Here is a more detailed look at the coding group that called themselves ESI - or 'Ethanol Soft Incorporated'. They no longer exist as a team, but one or two members still do stuff on the Spectrum and others write quite a bit of stuff for the SAM (for SAM fans: I won't go into it here, I expect you've already heard of E-Tracker and the like anyway).

So just who's in this group then? Last time I heard, it was:

I have heard that they have all now moved onto other computers such as Amiga (Maud'Dib), or PC, or even given it all up.

The list of software that ESI have produced is quite large, I have attempted to reproduce some of it here. Only some of it though. Please write to me and specify others you of, I expect I've heard of them - just can't remember who wrote them.

  1. The Lyra
  2. The Lyra 2 - very good multipart demo available as .TAPs at, unfortunately doesn't work on a +2A or +3 except the first two parts.
  3. Shock
    [screen grab]You have full control over the direction and speed of both chessboards - very impressive and good fun too - almost Space Harrier 2!

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File last updated: 24 April 1996
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