE or NO SILENCE CChhaarraacctteerriissttiiccss The SILENCE and NO SILENCE commands are effective only when given in the file on which you do a GET. SILENCE does not stop output to a log file. NO SILENCE, which is the normal mode, allows all output on your terminal while PTYCON processes the file specified in a GET command. HHiinntt If you have a SILENCE command in a file on which you intend to do a GET, you should then include a NO SILENCE in the file. If you do not include the NO SILENCE command, the SILENCE command suppresses the last PTYCON prompt on your terminal. EExxaammpplleess 1. Your PTYCON.ATO file might contain SILENCE as the first command to silence output to your terminal when SYSJOB executes the GET PTYCON.ATO command at system startup. @T_Y_P_E_ P_T_Y_C_O_N_._A_T_O_<_R_E_T_>_ 00100 SILENCE 00200 LOG 00300 DEFINE 0 OPR . 6-42 PPTTYYCCOONN CCOOMMMMAANNDD LLAANNGGUUAAGGEE ((SSIILLEENNCCEE)) . . . 2. In the same PTYCON.ATO file above, the NO SILENCE command might be one of the last commands so that output prints on your terminal after the execution of the PTYCON.ATO file. . . . . 01000 NO SILENCE 01100 WHAT ALL 01200 CONNECT OPR . (For actual examples, see the examples under the GET command.) 6-43 PPTTYYCCOONN CCOOMMMMAANNDD LLAANNGGUUAAGGEE ((WWHHAATT)) WWHHAATT -- DDiissppllaayyiinngg tthhee SSttaattuuss ooff SSuubbjjoobbss FFuunnccttiioonn The WHAT command gives you a status report for specified subjobs. FFoorrmmaattss PTYCON> WHAT n or PTYCON> WHAT ALL AArrgguummeenntt n specifies the subjob number. You can specify any number from 0 to 23. If you specified a name for the subjob, you can specify the name instead of the subjob number. If you specify a nonexistent subjob number, the message: Subjob "n" not in use. appears on your terminal (n is the number you specified). If there are no subjobs, the message None active! appears on your terminal. CChhaarraacctteerriissttiiccss If you do not specify a subjob number or name with the WHAT command, PTYCON gives the status for all the subjobs. One line of information is given for each subjob. The information for a logged-in subjob is: 1. Subjob name (if it has one) 2. Subjob number (in parentheses if there is a subjob name) 3. System job number 4. User logged in under the subjob 6-44 PPTTYYCCOONN CCOOMMMMAANNDD LLAANNGGUUAAGGEE ((WWHHAATT)) 5. Program running under the subjob 6. State of the job: a. RN meaning running b. TI meaning ready for terminal input c. TO meaning the subjob has terminal output waiting d. Any of the three above followed by (R), meaning the REFUSE or NO ACCEPT command is in effect for the subjob, or (D), meaning the DISCARD command is in effect for the subjob 7. Run time of the job is in hours:minutes:seconds The information for a subjob that is defined but not logged in is: 1. Subjob name (if it has one) 2. Subjob number (in parentheses if there is a subjob name) 3. System job number (if assigned, or, if the subjob has only been defined, the message: NO JOB NUMBER ASSIGNED) 4. Message: NOT LOGGED IN (if the login is not complete) 5. State of the job (see above) 6. Run time of the job (hours:minutes:seconds) EExxaammppllee 1. You specify the WHAT command to display the status of the PTYCON subjobs. ALL is the default. PTYCON> W_H_A_T_<_R_E_T_>_ OPR(0) 19 OPERATOR OPR TI 2:15:26 FIL(1) 22 OPERATOR FILCOM TO 0:05:01 2 NO JOB NUMBER ASSIGNED TI 0:00:00 DUM(3) 27 OPERATOR DUMPER RN 0:21:15 WAT(4) 25 OPERATOR WATCH RN 0:37:13 5 31 OPERATOR OPR TI(R) 1:09:37 EXEC(6) 32 OPERATOR EXEC TO 0:45:21 7 NOT LOGGED IN TI 0:00:00 PTYCON> 6-45 PPTTYYCCOONN CCOOMMMMAANNDD LLAANNGGUUAAGGEE ((WWHHAATT)) 66..66 PPTTYYCCOONN WWAARRNNIINNGG AANNDD EERRRROORR MMEESSSSAAGGEESS WWaarrnniinngg MMeessssaaggee %Name already in use, reassigned to this subjob You have defined a subjob with a name that was already assigned to another subjob. Therefore, PTYCON has removed the name from the other subjob and assigned it to the one you just defined. You can still reference the other subjob by its subjob number or name. %This is only effective from within a command file You have issued a SILENCE command at PTYCON command level. The SILENCE and NO SILENCE commands can only be used in a PTYCON.ATO file. EErrrroorr MMeessssaaggeess ?Doing a "GET" within a "GET" is illegal You are not allowed to process a GET from a file upon which you have done a GET. ?Error while converting ATO file - conversion and GET aborted This