Contact/Joining Info

With all modesty I would be grateful if you, when joining your first game at KJC Games, decided to mention the KJC Homepage on the World Wide Web as your recomender. I would then receive £5 credits once you deposit $10 to your account with them. I did this for free, and with the main intention to promote the hobby, and not necessarily KJC Games, and believe me, the five pounds would be quicky devoured...

Small Disclaimer

As I am only a player of some of these games, some changes may occour without me knowing or updating the info on these pages. Since the info I worked on in the making was rather old, some of the fees may have risen with a few percent.

How to join

You may wish to simply write to KJC Games and ask for information, and you will receive an up-to-date flyer and a card to pick your selections. You may also of course send in a request for a start-up of any game at once, but some games require a starting fee, and so you might wish to send money as well. For now, just send a cheque drawn on a UK bank, later you will learn about other methods, possibly better for you. If you are new to the hobby, I suggest that you try one of the games where it is stated that it suitable for beginners, but if you feel otherwise...

Free Gifts

The are start-ups and packs that are free

Other packs

Staring packages that are not free, for the games where start-up is free, these packs can be savers

Contact Info

KJC Games
United Kingdom

Phone: 01253 866345
Fax: 01253 869960
From outside the UK, add country code 44 and remove the first 0.

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