The Unbelievables

This bit is about (guess...) the Unbelievables, a group from Germany who I have met at one of those Spectrum/SAM shows in Gloucester and have sent a few letters to, though for some reason they seem to take ages and ages and ages to reply always.

The list of what they've done is here (well, what I know of) and it doesn't seem very big but I haven't heard from them for quite a while (try December - and yes that is a while when I've sent several letters).

Here's the all important members list (as far as I know correct):

And here's the programs they've produced that I know of:

  1. EBI Intro 1
  2. EBI Intro 2
  3. Army Now
  4. Fun Part Demo
  5. Iron-I
  6. Iron-J (I might be confused though...)
  7. FPD Remix (by someone else - Fun Part Demo without the multiloader)
  8. ...?

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File last updated: 14 May 1995
Author: John Garner /