error is not a result of any error on your part. This is an I/O error that occurred while converting a control character in the ATO file. Notify your software contact or System Manager. PTYCON continues to run. ?Fatal JSYS error This error is not a result of any error on your part. PTYCON does not continue to run. Notify your software contact or System Manager. You can try CONTINUE immediately after the message and check the status of the subjobs. ?Illegal PTYCON escape character You typed an escape CTRL character that is not the default CTRL/X 6-46 PPTTYYCCOONN CCOOMMMMAANNDD LLAANNGGUUAAGGEE ((WWHHAATT)) or the CTRL character defined with the PTYCON REDEFINE command. ?Illegal subjob designator You referenced a subjob name that did not exist, or you tried to assign to a subjob a number that is larger than the number of PTYs on the system. ?Insufficient system resources - no resident free space You tried to create another subjob; but there was no more resident free space for a PTY. ?Line too long You entered a line that is too long for the PTYCON command buffer. ?No EXEC You did a PUSH, and there was no system command language, SYSTEM:EXEC.EXE, to run. Notify your system manager. ?No lower forks available You did a PUSH command, and there were no free processes available. ?No more PTY's available You tried to create another subjob, but there were no free PTYs to run the job. To find out how many PTYs are available on your system, type the EXEC command INFORMATION (ABOUT) AVAILABLE DEVICES. To find out how many PTYs are in use by PTYCON (up to 24), type the PTYCON command WHAT ALL. ?Subjobs active, use "PUSH" command You typed a CTRL/C to PTYCON and there were subjobs active. If you want to do a task at system level, use the PUSH command. If you really want to exit from PTYCON, see the EXIT command to PTYCON. 6-47 PPTTYYCCOONN CCOOMMMMAANNDD LLAANNGGUUAAGGEE ((WWHHAATT)) ?Too few arguments You did not give the proper arguments for the command you typed. Because of the severity of the DISCARD and KILL commands, they require either a subjob name or number, or ALL typed in its entirety. Also, these two commands do not accept ESCape for the argument. ?Too many arguments You typed more than 23 subjob numbers. ?Type "EXIT" to exit from PTYCON You typed a CTRL/C to PTYCON and there were no subjobs active. However, you must still type EXIT to exit from PTYCON. ?Unexpected PTYCON error - cannot enable for CONTROL-C intercept You cannot run PTYCON if you have done a SET NO CONTROL-C-CAPABILITY. Do a SET CONTROL-C-CAPABILITY and then run PTYCON. ?Unexpected PTYCON error - couldn't get handle on TTY for binary channel This is an unexpected error and is not a result of any error on your part. Notify your software contact or system manager. You can try START immediately after the message and check the status of the subjobs. If that does not work, run PTYCON again, and within five minutes attach to the subjobs that became detached jobs. ?Unexpected PTYCON error - couldn't open the TTY in binary for PTY communication This is an unexpected error and is not a result of any error on your part. Notify your software contact or system manager. You can try START immediately after the message and check the status of the subjobs. If that does not work, run PTYCON again, and within five minutes attach to the subjobs that became detached jobs. ?Unexpected PTYCON error - NOUT failed 6-48 PPTTYYCCOONN CCOOMMMMAANNDD LLAANNGGUUAAGGEE ((WWHHAATT)) This is an unexpected error and is not a result of any error on your part. Notify your software contact or system manager. PTYCON continues to run. ?Unexpected PTYCON error - panic level interrupt occurred - reason This is an unexpected error and is not the result of any error on your part. Notify your software contact or system manager. PTYCON will continue to run. ?Unrecognized PTYCON command - reason You typed something to PTYCON which was not a PTYCON command. Type HELP to PTYCON for a list of PTYCON commands and their guide words. 