The following document was supplied by Dave Fountain (Fountain PD), I just turned it into HTML for my Web pages.

Proprietor: Dave Fountain

Welcome to the first Fountain PD catalogue, a brand new Public Domain Library for the ZX Spectrum range of home computers. We hope you find something of interest / use for your Spectrum.

PRICES: PD programs are free but a small copying charge is requested. Each time you order, your first six choices are FREE, thereafter titles cost just 10p each. You don't have to order more than six titles if you don't want to! We ask that you send a SAE to cover return postage as FPD is strictly non-profit making. Postage on orders over `2 will be paid by us. Any monies received will help pay towards stationary, consumables etc.

STORAGE MEDIA: We support Tape and 3.5" +D disc (specific +3 programs can be supplied on 3" disc). Please try to send branded tape or disc in a padded jiffy bag, this will greatly reduce the chances of software duplication error or damage in transit. All titles come with a lifetime guarantee and will be replaced free of charge should you acidentally damage, mislay or erase files (or the software is upgraded - check for 'Enhanced version').

HOW TO ORDER: Simply fill in the titles of programs that interest you in the boxes provided on the order form. You will find that the running price total is listed at the beginning of each box. Fill in the details at the bottom and make sure you enclose the following:

Your remittance (if more than 6 titles) A loose stamp or SAE (if order under #2) Your tape or disc (formatted)

If your order exceeds the capacity then a credit note is issued. When sending cash please try to 'camouflauge' it so it cannot be felt easily through the envelope. We ask that you do not send cheques or crossed postal orders due to incurred banking costs.

Every effort will be made to return your order within 48 hours (two working days). We hope you enjoy your association with FPD and welcome all comments on our service. Your complaints will be dealt with swiftly and with respect. Hardware failure this end will result in us returning your order as soon as possible and with a FULL refund. Hopefully this will be a rare occurrence! ABOUT FPD: All software is archived on 3M 3.5" discs (including a set of duplicate back up discs). For disc to disc transfer we use the excellent DISCMATE copier and then check target discs with FILE TEST v2.0. For tape copying we use the DT+ utility which removes the +D d* loader syntax (let us know if you'd like it left in!) +D users are supplied with a free print out of the Directory. Obviously we cannot verify every cassette full of software but we have made every effort to ensure high quality tape copies. The quality of the tape you send us is vital to ensure good first time loading. We highly recommend TDK D60/90s.

HELPFILES: Most utilities come with on screen instruction or seperate help sheets, some however come with no instruction at all. We are currently working on the missing 'manuals' and hope to eliminate this problem before too long. Utility software that contains no instruction will be so listed in Catalogue 2.

GENERAL NOTES: On the Order form, we ask that you tell us which Spectrum model or models you run. This is so we can send you the correct version of software (if an alternative version is available); this usually concerns the 128k's internal Ramdisk syntax, i.e.

128k+ or +2 (grey) = !"filename"
128k+2A or +3 = "M:filename"

NOTES ON DEMOS: The correct Loading mode is listed in the fourth column of the Demo lists. The following methods should be followed:

128k -Use Tape Loader option or enter +D loading syntax in 128k
      Basic mode.

USR0 -In 128k mode type USR0. Your Spectrum will perform a soft
      reset into 48k Basic but the memory pages and AY chip
      will still be active. LOAD"" etc as normal.

 48K -Load only in 48k mode on a 128k Spectrum. This does not
      mean that the Demo is only for 48k Spectrums.

All Demos listed by us work on the 128k+ or +2 (grey) Spectrum provided they are loaded in the correct mode (see above). Owners of the +2A / +3 will sometimes find a Demo will not work properly or crash when loaded. This is due to changes made by Amstrad and is beyond our control. However, we are currently testing all titles for +2A / +3 compatibility and these findings will be listed in future catalogues. This is our first catalogue from scratch and we simply did not have the time or equipment to ensure customers were not fully informed of this problem.

If you discover a Demo which does not work on your +2A / +3, and you were not warned by the catalogue, then we will credit you with five free titles per Demo. Your information will help us compile a list of incompatible Demos. We will ALWAYS offer to replace / swop software or offer a full refund if you are not happy for any reason.

It is also worth mentioning that the sound output from the +3 Spectrum is very poor indeed and not recommended for programs consisting of mainly Audio content. Amstrad denied this problem exsisted by thankfully cured it with the +2A's introduction.

Your input is always welcome so that we can expand and improve the catalogue with every issue. Many suggestions already sent in are being incorporated into the March 1996 edition. The best suggestions and letters are awarded 25 free credits.

CONTRIBUTIONS: If you have written a new program, or improved on an existing title, why not send it in for distribution. We will offer free credits for all programs we can use.

Fountain PD:

Groups Quick Index
Intro page
Spectrum Forever homepage

File last updated: 4 March 1996
Author: Dave Fountain
HTML Converted: John Garner