
[ -- PENTAGRAM -- ]

There's also a game of the same name as this group, but don't let them confuse you as these people were one of the best speccy demo producing groups around several years ago. There's not much left of them now, although you may still be able to write to some of them. Sorry I haven't got an address yet.

  1. Agent-X (an excellent computer musician)
  2. Amst
  3. Bzyk (he who wrote SoundTracker)
  4. Hacker Chris (email:
  5. Rajsoft
  6. Cyrehl Owl (err.. maybe, not sure if he is a member or not)

Hacker Chris especially, but others too I think, did some demos after and before Pentagram. The list of what they've done is here (well, what I know of). It doesn't seem very big but I have missed out on loads.

  1. Special Music Collection
  2. Music Bank - there were several of these - 1 to ?
  3. Vidi-ZX Party - lots of digitised pictures (from Vidi-ZX digitiser!) of the group's members and a nice scroller.
  4. LSD - Very big megademo, very old too but still impressive.
  5. tonnes more...
[screen from Agent-X part] A scroller from an LSD part, animated bouncing jokers, you can change the colour of just about everything on screen too.
[screen from LSD] Just a plain picture of some planets from LSD again.

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File last updated: 26 April 1996
Author: John Garner /