6-49 INDEX --AA-- Defining nodes, 3-30 Defining printer names, 3-34 Aborting jobs from OPR, 3-2 DDevice Alias names displaying parameters, 3-187 printers, 3-168 Device Aligning printer, 3-8 displaying parameters, 3-201 Allowing system process features, setting on-line, 3-132 3-52 setting parameters, 3-115 Answering messages, 3-101 starting a, 3-217 stopping a, 3-212, 3-222 --BB-- Device parameters setting, 3-115 Backspacing printer, 3-13 Directory Batch stream control file changing parameters of, 5-8 displaying, 3-180 creating a, 5-8 Batch stream parameters deleting a, 5-8 displaying, 3-201 displaying parameters of, 5-50 setting, 3-116 Disabling system process features, 3-39 --CC-- Disk-drive configuration, 3-177 Disk-drive parameters Canceling jobs, 3-18 displaying, 3-201 Card punch parameters setting, 3-123 displaying, 3-201 Dismounting structures, 3-48 setting, 3-119 Dismounting tapes, 3-48 Changing job priorities, 3-77 DDisplaying CI device parameters, 3-187 starting, 3-140 Displaying stopping, 3-140 batch stream control file, Closing ORION log buffer file, 3-180 3-22 cluster link status Cluster Galaxy, 3-175 Galaxy date, 3-211 link status, 3-175 disk-drive configuration, 3-177 Command files job requests, 3-193 taking, 3-233 messages, 3-182 Comments (to SYSERR), 3-93 node routing, 3-197 Configuration operators, 3-184 disk-drive, 3-177 ORION messages status, 3-173 Control file printer aliases names, 3-168 displaying, 3-180 scheduler, 3-199 system parameters, 3-167 --DD-- time, 3-211 Date --EE-- displaying, 3-211 DDT Enabling system process features, to debug the EXEC, 5-49 3-52 Index-1 Entering Jobs (Cont.) another command level, 3-61 Rescheduling, 3-90 LCP, 3-61 rescheduling, 3-95 NCP, 3-61 restarting, 3-24 Error messages selecting, 3-83 OPR, 2-16 Errors --LL-- reporting, 3-93 EXEC LCP debugging the, 5-49 CLEAR command, 4-8 halting, 5-55 entering, 3-61 returning to, 3-88 SET command, 4-11 Exiting OPR, 3-63, 3-88 SHOW command, 4-14 START command, 4-19 --FF-- STOP command, 4-20 Link status Form-feeds cluster suppressing, 3-227 Galaxy, 3-175 Forwardspacing printer, 3-64 Log buffer file ORION, 3-22 --GG-- Logical name defining a, 5-46 Galaxy deleting a, 5-46 displaying cluster link status, 3-175 --MM-- --HH-- Messages HELP displaying, 3-182 OPR, 3-68 OPR, 2-15 Holding jobs, 3-70 responding to, 3-101 sending --II-- with ^ESEND, 5-57 with OPR, 3-112 Identifying mount requests, 3-73 Modifying job priorities, 3-77 Mount requests --JJ-- identifying, 3-73 Mounting structures, 3-80 Job Multiple OPRs, 2-6 displaying requests, 3-193 setting parameters, 3-126, 5-59 Job parameters --NN-- setting, 3-126, 5-59 Job priorities NCP changing, 3-77 entering, 3-61 modifying, 3-77 NI Jobs starting, 3-145 aborting, 3-2 stopping, 3-145 canceling, 3-18 Node holding, 3-70 defining, 3-30 releasing, 3-90 displaying routing, 3-197 requeueing, 3-95 parameters, 3-128 Index-2 --OO-- Printer aligning, 3-8 Operators backspacing, 3-13 displaying, 3-184 forwardspacing, 3-64 OPR suppressing form-feeds, 3-227 exiting, 2-2, 3-63, 3-88 Printer names HELP, 3-68 aliases, 3-168 more than one, 2-6 defining, 3-34 starting, 2-2 Printer parameters OPR error messages, 2-16 displaying, 3-201 ORION log buffer file setting, 3-147 closing, 3-22 Printer specifications ORION messages defining name for, 3-34 remote broadcasting status, 3-173 --QQ-- Output redirecting, 3-104 Quitting OPR, 3-63 routing, 3-104 --RR-- --PP-- Reader parameters displaying, 3-201 Paper tape punch parameters Redirecting output, 3-104 displaying, 3-201 Releasing jobs, 3-90 setting, 3-134 Remote broadcasting PParameters ORION messages displaying, 3-187 status, 3-173 Parameters Remote stations, 2-5 batch stream, 3-116, 3-201 Requeueing jobs, 3-95 card punch, 3-119, 3-201 Rescheduling jobs, 3-90, 3-95 devices, 3-115 Responding to messages, 3-101 disk-drive, 3-123, 3-201 Restarting jobs, 3-24 displaying, 3-167 Returning to EXEC, 3-88 device, 3-201 Returning to TOPS-20, 3-88 directory, 5-50 Routing output, 3-104 job, 3-126, 5-59 node, 3-128 --SS-- paper tape punch, 3-134, 3-201 plotter, 3-137, 3-201 Scheduler printer, 3-147, 3-201 displaying parameters, 3-199 reader, 3-201 Scheduler parameters removing structure, 3-235 setting, 3-153 scheduler, 3-153 Selecting jobs, 3-83 structure, 3-156 Stopping system process features, system, 5-59 3-39 tape-drive, 3-161, 3-201 Structure parameters terminal, 5-59 setting, 3-156 Performance undefining, 3-235 controlling, 3-153 Structures Plotter parameters dismounting, 3-48 displaying, 3-201 mounting, 3-80 setting, 3-137 SYSERR, 3-93 Index-3 SYSJOB Tape-drive parameters giving commands to, 5-71 displaying, 3-201 System parameters setting, 3-161 setting, 5-59 Tapes dismounting, 3-48 Terminal parameters setting, 5-59 --TT-- Time displaying, 3-211 Tape-drive TOPS-20 switching, 3-231 returning to, 3-88 Index-4