Format / INDUG

Format is the magazine, out monthly and produced by Format Publications, free for subscribers to the usergroup INDUG (INdependent UserGroup). This caters for Spectrum and SAM owners, and more recently, all Z80 computers, or so they claim.
They are also now intending to expand into the PC market!

There is now only one type of membership - they dropped associate membership.

Full membership

Gets you what the Associate members used to get (except Associate News), that is a helpline, and reductions on software/hardware. Also (mainly) a copy of Format every month which includes sections on programming, letters, classified adverts (which are free to members), and a bunch of vouchers when you join for more discounts still (only when used with Format, of course!). Each issue is 1.50 GBP if you don't subscribe.

34 Bourton Road
01452 412572

Note: I have myself been an associate member for one year and am currently a full member, so the information contained above should be correct (as of January 1996)

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File last updated: 24 January 1996
Author: John Garner /