The following document was supplied by Martyn Sherwood (Prism PD), I just turned it into HTML for my Web pages. Please note that recently Andy has turned his collection over to several other libraries - Minds Demo Library and Fountain PD.


#0.20...EACH ITEM
Compilation packs usually include a royalty / copying fee of 50p


Free orders. All small orders will be processed free of charge. I'll leave what you determine as "small" up to your discretion but there is no limit on how often you order. Alchemist PD is the FIRST and ONLY UK service to intiate this offer.


Your first order of twelve titles is free, with our compliments! Make request as detailed below but do not enclose any payment.


3.5" +D Disk
5.25" +D Disk
+3 3" Disk
+3 Drive B: 3" Disk
+3 Drive B: 5" Disk
CP/M (PCW FORMAT): 3", 3" 5"
Microdrive Cartridge
Opus Owners can now access +D disks with the +D READER program
PC Owners can also read +D disks with the "Z80" Emulator system


Read through the list, and note down the title name (in capitals) and it's relevant code number. Eg: UT12 CLOCK. Although unavailabilty is rare, note down one or two second choices. Then, if programs are unavailable, we can send your second choice and give a credit note for the unavailable programs. If you can, please list all your titles in numerical order. That way we can process your order far faster.


Send SECURE cash or cheque payable to A. DAVIS and include an SAE and the storage media of your choice. Orders returned within ONE HOUR of being received! If you send cash, stick your coins between two pieces of stiff card the size of your envelope. Make sure your tape is good quality and sufficient length, the cassette box is unnecessary. Please format any disks before sending, +3 users use HIFORM or BFORMAT if possible. If we cannot supply any program, we will make a note of your credit. Media failures due to sorting machine x-rays are rare, but for your safety, we suggest you wrap your media with silver foil for protection. Unlike some other libraries, any non working programs will be re-recorded free of charge, no matter how long ago you ordered the title. All quality 16 bit libraries also adopt this scheme.


Seeing as you might want to write to them, here's the address...

62 Tithe Barn Lane
S13 7LN


Write down your desired titles as above and then telephone us with your list. We will process your order and issue you with an invoice. Media supplied by us under this scheme is under lifetime guarantee. Due to fluctuating and high costs of 3" disks and cassette tapes, this service is only open to +D and +3 users with 3" & 5" disks.


Alchemist PD places many of it's listed titles into compilation packs. This means that you can have the entire collection of a certain category without having to order seperately. Please check the contents of the compilations section before ordering titles. Typical compilations are disk utilities & fonts.


Alchemist PD updates it's titles every three months, on the first day of JUNE, SEPTEMBER, DECEMBER and MARCH. An update sheet is available featuring these new titles, please send an SAE.

This list is by no means the extent of Alchemist PD. APD releases these popular titles in this catalogue, but has an archive running into several thousands from around the world.
So, should you be looking for a particular title, please ask. Many of the titles in Alchemist PD are not available from any other sources.

Alchemist PD does not entertain adult and pornographic software. Although thorough searches have been made of all programs in APD, some audio / visual programs may contain a small amount of swearing. These programs have been retained in the library because the program quality is otherwise very good. If offended by swearing, please consult APD before purchasing. All A/V programs which contain music extracts from games, songs or other sources have been obtained with permission of the authors and distributors involved.


If you have written a program you would like distributing, please send it to us. No SAE is necessary and we will give credits for each program we can use. If you do not wish your program to become public domain and become abused by less reputable libraries, it can be still distributed as PD but not be distributed or stored in another library. Alchemist PD has a growing collection of these titles, including the entire catalogue from TRIAD DEVELOPMENTS, UNITED MINDS and many more, to which APD has exclusive distribution rights.

Alchemist PD receives regular and UP TO DATE support from the best programmers worldwide. Besides Alchemist PD, there are only two other reputable PD services, MGPD and Womo.
Alchemist Research recommends Spectrum users use these three services only - you have been warned!


A wide number of titles are labelled "NON PD". These programs are NOT PUBLIC DOMAIN, but full copyrighted software. It is an offence and breach of copyright to distribute or re-sell them. The monies taken from these programs are paid directly to the authors. All programs which may not be re-distributed are indicated with a star beside their ID number. Whilst Prism PD continues to abuse programs and programmers, it seems that these restrictions will continue. Comments and complaints on this scheme are welcomed.

Please remember that these programs are ALCHEMIST PD EXCLUSIVES are may ONLY be distributed by Alchemist PD. IF IN DOUBT - DO NOT TOUT! Please do not distribute these titles to other libraries, as the programmer has clearly stated who has distribution rights. We keep records of customers requests and can soon spot who is giving what away!
If these programs are found to be in another library, the programmer may instigate legal proceedings against the librarian and supplier and we will aid the programmer by indicating who has supplied the software.

Compiled on Tasword 128 +D (01/06/95)

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File last updated: 31 January 1996
Author: Andy Davis
HTML Converted: John Garner