PD Utilities listing

Seeing as the main PD demos list takes rather a lot of space, here are the useful and otherwise utilities that have been produced and called freeware by various people. There is also a list of PD games plus some other things.

The names that have (+D) after or are called '+D something' will only work on Disciple or +D disk systems, or emulators that will emulate these interfaces very well (can't promise success for emulators). Also, +3 means it will only work on a +3 - usually because its a disk utility. Here's a key to those weird symbols I've inserted in the list anyway.


* = Snapshot (so +D/Spectrum-emulator required)
# = Available via ftp as a .SNA or .Z80 ZIPped snapshot from various sites
128 = Needs a 128K Spectrum/emulator which does it ie a 128/+2/+3/+2A or Z80 emulator/XZX?

Audio Programs

  1. # E-Sampler (sound sampler)
  2. Music Synth 48K (3 channel tunes on 48k beeper!)
  3. # Soundtracker - V1.1 (BZYK) (128K music writer, I also have a collection of songs for it)
  4. Soundtracker Compiler - V1.2 (BZYK) (so you can play tunes from above without loading the above)
  5. Sampletracker 2 (CMB) (like SoundTracker with samples)
  6. Sampletracker 2 Compiler (CBM)
  7. STeal (rips Soundtracker songs)
  8. ST Ripper (MF3) (Zack) (rips Soundtracker songs)
  9. Tizzu/Tizzme (Yolpa)
  10. # Voice Manipulator 2 (Sound sampler originally from Crash)
  11. WAVplayer (128) (Datasoft)

Disk Utilities

  1. +D Boot (autobooting menu for quick prog select/load)
  2. +D Recover (undeleter disk util)
  3. li>+D Toolkit (Very good disk utility, can copy with 128K)
  4. +D Rescue (look for files you've lost the directory entry for)
  5. DiscEditor (+D)
  6. Disc-Kit (+D) (Spirit) (disk utility)
  7. #DOS copy/+D (converts files from MS-DOS DD to +D)
  8. DT Tool+ (+D -> tape copier)
  9. BetaDOS bug fixer (+D)
  10. FileTest 2 (+D) (check the integrity of files on a disk)
  11. G+DOS bug fix (+D)
  12. OpusCopier (+D) (copies single/all files from opus disk -> +D)
  13. Opusload (+D) (loads Opus format disks on +D, manually)
  14. #PC .SNAprun (+D) (loads & runs .SNA files from MS-DOS DD on +D)
  15. Slowmo (+D) (Slows Spectrum down (useful in games))
  16. Syntax (+D) (Convert tape/m-drive BASIC syntax to +D)
  17. Thingi (+D) (MF style menu for +D snaps, undelete command)
  18. Transit (+D disk-tape/tape-disk/tape-tape copier)
  19. Ultra-208 (+3) (disk formatter, 208K per side)


  1. Fireview 2 (terminal emulator for VTX500)
  2. SpecTerm 6 series (terminal emulators - including IF1/128K RS232 port versions)
  3. Zmodem (IF1) (transfer files with the Zmodem protocol)
  4. TXRX
  5. ...


I thought there were enough to demand a section all of their own!

  1. Char Press (Text character compressor)
  2. H.Q.Press (A code compressor of some sort)
  3. Mikropol Screen Compressor
  4. Mikropol Code Compressor
  5. Mr. Pack 2
  6. PKLite (the memory compressor)
  7. PKHuff (Huffman memory compressor)
  8. TomPacker (Busy/Sapo soft) (code compressor, better than Turbo Imploder.)
  9. Turbo Imploder (code compressor,quite good)

Graphics Programs

  1. Colour Animator
  2. Colour Draw
  3. Grids (grids for UDG designing)
  4. Logobend (distort screens by definable sine-wave
  5. Pixlogo 2 (Orson of U.Minds) (draw out logos pixel at time so they can be redraw) patterns)
  6. Reflector (draws text using small circles & reflects it)

Programming Utilities

  1. 007 Disassembler
  2. BASIC program renumber
  3. BasComp2 (BASIC integer compiler->assembler,includes source)
  4. BasAsm (BASIC assembler for above,can be compiled)
  5. Gens.3M (version of Gens with +D support, extra facilities)
  6. Key-define (define keys for playing games routine)
  7. Leaver (leaves sections of BASIC in mem, deletes rest)
  8. Mad 2 monitor (m/c debugger)
  9. Mem usage (reports on memory used by Vars/BASIC)
  10. Pikasm (64 cols editor/assembler - tape only)
  11. Printer screen dump
  12. Speedload (tape loader/saver util)
  13. Spectrum ToolKit
  14. Sprog, The (BASIC programming tools)
  15. Summer Monitor (m/c monitor)
  16. Tornado (42 cols editor/assembler, pretty flexible save/loading)
  17. Turbo Tools (BASIC programming utils)
  18. UniScroll (make your own m/c definable scroller)
  19. Uschi (German BASIC integer compiler)
  20. #YS Megabasic (BASIC extension & better editor)
  21. ZIP 2.6 (BASIC Integer compiler)

Plus, although not officially Public Domain, there are the Devpack utilites (Gens/Mons) and various other compilers by Hisoft etc on the ftp sites.

Text Processing

  1. Clear-all! (Wordmaster utility, deletes all files)
  2. Tasword (Word processor, loads of versions exist)
  3. Typeliner Graphics Alphabets (Wordmaster file format graphics)

Also, Tasword is generally available on ftp and other places, although I'm not too sure what it's status is officially.


  1. 48K Disk Basic (+3) (allows access of 3" drive from emulated 48k BASIC) mode
  2. Automatic Muse
  3. Dataspread (currently non-finished, V0.3)
  4. Define a key routine
  5. Dictionary (definitions of computer words)
  6. File Compressor (tape-tape copier, not +3/+2A)
  7. Fractal drawer (Datasoft - BASIC!)
  8. Ghost! (128k -> more compatible 48k emulator)
  9. Red Alert (to see if anyone's been at your computer)
  10. Screensaver (but nothing else can be used with this)
  11. Subbuteo scoreboard (goals/score recorder for subbuteo)
  12. Tas<>Dfue - text file format conversion

As with the other PD list, this is obviously not ALL the programs around and whenever I get the time to write up things and the site gets updated, it may grow but, no promises).

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File last updated: 1 April 1996
Author: John Garner / jmg7@ukc.ac.uk>