MQM Team

The MQM Team are most definitely music based group, although the coding is good too, if you want to hear a good tune, you want to listen to an MQM demo (or one of the others). What more is there to be said.

The MQM demos are some, if not the, best music demos around for the Spectrum, MQM being "Mata Qjeta Music". I don't really know if they've done anything other than these demos or not... Any information would gladly be received. So here's the team member list followed by the known software.

The small at the moment list of software by them that I know of:

  1. AMD 1 - AY Music Demos
  2. AMD 2, ...? How many of these???
  3. MQM 1 - quite a lot of Soundtracker songs in an easy to use menu
  4. MQM 2 - more Soundtracker tunes, different effects.
  5. MQM 3 - A couple of interesting effects, some Soundtracker tunes, and then at the end the most impressive bit - some SampleTracker songs which sound very good indeed, although better via the AY sound chip on 128's than the 48k beeper - yes you can play them through the old 48k sound port.
  6. MQM 4 - loads of graphics, effects, and a whole lot more than any that went before, including some sampled speech in between parts, a few scrollers and more Sountracker tunes (what happened to Sample- tracker, guys?) with a decent pointer controlled interface and some rather good tunes. A must!
  7. MQM 5 - Some parts are pretty crap, and some are just pretty good.# Quite a few AY samples and an awful lot of parts - 32 I think. I'll get around to converting/uploading it to ftp sometime.
  8. MQM 6 - Apparently not really worth it, with some low quality stuff I'm sure they could do better with.
[Screen from a middle part] [Screen from last
part]Both from MQM 4, some very good tunes and converted songs here.

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File last updated: 4 March 1996
Author: John Garner /